
Chapter 53


Again on the bus to school.

Not like I have any problems with public transportation.
Teleporting might be faster, but surely not the normal way to go about this.
On the other side, I won't even pretend that anything is normal at this point.
However, since I don't know how it looks at the place where I get out, I cannot tell who would witness this, and like this, it's no option.

People in the bus might tend to be a bit irritating at times, but their indifference is better than running for their dear lives while accusing me to be a monster.
And I still don't know how to do this memory-wiping stuff.
Also, the mere thought to do this sounds evil.
So I absolutely don't plan on doing that to people.
This sounds simply a bit too much like the first step to a superiority complex, which I honestly don't want to have.
Because of this, I stick to the bus.

In the end, normalcy is a good thing and helps me to soothe my mind.
If not for the fact that I see auras and occasionally these grotesque creatures lurking in the shadows.
However, I can ignore this much.

What I cannot ignore is the feeling of being followed.
It started a short while before I boarded the bus.
I would like to say that it was just my imagination running wild, metaphorically, not with the disturbing implications, but because an eye opened again, which I hurriedly had to get rid of, I am rather sure that there is something to it.
The eyes were always correct on these matters.

Yet, since I quelled it directly back in, I don't know what it wanted to show me.
Since I don't want to get involved, I at first tried to ignore it, hoping it's just a stray ghost or something else that eventually will give up.
But when the feeling didn't stop after the bus went half the distance, I grew a bit nervous.
Especially as I am sure that my hunches aren't just ordinary feelings anymore.
While my normal eyes can't spot anything in plain sight, my stalkers surely didn't take into account that I can see auras and through this backtrace the smoke to them.

I look around and subsequently find some seats with smoke, where I can't see the heads over the lean like it should be if someone older than seven sits there.
I notice camel-brown, blue, and purple smoke and realize a moment later who those are.

The occultism club!


One single time I have a minor slip-up of the demonic kind in front of a group of demon worshippers and then they bother you endlessly.
There might be no apparent issue with them taking the same bus as I do, but I don't like to get stalked.
When the bus finally arrives at my destination, they are hiding among those leaving and quickly dash behind the next corner.
As if I wouldn't see them!

After passing the next two corners, I can still constantly feel their gazes in my back.

At the moment I'm considering three options.

First, I could confront and talk to them.
The issue I have with this measure is that if I do this, they surely will start to ask the questions which initially induced them to start this observation.
And I have no real way to answer without digging my grave deeper.

The second possibility would be that I wait for them at an unwatched place and the moment they come into sight I transform into something very big and terrifying.
This might scare them off.
At this point, I feel like a temporary transformation is within the limits of what my mind can endure.
But in the worst case, doing so could just increase the resolve of those self-neglecting crazies.
They summon demons, so I shouldn't bet anything on their ability to make sound decisions.

In the end, it seems like I have to stick with ignoring them and maybe teleport when no one looks, to leave them behind.
However, teleporting isn't safe too, because of the aforementioned reasons.
Teleporting in front of the school, during the morning hours, when everyone arrives is completely out of question.

The toilet stalls might work, but there is a chance that they are occupied this early the day and since I don't know how it looks wherever I land, I might manifest directly on someone who is currently at it there.

There might be other places that are not likely to have people, but the chance is never zero.
Maybe there is a way to gain some visual intel there.
I mean, I frequently spawn eyes around me, but something tells me that it might be a bad idea to plant them at school.
Also, it could be an unwanted hint in the right direction for my stalkers if I suddenly vanish.

However, what I can do is increasing my walking speed within the limits.
I have infinite stamina and am willing to use it.

Just a short time after I started to fasten my pace I perceive heavy panting behind me.
Unfortunately, we are already at the campus, so I cannot drag this out.

After entering, I head straight for the classroom, hoping that it might be calmer there.
I see Chiaki and considering her well-rested looks, it seems like Makoto's barrier talismans work out, granting her some sleep.

Also, Zika is there, but before I trouble her more than necessary I better wait till fewer people are around, so she doesn't have to influence as many to ignore us.
In addition, the fact that her face rests on the table and she gives a strong "don't talk to me" vibe is a not too subtle hint.
Anyway, it seems I'm already on Chiaki's radar.
I barely get to my seat before she approaches.


"Hello, Iori! Wasn't yesterday absolutely crazy?" (C)

"Yes it was! And absolutely confidential, don't announce it to everyone, please! I have enough problems without people freaking out about me." (I)


I glance around to make sure that no one pays attention to us.
Gladly it seems like all my classmates already got their dose of Chiaki.
She may have many friends, but most of them aren't able to keep up with her pace.
And for some reason, I was always number one to her.
Hard times.

To me, it's totally astonishing how she apparently could brush everything off regarding yesterday's revelations.
She doesn't seem to be bothered in the slightest.


"Could I know what happened yesterday?" (M)


Suddenly, Makoto chimes in from the sideline.
I stare at him, already trying to find a way to escape.


"No more distractions or avoidance tactics! I know, I wasn't doing great recently, but I feel a little excluded. I just know that something big is going on but no one bothers to tell me." (M)

"I had a revelation that I was a really cool queen in my past life!" (C)

"Chiaki!" (I)

"What? He's our friend. It's no biggy and not telling him would be unfair." (C)

"Sigh. You're right. I just don't know what is alright to tell him." (I)


I extra try to speak quietly so others won't hear.
Makoto is also trying to appear uncompromising.
Chiaki not so much.
But I guess everyone thinks she's only talking about her horoscope.


"Can't you trust me?" (M)

"Your grandpa tried to send me to hell. And kinda did." (I)

"Look, I still have no idea what this all is exactly about. But what my grandfather did wasn't my idea. And you on the other side wrecked our barrier. It might take years until we're completely safe again." (M)

"See? It's hard to know if I'm not considered evil by your people." (I)

"Well, you pulled some stunts." (C)

"Thank you Chiaki. Very helpful." (I)

"I still don't really know what was going on back then. I defended you when the others started talking about what happened. But it was partly really difficult to convince them if you're doing such stuff. Many were even against letting me return to school, where you would just wait for me." (M)

"You mean stuff like accidentally turning my mum into a demon?" (I)

"What!!?" (M)


At this Makoto basically jumps up with surprise, which earns him some stares.


"Grah!" (Z)


With a frustrated scowl, Zika rises from her half-asleep position on her table and does a weird, wide motion with her hand.
After this, everyone proceeds with something different.
Some reengage in their talks, others look into their notes, play with their smartphones, everything but looking in our direction.
For this Zika gets something between a stare and a glare from Makoto.
A "slare"?


"Can I now please go on with not being involved with you? And please don't shout like imbeciles." (Z)


Then she again puts her head on the table.
I don't know if she is seriously tired or just averse to any kind of interaction.


"Fine. Since Zika just made everyone lose interest in us. We can talk half-open. I am not completely sure how far this goes." (I)

"Far enough. Do it better if you're not satisfied. Grmbl." (Z)


She doesn't even raise her head.


"What is with everyone?" (C)

"That thing controls them." (M)

"Zika can influence people to a degree. We still shouldn't speak too loud, as they are more ignoring us and not really under her control. Otherwise they would hear us." (I)

"Okay! So what was this with your mother being a demon?" (M)


Is that a judging look I receive there?


"It really was a mistake. How should I have known that staying in contact with Kuri would corrupt her body?" (I)

"Because rather than looking things up, as you should, you are building castles in your dreams." (Z)

"If you're not partaking then don't chime in! It was your fault in the first place!" (I)


She doesn't even answer and just continues dozing off.
Why do I believe she won't be much of help regarding my problem?


"Y-your mother became a demon? And who is Kuri!?" (M)

"Don't shout. And you know her. Small, rather pale, long and wet black hair." (I)

"This monster!!?" (M)

"Huh?" (Classmates)


After Makoto's shout, some are looking in our direction.
No one of us says something, so they soon start to, almost magically, lose any interest in us.
Who am I trying to fool here?
It obviously was magic.
I speak up when no one else looks at us.


"I said you should lower your voice. I thought your family has also rules of confidentiality regarding demons. Or why did I just learn about them after I became one? Anyone else who finds that ridiculous?" (I)

"Calling you a demon is like calling... Sorry, I have no suitable relation in terms of scale which comes even close. Maybe the sun and a lightstick. But no, still totally disproportionate. " (Z)

"Are you now in this talk or not?" (I)

"Since you're taking advantage of my abilities, I think you can't deny that I make comments on yours." (Z)


While she's partly right that she's basically the host for our interaction, by using her powers to make others ignore us, it's still impolite of her to avoid even looking at us.


"Hah!" (C)

"Is something Chiaki?" (I)

"Not really, I just thought this is nice." (C)

"Nice? Why would you think so about ­this situation?" (M)

"We all together as friends! This is special! All four of us talking together and making fun of each other!" (C)


Fortunately, Chiaki's shouts are just the usual, so that no one becomes particularly interested.
Aside from...

"What!? What makes you believe that I and this monster are close? You shouldn't be close to her in any way!" (M)

"I admit. He's my mortal enemy. I am not playing friends with this one. Not even if "someone" here would enforce it." (Z)

"Pfft. Fine- I won't talk anymore about the special relationship you two share." (C)

"There is no special relationship!" (M/Z)

"Well, but you are kinda similar." (C)

"We are nothing alike!" (M/Z)


I can kind of see Chiaki's point.


"Do you even have an idea what that thing does? Actually did to us? How can you trust it?" (M)

"We had a nice time together! Shall I show you the picture I've made of her in the summer dress? That's so cute!" (C)

"If you do that I will..." (Z)


Now I'm getting worried about Chiaki.


"Yes? What do you want to do to Chiaki." (I)

"Ieehk. I... I smash her phone! That's within the limits, right?" (Z)

"Well..." (I)

"Iori!" (C)

"What? She has a point. I can't enact punishment for every little thing." (I)

"Awh! It's such a nice picture." (C)


I kinda pity that poor demon here.
This picture is the kind of embarrassing secret, one wants to bury deep down, but that will eventually come up again to bite her.
It's just good that I don't have such a thing.


"Is she seriously listening to you?" (M)

"You still don't seem to get that "this one" is the embodiment of horror and despair." (Z)


Makoto stares at me for a while.
Apparently, he's rather confused instead of hostile or terrified.
Before he can say something else, the teacher enters and I, or rather an eye of mine, spots another movement of Zika which has some reason.
My classmates stop at this to engage with each other and sit properly down on their seats.

The lessons go by without incidents, but I guess Chiaki is a little overcharged and Makoto a bit distracted with how crazy everything is right now.
Can't blame him, I almost lost it myself before.


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