
Chapter 54


The lesson proceeded smoothly.
I tried to pay attention and to avoid any unnecessary thoughts.
Mostly because I've got a very weird feeling the moment I wished for time to run a little faster.
However, it seems my new normal is that I don't get breaks between the segments but am occupied with managing my existence.
This time because Makoto wants to know exactly what's going on.
This time we were smarter and went out on the floor instead of leading this whole discussion in front of the whole class.
He starts.


"So... What exactly are you? I mean, I know you're no demon but neither human and this succubus is unnaturally intimidated by you. So what is it?" (M)

"Honestly? I don't know. It's weird. 'Karin' called me an outer god. But I don't really know what that entails ." (I)

"You don't know? Uhh, then how about telling me what you do know?" (M)

"Ehm, it was all about this one dream I had. Well, it probably wasn't a dream considering my current state, but it also kinda was. Am I making any sense?" (I)

"Not worse than usual. But continue, I really want to know what happens next! You owe me this story as well!" (C)

"God! Okay, it's actually not so outrageous. Was in a nightmare world, got eaten, merged with a demon swarm. Can we now please proceed with something else? That part was kinda traumatic. The only important thing is that I've got out of this." (I)

"Oh my, you poor thing." (C)


It's not like I asked for a hug, Chiaki.


"Okay, what else? Anything we need to pay attention to?" (M)

"How about what I can do? For example, I can teleport. Through space, dimensions, and so on. I need to be careful with my body fluids since they tend to grow into all kinds of things. Demons, dangerous structures, rather vile stuff. Also, I can shapeshift! On kinda extreme levels I believe. Don't know if there's an upper limit but it didn't feel like that, yet. Oh, and I have my own private dimension where I move to when I sleep and can also take others to. But I wasn't there for quite some time now. It feels rather weird there. And troublesome things can very easily happen. Also, I'm seeing ghosts and people's auras, or souls, or whatever this smoke around them is." (I)


The more I talk the more aghast Makoto becomes.
I feel the need to say something soothing.


"But I'm totally myself. I don't have any evil urges or anything like this. Just hearing voices sometimes. But those are more of an echo of my own thoughts than an actual influence on my mind. I absolutely have no intention to harm anyone." (I)

"Nevermind your good intentions. What I would like to add here is that as soon your demonic friend here suffers a mental breakdown for whatever reason, this world is going to be devoured by her. Probably a good chunk of the solar system and reality itself as well. So basically we're doomed." (Z)

"Could you please stop describing me as an apocalyptic monster?" (I)


And there's again her "Seriously"-look.


"Sigh. Even if I would compare you to a nuclear bomb and this one to a firecracker, I wouldn't get the scale right. Not even close." (Z)

"Okay I've got it. I'm a calamity." (I)

"A calamity would be preferable. However, at least you should be more aware of what you're capable of." (Z)

"What do you want here?" (M)


Makoto really hisses these words.


"Just ensuring my continued existence. Honestly, I feel much safer when everyone who can trigger her is aware what exactly they might unleash. Aside from that, I'm bound to her." (Z)

"Bound? You have a contract with her, Iori!?" (M)

"I don't know. It just came so when she got worried what you could do with her name. And well, I owed her one." (I)

"That's no excuse!" (M)

"There's nothing to do about it now. I did it and have to deal with the consequences. If it helps, she isn't allowed to kill anyone." (I)

"As if that would be necessary for her. Do you have any idea how many schemes, ploys, and tricks this thing used just to drown people in their own despair?" (M)

"To my defense, it's laughable easy. You just need to know your way around people. Pull the right triggers and a young couple implodes in distrust and jealousy. Distract a nerd during a test and you get a full-course meal of doubts and self-loathing. Make the teacher notice something others want to hide and you get unrestricted anger. You see, it's far too simple. So putting all the blame on me is not completely fair if they make such easy targets." (Z)

"This still sounds terribly evil Zika." (I)

"Oh sorry that I need a source of sustenance." (Z)


I can understand both positions.
Zika needs to feed and apparently there were no suicides because of her.
On the other hand, she subsists by harming others.
Which isn't nice.


"Look, Makoto. I can't tell Zika to die. And that's what I'm doing if I prevent her from feeding. But Zika, I want you at least to hold back a bit. Nothing that causes permanent harm. Understood?" (I)


At least she could stop splitting couples.


"In one way or another all experiences cause long-time effects. But I get what you want and can't oppose you." (Z)

"Sorry." (I)


Don't know why I apologize, but I feel as if I just took a pet's feeding bowl.


"By the way, what are you going to do about these curious eyes, directed at us?" (Z)



At this moment an eye opens which I know is located at the end of the floor, observing a group of children clumsily hiding behind the corner.
The occultism club!




"Shit!" (I)

"What's going on?" (M)

"I may or may not have slipped up in a way that they could have an inkling about me not being normal. But in any case this is all Chiaki's fault!" (I)


Right now I can see three of them.
The supposed leader, the meek boy, and the poisoned-cookies-girl.
The latter is pure presumption.


"What is Chiaki's fault?" (M)

"She wanted to visit this club after discovering demons are real and due to my presence things went in a direction where one could get exposed. But I don't think I've shown them that much. But there was this far too talkative demon. Why in the first place are you so focused on Zika? There are six more in this school. One almost ate Chiaki." (I)

"Urgh, I had my suspicions. Listen, it's not like I tolerate them but at least they're staying hidden. Your "friend" acts open as she pleases. But that doesn't matter. We have to do something about those guys. Simply the idea to play around with occult stuff can't end well." (M)


Ah yes.
This goddess as well said that it's belief that brings demons into this world.
I again focus on them but they're gone.
Seems like they've noticed that we were talking about them and ran off.
I don't feel like surveilling the entire school, and just give an apologetic smile to Makoto.


"Sorry, lost them." (I)


It's not like our breaks are very long so soon we have to go back to class.
Time fleets by when you're not counting the seconds waiting for sleep.
So rather soon it ends again.

I get out for a moment.
And there they are again.

Okay, that's enough!
I leave for a moment everyone's sight, check with any not too visible power of mine the corridors, and teleport some distance behind them.


"Why are you watching me?" (I)


Quiet surprised shrieks escape their mouths.
I don't let my stare waver but try not to look too hostile.
The overactive boy is the first one to speak.


"We just wanted to investigate about you. What happened back then was completely out of the ordinary." (S)

"Honestly, it's a nuisance. Would you please stop?" (I)


Their faces cramp up.
Stuck with the kind of expression one makes when things go excessively wrong.


"We know that you are special. We can learn so much from you. Please, help us to see the truth!" (J)


Oh no, you don't want to see that!


"We can help you. Support your goals. If there's anything you want we can maybe bring it." (N)


Well, I'm at the moment a little bit short on cash.

Oh no, no, no, no, no, no!
You won't start a cult because you want a new video game, Iori!


"Listen. I don't want to be followed, I don't want worship, and especially I don't want sacrifices, as I sure as hell, and believe me it exists, won't give you anything in return. It's pointless! Believe me, I'm boring!" (I)


Their looks indicate some disbelieve.
Maybe teleporting next to them was not a good idea.


"Please, just leave me alone. I want a quiet school life." (I)

"Can't you at least show us something?" (S)

"I said no!" (I)


Okay, something obviously happened.
That at least tells me the fact that those three are running for their dear lives.


"Great. How do I check now what's wrong?" (I)


Just then I get the idea that I could open an eye on a third-person perspective to look at myself.
I let them plop up around the walls and get something like a 3d-picture where I can see my body from every angle at the same time.
And for real, my eyes are black again, and out of my head sprout tiny horns and the ears.
A condition I cannot keep like this.

I can manage to get everything straight and gain a normal appearance before I get back to class.
Fortunately, no one came to watch me again.
Finally, school comes to an end.


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