
Chapter 88


- Makoto -


This is pure madness.
Okay, considering where we are this isn't too surprising, but it's still hard to get used to it.

I already long ago lost any hope that my mother would become a reasonable member of society.
And my dad is so much into her that he always indulges to her antics.
So it's not like like the concept of insanity is foreign to me.
Chiaki isn't much better as she always tends to be a little over the top in everything she does or comes up with something completely random.
However, since I had prior experience with my mother I knew how to handle her.

But that's not the case with Iori.
The only voice of reason turned into... this!
That's actually hard to bear.

I mean on the outside she seems to be normal and still thinking straight, but all the things she does go against this very idea.
Right now, for example, I'm stuck in a literal fantasy world and have to deal with knights.
Apparently, the test they have in mind is a practice match against one of their novices.
For now, I have to get into the training gear.

One of them comes into the room.
No idea what kind of system Iori has going on here with the color scheme, because he's blue.


"Are you ready?" (knight)

"Yes." (M)


I go out to the courtyard, where a small field, acting as an arena, was built.
Despite my wish to avoid this situation, I'm not too worried.
I doubt these guys are going through the same training I have to deal with on a daily basis.
The only issue might be that I don't have my own katana with me.
Though even if I had I wouldn't be allowed to use it in a training duel.
But while I'm not familiar with straight swords smithed in European style, I'm adaptable enough that this shouldn't pose too much of a problem.

Fortunately, I have some at least channeling talismans with me.
I just have to wrap one around the hilt of the provided training sword and should be good to go.

When I leave for the courtyard I take in my surroundings.
There's an empty space that apparently functions as an arena.
The other "knights" already assembled around it.

I guess the one in the middle is my opponent.
A young man, who isn't making a concerningly strong impression on me.
Still, he should be at least four to five years older than me.
And maybe I should add that he has fiery red skin, with a bit of bronze added into the mix.
And it seems like he's underestimating me.

I position myself within the arena's borders.
To my surprise, the lord commander himself is present to watch me.
It seems like he is personally involved in the training.
Well, he's the leader of the knights' faction and I guess this "country" is still too small for a king-like character to be detached from his subjects.


"Lord Antaras, the preparations are finished. We can begin." (knight)


He nods before he turns towards us and speaks up.


"We're now going to start a sparring match. Your mother said you have the necessary foundation and skills fitting for a knight. Are you truly ready for this?" (Antaras)

"Yes. I'm confident." (M)

"Pah, this boy is mocking me! I'll teach him a lesson!" (opponent knight)

"This is a sparring match! Excessive violence is forbidden, Kallum! If you continue after the signal to stop there'll be disciplinary measures." (A)


At least they have basic rules for their society.
Or rather Iori's, as crazy as this thought is.


"Tsk." (Kallum)

"It seems everyone understood. Then we can finally begin." (A)

"I'm ready!" (M)


I go into the special stance I've trained in my shrine.
There aren't many swordmen anymore in the Honosuki clan.
Most concentrate nowadays on talisman work and a variety of tools.
The main reason for this is that it's simply problematic to wield a sword in town nowadays.
However, before that law was put into action, we had a long tradition of sword arts.
It focuses on a low stance and striking in wide arcs.


"What's this?! Are you already lowering your blade to me?" (K)

"No, this is just part of my way of fighting." (M)


Guess my answer annoyed him even more.
Seeing that I won't leave my position he advances.
Meanwhile, I start to channel my internal energy through the talisman.
I feel how it sips at me, but also how my awareness starts to spread to the blade as if it's a part of me.
The good point is that it is hidden beneath my hand during the ordeal.

With quite a classic opener my opponent prepares an overhead strike.
Like on its own my sword intercepts his mid-swing by crashing from the side into it.

This already is enough to throw him off-balance.
One of the advantages of channeling lifeforce like this is that one barely feels the weight of the sword and that it can move as if it has a life of its own.
I just know that I can easily overpower him with this.

Speaking of my opponent, he looks a bit surprised that I'm able to keep up with him.
Then he catches himself and storms at me with a strike from the side.
I let my own blade rush upward.
This leaves him wide open.
I quickly give an intentionally light jab to his side and walk further behind him.
I actually receive some appreciating noises from the surrounding knights.

Yet the one I'm up against doesn't get the hint.
He rushes wildly slashing in my direction.
Before he's too close I steady my breath, focus, and move past him, dodging the sword and hitting his left leg with all I have.
The Honosuki style is perfect for low aiming attacks.
This is mostly because in our district smaller critters are rather the rule than the exception and we needed a style to avoid getting swarmed.

This much should be enough to force him to forfeit.
At least I thought so, but he again tries to rise up.


"It's over! The winner is Makoto!" (A)


Good that this man kept his word and ended this at the right time.


"No! It's not over! I can still fight." (K)

"This fight was about assessing Makoto's abilities. They're extraordinary and so there's no shame in losing. However, if you can't realize when you should stop fighting this shows that you still have a long way to go. We don't have a need for hotheads there." (A)


The grip on his sword tightens, speaking of severe anger, but he stays still.


"As for you, Makoto. Your mother didn't overstate what you're capable of. It's unordinary that you have such developed abilities." (A)


He seems to contemplate something but doesn't say what it is.


"Thank you. I hope I performed satisfactorily." (M)

"As it is, Makoto, are you willing to join our order and protect those who can't so themselves from the nightmares hiding within the depths of the forest?" (A)


Is this some kind of oath?
Makes sense given the harsh environment.
I feel a little bad about deceiving them and one shouldn't take such a promise easily.
This whole situation is messed up.
Chiaki might just fly with it, but we have a ridiculous information advantage over those people, which in fact means we're just playing with them.

Nevertheless, I can't afford to leave a bad impression.


"I'm willing to fight evil wherever I find it." (M)


If I have to fight demons this truly isn't any different from what I was trained for.
If I can at least help a bit this might ease my guilt.


"Then you're welcome in our order. You can be proud of yourself. Not many are willing to take a risk for the sake of others. There might be some advantages to being a knight, yet the responsibility is so much greater. Make sure you live up to it." (A)

"Sure. That's my duty." (M)


One can't leave the demons alone so they can prey on others.


"About this, would you join me inside for a moment? You others! Commence with training!" (A)


It was more of an order than a question, so I don't have much of a choice and follow.
The room where we stop looks a bit like an office.
Still more primitive but sufficient.


"I wanted to ask you, your abilities are truly extraordinary, I never saw such excellent control of ones inner power. I noticed you use those papers as a focus. Do you happen to know where you've got them? What is their origin?" (A)


Damn, he's perceptive.
There were many things about this comment.

First, I confirmed that they indeed know how to use their souls, though the other one didn't show anything in that regard.
So it might not be developed and only something for the upper ranks.
However, this already means some danger.

The second thing is his question.
I almost answer truthfully, that I made them myself as they're the result of my hard training.
But then I remember that our setting is that we just appeared here.
Answering that I did something before I arrived here would lead to unpleasant follow-up questions.
So I have to gloss over this and lie.


"I don't know about the origin. I just know that I got them to banish the vile creatures which haunt these lands, preying on mank-... and women." (M)


I almost said mankind.
They don't know what that is here.


"This is a very honorable stance of yours. Then it seems your abilities might be a gift, a blessing from Aureas to strengthen our community. This might also explain your unordinary color. It's a promise of potential." (A)


Sure, however you'd like to explain your world.


"Could I ask? I don't know who Aureas is." (M)

"Ah, my mistake, I falsely assumed you would know. Aureas is, like you might have guessed by now, our great god who blessed us with auras! His gift enables us to discover who we are and develop our abilities. The scholars discovered the term "aura" long ago and soon it was clear that it was granted to us. We see his miracles in each single one of us, each shade of color. In some, his blessing is more present, in others less, but every single variation is sacred." (A)


As much as I know what he refers to is the soul and the change he talks about is more of a natural development.
But I won't argue with him over religion while I'm in Iori's crazy private dimension.
It would feel kinda pointless.


"Thank you for the explanation." (M)

"I'm sure you will prove yourself among us. Now you might train as well. After all, a knight who doesn't train isn't worth much." (A)

"Sure." (M)


However, I'm certain there will be a letdown for him in the future.


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