
Chapter 89


- Iori -


Okay, time to go to "mealtime".
Not like I require meals in the way those people do but this is a good chance to meet up with the others.
And confirm if everyone is still alive.
I could probably revive them but that doesn't mean I have any intention to let any harm befall those I hold dear.
Well, and Makoto's mother.

The mess hall is some distance away on the first floor, Eryna gave me the rough direction, but nothing concrete.
While no one cares enough about me to show me the way I...
Well, I know the location, on an instinctual level, like I know my own body.
Which would make the cafeteria my stomach.
Okay, now I'm disturbed.

At a fast pace, I move down there.
It's kinda weird that this place looks so modern.
Apparently, the cooks prepare meals on a large scale and give them out to all the castle's inhabitants.
This happens in a mass-oriented way.
People move to the counter, get a complete meal and leave.
I guess, with only a hundred to two hundred people, it would be quite risky if someone goes twice, as much as they care about the food.
It makes sense that this is important to them, given how their ancestors almost all died because of this reason.

Water is free here, it literally flows out of the walls, but food has to be worked for.
Be it by tending the fields or fighting monsters for their flesh.
Since the latter warrants quite an effort, it's understandable that the provided meals here are purely vegetarian.

Because everyone has to gather here if they want to eat, I soon spot the others.
Mum looks fine, save for Kuri who's still attached to her.
Makoto as well, yet he's a bit dusty.
For some reason, I can't find Chiaki or Makoto's mother.

Well, actually I can find them.
A quick scan through the castle tells me they're still on the upper floors.
Chiaki in one larger room, below a tower, and Makoto's mother in the library.


"Ehm, hello." (I)

"Ah, Iori. I was a bit worried to leave you alone in this environment." (S)

"Why? Did something happen? Was anyone mean to you, mum." (I)


Damn, Makoto gives mum a look as if he's trying to say that she shall be careful with what she's saying to me.
As if I'd directly go and annihilate whoever offended her.


"I had no real issues. They were quite skeptical at first about what I told them I could do." (S)

"Ah, it was something about doing accounting for their stocks, right?" (I)

"Yes. And as soon as I got started they changed their opinion. To believe, they didn't even know how to do basic math. I made quite well-ordered lists of some of the storage rooms and they were satisfied. Some scholars even want to talk with me about the concept of calculation. To think I would become a math professor in my old days. Actually, this might be a nicer workplace than my real one. And how about you? Was everything alright? Did you have a hard time?" (S)

"Uh, no. Just had to clean a bit. Which was quite easy in my state. But can anyone tell me why Chiaki and Makoto's mother are still at their places? I thought these meal times are like really big events they use to gauge the time and everyone attends or ends up hungry." (I)


I need to pay a bit of attention so we won't get overheard, but we're a bit remote and no one's paying too close attention to us, aside from some curious gazes because of our skin.


"Well, after Chiaki's performance in front of "the king" or rather the "knight commander" I can assume that she might receive preferential treatment, like for example a meal delivery. Regarding my mother... You left her with access to your outer god library. And naturally she, as usual, has forgotten to eat while losing herself between the pages. I really love her, but am also deeply worried about the things she might discover in those books. She's not the best person to entrust such knowledge to." (M)

"You don't have to answer, but may I ask how you survived your childhood? Or rather, what about your dad? Could he keep your mother in check?" (I)


That would indeed be a heroic deed.


"My dad... On one side he's almost the opposite of my mother. Always calm and collected. Yet he's also usually very absorbed in his own stuff so it's not like he's much of an influence. He's a master shaman by the way. Where mum uses spells and knowledge to achieve her desired effects dad calls upon the natural energies and spirits of the world. But this means that he's most of the time at some remote places, like the mountains, mysterious islands, or who-knows-where. And please, don't ask me how they got together." (M)


Damn, he has it tough.
Not only that he has to deal with such a crazy family, but I can also barely fathom how much pressure people put on him because of his lineage.
Something like: "You're the son of the greatest pillars of mankind! Live up to it!"

What a horror!
I certainly wouldn't do well under this kind of pressure.
Maybe I should change the topic.


"By the way, how is the food here? Haven't tasted it yet, aside from this one coroca, but I'm also not sure if I would really feel an impact if it's not edible. I might crunch rocks between my teeth and be fine." (I)

"It's basic. I already cooked much better meals by myself. The taste is quite bland, but there might be a lack of spices. Or knowledge about them. Yet, it's still a hearty meal and I guess it helps against the hunger. If I'd feel so." (S)

"It works out. Considering the circumstances it's quite alright." (M)

"Please, just know that if one of you can't endure it anymore I can get all of us out here in an instant." (I)

"No need on my side. I'm fine and everything looks quite agreeable." (S)

"I, on my side, still want to train here. Also, I'm curious about those monsters you're spawning here." (M)

"Well, please don't overdo it." (I)


Hunting supposedly dangerous monsters wouldn't be my kind of vacation activity, but if he's fine with this.
Though, I should probably apply some safety measures to keep him safe.


"And you? Are you going to continue posing as a maid, in your own world? Honestly, you're looking a bit ridiculous." (M)


I look down at myself and am once again reminded of how much I look as if I'm currently doing cosplay.


"Sigh. Guess I'll do just that. Ironically, it's still the thing where I'm drawing the least attention to my person. I mean the job is okayish so far, yet my superior doesn't seem to like me." (I)

"Oh, I know how hard that is." (S)

"For her superior, it's gonna be, once she realizes who she's dealing with." (M)

"I'm not planning to tell her." (I)

"We're still talking about you here, Iori." (M)

"Hey, I'm not so bad at acting inconspicuously!" (I)

"Iori, you came to my place and directly wrecked our barrier, scared the shit out of my sisters, and almost hospitalized my grandpa." (M)

"Grmbl... Not my fault." (I)


Especially not the latter.
That was my demonic descendant.
Fine, maybe her actions are a bit my fault.


"Sigh, anyways, we should probably get back to our places soon. But I'd suggest that we all meet up together at the next 'meal time'. Just to make sure that everyone is okay." (M)


He's right.
While I know that Chiaki and Makoto's mother are currently quite healthy and also more than able to defend themselves should they get attacked, we seriously should all meet up to decide how much longer we're going to continue this act.
I can understand that the way out, through me, isn't pleasant, but eventually, we'll all have to return to our lives.
Chiaki can't play court mage in my dream forever.
Also, I should make sure that the ones present are alright.


"Should we decide on a signal? Like, you knock four times against a wall and I come to save the day? ?" (I)

"Can you really react to something like that, Iori?" (S)

"Mum can do everything!" (K)

"Thanks. But please be quiet, Kuri. You can't be seen." (I)


If those people freak out about monsters, then I'm sure they won't look too kindly at Kuri.


"So, can you?" (M)


That's actually a difficult question.
I might have this weird awareness going for my castle.
It's... actually as if everything is, on a more basic level, a part of me.
But as I said, it's quite basic.
It only tells me people's positions if I check on them.
And I don't want always to have to pay attention to everything because of the mere possibility that someone could want me to come.


"I don't know. Honestly, considering what others told me, I should be able to do almost anything here. But I have zero testing." (I)

"Well, the mess hall is the wrong place to get started with this." (M)


I'll give him that.
So that means I'll need another solution.
Something like a signal they can fire for me to come.
An actual signal pistol might be possible for me to create but maybe a bit obvious.
So something smaller, more inconspicuous.
It should be akin to pressing a nerve.
I'd instantly notice upon feeling it.
Something like this...

I ball up my hands under the table and ignore the shifting feeling inside.
Then I open them, and voila!
I have... two eyes!?

Well, they look like eyes but for now, they are blind.
In fact, according to the purpose I created them for, these are signal nerve spheres.
If something happens to them I'll notice.
However, can I really give out something like this?
Ah, fuck it.


"So... Here. Please don't look too closely at them and hide them in your pockets." (I)

"Is that..." (S)

"Yes, mum. I know how they look. That's just unwanted optic. If you need me to come over, apply pressure on them and I should notice. Squash them if you're in dire need. Then I'll leave everything behind and get us out of here ASAP. Oh, and make sure no one sees them. For obvious reasons." (I)

"Because they might think these are unholy artifacts?" (M)

"What? No. Those are just calling signals." (I)

"Iori, you literally just created eye stones which can summon you, an outer goddess, and maybe put an end to this world. You can be quite sure that people will have their thoughts about them if they discover them." (M)


Damn, I can't even retort.
I mean, sure, in an emergency I'd come and do... well, something to prevent anyone from injuring those I like.
And this "something" might also be something on a bigger scale.


"Whatever you want to call those things. I just want to make sure that you stay fine." (I)


Suddenly Eryna approaches our group.


"Hey, you! How much longer do you think you can slack off here? The work won't finish by itself!" (E)

"Uh, yes. That's, the lovely voice of my superior. Now excuse me, but I apparently have to get back to cleaning the floors." (I)

"O-Okay. But please don't overdo it, my dear." (S)


And mum comes over and hugs me.
All she does for me helps me so much to keep it together.
I really love her and will never allow anything to happen to her.

But what does she mean by not overdoing my maid job?


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