
Chapter 90


- Eryna -


Why me of all people?
At first, I was as excited as anyone else.
For the first time ever!

I know that we People just arrived at this place one day. 
It's already so long ago, but still fresh enough that it can be expected to be common knowledge.
We all came somehow into this world, prospered, and increased in number.
So it's not impossible that now, even after all this time, others follow.

However, it's still an outrageous event.
And then they all turn out to have special abilities.
All but one.
And that's the one I'm stuck with.

Sure, maybe I was a bit harsh to her, but others have to dedicate a life full of hard work to be chosen to join the palace.
Compared to the things I left behind and had to do to be able to stay here this is completely unfair.
She just shows up and gets a position others dream of.
Without having contributed in any way to our society yet.
I at least want her to be aware of the honor that was bestowed upon her.

And she shouldn't believe that I didn't notice how she was looking full of disdain at our glorious uniform, while always fiddling with it as if she wants to get it off as soon as possible.
This alone is something I'm taking as a personal offense.

Yet since it's meal time I have to go and request my share, or I might stay hungry.
And since one can’t get any extra during the next meal time it could happen that I’ll feel weakened for a long time, which might worsen my performance.
I won't repeat this mistake from my early days here when I was too focused on finishing my job properly.

This reminds me, I haven't told this girl where the mess hall is.
Well, she can just ask for the way.
At least I need to admit that, while being clumsy, she showed a bit of effort.

I enter the mess hall.
While occasionally they vary the menu, it's usually the same vegetable soup, together with a coroca to be more filling.
While hearty it can become a little dull.
Recently there's a new fashion in the village to try out new recipes simply to see if one turns out well.
They've even expanded the fields to plant different crops there.

So the mess hall might feel a little lacking in direct comparison.
I would be lying would I say that I don't envy the upper members of the knight's order who receive different meals that are complemented with flesh.
But who knows, when someone in the village finds a good combination the palace won't need very long to catch up on this.
They never do.

For now, I should simply enjoy the break from my duties.
Ah, there are some of my co-workers.


"Eryna, come join us! You need to tell us about your time with the newcomer."


That supposedly cheery woman is Alira.
Yet one shouldn't misjudge this woman.
Especially not by her orange skin, which is so often associated with warm and friendly people.
She's a dangerous gossiper.
One should never trust her to keep a secret.
And above all, never make her an enemy.
I know about some who did, and in an astonishingly short time, their reputation was ruined by so many rumors that one couldn't even tell anymore which of them were false.
So I cannot simply ignore her and raise her ire.


"You know, there's not much to report." (E)

"Ah come on. There has to be something. The whole palace is full of stories about the newcomers!" (A)


How many of them were spread by you?


"By the way, some of them are over there." (A)


I look in the pointed direction.
And see how this girl as well as her supposed mother and this one boy are sitting at a table.


"Really, I can only say that this girl will be a huge letdown for you." (E)

"That's quite hard to believe. Hey, Tanja. Please tell her what you just told me." (A)


Ah, Tanja. I kinda like her.
She's diligent, careful not to draw attention to herself, as is fitting for someone with light blue skin.
In any case, she's also quite honest.
So one can trust what she's saying.
Different from Alira and her rumors.


"Uh, I was assigned to assist this one woman. The one who said she might take good care of our stocks." (T)


Someone who's starting like this shouldn't be allowed to take care of anything.
At least not if you don't want to find out one day that all your storages are empty.
It's actually very hard to comprehend how the knight commander could allow this.


"And? And? Come on, tell us the rest!" (A)

"Now, I was quite suspicious of her at first but now I believe she might be a genius." (T)


I raise a brow.


"A genius?" (E)

"She's explaining to us this new concept I never heard about. Did you know that one can use certain signs on paper to let them refer to a number of things? They're called "numbers" and she utilizes them to make lists of all the things the palace possesses at the moment. It was fascinating to watch her work. And how she even started trying to teach those very concepts to us. I couldn't quite grasp them, but she sounded so confident that I'm sure what she said is correct. Also, the scholars nodded." (T)

"And? Continue!" (A)

"There's more to say?" (E)

"Yes, the best comes now." (A)

"Uh, I don't know about this. There was just this one time when I moved behind her and there was this sudden coldness and a strong feeling of dread. But I'm sure I only imagined this. It was directly over after a moment." (T)


It's actually rare that someone feels cold.
At most when they're touching the cold water from the wall, or are personally inclined to feel this way.
And I guess Tanja is just one of them.
I've always believed that blue skins are more inclined to feel cold.
After all, why would that woman even make her feel like this?
I can even see her from my position.
She looks totally harmless.


"And that one they said is the mother of your little fosterling. The others also showed remarkable results in their roles. " (A)


I look over to their group, seeing how the girl is saying something with a downward gaze.


"Aha." (E)

"No, seriously. This boy, Makoto, was able to defeat one of the third-term novices. And he didn't even sweat. Or his mother, the scholars are all talking about how she devours one book after the other without any sign of exhaustion. And then this other girl. Several of our coworkers saw her use this unknown power. It's genuine! And Tanja just told you how exceptional her mother is." (A)

"I don't know what you want to hear. I can only repeat that there's absolutely nothing special about this girl." (E)

"Awh, come on. Their uncommon color could mean that they all have Aurea's graze. Like a special blessing. Maybe we just didn't see it yet?" (A)

"If she had a special talent like the others, why didn't she already say so?" (E)

"It could be something she didn't think is worth mentioning, something that's not very practical. Maybe she can see very well, or has special knowledge, or a very good memory. Or maybe she doesn't know herself what it is yet." (A)

"Isn't this a bit cruel from our side?" (T)

"What do you mean?" (A)

"We're only assuming that she's special because the others are special. But if she isn't, this kind of expectation should be so much harder on her. Just think how she might feel next to all these exceptional people and then have nothing to be proud of herself." (T)


Tanja has such a kind and caring heart.
Even sympathizing with someone she doesn't know.


"You might be right, Tanja. It was just so fun to imagine. Didn't you notice anything at all?" (A)

"Well, she was very sophisticated. Not good, but I can accept how eagerly and persevering she tried." (E)

"Ah, if she can satisfy our iron maiden this is already an accomplishment in itself." (A)

"I didn't say I was satisfied. And it was quite convenient for her that the hallways on the second floor were uncommonly clean. I still can't figure out why that was so." (E)

"Maybe the dust from the eternal plains just didn't settle as much as usual. It happens." (T)

"It's still weird. There wasn't even a speck of dust in the whole area I wanted her to wipe." (E)

"Do you think she cleaned it?" (T)

"Yeah, sure. During the one moment when I didn't have her in view she cleaned four hallways and the windows perfectly without making any sound." (E)

"Sorry, it was just a suggestion." (T)

"In any case, I'll have to find something new for her to do in the next period." (E)


After all, there's always work to find.
And Aureas beware if they find me slacking off because I have nothing to do.


"Why don't you let her do the private rooms on the same floor?" (A)

"Absolutely not! Before I let her clean any place where someone might complain about 'our' work, I'll first make sure that she at least knows the basics." (E)

"Then where will you be heading? There are already enough maids assigned to the first floor and the courtyard. And the third and fourth floor is the realm of the upper caste. I don't think this would be any less concerning if she messes up." (A)

"Well, how about the highest floors? Those are rarely occupied since no one wants to climb so high. And they're so rarely frequented that quite much dust should have gathered there. This is perfect for this apprentice." (E)

"The highest floors? Uh, there are some bad rumors about these." (T)

"For real! Tremors, weird sounds, moving shadows, and you know, 'that' place. Honestly, this might be a little too much for her. Don't you think you're a bit too hard on that girl?" (A)

"She has to learn the ropes. There is no nice way for educating her. She'll prevail or realize that the palace is no place for slackers." (E)

"Seriously, you're asking for trouble. Don't you think the others in her group might look unkindly at this? They're all building a reputation for themselves and if they hear that you drove her out they could take action against you. Just see how close they are." (A)


Well, they're still idly chatting at the moment.
I should at least assume that her mother is on her side.
However, this doesn't mean I could accept that someone's not doing her part.
Especially, not if it's because she's protected by her mother.
If one of us is lazy all the others have to bear the consequences and do their part as well.
I will not allow my employees to suffer for that.
We of the lower ranks have already enough unpleasant duties as it is.


"No, I'll still have her work on the upper floors. It will be a good experience. If she does well I might give her some easier tasks after the next sleep period." (E)

"Hah, that girl really had no luck getting the iron maiden as her boss." (A)

"Who even came up with this stupid nickname?" (E)

"Me, who else?" (A)


She grins complacently at me while stating this.
It's really hard to maintain my patience in her presence sometimes.


"But Eryna also always looks out for the rest of us." (T)

"Yep, that's true. But you still should try being a bit more friendly with this newcomer. She might be nice. And maybe it turns out that she truly has a special talent. And if that's the case you might profit from the good connections." (A)

"Whatever. I'll go to fetch her. You should as well get back to work. Meal time is already over." (E)

"And there goes the iron maiden!" (A)


I ignore Alira and walk over to the table of my apprentice.
She got far too comfortable there and I know just too well that people in this mood tend to be lax about their duties.


"Hey, you! How much longer do you think you can slack off here? The work won't finish by itself!" (E)


She flinches, bows to her group, and walks over in my direction.
I'll now lead her to the upper floors after we take our equipment.
This girl is really too timid.
Which is bad for her, as this kind of People usually has a hard time in the palace.
So it's necessary that I toughen her up.

Also, I really can't agree with Alira.
It's obvious that she has no special talent.
This one is an absolutely average girl!


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