
Chapter 95


I walk away from Chiaki before I get caught up in anything.
They might question the magician about a paranormal event like this and although I want to protect Chiaki I shouldn't be present when that happens.
While walking I hear the mealtime bell but it might in this case function as some kind of alarm.

As soon as I've left the corridor leading to Chiaki's new magic dojo I become aware that I don't have the slightest idea what to do and where to go now.
Since I don't have any better plans, I wait for the maid to catch up.

It was to be expected that she wouldn't stay in Chiaki's room.
Albeit a little reluctantly she walks in my direction.


"Ahem, you wouldn't know where we should go now? Anything left to do? Something that has to be scrubbed?" (I)


She looks at me as if I have grown a second head.
Which while technically possible would serve no real purpose.
Maybe it's the fact that it is possible?


"You seriously want to continue this farce?" (E)

"Well, I've got this job. I can completely understand that you people work hard for your food. I may not be absolutely sure if the way you go about the distribution is totally fair, but I'm certainly not going to freeload at your cost." (I)


That would make me worse than everyone else.
I'm sure even this lord commander does something in his position to deserve his meal.


"I... Speaking of it, it's mealtime. Everyone should assemble there." (E)


Oh, good.
I already wanted to check on the others to make sure they're alright.

Well, I know they're alright, but only from a physical perspective.
This doesn't account for their respective situations or mental state.
Which is a thing one should pay attention to in this world.

We arrive in a relatively short time and I again become aware that mealtime seems to be the big social event here where everyone gathers.
Those who are in charge seem to know that as well and make use of it to hold some kind of speech.


"You should all have heard about it or seen it yourself. Yes, it's true. Our world went through a great change. The plains to the west were completely consumed by liquid. It seems to be water, but we can't be sure before we conduct a closer investigation. But as things stand, everything has calmed down and nobody was injured so there's no reason to panic." (Lord Antaras)


Uh, can't we just ignore what happened?
Is it expecting too much that my little ocean out there won't cause any ripples?
Yes, I know how that sounds.


"I know this might terrify some of you. We're currently assessing the situation, and as it is there's no immediate reason to worry. I repeat, nothing is currently threatening us. You can rest assured that we will allow no harm to befall our subjects. The scholars believe this change is only another of Aureas' great blessings. For Aureas!" (Lord Antaras)


Everyone joins this call.


"For Aureas!"

"For Aureas!"

"For Aureas!"


Yes, yes, for Aureas, whoever that is.
Not like I'm interested.
The lord commander leaves but people still wildly discuss this.


"I can't believe it. How is that possible?"

"Such a thing. This never happened before. Never!"

"I was at a window during the event and saw it! The ground itself rose to obstruct the wave as if to shield us. Maybe Aureas protected us?"

"This could mean that whoever sent the liquid is opposed to Aureas."

"Does this mean the liquid is evil?"


Naturally, everyone is very anxious, but I'd say it's still a step away from hysteria.
Everyone but the maid next to me, who is the only one who won't join the speculations since she knows the truth.


"I, I'm sorry. I didn't want to inconvenience anyone." (I)


Wow, with this look she might be very compatible with Zika.
Unable to withstand her gaze I go, grab a meal, and get to the next table.
Eating seems to be a normal thing here and I'd like to avoid raising attention.

My meal still only consists of vegetables and a bit of seasoning.
This forest might have some interesting variety on that matter.
If I had just any idea about the monsters.

I'm sitting down at a table and start looking around for the others.
But they find me first.


"Iori, could you explain what the hell is going on here?" (M)


Yep, I kinda should've expected this question.


"It's all Chiaki's fault. She pestered me with wanting to go to the beach." (I)

"And then you just make one?!" (M)


It happens in too many of my conversations that someone shouts into the filled room and draws everyone's attention.
And now he also becomes aware of Eryna next to me.


"That's useless Makoto, she can't help it." (H)

"Mum?" (M)


Makoto's mother suddenly appears next to us.
Dressed in a white scholar robe.
She was away for quite a long time.
Not like I found this very regrettable.


"Hi! Maybe we should leave the cafeteria for this discussion. The terrified woman over there who obviously got introduced to some otherwordly horror can accompany us. Or inner-worldly, the differentiation is a bit vague here." (H)


At least her perception is out of this world.
I'm just glad that she doesn't judge me and all I have to deal with is Makoto's look which already makes me feel uncomfortable.
So we head out of the crowded room until I can safely say that we're a good distance away from everyone.


"What do you mean by 'she can't help it'?" (M)

"I found something like a comprehensive guide on her. It seems in this world in particular Iori is very suggestible. She is the dreamer and this world is manifesting through her thoughts and impressions. The degree isn't quite clear and I'm sure she should be able to take some precautions, but we are so close to the source here that it's possible to exert some influence." (H)

"Wait! I could get mind-controlled?" (I)

"Not really. It's more of a very empathic state. Like when you hear a song and can't get it out of your head. You still have full control over everything but you can't make it so that you never heard the song. You could wreck the music box though. Everything you think about becomes reality here." (H)


That isn't much better.


"How do you know all this?" (I)

"Learned it in the library." (H)

"Ehm, seems like you were quite occupied." (I)

"Just some hours of intense studying. That library is one of the greatest places I've ever been." (H)


It kinda disturbs me how she's saying this.


"Which brings me to the reason why I'm here. You need to put a restriction on it." (H)

"A restriction?" (I)

"Seriously, do you have any idea how your own library works?" (H)


To be honest, I don't even know how I would've gained knowledge to fill a library with.
Mangas should not count or warrant an order of scholars to be formed around them.


"Ehm, there are some books on shelves?" (I)

"Yes, and no. But mostly no. You simply have to wish there to learn about a particular book or topic and promptly you find it on the shelf. It's directly provided." (H)


That sounds convenient.


"You mean like an automated guidance system?" (I)


Why is Makoto facepalming?


"Do you have any idea about the implications?" (M)


That it's easy to find the book you're looking for?


"Your little library is basically a way to directly access all your knowledge. And I mean the dangerous kind one gains when the mind travels to spheres mortals should never peek into. You obviously didn't yet, as you have still a semblance of rationality. However, it's currently free for the taking if one just asks the right questions." (H)

"Wait, was that the reason why we didn't see you for so long? Did, did you research for a way to control me?" (I)

"Sure! I had to figure out what is possible. But at least at this point the book tried to kill me. Probably a self-preservation system or something like this. Almost got me there." (H)


That's not the kind of anecdote you simply tell this leisurely!


"Seriously!?! That's a breach of trust!" (I)

"Would you believe me that I wouldn't have made use of it as long as it's not necessary? That aside, the issue isn't me, but all the others who can freely come and go there as they please. Trivia about your little playground here isn't so bad, but as soon as they grow bolder and research stuff like portals to other dimensions and soul magic we have a problem." (H)


I feel pretty much like she's part of said problem.


"Fine, I get where you're coming from. So you're saying I should prevent people from being able to study whatever they want to?" (I)

"A-are you r-really going to take the library from us? It's so important to us!" (E)

"Oh, she can speak! I wasn't sure if she maybe lost her voice or if you took it to prevent her from talking. This can happen with your kind and is still one of the milder outcomes." (H)


I ignore this and try to say something soothing.


"Ehm, I don't think so. Right?" (I)

"No, I just want you to take control of the library and put some restrictions in place to make sure no one accesses the truly dangerous stuff. Which should happen sooner rather than later before it comes to that." (H)

"Okay, lead the way." (I)


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