
Chapter 96


The library is quite remote from the rest of the castle.
Many floors to go before we reach it.

Eventually, we arrive at a location where people wear those white scholar robes.
Now that I think about it, there must either be rooms where those uniforms were provided or they already have a way to process plants.
Anyway, I have no idea how to proceed from here on out.


"Okay, what exactly am I supposed to do now?" (I)

"In theory, it shouldn't matter where you are to push the adjustment through. But I think it would be better if you're nearby to watch. Otherwise, you might accidentally have the room eat someone or something similar." (H)


Yes, digesting rooms would be bad.


"So, can we just enter?" (I)

"N-no, maids aren't allowed to enter the premises. The scholars insist on absolute silence. Only necessary personnel is allowed in the library." (E)

"This adds up with my experiences. And I doubt I can make up a reason for bringing visitors on my first day. Seems like we still have to do this remotely." (H)

"You should know that my remote control sucks." (I)

"Which is weird, as it's not really remote, rather... ehm, an extension of your arm." (H)


I have no idea what she means by this.
To do anything at a place where I am not, I would need some kind of input.
Without information, I would just throw my powers at the problem.
And that just can't end well. I need a way to check what I'm doing.

Wait a moment!


"Ehm, I might have a kinda weird solution." (I)

"Coming from you, that worries me deeply." (M)

"I'm interested." (H)

"That fact worries me as well." (M)

"So, please tell what you've got." (H)


I look around to make sure that no scholars are close enough to see.

Sigh, here goes nothing.
I press my hands together, call forth an image, and push it into reality.
Or whatever all this here is.
When I separate them, I hold the misshapen mix of an eye and an ear.
To be honest, it's disgusting.


"What the fuck, Iori?!" (M)

"Sorry, design isn't my forte. This was the best I could think of. If I would just randomly grow them in there the angle would be fixed and someone might look at the walls. With this, I can see and hear so you just have to carry it in there and tell me what to do." (I)

"Creepy, but nobody can deny that those powers are convenient." (H)


Yes, thanks.
But I'm well aware of how it looks.

Ms. Honozuki doesn't seem to share my sentiments and just takes this thing that came straight out of my nightmares.
Which isn't even wrong.

Then she walks to the entrance of the library.
The door leading there is one of the biggest I have in this castle.
Maybe the one leading to the audience hall is slightly bigger.

That's what I can see from my position.
Did I mention that it's kinda weird to be a rolling ear-eyeball inside Haruna's pouch?
Well, I cut off my sense of feeling so it's not the same as with my body but rather a bit detached.
The thing with the crows and my eyes was bad enough back then.

The features of this thing only cover sight and hearing.
The former is a bit peculiar, as an unprotected eyeball seems to be an incredibly frail construct.

However, I can mend any damage it may sustain.
Then I also hear something.


"Ah, Haruna. Thank you again for your advice regarding the cultivation of the Holera herb. Your insight was invaluable."

"It's only natural that I help where I can after you all welcomed me so kindly." (H)


Okay, she's got them all wrapped around her fingers.
Seriously, if those people would know what she's really like.

At least I now know that the connection works.
When she walks some steps further my remote vision moves once again with her.
Once more I'm glad that this body can't get sick from vertigo.


"Uhh, did you have to make it so squishy? Whatever, I'm going to show you around here." (H)


She does so and it's like a bit more directly watching through a live camera feed.
Maybe it's similar to one of those modern VR headsets?
Never had one of those.


"So, as you can see, the books are displayed here. Now I'll go randomly to a shelf. Then I think about wanting to read about demon summoning sigils, and voila! There we have a comprehensive compendium. It's even of the complexity level I wanted. And now the same shelf... Suddenly there's a book about monster physiology. And now herbalism. That's not even related. Seriously, the scholars already know this. They just don't ask the right questions, yet. And I can't even be sure if that's entirely true." (H)


Okay, okay, I get it.
Casually leaving blueprints for self-made H-bombs around is bad.

Now I need to figure out how to change this.
I ponder for a while and get an idea.

First I send Makoto's mother a mental note.


  • "Could you please take another book?"


For a moment she seems to be taken aback before she speaks again.


"I swear, if I discover that you're controlling me right now..." (H)


  • "What?! No! Absolutely not!"


"Ey, no shouting in my head! You hear me?" (H)


She seems to be irritated, but complies and takes another book.
This time I pay close attention to the process.
And it works.
I can feel how something flows to the books.
This must be the knowledge.

I follow it to the source and realize that the method is the same for the other scholars.
When I retrace the flow to the somewhat intangible source I just know that I can cut it off.
Something tells me that the books would simply stop appearing.
However, that would be wrong.
I don't want these people associating my attention only with almost getting killed by a tsunami or the loss of all their books.
Fortunately, this works.

I know I can program something that will filter what kind of knowledge will be allowed to slip through the gaps.
Also, I make it so that books destroy themselves once they leave the library.
It would be bad if I miss something and have to search everywhere.
I may be omnipotent here, but it would still be a hassle to scan absolutely everything.

What can still be read there are texts with information about this world.
Simple books about the world's rules, regarding physics, magic, and ethereal stuff, but nothing about how to control it.
And in particular, I restrict access to all topics regarding souls, portals, or the mind.
Also, advanced weaponry and modern knowledge is forbidden.
It was easier than I thought and I kinda believe that my subconscious, dark side, or whatever helped to put that list together.

That and my unnatural processing power, which I don’t really understand, helps very much with getting the job done.
Now I just need confirmation.


  • "It should be fixed now. How is it on your side? Could you try looking up something dangerous?"


Again she's irritated at my mental intrusion.
Maybe I could add a mouth to this sensing device to make communicating easier.
But it's already disgusting enough and I worry about what might happen if someone hears me when I shouldn't even be there.
She reaches out with her hand, takes a book from the stash, and looks confused.


"Weird. This is just random gibberish. Kinda looks as if the pattern would change while I look at it. Maybe a raw state? Is the link still existing or..." (H)


She keeps muttering like this and after a while, I realize that nothing of interest is going to come from her.
But now I know that the restrictions work.
And I can ascertain from my position, that it's not possible to borrow a book from the library.
At least it becomes pretty clear when a scholar tries to cross the doorway.



"Wha-" (scholar)


The moment the book leaves its designated premises it turns into dust.
Maybe a bit flashy but effective.
But I didn't want to traumatize the poor man like this.


"H-how can this be? I just wanted to read it at my place at the window. Why is it gone? I didn't do anything! You have to believe me! Why is this happening?!" (scholar)


Yes... I think I should gain some distance.
Someone could get weird ideas about me being involved in this incident.

The others accompany me.
Yet not Makoto's mother, who seems to be absorbed in her research again.

Makoto speaks to me after some meters.


"Okay, that was certainly weird. I don't exactly know what you did there, but I should go back to training or I might get into trouble. Though, they're a bit more lenient now that... you know, there's suddenly an ocean. Basically special extenuating circumstances." (M)


This little slip-up regarding the beach might haunt me for a while.
Now I'm left alone with Eryna.
She looks at me, a bit unsure.


"Yes? Is something the matter?" (I)

"I, I don't understand. Why did you do this? Why did you make it so that the books get destroyed? Why do you want to make it so that the library cannot be used?!" (E)

"You need to understand. Some knowledge can be dangerous. Do you really want your people to learn about how to torture others more efficiently? Discover how humans can be turned into mindless puppets? Develop deadlier weapons? All this might happen. The restrictions I created are still very generous and could allow them to research such vile topics if they put enough effort into it, but at least I won't have presented them those things on a silver platter." (I)


Now my little succubus maid grows quiet.
I hope I didn't appear too harsh.
I have nothing against talking things out but it's not like it's easy to challenge her goddess about a topic.
This is quite a difficult situation.


"I... understand your reasons. But then again I do not. One moment you don't want to be involved and then you're doing the complete opposite. It's all so overwhelming for me." (E)

"Please believe me that I don't want anything bad for your people. I'm just a normal human girl and it's just so difficult to know what is the right thing to do. Not doing anything might end terribly, but I could also make a poor call and make everything worse." (I)

"Mhm... Ehm, could you tell me... What are humans?" (E)


Oh, right.
I said "humans" before.


"That's basically the same as your 'people'. Where I come from people have a rather similar skin color. Well, that's not completely true, but there aren't as many shades. We refer to our kind as humans. Uh, but they're mostly not like me and my friends who came here. Most humans can't do any special stuff. But it's only a term to describe the entire race." (I)

"Thank you for the insight." (E)


And she bows to me.
A bit too deep for my taste.


"Well, if there's nothing else you wish to know, what's next?" (I)

"The period is almost over. Servants are allowed to spend the rest of their time at their leisure. Most sleep at the second half of that so they're refreshed when they have to get back to work." (E)

"Okay. That means I can go back to my room, right? Ehm, will you be fine? I know you didn't want to forget what happened, but are you going to be alright?" (I)

"Honestly, I'm deeply shaken. My faith is shattered. I don't know what to believe anymore." (E)

"Would it make things better or worse if I'd speak with you about this?" (I)

"That's the point! I don't know! It's just hard to stomach that you're our origin and purpose. The little girl right in front of me!" (E)

"Hey, I might be a bit small but I'm still already a teenager." (I)

"Pfft." (E)

"That's the first time I've seen you laugh." (I)

"Mhm. Didn't have much reason to recently. Just... One more thing. What happens when I die?" (E)


Oh, should I really answer that?
That sounds like one of those questions people might debate over for a long time.
But I don't want to lie to her after everything.


"Uh, as far as I know, you'll simply be reborn. Without your memories and with new parents but still being you." (I)

"Huh... This doesn't sound so bad. I feared it might be something worse." (E)


This seems to have finally soothed her a bit.
I guess I can leave her alone for now.
At least she doesn't seem to be suicidal.

Well, my work day is over.
I can finally rest in peace.


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