Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Flying Knife And Wild Boar Lie Down

Chapter 23 Flying Knife Raises Wild Boar Again

Lu Fei said a few words of modesty, and then he was about to leave and deal with high-ranking government officials. As a coercion, he always had a guilty conscience. Unexpectedly, Smith grabbed him and called Old Bell and Mandy over again. Standing next to the mayor and Kelly, they solemnly announced:

“This big robbery was due to the brave battle of the police and PMC, most of the robbers were killed and captured, and because of the medical services you provided, no one was killed or killed in this big case. The Carson City Government and the money printing group are very concerned. Thank you. I will give your clinic $50,000, Jack $30,000, and the other two medical staff $10,000 each.

At the same time, Dr. Jack made a great contribution to the cracking of the major forest highway case last time. With the strong support of many victims’ families, the Carson City Government decided to give Dr. Jack the “Best Citizen of Carson City Award” and Give a tax-free year reward! ”

Mandy and Old Bell went up first to collect the reward. When it was Lu Fei’s turn to receive the award, he was still confused. How could he get such a high honor and benefit so easily? Although he has done well, this award is given by the government. It is a high honor, famous and beneficial, and it is really beneficial to receive tax-free treatment. The key point is that it will be a great help for his life in the future. American He takes honor very seriously, not to mention that he will walk sideways in the United States in the future, and it will definitely be no problem in Carson City and the town.

Why is this happening, he is also puzzled, is it because of his strength that he does not allow it?

Smith explained to Lu Fei in private that his involvement in chasing the murderer and helping the police and security personnel should be kept low-key, for fear that the escaped robbers would be disadvantageous to him, so he did not commend him on large-scale formal occasions, please forgive him. The humility in his words made him flattered.

Lu Fei didn’t understand why Smith was so polite, so he didn’t think much about it. He was just going with the flow.

When it came to off-duty hours, the clinic was bustling with people. Naturally, someone brought a large amount of medical supplies and food and drink. Lu Fei was embarrassed to leave, so he ate in the clinic and watched the medical care coming from all sides. People are busy. The two critically ill patients are already very stable, and there is no need for him to use a knife or acupuncture. After 8 o’clock, I saw that I really didn’t need him before going home to rest.

The mayor means that tomorrow the clinic will be closed for one day. There are still so many wounded and medical staff in the clinic, and it is not convenient to receive residents of the town. Whether Lu Fei is necessary or not, let Old Bell and Mandy come or not come tomorrow, let’s take a day off.

I got a little money when I got home. Today, I received 130,000 US dollars in two incomes. It’s very cool. Although there is no place to spend money, isn’t the old saying that I hate less money when it’s spent. Packing up the money, plus the 20,000 yuan from my mother, I put it into the safe at home first.

Continue his training program while sleeping, he’s used to it.

Wednesday, May 6.

Getting up early in the morning, Lu Fei thought about having a rest today, or going to the ranch to play, and it would be cool to shoot and climb the mountain. However, I still have to go to the clinic to take a look. Yesterday, I took money and rewards, and I don’t care about it today, which is not suitable.

As she was about to go out at 8:30 in the morning, Lilith ran to knock on the door, asking him to drive her to the police station to find her mother. Lilith is now on school holiday and is fine at home, so she will go to the police station to find her mother. The police station in the countryside is a big family, not so many criminals and suspects. Lu Fei thought that Lilith was also very pitiful. He was alone at home, so he invited her to go to the ranch for a day. Lilith was very happy and agreed again and again.

Lu Fei drove to the police station and talked to Sheriff Kelly, then took Lilith to the clinic to take a look.

The helicopter at the entrance of the clinic is starting. A large group of people was about to evacuate. PMC’s medical staff and the Wild Fox team had already packed their bags. They were about to lift the stretcher to the helicopter. Captain Bell on the stretcher became energized and waved when he saw Lu Fei.

“Ada has already invited you yesterday, and I sincerely invite you to join the Wild Fox Squad again. You don’t have to worry about your lack of military capability. We have training classes to improve your combat skills, and you only need to protect yourself during the mission, Wild Fox. The Fox Squad lacks on-site medical support right now. It’s too unsafe. I know you have a bright future, but it’s interesting to change your way of life. Besides, we earn a lot of money, $30,000 a month. It’s still worthwhile to do important or high-risk tasks. There’s a bonus. Think about it.”

He handed over a business card, Lu Fei took it with a smile, and said, “Okay, I’ll think about it, I’ll go to you after I’m tired of staying here for a while, but do you need medical treatment in the near future? task, I can help.”

The two shook hands and said goodbye. The captain waved goodbye to old Bell who was standing quietly in front of the French window in the clinic. Bell got on the helicopter. Several other PMCs, Raphael, Dewey, Vasily, and Ada all hugged Lu Fei one by one before boarding the plane.

The helicopter flew away slowly, Lu Fei smiled at Old Bell, who had clearly improved his spirits, waved his hand, and took Lilith into the car to the ranch. Before Lu Fei went to the ranch, he went home again, bringing a backpack, water, a throwing knife and some food.

The car entered the pasture and saw the pink peach trees, which made Lilith scream and dance with joy. Lu Fei simply stopped the car and let Lilith take a look at it slowly. Lilith drilled around in the peach grove for a long time before getting in the car and continuing to set off. The car drove to the lake, parked the car and got off, and saw a fat voice and shadow from a distance, accompanied by a tall and thin person, running staggeringly.

Lu Fei smiled and waited in place, waiting for Jimmy to run close, and went up to ask: “Jimmy, what’s the matter, you seem to have lost weight”.

“How can I lose 2kg so quickly, but my spirit is indeed much better.” Richard, who was accompanying him, came over to greet Lu Fei and Lilith. They were all people from the town and knew them all.

“Jimmy, accompany me and Lilith to the mountain to play, you must move around a lot.” Lu Fei dragged Jimmy up the mountain, the three of them walked down the mountain, and saw several buses parked in front of the shooting gallery, crowded with people.

“Let’s go up the mountain first, and we’ll practice guns when all the people on the afternoon tour have left.” Jimmy said with experience. Lu Fei and Lilith naturally listened to him, and the three of them walked slowly, taking the stone stairs to the mountain. Jimmy wanted to wait a moment. He went to the shooting range to borrow a shotgun. Recently, the surrounding area of the ranch has not been peaceful. There are some wild animals. Some people have seen bears and wild boars. Because of the large number of customers in the shooting hall, no wild animals dare to live. Come, but the mountain is deserted and unpopular, and there are no wild beasts.

Jimmy ran to get a civilian version of the Remington, strapped on the bullet belt like an old hunter.

The three chatted all the way up the mountain. Jimmy boasted that a few years ago, he met a wild boar on the mountain, but before he could do it, his father Richard shot him away, and he complained about Richard’s marksmanship. half a year.

The three walked slowly, not in a hurry, enjoying the scenery along the road. The mountain was dominated by tall crown trees, followed by shrubs, low plants, and all kinds of plants. Lu Fei even saw wild American ginseng on the hillside, and also saw a few rabbits, which disappeared before the fat man started. Lilith solemnly “said” to Jimmy, Tutu is so cute, how can you bear to kill him, his family will be sad.

Fatty Jimmy and Lu Fei looked at each other and couldn’t help laughing. Lu Fei had already played with him when he was in high school, but Lilith was so innocent and cute, there was no need to send the whole rabbit family together and let Lilith taste it. Really fragrant law. Accompanied by the big trees that covered the sky and the sun on both sides, the three of them walked up the artificial stone steps. When they got to the middle of the mountain, they were a little tired. They climbed up on a big stone beside the road and sat to rest and replenish water.

Jimmy drank the water and remembered the sweet corn in the pasture. He asked Lu Fei to translate, and then he would go down the mountain and invite Lilith to eat the corn in the pasture. The super sweet ones were originally his dishes, but in the face of weight loss discipline, he had to recommend them to her.

While the three were chatting and laughing, at the far upper wind, at the end of the stone steps, a wild boar suddenly appeared. This wild boar did not look very big, weighing about 200 pounds. coming in their direction.

Lu Fei and Jimmy suddenly stood up from the stone. Jimmy hurriedly turned the shotgun behind him to his chest, while Lu Fei took out the three daggers and throwing knives in his backpack.

Lu Fei patted Lilith, and signed Lilith to tell her not to drop the big rock. Turning his head and saying to Jimmy: “How about it, do you want to do it, we are invincible on the big rock.”

Fatty said excitedly: “I have to do it. It’s a good opportunity, but what method or strategy do you have. When you were a child, you made up your mind, and my buddies were all charged.”

Lu Fei smiled and said: “Damn, I’m so cunning. Look, we are at a high place, and bullets on the back of pigs are not very useful. Why don’t you take advantage of the fact that the wild boar is still about 30 meters away from us? Go down and aim at the way the wild boar is coming. I will slash it first, and as soon as it hurts, it will run straight at us and run to about 20 meters. If you aim at the head of the wild boar and shoot, the shot will definitely hit him in the face. Either blind it or kill it. After you shoot, don’t look at the effect, go straight to the big rock, and then hunt it down depending on the situation.”

“Although it sounds like a good idea, I still feel that something is wrong. Okay, no kidding. I’ll go down first. You throw the knife accurately, don’t miss it and scare it away.” Jimmy was unequivocal, Under the big boulder, he began to aim.

Lu Fei estimated the distance and decided that the flying knife should still be aimed at the forehead between the eyes of the wild boar. After all, there is wind in the mountains, and the accuracy is inevitably biased. Signaling to Jimmy to get ready, Lilith crouched down.

I saw him standing up, pouring force into his right arm, and raising his hand, a silver light went straight to the forehead of the wild boar.

With a    “snatch” sound, the flying knife came in. Maybe Lu Fei has been training more frequently recently, and his strength has grown a lot. The blade of the flying knife actually inserted into the wild boar’s forehead.

The wild boar was hit hard by this, shouting wildly, throwing off its hooves and running towards them. Good Jimmy, take it easy, adjust your breath, aim carefully, put your crosshair in, and get ready to shoot. Suddenly the wild boar swayed, staggered to the ground, twitched a few times, and stopped moving.

This time, Jimmy has been completely blinded. What’s the situation? I haven’t shot a living thing in a thousand years, and I used a wild boar to practice my hands, so it’s cold? Lilith was quite worried on the rock, these two are not real hunters, don’t get hurt. Seeing the boar fall to the ground, Lilith was the first to stand up and applaud.

As soon as Lu Fei slipped out, he got off the big rock, dragged Jimmy over there, and repeatedly told Jimmy to get ready to shoot. The two of them looked over tremblingly, and found that the wild boar was dead and couldn’t move when it kicked around. This time, Lu Feile was broken, and he laughed. Jimmy was a little depressed, but Jimmy was a teenager, so he forgot in a blink of an eye, called his dad, and asked Charlie to send a car to the winding mountain road near the stone steps to wait. The two of them didn’t care whether they were dirty or not, one raised their heads, the other lifted their feet, took the path, walked to the winding mountain road ten meters below the stone steps, and asked Lilith to carry guns and backpacks for them.

The two of them were so tired that they carried the wild boar to the side of the road. The car had already driven up and was waiting there. Richard got out of the car with a cowboy and was very surprised when he saw the wild boar on the ground. Richard was still dubious when he received Jimmy’s call, but now he really believed it. Today’s young people are really fierce. After all, when wild boars are aggressive, tigers and bears have to avoid three points. Lu Fei took the time to remind Richard that if he was talking to outsiders, not to say that he was killed by a flying knife, but that he was killed by a shot.

Everyone got in the car and arrived at the ranch office villa. The cowboys all gathered around, tsk tsk amazement. At this time, Lu Fei remembered the pig-killing dishes he had eaten at his classmates’ house in the Northeast. After seeing their whole process, he became interested and said that he wanted to cook a pig-killing vegetable for everyone. Where have American cowboys seen this scene? Although they are good at killing cows, wild boars really don’t eat much. The little boss wanted to kill pigs to get meat, so they came to watch the fun, and there were also some helpers to join in the fun.

instructed everyone to make arrangements, handed over a water pipe, brought a large wooden stake, and brought a large basin. The most important thing is to bring a sharp machete and a long boning knife. Everything is ready and ready to go.

Lilith is not afraid of being on the side, watching the fun while eating corn.

Lu Fei greeted Jimmy together, turned the wild boar upside down, put the rope on the back of the pig’s trotters, and hung it up. Severing the carotid artery with a knife will make the blood flow out. The American people will definitely not eat pig blood, and wild boar blood does have the possibility of parasites. After the blood flowed out for a while, he placed the wild boar on the big wooden stake. Lu Fei raised his machete and slashed with all his might to cut off the pig’s head. Rinse the abdominal cavity of the pig.

Richard felt that the little boss couldn’t be busy by himself. With a wave of his hand, the cowboys rushed up. After a while, the wild boar was divided. Everyone washed the pig together, and Lu Fei directed the beef loin of the cowboy cut pig to marinate, ready to be skewered and grilled, and then cut out two hooves. After soaking up the water, coat with seasoning and olive oil and send to the oven. The pork belly has also been cut into more than 20 kilograms. The knife masters in the own cowboys cut into thin slices, poured various seasonings, and prepared to bake later. The lettuce on this package is Korean BBQ. The other meat is directly put into a big pot and put in it to make braised pork.

Two hours later, it was almost one o’clock in the afternoon, and all kinds of roast pork were ready. Except for the braised pork, everything else was roasted. However, because it was a wild boar, Lu Fei was afraid of parasites, so Lu Fei specially instructed everyone to roast it thoroughly. Poured the beer, everyone ate Hutian Haiti, and their mouths were full of oil. The cowboys, plus 3 small people, a dozen or so people, literally ate all the pork.

(end of this chapter)

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