Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: The Sad Song In The Sea Is Not Melancholy

Chapter 24 The sad song in the sea is not melancholy

This meal of killing pigs that the Americans have never eaten won the praise of the cowboys, and it is still attractive to eat. The beef from the ranch is of Angus cattle, and it tastes very good, but the cowboys eat too much , that’s it. What’s more, the wild boar is called by the little boss, and flattery is also required.

On behalf of the boss and the proprietress, Lu Fei expressed his condolences and sincere respect to the cowboys. He hoped that under Richard’s leadership, the ranch would be done well and everyone would make a small fortune. The atmosphere of the meal was warm, united and greasy.

In the afternoon, Lu Fei and Lilith went to the shooting range to play for a while, and they returned happily. After sending Lilith home, it was already dinner time. Lu Fei didn’t bother Kelly and Lilith. He just ate a sandwich at home and pulled it down. The lunch was too greasy.

Lying on the bed, Lu Fei thought that he hadn’t chatted with the system for several days, and he didn’t know how much the system’s points had increased.

“System bro, come out and give me the points first.”

“Come on, the latest rescue score is as follows:”

“Host starting from May 1st, help: Sister Mary, Little Bell, Smith’s nephew. Rescue minor injuries: Raphael, Dewey, Vasily, Ada, the total rescue value increases by 200+200=400 points, daily consumption 36, the total rescue value is 2498.

1. The human body’s own ability system (three levels in total, the host has reached the comprehensive level two, and the perception level three)

Perception, hearing, smell, vision, stability, speed, flexibility, endurance, strength, courage, resistance to strikes.

2. Military skill system (three levels in total, throwing knives and pistols are level one)

Pistols, rifles, machine guns, sniper rifles, blasting skills, bomb disposal, fighting skills, cold weapon throwing knives.

3. Clinical medical system (three levels in total, emergency surgery level two, diagnostics, military medicine level one, and scanning level level).

The host has activated the pistol skill to level 1.

Lu Fei smiled with satisfaction, the value of saving is a lot, enough to build it in the system training ground every day, humming a little song to take a shower. I am happily appreciating my sized muscle groups.

The system lights up the virtual LCD screen.

“The mission is released, the mission is released, and the rescue system action mission is activated and released again.”

The sad song in the sea is always heartbroken, don’t make the beautiful girl burst into tears. Mission: Save Jack Dawson.

Specific background: On April 10, 1912, the luxury passenger liner Titanic, known as the “miracle in the history of the world’s industry”, embarked on its maiden voyage, departing from Southampton, a corrupt country, to New York, the United States. The rich girl Rose and her mother and fiance Carl sat in the first-class cabin; on the other hand, Jack, a bohemian young painter, won the ticket for the lower-class cabin in a gamble at the pier.

Ross is tired of the hypocritical life of the upper class and does not want to marry Carl. She plans to throw herself into the sea and is rescued by Jack. Soon, the beautiful and lively Rose fell in love with the handsome and cheerful Jack. Jack took Rose to the dance party in the lower class and painted her, and their relationship gradually warmed up.

Sunday night, April 14, 1912, a calm night. The Titanic hit an iceberg, and the “unsinkable” Titanic faced the fate of sinking. Rose and Jack’s budding love would also experience the test of life and death. Jack gave Rose the last chance to live. Rose’s side was frozen to death in the sea.

Host Mission: Rescue Jack Dawson so that Jack Dawson and Rose can be rescued together.

Task preparation time: half an hour.

“This, this, this, why did I trigger the mission when I took a shower? Didn’t I wash it with sea water?”

Lu Fei was bubbling all over his body with a confused look on his face. After waking up, I quickly finished the flushing, my brain was running fast, what should I do to save that handsome Jack? It is impossible for him to save a boat of people by himself, just because the system is urinating (there is a coughing sound in the background), he will definitely transmit himself after the iceberg hits. Then, in the face of this thrilling catastrophe, I can only protect myself and save others. And it’s best to use your own medical expertise.

How to avoid Jack Dawson’s death? Is to overcome the low temperature! The key problem is that you can’t freeze to death yourself, and then prevent Jack Dawson from freezing to death. Put on antifreeze, bring something that can heat and increase the heat, and bring warm clothes to them if you can.

He acted quickly, dug out his autumn and winter clothes closet, put on waterproof thermal underwear, long pants; outdoor waterproof jacket and trousers; hat, waterproof shoes, gloves; and finally put on a leather jacket. By the way, to supplement the heat and temperature, Lu Fei poured the warm baby from the supermarket and some chocolates from the snack cabinet into a sealed food bag. Tucked into the pocket of a leather jacket. I went to the kitchen cabinet to find a thermos cup and flashlight, poured the hot water from the water dispenser into it, found an outdoor airtight bag, and stuffed my excess thermal underwear, sweater, thermos cup, and flashlight into it.

The time was almost up. Lu Fei was dressed like a bear, with a rope tied to a sealed bag in his hand, and stood in front of the bed.

The one that is hot on the body, the one that is panicking. I thought to myself: I’m not afraid of a real knife or a gun, but throwing it in the sea, the low-temperature sea water can really freeze people to death. This task is much more difficult than rescuing Celes. This task is really fatal!

“Time is up, transmission begins.”

He flew into the air in an instant, rising higher and higher, his eyes flashing red.

“Crash”, Lu Fei was already standing in the water. A shiver, hiss, so cold.

Look around. I found myself in a long and narrow corridor, with guest rooms on both sides, and the sea water had reached my waist. “No matter where it is, let’s go to the deck first.” Thoughts flowed in his mind, he kept walking, holding a sealed bag in his hand, and walked towards the middle of the corridor.

“Who’s there, can you help me?” A plump brunette woman in a short-sleeved dress came over from the corner, dripping with water. I saw Lu Fei come over quickly.

“No problem, ma’am, what can I do?” Lu Fei looked at Rose, the fat lady, and said with a smile.

“Make a good relationship first, or you will save people later. There is no psychological basis.” Lu Fei thought to himself.

“Sir, my boyfriend Jack is trapped in handcuffs, the water has risen, I don’t know what to do?” Rose said anxiously.

“I’ll accompany you over there to see”, guided by Rose, the two of them walked along the water. Lu Fei passed a fire cabinet and grabbed a fire axe in his hand. After walking for two or three minutes, the two came to a guest room where the sea water had reached their shoulders.

“Sir, help him.” Rose said anxiously, pointing at Jack who was handcuffed to the post.

“This gentleman, thank you for your help, can you help me get the handcuffs off?” Jack looked excited and flustered.

“Lady, go away, sir, is your name Jack? Mr. Jack spreads his hands as far as possible.”

“Rose helped me with the bag, Jack is ready, I’m here.” Lu Fei didn’t allow Jack to think or speak, and cut off the chain between the handcuffs with an axe.

“Let’s go”, Lu Fei took the bag and fire axe, and took the lead out of the room while dripping water. The two quickly followed, and the three finally got to the deck after many setbacks. Jack was going to take Rose to the lifeboat, and Lu Fei had his own plans to wave goodbye to them.

Lu Fei took the fire axe and walked to the railing of the boat. He saw that the bow of the boat was mostly submerged in the water, and most of the people were crowded there and wanted to get on the lifeboat. The entire boat has been tilted more than 20 degrees fore and aft.

Lu Fei observed the surrounding environment, thinking about how to escape and help Jack and the others. “First of all, getting on the lifeboat is a big problem. It’s a bit shameless to get in or break in hard. The concubine can’t do it. There is only one option. Find a floating object that can bear the weight of him and even Jack afterward. That’s a small boat. , where can I find it?” Lu Fei was clutching his head and thinking, when several gunshots rang out near the lifeboat diagonally below, the crowd became more and more chaotic, and some people jumped into the sea with a lifebuoy.

“People can’t be immersed in seawater for a long time, and they will freeze to half or all to death. The door panel, Rose later hugged one, and can only bear one person. So the door panel can’t do its full work. Bed! By the way, it’s a bed! I’ve watched movies several times before, and I’ve seen some rooms have wooden beds, and the ones installed on ships must be beds with baffles.” He suddenly felt blessed.

“I’m going to get the bed out and throw it in the sea right now, and use 2 wooden boards or something as oars. It can maintain a certain mobility and won’t be sucked in when the ship sinks, but first class shouldn’t be easy, after all. Rich people have many bodyguards, and they are too far from the sea. Going to the next deck should be the best choice.”

Thinking of this, Lu Fei hurried into action and ran to the next floor, regardless of the chaos on the second deck, and rushed directly into the cabin room. The first room has no bed; the second room cannot be opened; the third room has a bunk. Lu Fei took a closer look and saw that there was a wooden upper and lower bunk in the house, and there were wooden baffles around the lower bunk.

Lu Fei looked at the door and felt that the upper and lower wooden beds would definitely not be able to get out. He waved his axe without hesitation and chopped down the four bedposts one by one. After Lu Fei cut down the four bed pillars, he realized that it was as simple as cutting down four sugar canes. The original strength is so cool? Lu Fei couldn’t help but tortured himself in the depths of his soul for ignoring the effect of training before. Without stopping, he chopped off the four legs of the bed, tied the airtight bag to his left hand, lifted the flat bed with his right hand, and took out the door straight.

Holding the bed in his right hand, he didn’t feel heavy, and stepped over the hatch to the deck. At this time, the deck was completely chaotic. Some people ran to the lower places to save the position of the lifeboats; some people went to the higher places to avoid the sea water;

Although the whole body is waterproof, and the leather jacket does not get wet, but Lu Fei had only been in the water for a few minutes before, and he felt a little tingling in his lower body, and he understood the power of zero-degree sea water. Know that you should be in the water as late as possible. I sorted out my things, opened the sealed bag in my pocket, ate a few pieces of chocolate, and prepared to wait for a while to go into the water.

A sturdy man with gray hair in his fifties, grabbed the bed beside him and was about to drag him away. Lu Fei said angrily: “I have worked so hard to get it. If you want to get something for nothing, there is no way”, and pulled back hard. The gray-haired man felt that his strength was not comparable, and he didn’t talk nonsense. He let go of the bed, took out a gun from his suit, and pointed at Lu Fei’s head.

“I want this bed, do you have an opinion?”

“I have an opinion, you have no bullets in your gun.” Lu Fei looked at this guy very much.

The gray-haired man withdrew the gun suspiciously and wanted to take a look. Lu Fei had slipped the flying knife out of his sleeve with his left hand, and with a wave of his hand, the knife had been stuck on the gray-haired right wrist holding the gun. The gray-haired man screamed and the gun fell to the ground. Lu Fei picked up the gun, patted his gray-haired face, and said with a smile, “I saw your master chasing Jack, and the bullets were all gone. You are too stupid to use an empty gun to scare people.”

“Fortunately, I spent 50 years to read the genuine copy, and the bad guy’s face can be seen clearly.” Lu Fei was secretly proud of himself.

The gray-haired man turned and ran away without saying a word. Lu Fei pulled the trigger proudly towards the sky, “Bah ah ah”, the gunshots sounded abruptly.

“I’ll go, he loaded the bullet, my mother.” Lu Fei was startled, and threw the gun into the sea. The people around were also taken aback, but it was also beneficial to shoot and make trouble, and no one dared to approach him within five meters.

After waiting for a few minutes, Lu Fei observed that the bow of the boat was messed up, and most of it sank into the sea. The lifeboat was too late to be released, and the scene was a mess.

“It’s about time, otherwise I’ll be sucked into the vortex when the ship breaks and sinks.” Lu Fei put the flying knife and the fire axe next to it. He lifted the bed as a whole and put it on the railing of the ship. thrown into the sea. The middle second deck where he was at was only 1 meter away from the sea. He looked around and saw no oars or anything, so he picked up the fire axe and jumped into the sea.

Lu Fei swam a few steps onto the bed, sat on the bed, picked up the fire axe and swiped left and right, trying to drive away from the Titanic.

5 minutes later, Lu Fei left the big boat and looked at the big boat from 100 meters away.

Under the moonlight, the ship was in chaos, and the hull tilted more and more severely. Suddenly, the big ship made a loud “clucking” sound. The middle of the hull, which was close to the sea, began to break.

Seeing such a shocking scene up close, all the people on the nearby lifeboats were dumbfounded. At this time, Lu Fei didn’t care about the scenery, so he continued to row the boat. It is estimated that only he knew that the boat would sink into the sea soon. He didn’t know how big the vortex was, so he had to escape first. He heard the whirring sound and the huge sound of water behind him, and he didn’t dare to turn his head back and rowed desperately.

2 minutes later, Lu Fei felt that he had advanced at least another 50 meters, and with the sound of “gurgling” behind him, the stern of the Titanic finally sank into the sea.

Lu Fei looked back, the big ship was gone! It is hard to imagine such a behemoth sinking into the sea all at once. The surroundings of the shipwreck at sea were like boiled dumplings, and people were thumping and shouting. A small part of Lu Fei’s buttocks and feet were still immersed in the sea. After strenuous exercise, he was blown by the sea breeze and shivered coldly.

Lu Fei put the large airtight bag on the hand on the bed, took out the food airtight bag in the leather jacket, took out a piece of warm baby, tore it off, put it in the long pants and put it on the long pants. While working to keep warm, I watched the “boiling” people in the sea. He knew in his heart that if he couldn’t get in now, he would be robbed of the bed, torn and scuffled. If he kicked them and prevented them from surviving, he couldn’t be so cold-blooded. But his seat and supplies can only save one more person. If they robbed the bed, he would die.

A person immersed in the extremely cold sea will experience numbness in his limbs for up to 5 minutes, trauma to his brain, and unresponsiveness.

5 minutes later, Lu Fei slowly paddled his fire axe and entered this area. There were many floating corpses with pale faces floating on the sea, gloomy and terrifying. He didn’t dare to shout, and swept the sea with a flashlight, mainly to see if anyone was lying on the wooden door.

As time passed by, he finally saw Rose lying on the wooden door, strode across it desperately, and flashed a flashlight at them.

Ross turned her head dully and saw Lu Fei, a smile finally appeared on her face, Lu Fei quickly paddled to them.

Ross said anxiously: “Sir, please help us, we are frozen.”

Jack’s face was pale with cold, and he said, “You are the gentleman who saved me, can you help, help, help us?”

Lu Fei didn’t say anything, just rowed over, pulled Jack from the sea to the bed, and said, “I have some warm clothes here.

clothes and hot water and you’ll be fine. Before Jack and Rose could speak, he took off Jack’s clothes. Jack was already very slow, and before he could react, Lu Fei pulled the thermal underwear from the waterproof airtight bag and put it directly on Jack.

“Quickly put it on”, Lu Fei took out the thermos cup, unscrewed the cup, and handed it to Rose. Rose took the cup and took a gulp of hot water. Jack took the thermos cup that Rose handed over, took a sip and snorted comfortably.

“I still have some chocolate here, which can keep the heat in the human body, you can eat it quickly.”

“Sir, you rescued Jack in the cabin before, and now you are here again, you are our angel.”

“Well, yes, I don’t even know how to thank you.” Jack took a big mouthful and picked up a few pieces of chocolate and handed it to Rose.

Lu Fei smiled and said: “Eat slowly, you’ll be fine, come on, I have some things here that you haven’t seen before, so I can help you stick them on your body. Lu Fei tore the warm baby and put it on Jack’s thermal underwear. Also posted one on the outside of Rose’s skirt.

“It’s amazing, this thing will get hot”, Jack and Rose excitedly touched each other to warm the baby.

“You all feel better. If it’s all right, I’m leaving. The lifeboat will come to save people in a while, you don’t have to worry, I’ll go and see if I can help others.” Lu Fei said seriously.

“But if Jack is soaked in water again, he can’t stand it.” Rose said eagerly.

“It’s okay, I’ll change positions with him, Jack, come to this bed, I’ll go to your wooden door.” Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei did not wait for Rose to answer, jumped into the sea and let Jack pull Rose to bed. Climbed up the wooden door.

“Drink a few sips of hot water, and give you a few more chocolates. After you are rescued, remember to tear off the hot things on your body and throw them away. That’s my patent and can’t be disclosed.” Lu Fei took the fire axe, and then The rest of the sweater was also given to Jack.

“I’m leaving.” Just as Lu Fei was about to row away, Rose grabbed him.

“Sir, what’s your name, we don’t know how to repay you, can you leave your name?”

“You can call me Big Jack, saving people is a fulfilling thing, nothing else, I have to go first.”

Rose took out the “Heart of the Ocean” in her suit pocket and said, “Mr. Jack, you saved us and changed our lives. Your brilliance will shine on the rest of our lives. We can’t repay this, we want to take this” “Heart of the Ocean” is given to you. For me, this is a burden and a burden. Because we have to live incognito from now on, can you take over this burden?”

Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, thinking of the scene where the centenarian Rose finally sent the “Heart of the Ocean” to the bottom of the sea, then I’ll continue, I don’t seem to have heard of “Heart of the Ocean” in my time and space.

“Well, if this can express your gratitude, I accept it, but there is no “heart of the ocean” in the world, and I will not present it in the eyes of people in this time and space.”

“That’s the best.” Rose laughed.

Seeing the light of the lifeboat in the distance, Lu Fei said goodbye to the two of them, and paddled the door to the depths of the ocean.

(end of this chapter)

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