Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

10: Painsley

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Painsley stared at the night sky as she laid on the stony ground. All she had were the clothes on her back. Jonathan had given the tacky green set of overalls from his stash of wares. When it was done up, it covered her sorcerer's mark but a Painsley kept the overalls opened at the front, she liked to show off her cute freckled chest. Her body in this world felt like an upgrade from her one back home. Had she kept to being human, her new body would have likely identical to her old one.

However, choosing to be a faen had changed a lot: she had pointed ears, green eyes, short orange hair, and freckles, she loved her new freckles. She was hot and she knew it. Unfortunately, so did everyone else. It took all of a single day for Painsley to be harassed by the villagers at small town she had started in. Those first couple of days were rough. She had not known that the guidebook had money in it and so when Painsley threw it into the river, she was penniless. So she turned those villagers' affections into a lucrative business opportunity. She must have begrudgingly fucked every man in that small town within the week.

Painsley took the money that she earnt, purchased supplies and travelled into the wilderness. She wanted to seek out the exotic beasts of this world. With her power, she thought she could live out her fantasy of being an exotic creature collector and breeder, like a sluttier Pokémon trainer. Initially, she had quite a bit of success, her powers made her sexually desirable to most beasts so it was easy to lure them inside of her. Once they had mated with Painsley, the beasts would then be under her control which was awesome. She had been putting together a pack of small bipedal beasts when she thought to try her skills on goblins. Unfortunately for Painsley, her abilities didn't work on goblins, they were happy enough to fuck Painsley, but for whatever reason, Painsley didn't gain control over them afterwards. Perhaps the goblins were too smart to be considered beasts, that thought struck Painsley as ironic. She had been a goblin cumdump for at least a week before Jonathan had ultimately rescued her. Painsley didn't like owing people, it made her feel uncomfortable. She needed to pay Jonathan back, if she saved him she would consider them equal. She would also feel much better after kicking in that bitches' teeth for what she did to Jonn the Second.

It struck Painsley that her clothes were not actually the only things she had on her. She still had Jonathan's guidebook clutched in her left hand. She lifted the guidebook up above her and rotated the book around. The back cover had an unassuming faint outline of a compass. As Painsley rotated the guidebook, the head of the compass stayed stationary. Lily said that this compass pointed towards Jonathan, Painsley didn't trust the annoying fairy but it was the only lead that she to go on. Painsley sat up. She thought about opening the book to ask Lily more questions. She decided to give that idea a hard pass.

Thump thump. Something large was approaching Painsley. She turned around ready to run. The thing that was approaching her was hard to make out, it was shaggy, and slowly lumbering towards her. It was- "Stew!" Painsley jumped up and ran towards the cren, hugging into it's fur. "How are you doing girl?" Stew shook her body. "Jonn didn't even know you were a girl did he? He is a dummy isn't he?" Painsley scratched Stew behind the ear.

Painsley inspected Stew for any injuries. Fortunately it looked like Stew had escaped the attack unharmed. Not only that, Stew still had all the supplies that Jonn had purchased. There was enough food here to last Painsley for the foreseeable future. There were also a trove of trinkets and other goods that Painsley could sell, assuming she could find someone to sell them too. "You feeling up to do some more walking?" Painsley asked Stew. The cren clopped its hoof in agreement. Whilst Painsley couldn't directly communicate to beasts in their language, she could easily understand their body language. "Good, how about you take us north." Painsley climbed up on top of Stew and guided her to move in the direction the guidebook pointed. Stew lumbered forward as Painsley hung on tightly to the cren's fur.

If she was going to have any chance of saving Jonn, she was going to need to gather another pack of beasts, or at least another really big scary one, and it wouldn't hurt to buy a proper weapon. And who knows, perhaps the other's escaped too. If they did, she would join up with them along the way, if they didn't, well it was just more people she was going to have to save.

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