Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

11: Mother

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'This place is a fucking maze! Where is the damned exit sign?' Jonathan's mind raced as he darted down the corridor. He wasn't going to be turned into some sort of collectable resource for the Resistance, although he would have been lying if he had said the thought of being pleasured by beautiful women three times a day didn't cross his mind. But he knew better than to trust people he had just met, especially when they thought employing biological warfare was a justifiable option. It didn't matter how hot the girls they sent were, Jonathan didn't want to be the cause of so much pain.

Jonathan brushed his hand against one of the walls as he ran, a maze-solving technique he had learnt when he was younger. If he kept one hand on pressing against the wall he would eventually find the exit. A lone faen guard gave Jonathan an odd look as he ran past. "Just looking for the shitter!" Jonathan shouted. The guard scrunched his face, that was too much information for him. Jonathan opened several doors as he ran, most led to empty room, some to a supply closets, one of them even led to the bathroom, although Jonathan didn't actually need it. The exit was still nowhere in sight. Alarm bells started blaring throughout the labyrinth. It looks like Jonathan's 'distraction' didn't hold for as long as he'd hoped.

"Hey quick, hide over here!" A feminine voice called out from a door Jonathan had just passed. He looked back to see an open door and a hand waving him inside. He could hear the sounds of guards closing in on him. He was going to have to roll the dice. Jonathan leaped into the opened door and quickly shut it behind him. He took deep breaths as he pressed his back against the it. The room was probably the fanciest he had seen since he arrived. A huge round bed with a purple drape sat at the back of the room, various statues and pieces of pottery decorated the room atop of stone pedestals. "Are you ok?" the woman in front of Jonathan asked as she reached past him and locked the door. Her pale skin was draped in a semitransparent white nightgown. Short braided black hair hid her ears and framed her thin exotic eyes. Was she Asian? She looked like she was in her late 30's or early 40's. However it was hard to tell as she had a thin white layer of powdered makeup spread across her face. It almost made her look like a geisha, or perhaps a clown? Jonathan had not seen anyone like her since he had arrived in Adearath, yet she looked strangely familiar.

"I think so." Jonathan looked down and could see the outline of the woman's body. She was lean. It dawned on Jonathan why she looked so familiar. "Are you Queen Yianna?"

"I am." Yianna smiled, despite the difference in complexion, the similarities to Vianna and Kianna were clear. "And you are Jonn. I have heard many things about you."

"Hopefully only good things." Jonathan panicked as he thought about how he violated both of Yianna's daughters last night.

"Actually yes." Yianna took a step back as the door rattled.

"Your Majesty can we come in? There is a prisoner on the loose." A voice from behind the door called.

"You may not." Yianna placed her index finger over her mouth and looked at Jonathan. "I'm currently indecent and wish not to be disturbed."

"But Your Majesty-"

"Unless you want to explain to King Hokk why you gazed upon his wife naked, begone."

"Yes Your Majesty, but please keep your door locked." The voice said timidly. Jonathan could hear the guards run off.

"Oh thank fuck." Jonathan let out all the tension that had been building up in his bones. "Why did you do that? Not that I am complaining, but aren't you worried about me?"

"Should I be?" Yianna asked as she walked over to her bed and sat down.


"Good. I want you to come with you."

"You want to leave?" the words surprised Jonathan who had still been glued to the door. "Why?"

"My reasons are my own." Yianna said as she slipped off her nightgown and threw it onto the bed.

"Look lady, thank you for covering for me, but if we are going to be working together, I need to know more about you. It doesn't matter how perfect your body looks." Jonathan looked at Yianna's curves, her frame was thin but like her daughters, she had perky breasts and a nice ass.

"Even if I let you have a taste of me?" Yianna presented herself on the bed.

"Yes, especially so." Jonathan retorted. "I tend to stick my dick in danger. It is a habit I'm trying desperately to kick."

"Well if you must know." Yianna stood up, undid her braids, and presented her ears to Jonathan. "As you can see I'm human just like you."

"But your daughters are."

"Half-faen. Though you wouldn't be able to tell from looking at them." Yianna started to braid her hair again, tucking her ears underneath. Jonathan didn't realise races in this world could crossbreed, that was something he would need to pay special attention to. "I was originally a concubine to King Hokk when his first wife was alive. The king purchased me from Pirate Union slavers when I was just a teenager." Yianna approached Jonathan. "He was always nice enough, and I am thankful for my two daughters, but it has been over a decade since I have seen the outside of this compound."

"That sounds terrible." Jonathan admitted as he shifted against the door, the alarms were still blaring outside.

"Yes. I want to leave, I want see nature again. I heard you are from across the Burning Sea, is that true?"


"I was born across the Burning Sea too, but I was too young to remember anything about it. Maybe you can help me connect with my heritage." Yianna was now so close to Jonathan that he could feel her breath on his neck.

"I'm afraid I don't really know much about-" Jonathan's words were cut short by Yianna's lips pressing against his. Yianna pushed her naked form against him as she breathed him in. Jonathan could feel Yianna's demeanour change as lust took over. She greedily grasped at Jonathan's pants before long she had Jonathan's cock free and was rubbing it between her thighs and folds.

"I've never had a human cock inside of me before, you're going to be my first." Yianna said as she bit down on Jonathan's neck. Jonathan ran his hands down Yianna back, ultimately resting them on her rear. He skin was smooth, as if she had never done a single day of work in her life. Yianna turned around and continued to hotdog Jonathan's cock. "Stick it in me."

"Guess there is no helping it." Jonathan slid his length into Yianna's pussy, it was surprisingly tight, Jonathan wouldn't have guess she had ever had children before. Jonathan pulled back on Yianna's arms providing leverage for his strokes. Yianna was almost light enough to lift off of the ground as Jonathan pounded away.

"That's it, fuck me like they do back in my homeland." Yianna demanded, Jonathan did not have the heart to tell her that he had no idea how they fucked across the Burning Sea and so he played along.

"Take it you naughty clown." Jonathan exclaimed as he imagined himself fucking Harley Quinn.

"Clown? What do you mean- Oh yes, right there." Yianna moaned as she felt Jonathan's tip plunge deeper inside of her. "Am I a jester?"

"Don't worry, it's how we talk dirty across the Burning Sea in Gotham." Jonathan was wondering if he had finally lost it. "Just call me 'Bats'."

"Fuck me Bats, fuck my... clown pussy?" Yianna ventured, her voice tinged with a mix of arousal and confusion. She was trying to keep up with Jonathan's fervent imagination, playing along with his strange, cross-sea talk.

"That's right, take my bat-cock Harley Yin," Jonathan growled, his mind thoroughly entangled in the web of his own lascivious delusions. The absurdity of the situation was not lost on him, but the excitement of the role-play was too potent to resist.

"Uhh- ok, I will take your bat-cock. Release your… bat-cum inside of me," Yianna complied, her words stilted yet earnest. She was far from certain about the script she was following, but she was determined to see this through, lust clouding her mind.

As Jonathan cock began to pulse, he let out a guttural, "Oh fuck." His body shuddered with the force of his release, pumping his cum into Yianna. She collapsed onto the floor, his seed slipping out of her.

'Whoops,' Jonathan thought with a wince, the fog of lust clearing just enough for him to realize his mistake. He had forgotten, yet again, the potency of his own abilities. Yianna lay unconscious, her body still quivering from the overwhelming pleasure. Jonathan sighed, knowing he would have to wait for her to recover. In the meantime, he would need to devise a plan to escape.

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