Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

14: Scouting

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Talitha prowled through the long grass. She had volunteered herself for the dangerous task of scouting the Empire's forces, partially because she wanted to check firsthand if Saikhi and Jonathan were alright, partially because she thought she was the only one skilled enough to not get caught. Alistar and his men were good at what they did: fighting and fucking, Alistar was particularly skilled at the latter, but they were much less practiced at the art of subtly. One would think that many years spent hiding from the Empire would have made the Sentinels experts and hiding, but it was clear to Talitha that their survival has had more to do with luck then it had to do with stealth. It had taken a whole day for the Sentinels to recover from their hangovers and even longer for them to agree to emerge from their hole in the ground.

"We are just waiting a little bit for the heat to die down. We don't want our hidden sanctuary to be compromised. Plus if they are chasing us they might pass overhead and then we can hit them from behind." Alistar had said. Talitha had demanded they go immediately. "If you want our help to save them, you're just going to have to wait." Talitha was not impressed, Alistar's speech had made it sound like they were going to leave at the first possible opportunity. Whilst they sat around doing nothing, all sorts of terrible things could be happening to Jonn and Saikhi. Despite her anxiety, Talitha agreed to wait, but no more than two days. Talitha decided to use the time to work off some of her nerves by riding on some of the Sentinels' cocks. It couldn't hurt to increase morale. They could plunge themselves into Talitha before they plunged themselves into battle.

When Talitha started her scouting mission, she was surprised to see that the Empire had stopped to set up camp. Over twenty large tents had been erected in the open. Talitha would have thought that a tactical error if it wasn't out of necessity. The lands between Rainfell and Traders-end were dry grassland, barely a tree or hill in sight. The small patches of foliage that dotted the otherwise grass desert were not substantial enough to be useful for a military encampment. There was no doubting it, the Empire's forces had grown. There must have been over a hundred men now, and that wasn't even counting the brutes. Something wasn't right. Why were they gathering their forced? There were way more men than they needed to hunt down a half-dozen people. Did they know about the Sentinel Lodge? Or were they just playing it safe. No. If they were playing it safe, they still wouldn't want this many forces. At this size there is no way for them to maintain the mobility needed to give chase. They weren't preparing for a hunt, they were preparing for a siege.

Talitha's fears were confirmed when she spotted another detachment of Empire soldiers off in the distance to the east. Talitha and the Sentinels were growing more outnumbered by the minute. She turned away from the camp ready to head back to the lodge, but then stopped. She needed to know that her family was alright. Talitha watched and waited for the evening sun to dip below the horizon. Using the cover of darkness, she crouched lower into the grass and approached the Empire's camp, effortlessly stalking towards it on all fours. She approached the nearest tent, avoiding the bored and barely watching watchmen that had been walking around the outskirts of the camp. Torches placed throughout the camp provided illumination but also provided the shadows that Talitha used to stay hidden. The first few tents that Talitha crept by all housed resting and sleeping soldiers. She could see the shadows soldiers listlessly moving about inside.

Talitha heard a voice that made her heart jump. It was Saikhi's. She could never forget her family's sound. It was coming from deeper within the camp, a smaller tent. Possibly an officer's tent. She slipped from shadow to shadow, keeping her head down in the grass. As she approached the sound of Saikhi's voice she noticed that the sounds she was hearing were ones she had heard from Saikhi before. Two figures were silhouetted on the side of the tent, joined at the hip as Saikhi moans emanated from within. Saikhi's shadow bounced rhythmically on top of the other figure, her neck arched back as her breasts bounced along with her.

Talitha took her hatchet and silently cut a slit into the side of the tent, just big enough for her to peer through. She could now clearly see Saikhi's pleasure, her plump ass smacking against the laying man's waist. Talitha recognised him, it was the captain of the guard that had been chasing them. Talitha was glad that Saikhi was alive, but she needed to save her from this. Talitha's hand had slipped into her underwear and then inside of her. When did that happen? Talitha needed to stop and save Saikhi... In just one moment. Talitha dropped her hatchet onto the ground as her other hand grasped at her breast. It was nice seeing Saikhi taking such a thick cock. Wait. What? Talitha couldn't believe herself, where was her self-control? The captain slapped Saikhi's ass, she let out one of her cute squeaks. It was so hot. Talitha felt shivers of pleasure rush up her spine as she continued to finger herself. Her body began to vibrate and let out soft purrs. Saikhi had definitely improved her skills, she was riding the captain's cock like she needed it to survive.

"Ohh-" Talitha quickly covered her mouth as she let out a soft moan. It wasn't loud enough for anyone besides her to hear, at least she hoped it wasn't. She needed to get out of here. But she just couldn't stop watching now, Saikhi was just hitting her stride. She had placed both of her hands on the captain's chest and was rolling her hips as she kissed his chest. 'That's right, just like that. Take his cum from him.' Talitha's mind raced with dirty thoughts. A loud groan came from the captain as his hips bucked. Saikhi was being filled with the captain's love as she laid collapsed on the captain's chest. Talitha bit her bottom lip, maybe she could get a taste?

Crunch. The sound of footsteps approaching snapped Talitha out of her lustful stupor. There was no chance she was going save Saikhi, at least not whilst the captain's cock was still inside of her. She slipped away from the camp.

When Talitha returned to the Sentinel's Lodge, Alistar was briefing his men on various combat scenarios and tactics. Talitha walked straight towards him.

"Ah Miss Talitha, what report do you bring-" Alistar's words were cut short by Talitha's lips pressed against his.

"Take me now." She said as she cleared a table with one arm and leant back against it. It didn't take Alistar long to be deep inside her. The men around cheered as they watched their leader make the horny forestfolk scream with delight.

"Long may we fuck!"

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