Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

15: Deal

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Zigarete wiped her mouth stood back to her feet. The Tracker had wasted little time since he had returned. He had killed the sorcerer, so he deserved her body. Zigarete swallowed the remnants of the Tracker's cum as she redressed herself in her red and black inquisitorial robes.

"So that is our deal finalised then." Zigarete said as she felt the Tracker's cum sliding down her throat. "Don't expect this again." This was the last time she would have to deal with the Tracker's affections.

"Ha." the Tracker laughed. This wasn't good. The Tracker never laughed. "You are now my slut, for as long as I like."

"Our deal was for the duration of the hunt. The hunt is now over." Zigarete said as she glared towards the Tracker. Even dimly lit interior of the tent, the Tracker could see her silver eyes piercing him.

"My deal with you was for the duration of the hunt." the Tracker admitted. "That was not my deal with Tarthis."

"Your deal with the Emperor?" Zigarete's heart sank. A deal between the Emperor and the Tracker could only mean trouble for her.

"That's right." the Tracker leant, still naked, against the Grand Inquisitor's planning table. "If I captured, or killed the sorcerer, I get to keep the Grand Inquisitor as my personal slut whether she likes it or not."

"I was informed of no such deal." Zigarete reached for the Spear of the Red Isles.

"Uh uh uh." the Tracker interrupted, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." he reached out and grabbed a black piece of fruit from a bowl on the table, he bit into it with a loud crunch. "I'm sure you don't want to be whisked away to some Brute Legion breeding camp like your predecessor was. What was her name again? Aurra? Last I heard she had become a prime breeding slave for the legion. Even birthed your fellow Inquisitor Rike if I am not mistaken. Brutes do grow up so fast."

"Rike is..." There was a lot that Zigarete was trying to process. "Rike is a brute?"

"Puny one at that. Good warrior though." this was the most that the Tracker had said to Zigarete in years, and she did not care for it.

"Do you think I am just going to take your word for it? For all I know you just want a reason to get into my dress again." Zigarete couldn't believe the Grand Inquisitor would be sold out she was being, not for something as simple as capturing an escaped sorcerer.

"You don't need to take my word for it." as the Tracker said those words Inquisitor Rike walked into the tent as if on queue. He was fully armoured as always. "Show her the proclamation Rike." the Tracker demanded.

"I am sorry ma'am." Rike produced a scroll bearing the royal seal, Zigarete took the letter from his hand and opened it. "What the Tracker say is true." Rike removed his helmet to reveal the chiselled and horned bestial face of a legion brute. "I wear this armour to hide my heritage."

"No." Zigarete looked at Rike's face and then down to the words of royal scroll. "It says I'm to do whatever you say or risk dismissal." Dismissal was a common euphemism within the female ranks of the Empire for being exiled to the Brute Legion. "This is beyond unfair."

"You seemed to like me well enough a few minutes ago." the Tracker took another bite of his fruit.

"Because I had to be. Because it was temporary. I used you to get what I wanted, to kill the sorcerer." Zigarete looked back at her spear, the thought crossed her mind to pick it up and turn the whole command tent into a blazing inferno.

"Let me return the favour then." the Tracker said. "It's my turn to use you. Sure, you could pick up that spear you are looking so fondly at and set me ablaze with it. You might even manage to kill me before I can do anything. But then you would be a fugitive, on the run from the Empire, just like the sorcerers you hunt down, but worse then a sorcerer, you'd be a traitor."

"Fuck!" Zigarete screamed as her legs gave out from underneath her. She couldn't believe that the Emperor had done this to her. He had sold her out for a single sorcerer's head.

"You have seemed to have finally grasped your situation." the Tracker walked up to Zigarete and traced his finger along the bottom of her chin. "It is going to take you some time to come to terms with it. Don't worry, I have ordered Rike here to set up a faen custom to help you understand your new place." Zigarete defiantly shook the Trackers hand from her face.

"You are a real piece of cren-shit Tallik, I hope you know that."

"Rike, take the Grand Inquisitor to the shed." the Tracker turned his back on Grand Inquisitor.

"Yes sir. I'm sorry ma'am, Imperial orders." Rike hoisted Zigarete up and lead her out of the tent. She was glad that her men did not see her being escorted out, it was late enough that only the watchmen were awake and none of them were paying close attention to the command tent. If it wasn't for her current situation, she would have made a note to dish out discipline for their laxness.

Rike led Zigarete to a wooden shed. It looked hastily constructed. The wood looked like it was sourced from one of the supply wagons. It was small, just enough to comfortably fit a single person. A rickety door laid ajar.

"What is the meaning of this Rike?" Zigarete asked as Rike guided her into the shed. "Are you not an inquisitor? Are you not under my direct command?"

"I truly am sorry Grand Inquisitor. Emperor Tarthis sent me here to personally assist the Tracker, not you. You are to stay in here until tomorrow." Rike shut the door and the sound of a latch clicked on the other side.

"And what did he pay you to turn against your own?" Zigarete yelled as darkness enveloped her.

"If I follow orders, my mother gets to go free." Rike whispered through the door and walked away.

Zigarete banged on the door but it was no use, she was stuck there. This was an odd custom, one that she had never heard of before. If the Tracker thought that locking her up would cause her to become more compliant, he was sorely mistaken. She waited there for what seemed like hours, light began to shine through the cracks in the side of the shed. Light also shone through... three round holes, about waist height, one on each side of the shed. She peered out of one of the holes and saw her men wandering around. Rike was there too, ordering the men into a single file line.

"Approach the shed and stick your penis through the hole." Rike said, clearly embarrassed, "Leave it in there until the girl inside... deals with it."

"Who's in the box?" One of the soldiers questioned.

"Yeah how do we know it isn't some dude in there or some ugly wench?" Another one asked.

"It's a lady purchased at the inquisitions expense. This is mandatory, but I assure you she is quite beautiful. It is a gift in preparation for our coming battle." this seemed to appease the men. "Hold for one moment." Rike approached the shed, crouched down and whispered through the hole. "If you relieve the men they will not know it is you in the shed. I have the Trackers word." Zigarete remained silent. "However, he said if you don't deal with every man that comes up to the hole, he will open the door and parade you in front of them." Rike stood up and ordered the first three men forward.

Zigarete watched as three cocks poked through the three holes in the shed. She stared at them as she sat there silently.

"Come on slut." One of the men demanded.

"Urgh." Zigarete sighed as she willed herself forward towards the cock straight in front of her. She didn't want her men finding out about her predicament, they would never respect her again. She reluctantly grasped the man's dick and began to stroke it.

"There we go. Don't be shy, give it a kiss."

Zigarete pressed her lips around the tip of his cock. She had sucked cocks before, what was a few more in exchange for her dignity? She worked the tip of the man's rod with her mouth as she stroked it's length.

"Hey don't forget about us." the guy on the right of Zigarete complained. Zigarete started to think practically, this whole ordeal would be over three times as fast if she was able to please three men at once. She continued to suck the man in front of her as she reached out and took the other two soldiers' equipment in her hands. She worked their lengths as she moved her head from cock to cock, being sure to please them all equally. A few minutes of diligently sucking and she hears a knock on the wall.

"I'm going to cum!" the man said. Zigarete moved quickly to seal her mouth around the soldier's cock. She was not going to get her robes dirtied with cum. She gulped down the load as the soldier's dick went limp. "That's slut. I might come back for round two after breakfast." Immediately, his cock was replaced by another. Zigarete worked hard to swallow load after load as efficiently as possible. She must have swallowed thirty loads in the space of an hour. A moistness grew between her legs that she did her best to ignore. There was no possible way that she was enjoying this.

"Mmmmh!" Zigarete moaned as she slurped down another load. Maybe she could slip one of these cocks inside of her. What would be the harm? 'Stay strong.' Zigarete thought to herself as she focused her mind back to sucking. What was she up to now? 40? 50? She had lost count. It didn't matter, she would push on, even if she had to swallow every single one of her soldiers' cum. Zigarete started to plot her revenge as the first of the brute dicks barely pushed it's way through the hole. She continued to plot her revenge as she stood up and pushed the head of his cock against her wet pussy lips. As the monstrous cock entered inside of her, all she could think of between moans was how she was going to make the Tracker pay for this.

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