Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

16: Choice

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"This is some bullshit." Jonathan complained as he continued to wiggle down the claustrophobia inducing air vent. Despite everything that western media and video games had thought him, crawling through a ventilation system was not easy. Jonathan had barely enough room to commando crawl and his arms and legs were starting to get cut up by whatever cold metal material the shaft was made out of. To add to his woes, he was lost. Surprising no one except for himself, there was no exit signs pointing him to safety. Not that he would be able to see a sign if there was one, the vent was almost pitch black, the only illumination coming from the infrequent openings that led backdown to the compound below. Because she went in first, Yianna, the runaway princess, had taken point. What little vision Jonathan had was taken up by Yianna's ass and legs. At least it wasn't all bad.

"I can't do this anymore." Yianna said and began to pant heavily. "It's too tight, I can barely breath."

"We've got to keep going." Jonathan said trying to sound encouraging. "It can't be too much further."

"I'm sorry, I'm getting out at the next opening."

"No!" Jonathan whispered as loudly as he could, but it was too late. Yianna slipped through an opening in front of her and fell to the ground with a thump. Jonathan froze in place, maybe they were lucky, the room below could be empty. But that hope was crushed when Jonathan heard a voice that wasn't Yianna's.

"Are you going to coming out too or are you going to continue crawling around up there aimlessly?" Jonathan didn't recognise the voice, it was feminine and sweet.

"Fuck." Jonathan gripped the Spear of Narcese, he was going to have to fight his way out of this one. He pulled is body forward and through the hole that Yianna went through. The liquid metal of the spear shifted and warped, softening Jonathan's decent to the ground and rotating him upright. He landed feat first next to Yianna who seemed to have been knocked out by the fall.

"A very fancy toy you have there." A purple-skinned succubus giggled. The leather straps that covered her body left little to the imagination. She was leaning against the wall of the large empty room, the room looked like it was still under construction. Pickaxes and other various excavation tools were haphazardly placed around the edges of the room.

"Who are you?" Jonathan pointed his spear towards the strange woman.

"You can call me Marra." The succubus smiled as her tail flicked behind her. "Queen Marra if you are so inclined."

'Great, more royalty.' Jonathan thought as he took a step back.

"No need to be scared, I don't bite... unless you ask nicely." Marra pushed herself off of the wall and stalked forward. Jonathan couldn't help but think that this woman was pulled straight out of a hentai.

"What do you want?" Jonathan wiggled the tip of his spear in an attempt to ward off Marra's approach.

"Oh my dear, it isn't about what I want, it is about what my master wants." Marra reached out towards the Spear of Narcese and firmly wrapped her hand around the shaft, right under the spear's tip. Marra began to rub her hand up and down the length of the spear suggestively.

"Back up." Jonathan pushed his weapon forward, the tip of the spear transformed into a rounded shield that pushed Marra away.

"That was rude." Marra sighed. "I was hoping we could have some fun before we got down to business."

"Lady, I don't have time to fuck you. Even if I did, there is a non-zero chance of you sucking my soul out or some other shit like that. That is something I can't risk right now." Even if Marra was exceptionally beautiful, Jonathan's mind was fixated on escape, not release.

"Fine. I will keep it short then. My master wants to meet you."

"Who is your master?"

"He's a sorcerer just like you."

"A sorcerer?" Jonathan lowered his spear a little. "Is he being hunted too?"

"Not currently, he has an understanding with the Empire." Marra smirked. "A truce of sorts."

"What's the catch?" Jonathan's eyes narrowed, this seemed too good to be true.

"No catch. Just a conversation." Marra materialised two small orbs and held one of them in each of her hands: one red, one blue. "My master said you might enjoy this choice. You touch the blue orb, the I'll leave, you can go back to being chased by the Empire, my master will leave you alone forever. You touch the red orb you'll come with me, my master and I will show you just how deep the gloryhole goes."

"Your master's a big Matrix fan then?" Jonathan lowered his weapon and rubbed the back of his neck. "If I go with you, what happens to my friends? I don't even know if they are alive or dead."

"You mean your harem? You will be happy to know that they are alive, at least that is what my latest reports have have mentioned. My master has very little interest in them." Marra pulled at a leather belt that covered her crotch. "We have plenty of holes for you to fill where we are going if that's the-"

"No dice. I'm a package deal." Jonathan raised his spear once more.

"Fine, if you choose the red orb, I will personally see to your friends' rescue." Marra whipped her tail. "It will take some time though."

"Also, I keep the spear."

"Of course."

"And Yianna comes with us too."


"Yianna, the unconscious woman on the floor." Jonathan pointed towards Yianna's slumped form. He hadn't known her long but Jonathan said he was going to get Yianna out of here and he was going to make good on that.

"Fine." Marra walked up to Jonathan, both orbs pressed against her chest. "Go on give one a grab."

Jonathan reached out.

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