Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

40: Another

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She was absolutely insatiable. It took all five of Jonathan's pills to properly fuck the goblin queen into submission and even then, it seemed that it was her exhaustion that had dealt the final blow, rather than Jonathan's power. Each time he thought the little blue girl had passed out, she would just jump back up a moment later, shout "More!" and then proceed to extract another load from his cock. It seemed, for the most part at least, that his abilities still worked on the queen, just not for very long. Goblin women were intense.

The deal that the queen had suggested for Saikhi's freedom seemed reasonable, unfortunately for her, Jonathan could barely understand his own powers, let alone turn the goblin queen into a sorcerer. So instead he opted to capture the queen. Jonathan bound her hands and legs with some of the fabric that lined the floor of her chamber. And with that, he now had himself a bargaining chip. Checkmate. Except that really, he didn't. He had no weapon or way of protecting himself. If he walked out of this chamber with the queen, the goblins would take a total of ten seconds to bonk him on the head and take her back.

Jonathan searched the queen's chambers for a weapon. Something sharp or at least something heavy. After pawing through a substantial amount of long cylindrical objects scattered around the place, he found something stashed under the queen's mattress. A sharp black stone dagger with a dark wooden hilt. It would do. A few deep breaths later and he was ready to get out of here. 

"Hey goblins, the queen needs you!" Jonathan called out to the goblins guarding the entrance to the queen's chambers.

The two guards burst through the door, clubs at the ready. They saw Jonathan, dagger in hand. They also saw their queen tied up and unconscious in his arms.

"Let, go, queen!" The one on the right shouted as they approached.

"Ah, not one step further or the queen gets it." Jonathan lied as he pressed the dagger against the goblin queen's bare skin. He didn't really have the stomach for killing, especially not killing someone like this, he hoped the goblins didn't call his bluff.

The goblins stopped.

"Good, now put down your weapons." Jonathan demanded. The goblins complied. "I am going to make this easy for you. You are going to bring me Saikhi, the red woman that you have captured '' He didn't know if the goblins knew the word 'ashborn'. "Then you are going to let us both walk out of here. If you do, no harm will come to you or your queen and we can all put this horrible situation behind us." Jonathan surprised himself with his composure but he felt the adrenaline start to pump.

The goblins wordlessly nodded, spite and fear in their beady eyes. One of them ran off down the hallway whilst the other remained and watched. A few minutes later, he returned with another much larger goblin, this one with a milky white eye. Oh yeah, he was definitely the one in charge now.

"Make, deal." The goblin said in a guttural tone. "Here, red." Jonathan looked expectantly to see Saikhi. Instead, he saw some... other random girl, was that… red paint? 

"What? Who's that?" The girl had pointed ears and a lean, small figure. A faen.

"Uh…" The lead goblin stammered. "Red, girl?" The goblin raised his eyebrows and shrugged.

"No, I don't want her. I want Saikhi! The one you just captured." Jonathan was uncertain if they were trying to trick him or were just that stupid.

"If it isn't too much trouble, could you save me too?" The unknown faen piped up. "I would very much like to get out of here."


"Alright. Because you tried to trick me: I want Saikhi and this girl." Jonathan demanded. "I have altered the deal, pray I do not alter it further!"

The faen girl smiled and let out a small chuckle. There was something odd about her that Jonathan couldn't quite put his finger on.

"Urgh, fine!" The lead goblin grunted. "Told others, trick no work." he muttered as he left. A few minutes later Saikhi was in the chamber with them. Covered in what Jonathan could only assume was cum. She wabbled down to her knees, they had been working her quite hard and she looked spent.

"Saikhi, are you ok?" Jonathan called out.

"Master… I got… so many notes! So many new findings… Must write them down." She said breathlessly. She displayed the faintest smile on her face as she said those words. At least she seemed ok.

"Now, give, queen!" The milky-eyed goblin shouted.

"Not so fast. You will get your queen once we are safely out of this place." Jonathan couldn't help but feel the rush of the whole situation getting to him. His heart began to race. "Back away and let us pass."

The goblins obeyed, not a single one tried to get in the way of the trio as they made their way out of the lair. Their faces displayed more concern than anger. It was a good thing they highly value their females, it made Jonathan's almost idiotic plan have merit. It didn't take long for Jonathan's group to get back to the entrance but by the time they got there, there were no less than fifty goblins following.

"Alright. Now I am going to let down the queen. But, if you make any sudden moves, or try to follow us, I'll… use my magic to make her disappear. Kablamo!" Jonathan made an explosion sound with his mouth. He hoped that the goblins would be dumb enough to buy it or cautious enough to not risk any harm coming to the queen.

"Human, leave." The milky-eyed goblin nodded. "No hurt, queen."

Jonathan placed the queen down and slowly backed away, keeping his eyes on the goblin horde in front of him. After he felt like he was safely out of rock-to-the-head distance, he turned tail and ran with Saikhi and the red painted faen girl.

"Thanks for helping me out back there, felt like I was losing my mind in that place. Smooth moves, Darth." The faen girl grinned as she pulled out in front of Jonathan, she was surprisingly fast. 

'Wait, what did she call me?' Jonathan pondered. This was the first time he had seen her from behind. It then became very apparent to him why he had felt something was off about her. Right above her waist was a purple, glowing bulbous tattoo. She was a bloody sorcerer.

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