Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

41: Loyalty

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Garth looked on with terror as the Emperor Tarthis' retinue entered the desolate remains of Sidim. Over a thousand highly decorated warriors, all veterans of the Imperial conquests of Adearath, trailed the golden war carriage. The ground shook with each synchronous step the army took. Garth's men stood at attention, ready to receive the Emperor. It was customary for the lead commander to offer tribute when an Emperor or one of his officials visited a conquered land. Garth was thankful to the goddess that wasn't him. Instead, Zigarete would have the 'honour' of serving up tribute: the three naked and bound cult leaders that had allowed the sorcerer's escape. A collar and lead firmly clasped around each leader's neck. Zigarete smugly held onto each of them in one hand.

Each of the naked bodies were a sight to behold, they glistened in the mid-afternoon sun. Unfortunately, for Garth and his men, those beautiful bodies had been left unviolated. Zigarete had been adamant about them remaining unspoiled for the Emperor's judgement. They would have to be satisfied with the dozens of other female cultists that they had taken prisoner. Which, for the most part, they were. Garth was beginning to feel a bit exhausted, in fact, there was a lot of pussy to go around. However, something about the cultist leaders' forbiddeness made them all the more desirable.

The Emperor's carriage came to a stop several meters away from Zigarete, two of the Emperor's retinue pulled open the carriage's golden doors, whilst a third placed a small staircase at the opening. Emperor Tarthis stepped out in full battle regalia, a faint black mist flowed out like a cape from his chest plate as he walked towards the Grand Inquisitor. The Emperor's hand rested on the hilt of his sword. It had been a long time since Garth had seen the Emperor like this. Fear swelled inside of him, if the tribute was not sufficient to the Emperor's liking, someone would be dying today. 

"For the Empire, for the Emperor." they all shouted in unison.

"Inquisitor, I have received your report. I take it these three are the tribute?" The Emperor said curtly.

"Yes your Majesty." Zigarete bent down on one knee offering up the three leads to the Emperor. The Emperor took them and handed them to one of his retinue. The three women were silently led into the Emperor's carriage.

"I will deal with those three later." The Emperor continued. "I believe the last we spoke I said if you couldn't do your job I would find someone who could." 

"Your Majesty, I-"

"Silence." The Emperor interrupted. "I have decided to give you all the resources you need to catch this sorcerer."

Garth tried to hide his surprise from the sidelines, mercy was not something often shown by his liege.

"If you need manpower, I will give you manpower, if you need weapons, I will give you weapons, if you need another goddess-damned magical relic, I will get you something way more powerful than the Spear of Narcese. I will not be having another Dread Sorcerer in my empire. Do you understand me? Look at me!" The Emperor gazed directly into Zigarete's eyes. "Do you understand? There will not be another chance for you."

Zigarete peered up at the Emperor, she meekly nodded. "Yes… yes your Majesty."

Garth couldn't help but feel smug at the self-righteous inquisitor being put in her place. Even if his own head was on the chopping block too.

"Do not disappoint me again." The Emperor's smooth voice took an even more sinister tone. "Now, show your Emperor how grateful you are for a second chance." The Emperor loosened his grieves and pulled out his royal cock. He looked down expectantly at the kneeling inquisitor.

Without hesitation, Zigarete parted her lips and engulfed the Emperor's cock in full view of Garth's men and the Emperor's retinue. Her technique was a bit wooden but nevertheless exciting to watch. The thing that surprised Garth the most was how hastily Zigarete had taken the Emperor's cock down, the lack of hesitation was likely out of a sense of self-preservation.

Despite her lack of technique, Zigarete display was pleasing to watch. Soft smacking sounds escaped her lips as she repeatedly took Tarthis' cock into her mouth. Garth felt himself stiffen at the voyeuristic spectacle. This would be a nice memory to think about next time the Grand Inquisitor told him off for not doing something the exact way she wanted.

The Emperor made certain gaining his gratitude was not a simple task, years of constant fucking had left him with potent control over his ability to cum. It took Zigarete an hour of tirelessly working the Emperor's shaft before he unloaded his sticky liquid into her mouth. Zigarete diligently swallowed every last drop, being careful to not let a single drop spill to the ground, lest she be further punished. After the deed was done, she opened her mouth and showed the Emperor the evidence of her loyalty.

"You are dismissed." The Emperor fastened his grieves and returned to his carriage. It took quite some time before Zigarete found the strength to stand, but when she did, Garth saw in her eyes a renewed sense of determination, determination and rage.

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