Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

42: Sorcerer

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"Painsley? Your name is Painsley, not Ainsley?" Jonathan did his best to hold back his laughter. And here he thought his name was bad. It hadn't taken Talitha long to re-join the group, Stew, and the remaining supplies in tow. Talitha was standing guard, watching for any signs of trailing goblins, whilst Saikhi slept off her exhaustion, using Stew as a pillow. Jonathan had yet to survey exactly what supplies he had remaining but he had a more pressing matter to attend to: working out who this faen sorcerer was. 

"Yeah, I know. Funnily enough I can't actually say that word anymore." Painsley sighed as she removed a flake of dried red paint from her arm. She was small, about a head and a half shorter than Jonathan with short ginger hair and fair freckled skin.

"What word?" Jonathan asked curiously.

"My name, Ain-" the faen stopped. "See. Can't do it. Every time I try, something catches my tongue and I can't say my real name anymore."

"Holy shit, me too. Look! Jonn-" Jonathan choked. "See!" He paused for a moment using the entirety of his brain power to realise the implications of what Painsley had just said. "You are from Ear-" Jonathan choked again, he had never tried to say earth before now but it seemed to have the same effect as trying to say his name.

"See, can't say that word either. But yes! I am. Fucking Isekguy." She complained.

"Fucking Isekguy." Jonathan agreed.

"Now it looks like we are both stuck with a crappy name. I am not sure which one is worse." Painsley giggled as she pulled at the clothes she had been given by Jonathan, they were way too big for her but they were better than nothing. "So what ability did you pick during character creation?"

"Uh, well." Jonathan rubbed the back of his neck. It might not have been the best idea to tell her, but fuck it. "Arousal control."

"Oh damn, no wonder you got two hot sluts following you." Painsley giggled again. This struck a bit of nerve with Jonathan.

"Hey, they are not sluts." Jonathan asserted.

"Well, I don't know about the strong lady, but the way I heard that red chick enjoying herself, I would beg to differ." Painsley pointed over to the sleeping ashborn. The fact that she had begun to sleepily grab her own breasts did not do much to help Jonathan's case.

"Actually, that might be my fault. The more they have sex with me, the more they seem to like it, no matter who it is with." Jonathan should probably work that problem out sooner rather than later. Talitha had seemed way too eager to take the merchant Aldo's cock and Saikhi had been too keen to let goblins poke around inside of her for 'research'. Whilst Jonathan found both of those things extremely hot, the long term effects of his corruption may prove to be problematic if he didn't do something about them.

"Tough break. I am sure you are really cut up about it." Painsley said flippantly. "Just don't go trying to get inside of me." Painsley slapped her hips. "These holes are reserved for monster cock only." 

"Excuse me?" Jonathan's eyes widened in disbelief. Did he hear that right?

"I chose the monster tamer ability at character creation. Any beast that has sex with me will be under my control for several days." 

"You mean, you were controlling those goblins the whole time?" If that were true, Jonathan would have a problem.

"No." Painsley pouted. "I was testing to see if my power worked on less intelligent humanoid species. There seems to be a threshold that I haven't been able to work out. I took so much goblin cock for nothing." She sighed. At least Jonathan didn't have to worry about accidentally corrupting this girl, she was already there.

"Oh, that reminds me." Jonathan rummaged around his clothes and retrieved his guidebook. "Did you get one of these?"

"Oh the 'live without fear' thing?" Painsley nodded. "Sure did! The guide, Lily, was a complete bitch though, so up-herself. She kept calling me flat chested, so I threw that thing into a river." Jonathan had never heard something that was so irresponsible and yet so completely understandable at the same time.

"Yeah Lily sucks." Jonathan replied before getting lost in thought. Perhaps that was the reason Lily would disappear so suddenly. Was she trying to help multiple sorcerers? Yet another question to add to the long list of things 'Lily may or may not be actually helpful in answering'. There was an awkward silence as Jonathan sorted through his thoughts.

"Thanks for saving me. Seriously. I know you didn't have to help me. Who knows how long I would have been stuck there had you not arrived when you did." Painsley's flippant tone sobered.

"Don't mention it, apparently saving people is what I do now." Jonathan was starting to make it a habit. Painsley stretched her small body as she yawned. She looked exhausted. It was getting close to the change of watch anyway, Talitha would be wanting to get some sleep too.

"You know what? I think I will follow your little harem for a while. Us hunted sorcerers best stay together. Who knows, play your cards right and I might let you have a taste." Painsley giggled yet again. This girl was a laugh track. She found an empty bedroll that had been put aside for her and crawled in. A moment later, she was loudly snoring.

Jonathan didn't know what to make of Painsley, but he couldn't help but feel offset by her. There was something strange about talking to someone who came from earth in this new world. A sense of familiarity sure, but having been immersed in this world, the interactions strayed down the path of the uncanny valley. The fact that she threw away her guidebook made Jonathan concerned that the girl was unstable, but it was also kind of endearing. She was right about one thing though. There was safety in numbers.

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