Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

43: Sentinels

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Talitha watched as the small woman in front of her pushed ahead, seemingly without a care. Her chieftain's new acquisition was certainly odd. She was barely taller than a child and looked like a particularly strong gust of wind could pick her up and blow her out of the gorge and across the Burning Sea. Despite her size, she was exceedingly loud, especially for a faen, and especially when she ate. Opting to not chew with her mouth closed was painful to Talitha's finely attuned ears. But the thing that worried Talitha most was not Painsley's attitude, she could get used to that. It wasn't even that her chieftain would now have less time for her, it is important that the protector of the forest had many fertile women to increase the tribe's numbers. The thing that worried Talitha was the bulbous glowing tattoo that sat above her Painsley's waist, had the forest chosen this girl also? Was it just flippantly handing out power these days? No, whilst similar, the mark on Painsley was different. Talitha's acute heldran eyes recognised the intricate ways in which the pattern of her chieftain's one marks weaved, Jonn's patterns were the same as her former chieftain, Painsley were not. She was not the chosen protector. However, she grew unsure of herself, with every step they took away from the forest, the voice of it's wisdom grew dimmer. Ultimately, time would tell if Painsley would be a useful addition to her tribe.

Traders-end Highway had been living up to it's dangerous reputation. Low light, unsteady ground, falling rocks, horny goblins. Talitha was on high alert, she would not let her chieftain endanger himself like he had done with the goblin queen, brave as he may be. So Talitha insisted that each day, she would go forth and quietly scout ahead for danger. Her chieftain agreed that it was a good idea and then immediately insisted that each day someone else was to go with her. "It's probably bad to split the party, but it is even worse to send someone else off alone." her chieftain had said. Although, what this had to do with festivities was beyond Talitha. Not being alone was a fine enough idea in case they ran across anything dangerous. The days in which she scouted with Saikhi or Jonn had been fine, but today she found herself scouting with Painsley. The girl insisted that she lead the way. After some arguing, Talitha agreed, as long as she stayed quiet.

"Holy shit balls!" Painsley exclaimed as she pointed down the highway.

"Quiet." Talitha whispered. This was going great.

"Holy shit balls." Painsley whispered quietly, still pointing down the highway. "Do you see that?" Something large lumbered in the distance. A stony form shifting from one side of the gorge to the other. Talitha pulled the loud one down behind a nearby rock. She did indeed see that. "What was that? Painsley asked, a twinkle in her eye. "It looked… strong." she bit her lower lip.

"Quite." Talitha whispered again, placing her hand over Painsley's mouth. Whatever was up ahead, it surely meant trouble. Painsley nodded her head. Talitha removed her hand from the girl's mouth. Hopefully she had gotten the point.

"Behind you!" Painsley's eyes widened as she pointed down the path they had just come from. In one swift motion Talitha retrieved her hatchet and spun to face whatever potential threat awaited them. She scanned the area behind her. There was nothing there. She scanned a few moments longer before she turned back around. When she did, Painsley was gone from behind her, instead of being safely behind the rock, the faen was sprinting towards the lumbering form in the distance.

"Oh, for forest's sake." she cursed before chasing after her. This was going to be a disaster. Fortunately, Talitha was much faster than Painsley, it would take only a minute or so to catch up with her. Painsley's shorter body did not do her any favours in the speed department. Almost there.

Talitha felt the ground shift below her. The top layer of soil and rock gave way, revealing a hidden pit below her. A trap. She used the little leverage she had to push off the edge of the pit and to the safety of the ground above, landing on her feet like a true heldra. She was relieved she had avoided certain peril. Well, she would have been relieved had the 'safe' ground she found herself on not also shifted below her. There was no avoiding this one.

"I told ya, always dig two pits." Talitha heard a gruff voice say as she regained consciousness. "It's insurance!" Talitha looked around, she found herself in a dimly lit, damp room. Wooden walls gave way in places to rough cave walls. A gang of a dozen men sat on a variety of haphazardly placed furniture nearby. They were dressed surprisingly well considering their surroundings. Each of them was armed with a sword at their side.

"Oh, she's awake." Another one of the men laughed. This one Talitha reached for her weapon, it was gone, as were her clothes. "Looking for this?" The man proceeded to dangle Talitha's hatchet before placing it down on a nearby bench. "I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience Miss, but your weapon and your clothing have already been donated to the Sentinels."

"Long may we stand!" They all shouted in unison. Talitha tried to pick herself up off of the floor but the bindings on her hands and legs made the task impossible.

"Ah yes, sorry about that too Miss." The man continued. "Couldn't have you running off and telling the Empire about us now could we? We Sentinels have to stay secret these days don't you know, guilds being outlawed and all." Talitha studied the room, looking for some way to escape her predicament. The distinct smell of alcohol wafted in the air.

"Uh, boss, ya sure she can understand? She looks like a forestfolk." The gruff voiced man chimed in.

"Of course she can!" the boss looked at Talitha. "Uh… you can understand me right?"

"Let me go." Talitha replied coldly. Perhaps she could buy some time by talking to them.

"She speaks!" The boss laughed. "There is no need to fear Miss, we don't wish to hurt you. We are not common bandits after all. However, the donation you provided was rather small compared to the donations we generally receive. Don't worry, there is a way we can all be squared up and after a few months you can be on your way." Talitha could feel the eyes of the men leering towards her. "You see Miss, it has been many weeks since my men have seen a woman, let alone a woman as beautiful as yourself. Sentinels do not let a good opportunity for merriment pass them by!"

"Long may we fuck!" They all shouted in unison. Talitha prepared herself for what was to come. Since Painsley was nowhere to be seen, she hoped that she had escaped capture, either way, by now, her chieftain would surely be looking for her. She just needed to keep these guys occupied. The boss picked up Talitha and laid her down on one of the wooden benches in the middle of the room, woefully not the same one as her hatchet was on. Before long the men stood encircling Talitha, two ranks deep. Their pants were long gone and their cocks were in various states of readiness.

"Enjoy Miss." The boss said as he slid his cock against Talitha's opening. To Talitha's surprise she found her body reacting to the stimulation. She couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and amusement. It wasn't long ago that Talitha thought of herself as relatively inexperienced in the ways of pleasure. Having only entertained her chieftain's cock inside of her. Now it seemed like every week she was having to endure another man's member. Hands began to grasp Talitha's curves, the other Sentinels' rods prodded and slapped against her bare skin. She opened up as the boss slid effortlessly inside of her.

"Didn't expect you to be so accommodating." He said to her as he began his rhythm. Talitha couldn't help but think that it wasn't unpleasant. His cock was a decent enough size, probably bigger than her chieftain's. It's pressure didn't make her wild with desire like her chieftain's did but it was nevertheless pleasant. Talitha tried to snap out of that line of thinking. What was she going on about? These men were taking advantage of her and needed to be punished. She started to struggle against her bindings.

"My chiefta-" Talitha began to speak but was immediately cut off by the gruff voiced man's member entering her mouth. A hand on the back of her head pushed her down its entire length. It slid down her throat and was held there as the man thrusted. It felt like an age before Talitha was let back up for air. She took a deep breath before another man on her other side forced his cock down her throat, the two men taking turns to enjoy Talitha's mouth. 

It didn't take long before the rest of Talitha's body was being enjoyed by her capturers. The binds on Talitha's hands had been removed and each of them had been put to work stroking the awaiting men. One of the smaller Sentinels had climbed on top of Talitha and had put her breasts to work, wrapping them around his cock. Talitha was beginning to feel overwhelmed, she couldn't keep track of who was where and what each part of her body was doing. All she could tell was that she was being touched and pleasured from every conceivable angle. All the while, the men were calling her 'Miss.' and telling her what a good job she was doing and pleasing all of them at once. She had to admit, she was a little bit impressed she was able to handle so many at once. Pissed off, but impressed.

The cock in Talitha's pussy had long since switched out when Talitha began to feel waves of warmth flow up her spine. She curled her toes as she let out a muffled moan on the member in her mouth. She did her best to regain some semblance of control but a few minutes, and several men later, she experienced the same feeling again. It was like her body was on fire. From that point on she could no longer hold back her noises, much to the Sentinels' delight. It must have been an hour before Talitha realised something was particularly strange. Not that being filled by a dozen men wasn't strange. None of the men had actually unloaded their seed yet. Every time one looked like they were about to pop, they would fall back and another would take their place. Replacing tired soldiers like a military force would. The reason for such a practice soon became apparent to Talitha.

"Well men, good work. Time for the final volley." The boss commanded, each of the dozen men stepped back from Talitha, forming a single circle around her. Each of them stroking their cocks towards Talitha's exhausted figure. "Fire!" With a single command each of the men began to come. Hot strands of seed began to plaster Talitha from head to toe. No part of her was spared. Talitha laid there, dripping. "Thank you most kindly Miss!" The boss continued as he picked up the nearby bindings they had removed. "Your body is most excellent and we are going to have a lot of fun, don't you worry." The ground began to rumble beneath them.

The door to the room, smashed open as a large stone skinned beast burst into the room, it's muscular body easily turning the flimsy wooden door that stood in its way to splinters. On top of the beast, riding on it's back, was a small, loud, faen.

"Knock, knock, motherfuckers!"

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