Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

7: Regroup

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Talitha stopped running to allow Alistar and his men to catch up. They were far enough away from their pursuers that they could afford to rest and regain their strength. Alistar and his men caught up after a few minutes.

"Those vile Imperial scum." Alistar spat as he took a head count. "Only seven of us? Where is Hoarn?" His remaining men were looking worse for wear.

"Sir, I saw him fall to a brute, he was protecting Saikhi." One of Alistar's men piped up.

"Long may he rest." Alistar said solemnly as the rest of his men joined in chorus.

"Saikhi and Painsley are missing too. I saw Painsley take off in a different direction to us, but I didn't see Saikhi escape and if Hoarn is gone, that means Saikhi is still back there." Talitha said as she unattached her hatchet from her belt. "I'm going back to save her."

"They have us outnumbered and out equipped." Alistar held his sword out in front of Talitha to stop her from leaving.

"Then I will die for my family." Talitha knocked Alistar's sword out of the way and began to walk back the way they had came.

"Don't be ridiculous, you are no good to Saikhi or your chieftain if you are dead. I have a way to get both of them back." Alistar stabbed his sword into the ground. "If you are willing to hear it." These words stopped Talitha in her tracks. "But it requires patience."

"Patience?" Talitha turned back to Alistar, zealous flames flickered in her eyes.

"Yes, patience. We have a underground Sentinel lodge not far from here, if we push on we might even be able to make it there before morning. Last we checked, twenty of our finest men were stationed there. That should be more than enough to launch a rescue operation. My guess is that these Inquisitors also have Jonn, so we need to do this right."

Talitha's tightened her grip around her hatchet. She seethed as anger flowed throughout her body. She thought back to her last chieftain, her former tribe. She remembered how they were destroyed by the Empire. She couldn't let that happen again. Talitha soften her grip on her hatchet as she fell to her knees and let out a primal roar. She knelt there for uncertain what to do. She felt Alistar's hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright Miss Talitha, we are going to make those cren-shit soldiers pay." Alistar said as he helped Talitha to her feet.

The group made good time, before long, the rocky mountainous terrain gave way to green rolling fields. They waded through long grass that reached up to their waists. The night wind gently blew through those fields, causing the grass to ripple like the waves at a beach. Talitha would have appreciated its beauty more had the stakes not been so dire. Alistar took point, leading the group to a small grove of trees. He brushed away fallen leaves to reveal a wooden hatch. Alistar lifted the hatch and waved Talitha and the others down into the depths of the earth. Bioluminescent lights lined the passageway down. Talitha was worried she was entering another dungeon like the one in Sidim, she kept her hand firmly on her hatchet. The passageway ended in a single circular chamber with a metal door, light seeped out from behind it.

"Welcome to the North Sentinel Lodge!" Alistar announced as he pulled open the door to reveal a brightly lit pub, three buxom barmaids carried an unsafe number beers to over two dozen patrons seated at various long tables throughout the room, a mix of ashborn and humans. Talitha wondered how such a structure was even possible this far underground.

"Long may we drink!" The patrons within cheered as the group entered. Alistar jumped up on the nearest table and returned the cheer before launching into a speech.

"Sentinels, I bare grave news." the patrons quieted. "Our scavenging party was mercilessly hit by an Imperial Inquisition detachment. The valiant Sir Hoarn along with five other brothers have fallen in the line of duty. Long may they rest!" the room echoed Alistar's chant. "Further more, they have taken prisoner our good friend Saikhi, a sweet and kind ashborn, with tits so nice, they could sooth any ailment." The room erupted in whispers, "they have also likely taken prisoner two more of our friends, the sorcerer Jonn, who's power and deeds I have been told are great, and Painsley, lover of uh- beasts." Alistar grabbed a full pint of beer from the table he was standing on and unsheathed his sword. "We cannot let this stand, not whilst we stand!"

The patrons around the room stood up from their seats and unsheathed their own swords in unison. Together they raised their glasses and downed whatever liquid they had on hand. Talitha thought it an odd display, and yet she felt comforted by the comradery they showed.

"When do we go get the bastard?" One of the Sentinels yelled out after sculling their beer.

"We will start our preparations tomorrow, for now, drink and make merry for tomorrow we may die." With those words Alistar jumped down from his table.

"Are all of these men your tribe?" Talitha asked.

"Aye Miss Talitha, all of us Sentinels hail from the Southlands and Red Isles, former nobility turned freedom fighters. Joined by the bond of a common cause. While we are not as numerous as groups like the Resistance, each one of us has the spirit of a warrior." Alistar placed his Talitha's arm. "You must be getting tired Miss Talitha, let me show you to the guest quarters."

Talitha nodded, she had to admit that she was starting to feel a bit tired, both physically and emotionally. It didn't help that she was starting to miss her chieftain. She could feel the longing for him heating up her body. Even the simple touch of Alistar's hand on her arm had caused Talitha to think un-pure thoughts.

"Here we are." Alistar showed Talitha to one of the guest rooms. It was small but comfortable, a single feathered bed, a wardrobe, and a small side table. Like the pub, it was also surprisingly well lit.

"Where is the light coming from? I don't see any torches or lamps." Talitha scanned the room.

"Magical isn't it? A sorcerer placed a light enchantment on each one of our lodges. If you want the lights to turn off, all you need to do is clap twice." Alistar demonstrated by clapping twice. The lights in the room turned off. Alistar clapped twice again, turning the lights back on.

"That is impressive." Talitha admitted as she sat down on the bed.

"It is only the second most impressive thing in this room." Alistar smirked as he looked at Talitha's body.

"Didn't you get enough of me the other day? Surely there other women to capture and conquer?" Talitha arched her back in feline fashion, unintentionally presenting her breasts ogled.

"Ah, yes. I must apologize about that. The men were going through a rather intense dry spell and seeing a beauty such as yours, well, we just could not help ourselves. We would have released you, eventually." Alistar turned to leave. "I wish you a good night Miss Talitha."

"I didn't say leave." Talitha said as she relieved her breasts from their confining clothes. "If I am going to daddy and Saikhi I need to be focused." Alistar turned around and shut the door behind him. "And I am currently... very unfocused." Talitha pulled down her fur panties and flung them to the side of the room.

"I think I can help you with that Miss Talitha." Alistar approached the bed where Talitha sat, as he did so he unclipped his belt and let his pants drop to the floor.

"Good." Talitha reached out and took Alistar's hardening thickness into her hands, it was big enough that it required both of them to sufficiently stroke its length. She made sure to pay special attention each part Alistar's sword, rubbing it from tip to hilt. Cupping the balls as she diligently stroked. It wasn't her daddy's cock but she knew it would do just as well. "You're cock is beautiful." Talitha smiled as she looked up at Alistar.

"I have it on good authority, that my cock wishes to kiss you." Alistar smiled back. Talitha leaned her head in towards Alistar's rod and licked the tip of it. A moment later she had taken the tip inside her mouth, running her tongue around his glands. Talitha continue to stoke as she sucked on Alistar's cock. Talitha began to vibrate, purring with pleasure. In a moment she would slam Alistar down on the bed and ride him. But Alistar had other plans. With a strong, firm hand, Alistar position Talitha's body facedown on the bed, her ass exposed and hanging up in the air.

"Grrr." Talitha let out a low growl but didn't fight back. Instead she waived her toned ass around in preparation for what was to come. Alistar, continuing to hold down Talitha with one arm used the other to guide his cock inside of her. Slowly but surely he managed to fit his entire length into Talitha's awaiting pussy. "Oh forest-yes, take me Alistar! Fuck me just like that."

"Yes Miss Talitha." Alistar began to slam his cock inside of Talitha's wet and accepting folds. He could feel Talitha squeezing down on his cock as much as she could. Alistar moved his hands to Talitha's ass and grasped each cheek firmly pistoning her body back and forth against his. It reminded Talitha of how her old chieftain use to take her in front of the whole tribe, the only thing that could make this better would be onlookers.

"Yes- harder! Show me how strong you are!" Talitha demanded. Alistar didn't hesitate, he increased the speed and power of his thrusts. His body clapped against Talitha's ass, the lights in the room began to flicker with every second thrust. "Fill me up with your strong noble seed!" Talitha bit down on bedsheets to muffle a coming orgasm. Alistar was nothing but a gentleman, he didn't want to disappoint as so he poured his noble seed inside of Talitha. He made sure to get it in deep, forcing it in with consecutives thrusts of his cock. Talitha moaned loud enough that the whole lodge could hear. It almost made her sad remembering that heldra like her couldn't interbreed with humans or else she could have expected a mighty offspring.

After the two were done, they laid cuddling on the bed. Talitha gripped Alistar's cock tightly, not wanting to let him leave. She would fuck him again in the morning.

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