Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

8: Briefing

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Jonathan found himself in yet another section of the labyrinth that was the Resistance headquarters. This particular room had a hewn stone round table in the middle of it, six chairs were placed equidistantly around its edge. A map of Adearath with many wooded figures representing various Empire and Resistance forces was pinned to the top of the table. Across from where Jonathan sat was King Hokk, Vianna and Kianna sat either side of the king. The twins had been doing their best to not look Jonathan, or each other, in the eyes, they were likely embarrassed about what happened the previous night. Of the two remaining seats, one of them was filled by a green scaled humanoid with crocodilian features, and the other was left empty. King Hokk had introduced the intimidating croc as Sar, a representative of the lizardfolk tribes who were part of the Resistance. He seemed nice enough but Jonathan could help but feel like he needed Steve Erwin to step in and help wrangle him away.

"Sadly, it seems that Pirate Union representative is unable to join us today. Vianna, be sure to take notes to send to their ambassador." Hokk cleared his throat, "So then let's get Jonn caught up on our situation before delving into the specifics of our plan. Kianna." Hokk motioned over to Kianna.

"Of course." Kianna stood up and gestured to the map of Adearath that was pinned to table. "As you can see, this is a map of the current state of Adearath. The areas shaded in red are under the control of the Empire." Jonathan saw that the entire map of Adearath was shaded red except for a small black circle on the east of the continent.

"Is that small circle what the Resistance controls?" Jonathan asked.

"Actually no, that is the area around the Dread Sorcerer Fade's tower. The Resistance territory is in green." Kianna waited a moment for Jonathan to survey the map in its entirety. He could see the names of the various cities and villages, he could even make out the path north through Talitha's forest and through the Traders-end Highway. What he couldn't see, was anything green. Which was a problem, because Jonathan was not red-green colour blind which meant- "As you can see, the Resistance does not hold any territory."

"Things are going well then?" Jonathan rubbed the back of his neck.

"War is more than territorial gains." Sar spoke up in a disturbingly normal voice considering how he looked.

"Sar is correct. Any territory we hold militarily would be an immediate target for the superior Imperial forces and would be short lived. However, we maintain Resistance cells throughout the Empire. They are represented by these green wooden figures." There were quite a number of them scattered over the map, that was encouraging. "The red wooden figures are known garrisons and Empire military forces." There were a lot more of those, that was less encouraging.

"You are not filling me with a lot of confidence here." Jonathan admitted.

"Please hold your comments to the end of the briefing." Kianna continued. "Even though our forces look small, we have managed to double the number of cells we have operating in the past three years and we are continuing to grow. We also have infiltrated some of the highest positions of the Empire, for example, my fiancé." Kianna pointed to a few blue figures that littered the map. "These represent the other groups that are unfriendly towards the Empire, such as the Sentinels and several heldra forest tribes. Though they are not affiliated with us."

"It is a nice map and all, but why are you show this to me?" Jonathan scratched his head. He mind immediately went into wargaming mode at this point, he would have reloaded a save game rather than continue with such an untenable situation.

"Well Jonn." Kianna sighed. "We wanted to give you an overview on how difficult our situation is and how military force is not the answer. In fact, that is why we need you and your ability."

"I don't know how my ability will be help-"

"Shush, and I will tell you." Kianna held out her index finger. Jonathan kept quiet, Kianna had some real school teacher energy. "You touch and your seed has arousal controlling capabilities. This gives you a unique ability to cause chaos." Jonathan knew that, wherever he went, chaos seemed to follow. "That's an ability we can weaponize."

"You want to weaponize my ability? I'm just one guy."

"One guy with magical cum." Vianna chimed in.

"You want to weaponize my... cum!?"

"Pretty much." Kianna admitted.


"Well, when I came to visit you last night, I actually had an ulterior motive. I needed to collect a sample of your seed. Which I managed to get a small drop of after... some help from Vianna."

"Slut." Vianna quipped.

"Whore." Kianna quipped back. "Anyway, after collecting a sample of your cum, we gave it to Sar who was able to extract the primary component that makes your cum special."

"I managed to isolate the magical strain and infuse it into this potion." Sar placed a purple flask onto the table. "Theoretically, anyone who drinks this potion will be effected as if they were under the power of your ability."

"These potions can be released into the water supply of key strategic Imperial cities and garrisons, if done so simultaneously, it will completely disrupt the Empire's command structure and allow Resistance cells all over Adearath to rise up and take over."

"If you have managed to replicate my power, why do you need me?" Jonathan was surprised at the level of ingenuity the Resistance was showing. They must have had some understanding of chemistry.

"It is no reproduceable." Sar said.

"We need to milk you for more." Vianna giggled.

"M- milk me? How much do you need."

"About 300 to 400 cumshots." King Hokk said in a solemn tone.

"At three milkings a day we could could have that done in 100 or so days." Kianna nodded.

"I'm sorry, but abso-fucking-lutely not." Jonathan stood up. "I am not going to be turned into some kind of sex slave for my seed. I've read that manga, it does not fucking turn out well." Jonathan slammed his hands down on the table.

"This is the only way we will be able to take out the Empire in the near future. Your cooperation could mean the Empire falls within the year. Otherwise, we are not going to be able to take them down for at least another decade." Kianna's words were clinical.

"Besides, you didn't seem to mind it when we milked you last night." Vianna bit her lower lip. King Hokk lowered his head and shook it in shame.

"That was completely different." Jonathan protested.

"How so?" Kianna asked.

"It- well... It- it just is different ok?"

"We have quite a roster of beautiful women if that's the issue." Kianna added.

"That's not the issue, you want to turn me into a withered cumless husk." Jonathan started to pace back and forth.

"You're balls will not cease to produce seed. That is not how human biology works." Sar added unhelpfully.

"But it is more than that. What you are proposing is going to cause a lot of damage, lots of people are going to get hurt." Jonathan sat back down in his chair. "A lot of innocent people are going to get hurt."

"Collateral damage is a sad reality of war." Kianna added coldly.

"This is insane." Jonathan sighed.

"Are you going to help us or not?" King Hokk asked.

"No. Not in that way, you're going to need to come up with another plan." Jonathan took a deep breath in and out.

"That is... unfortunate." Hokk stood up from his chair. "I was very much hoping you would help us willing, you could have been a hero. Instead we are going to have to do this the hard way."

"Wait, wait. You have forgot one thing." Jonathan looked around the enclosed room. There were fortunately no armed guards, at least not in the room itself.

"And what is that?" King Hokk asked, genuinely curious.

"To glove me." Jonathan gave Sar a firm slap on his back, his skin coming in contact with the lizardfolk scales. Sar let out a guttural bestial roar as his pink cock emerged from it's sheath. The lizardfolk jumped at Vianna ripping her clothes off of her body and sliding his rod against Vianna's skin. Jonathan then grabbed the purple vial and threw it directly at King Hokk, the glass breaking against his body and the liquid getting on his skin.

"What in the goddess' name are you-" Hokk stopped and looked over to Kianna. "My dearest daughter, come over here and give your father a kiss." His hands reached out and grasped Kianna's ass, pulling her closer to him.

"Father, no, it's the liquid you have gotten some on you." Kianna attempted to push off the King Hokk.

"See ya." Jonathan made a sprint for the door as two guards entered the room. With a swift motion he slapped them both in the face and continued on his way out the door. It was time to blow this joint.

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