Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 716 Making an attack in the east and attacking in the west (8000)


A surging roar fell from the sky.

A continuous barrage of crossbow arrows whizzed and flew towards Yaya above.

These crossbow arrows glowed with a faint golden light, obviously containing a large amount of rare metals.

Even so, these flying crossbow arrows still failed to penetrate the bright silver scales of the teeth.

They only wiped out a series of sparks, then jumped and disappeared.

Yaya, with its super strong defense, fell down very easily and crashed into the rebel mechanical base without hesitation.

The extremely huge rebel mechanical base experienced a series of violent shocks.

This is already the fourth rebel mechanical base attacked by Yaya.

Among the others, one has been completely destroyed, and the remaining two are undergoing urgent repairs and reinforcements.

This base, which is constantly producing Death 3000 experimental bodies, has also completed a certain degree of protective transformation.

However, when Yaya's attack really fell on it.

The terrifying destructive power still easily destroyed its defense.

A huge ferocious cavity appeared, and Yaya got in very easily.

In just two or three minutes, the 3000 Death God experimental subjects didn't even have time to find Yaya.

The fangs that were spewing dragon breath and wreaking havoc in the base had already made the place dilapidated.

However, the improved and enhanced Death God 3000 test body did show extraordinary destructive power.

The armor-piercing crossbow arrows it fired pierced through Fang Ya's scale protection when fired at close range.

Feeling the sting, Yaya swung his tail and smashed it away. He continued to drill deeper, preparing to destroy the core of the base in one fell swoop.

After Matthew's careful research, he found that the process of manufacturing the mechanical core is extremely complicated, and the materials are even more scarce and expensive.

With more than 5 kilograms of thorium and more than 6 kilograms of krypton gold, its cost easily exceeds tens of millions of gold coins.

Not to mention dozens of other rare metals, just finding them all would cost a huge amount of wealth and energy.

The cost of building each base core is at least hundreds of millions of gold coins!

Because it is so expensive, it can carry the power of the Sinful Spark and control thousands of renegade machines.

Matthew believes that even the ancient evil thing - the Spark of Sin, cannot be the core of the production base in an endless stream.

Therefore, attacking the core of the rebel base is what Yaya wants to do most right now.

Her ideas are simple and simple, and she can make them one by one.

It doesn't matter if you don't succeed.

If you succeed, you will become developed.

This is much more reliable than "gambling" in other territories and cities, which is completely illusory and has no probability at all.

However, Yaya's intention was still blocked.

Four or five Death God 3000 experimental bodies emerged in succession and stood in front of her without fear of death.

The furious Yaya fought with him, but in the end he was unable to penetrate deeper into the rebel mechanical base.

She grabbed a Death God 3000 test subject that had lost the ability to resist and struggle, and rushed out without hesitation with hundreds of crossbow arrows pierced into it.

Although the rebel base successfully defended against Yaya's attack, at least more than 1/2 of the area inside was destroyed by Yaya's destruction and the aftermath of the battle.

The entire eastern renegade mechanical camp.

Only one large mobile city, and the last mobile base, are still intact.

However, they can no longer produce and transform more renegade machines.

They must devote more energy and resources to repairing the three severely damaged rebel mechanical bases.

What caused Guilty Spark's headache even more.

Yaya, who was still scarred before, was driven away from the battlefield.

After only resting for a short while, it flapped its wings again and flew high, landing with a deafening roar.

This time, she chose the last rebel mechanical base.

There is no defense for the rebel mechanical base, because there are only two Death God 3000 test bodies for internal defense.

As a result, Yaya, who had been killed and had to turn around, fought his way invincibly into the core area of ​​the base.

Even if one of the Death God 3000 Experimental Subjects tried its best to block Yaya's body, it was completely unable to resist its violent power.

Not only was it slapped away by her paw, but a breath of dragon breath took away half of its life.

A few minutes later, Yaya let out a roar, happily grabbed the remains of the Death 3000 experimental body and flew out with the core of the base.

The densely packed crossbow arrows were all blocked by Yaya's flapping wings, preventing them from destroying their trophies.

With the power of one dragon, he suppressed 70,000 to 80,000 renegade machines and even broke into the enemy camp to take whatever he wanted.

Yaya, who had such a brilliant record, naturally made Guilty Spark feel an extremely serious threat.

He did not hesitate any longer and decisively issued the strategy of being surrounded on all sides and advancing at the same time.

Just three days.

The rebel mechanical army lost tens of thousands, and even the troubled rebel camp to the east has regained its peak combat effectiveness.

This time, they did not continue to test.

Instead, four renegade mechanical armies launched an attack on the Gulf Territory at the same time.

This time, the number of each rebel mechanical army was 50,000 or even 80,000.

The total adds up to a huge number of more than 250,000, making it a terrifying army capable of sweeping across the entire mechanical plane.

The first to fight against the Gulf Territory combat troops was the renegade mechanical army located in the Grand Canyon of the North.

Tens of thousands of rebellious mechanical monsters were rushing towards the passes and fortresses built in the Gig City and the Gulf Territory.

The powerful and terrifying torrent of steel is advancing rapidly.

After the defense lines were deployed and reinforced in the past few days, they immediately launched a fierce attack on these renegade mechanical armies.

Dense artillery fire covered the past, and priority was given to cleaning up the mechanical artillery units scattered around.

The rebel machines spread throughout the Grand Canyon continued to push forward despite the artillery fire covering them from a distance.

Dozens of mechanical flying dragons were flying in the sky, quickly rushing towards the location of the artillery unit.

Face the attack of tens of thousands of renegade machines, and face the mechanical flying dragon that is about to fly.

The Mohist disciples in Guancheng turned slightly pale.

Master Ben took a long breath, looked at the huge and towering cliffs and the steep canyon walls on both sides, and said in a calm and expectant tone:

"Start it!"

call! call! call!

Before the rebel machines could continue to advance, pitch-black barrels flew out one after another from the steep slopes on both sides of the canyon.

Hundreds of catapults simultaneously dropped thousands of barrels of fire oil.

The jet-black fire oil immediately occupied the entire smaller half of the canyon, and a rich and pungent smell filled the air.

The self-launching catapult designed by the Mohist disciples' mechanics designed to deliver barrels of violent fire oil.

The entire canyon was almost completely blackened.

Realizing that something was wrong with the army of renegade machines, they immediately sent out the renegade machines, preparing to rush up cliffs and cliffs to destroy these catapults.


The deafening roar made the Mohist disciples, who were a little worried, take a long breath.

Yaya is at work!

She jumped down from the clouds in the sky, with a violent body and terrifying power.

In just a few dozen breaths, these mechanical flying dragons were completely destroyed.

After the few mechanical flying dragons were killed.

The renegade mechanical army immediately lost all air combat units.

With his worries relieved, Yaya pounced on the rebel mechanical army without fear, spitting out the flames of destruction mercilessly.

In just a moment, the dragon's breath breathed out by the fangs ignited the fierce fire oil that covered the entire canyon.

The crazily burning flames converged from small fires one after another into an extremely huge avenue of flames.

Most of the special machines that could control the rebel machines were burned into a puddle of molten iron by the red flames.

The scattered rebellious monsters were also surrounded by flames.

The fierce fire oil stained on their bodies will become the best fuel, causing them to be engulfed in the flames.

The renegade mechanical army, which was advancing neatly, immediately fell into huge chaos.

Many rebellious mechanical monsters still charged forward.

As a result, they rushed into the surging flames and were burned alive.

Many long-range mechanical artillery units fired in vain, completely unaware of where the enemy was.

Under the burning of the flames and the destruction covered by the dragon's breath, it was turned into a dark wreckage.

The fierce fire oil that was still being thrown over ignited explosions of fire one after another in this huge sea of ​​flames.

The Mohist disciples who watched this scene from a distance showed extremely shocked expressions.

"Water and fire are merciless. In a canyon with only a jumble of rocks, you can actually use fire to attack. It's really eye-opening."

Master Ban recalled the astonishing burning and destructive power of Fierce Fire Oil, with a little thoughtfulness in his eyes.

Meng Qingqing, who stood next to him and watched the battle carefully, was even more amazed by the unexpected productivity and transportation capabilities of the Gulf Territory.

In just a few days, the Gulf Territory mobilized tens of thousands of barrels of crude oil.

Hundreds of catapults capable of automatic projection were quickly produced and mobilized.

Meng Qingqing was inexplicably shocked by the power of the Gulf Territory.

The powerful combination of productivity and extremely excellent delivery capabilities are the reasons why the Gulf Territory can cause such terrible damage to the rebel mechanical army.

Yaya's attack time is a full minute, which is enough to carry out the attack range of the Destruction Dragon's Breath hundreds of kilometers away.

The rebel mechanical army located in the center of the canyon suffered a devastating blow.

The 50,000 to 60,000 rebel machines at the front fell into a sea of ​​fire.

The approximately 20,000 rebel machines that had not entered the ambush area immediately escorted the four rebel machine bases and began to retreat.

As long as the rebel mechanical base is not destroyed.

After it withdraws to the area where supplies are stored, it can quickly produce a large number of rebel machines.

With sufficient resources, its production speed can reach more than 4,000 rebel machines per day.

However, Yaya naturally would not give them a chance to retreat safely.

The Gulf Territory invested nearly 3 million gold coins in resources and arranged the flame trap to create the perfect opportunity at the moment.

Most of the 3,000 Shinigami experimental subjects that could threaten her were surrounded by a sea of ​​fire.

There are only three or four of them, protecting the rebel mechanical base.

She immediately launched a fierce attack on the rebel mechanical base.

The huge body fell from the sky, like a substantial dragon's power, making the rebel machine's body numb and dull.

Even a metal body like the Renegade Machine is not immune to this terrifying power.

A very small number of renegade machines could barely withstand the terrifying pressure released by Yaya.

But he could only watch as Yaya fell from the sky and slammed into the arc-shaped top of the rebel mechanical base.


The huge top was destroyed, and the thick steel was completely unable to prevent the claws of the teeth from breaking through the rocks.

Yaya drilled in completely and easily tore apart the protective devices such as the mechanical arm and drill bit that had gathered together.

Yaya looked at the thick steel structure and knew that it was the rebel mechanical base, a modification made to prevent her from advancing quickly.

Unfortunately, Fang doesn't just use claws and brute force.

There was a flash of light in her claws, and she took out an oversized chain-tooth sword.

The buzzing chain-toothed giant sword cut a big hole in the thick steel protection.

Immediately afterwards, Yaya happily got in and wreaked wanton destruction.

The three Shinigami 3000 Experimental Subjects, which were heavily guarded, were unable to withstand the impact of the teeth.

As a last resort, the Rebel Mechanical Base transferred 3000 Death God experimental subjects from other bases.

More than five Death God 3000 experimental subjects were able to withstand Yaya's violent attack.

However, in the process of fighting with them, Yaya actively destroyed the lower body structure that they used to move.

The purpose of Yaya's doing this is to slow down their movement speed.

Then, under their disbelieving gazes, Yaya voluntarily gave up on his plan to attack deep inside.

Yaya flapped his wings, flew high again, and rushed out of the rebel mechanical base.


Before this rebel mechanical base could breathe a sigh of relief.

From the rebel mechanical base next door, violent explosions and distress signals immediately came.

As soon as Yaya left here, he immediately found a new target.

But this time, several Death God 3000 experimental units nearby were unable to arrive on the battlefield in time to prevent Yaya from launching an attack due to damage to their moving parts.

As a result, Yaya stormed into the innermost part in just three minutes and took away the core of the third renegade mechanical base.

So far, four cores of the rebel mechanical base have fallen into the hands of the Gulf Territory.

In this case, the mobile city in charge of the overall situation immediately sent a signal to the surrounding rebel mechanical bases.

Order them to gather quickly and form a defensive front with it as the center.

However, the mountain walls and cliffs not far away made violent vibrations.

Groups of bursting fires bloomed on towering cliffs and mountain walls.

The terrifying explosion tore the cliff apart.

The turbulent and deadly boulders and rocks collapsed towards this side with a crash.

The rolling rubble did not cause much damage to the mobile city and the rebel mechanical base in the center.

But they were blocked in this canyon.

Moreover, it also isolated them from the renegade machines caught in the sea of ​​fire.

As a result, more than 10,000 renegade machines, a large mobile city, and only three remaining mobile machine bases became turtles in a jar.

In the billowing smoke and dust, mobile cities and rebel mechanical mobile bases formed a defensive front, standing ready for reinforcements.

But they waited for a long time, but failed to wait for the ground troops and Yaya from the Gulf Territory to launch an attack.

All he saw was the billowing smoke.

All that was heard were the roars of flying dragons in the sky.

They can only stay in place and wait for the attack of the renegade mechanical army from other directions.

At the same time, the mobile city and the mobile base of rebel machines that had accumulated a large amount of supplies immediately began to produce more rebel machines and Reaper 3000 test bodies on the spot.

A large amount of rare metals and energy were consumed rapidly.

But they waited and waited, and all they waited for was the fierce fire oil continuously dropped by the flying dragon knights in the sky, and the burning flames projected from the distance.

These things are indeed lethal to the rebel machines.

But for the rebel mechanical base and mobile city, it is not a big threat.

But they didn't dare to take it lightly, for fear that Yaya would rush out of the billowing smoke and catch them off guard.

The northern battlefield is in a stalemate!

The renegade mechanical army on the Eastern Front battlefield is continuously advancing towards the mountainous area.

A huge number of various types of renegade machines rushed towards the defense line deployed by the Gulf Territory.

However, the crazy surge of artillery fire and the tight fire network immediately bombarded and attacked them repeatedly.

Especially with the Gulf Territory's "decoding" of the mechanical flying dragon, it successfully mastered its flying skills and techniques.

The manually operated mechanical flying dragon belonging to the Gulf Territory also appeared in this battle.

However, they did not participate in the battle at close range. Instead, they continued to deliver huge alchemical bombs one after another.

boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying fire and explosion spread quickly.

The shock wave of destruction expanded outward layer by layer.

The twisted and deadly destructive power easily tore apart the bodies of many renegade machines.

The entire ground was violently turbulent, and the rebel mechanical army was surrounded by fire and smoke.

New weapons and combat methods.

For the current rebel machinery, it is undoubtedly a proper dimensionality reduction blow.

Just as soon as they made contact, tens of thousands of the rebel mechanical army fell into chaos.

In addition to the mechanical flying dragon, what makes the rebel machinery even more confused is naturally the long-range artillery rearranged and produced by the Gulf Territory.

The huge range of more than 5 kilometers is enough to surround most of the entire rebel mechanical army.

The well-trained artillery troops of the Gulf Territory are able to carry out precise and deadly fixed-point shooting based on the situation of the entire battlefield and its corresponding targets and coordinates.

Almost all rebel machines that resist will be destroyed by violent explosions.

Most of the crowded areas with rebel machines will attract artillery bombardment and destruction.

Most of the more powerful Death God 2000 improved models will even attract greetings from mechanical flying dragons in the sky.

Let alone the more powerful Death God 3000 Experimental Subjects.

Always surrounded by fire, there was never any peace.

In just over ten minutes.

The entire renegade mechanical army on the eastern battlefield lost more than 1/3 of its combat effectiveness.

The remaining 2/3 also fell into chaos without command due to the large number of deaths of intelligent rebel machines.

Even the Spark of Sin can only give it vague authority, attack and advance orders.

The reason why it does this is to obtain the technology and information of these new weapons in the Gulf Territory as soon as possible.

But He would soon regret it.

In addition to the 50,000 Gulf Territory soldiers on the frontal battlefield, they firmly withstood the charge of the rebel machines.

Another 50,000 Gulf Territory soldiers who were secretly mobilized have quickly surrounded the rebel mechanical camp to the east.

This time, their appetites were even greater.


The deafening roar continued to resound through the sky.

Yaya, who was originally fighting in the Grand Canyon in the north, actually returned to the sky above the battlefield in the east.

Seeing the fangs flying down from the sky, countless enemies couldn't help but grit their teeth, and Guilty Spark felt a very headache.

the reason is simple.

The Death God 3000 test bodies that were just produced these days have been sent to the rebel mechanical army.

However, they were subjected to a steady stream of fixed-point bombings, making it difficult for them to move even an inch, and many of them were already damaged.

Naturally, the remaining 3,000 Shinigami experimental subjects could not protect Yaya from advancing crazily.

Yaya, who had fallen into Qian's eyes, showed extremely strong fighting power.

She ignored most of the attacks and moved forward without hesitation.

No one can stop Yaya from making "little money"!

If there is, it will definitely be torn apart by her!

Yaya, who was very smart, went straight to the three rebel mechanical bases that she had destroyed.

This time, she did not go to the two previous rebel mechanical bases, but found the rebel mechanical base that had just been destroyed by herself.

Because the former will definitely repair more damage, and may have targeted defense and danger.

It had only been a few hours since the latter was attacked.

As a result, Yaya successfully solved the opponent and got the fifth rebel mechanical base core as he wished.

The huge profit of hundreds of millions of gold coins made Yaya roar with great excitement.

Realizing the evil spark, he looked at the continuous heavy artillery fire around the rebel machine base camp on the eastern front.

A mobile city that is fully engaged in defense and two incomplete rebel mechanical bases may not necessarily be able to capture the opponent's defense line.

But if the attack continues, I am afraid that there is no possibility of saving this mobile city and the rebel mechanical base.

The battle can be lost, the renegade machines can die, and the mobile city and the renegade machine base must be preserved.

So Guilty Spark decisively gave the order.

All rebel machines, retreat at all costs.

They've done their job!

He used his own sacrifice to find out the distribution of troops in the Gulf Territory.

His command is indeed decisive!

Because He only needs to be slower for more than ten minutes.

The Gulf Territory's 50,000 soldiers pushing forward will surround the rebel machine's retreat.

Once they established a strong defense line and laid out enough traps.

It can surround more than 60,000 renegade machines.

Relying on continuous artillery bombardment and mechanical flying dragon bombardment, they can be destroyed in pieces.

Even so, the long retreat process still caused heavy losses to the rebel machinery.

More than 40,000 rebel machines suffered a devastating blow.

Broken corpses and broken parts covered the entire retreat road.

Only 30,000 rebel machines with combat effectiveness retreated to the camp.

The rebel mechanical base on the eastern battlefield is crumbling under the attack of Yaya.

If it weren't for the mobile city's full firepower and all kinds of super-heavy crossbows, I'm afraid Yaya would have made some gains again.

The Gulf Territory combat troops encircled from afar are rapidly encircling and clearing out the remaining troops in the rear.

The bombing from the mechanical flying dragons has immobilized the mobile city and the rebel mechanical base.

Aware of the danger, the eastern camp also began to continuously produce more long-range protection weapons and Death 3000 experimental subjects.

They try to resist Yaya's bandit-like "robbery" behavior by strengthening their defenses.

In response to their behavior, Yaya did not give up, but continued to wander in the sky.

The huge intimidation of Yaya easily caused considerable pressure on them.

The huge number of Death God 3000 experimental subjects could only follow Yaya everywhere.

Seeing that they had built the mechanical camp like an iron wall, the battle in the Gulf Territory came to an end temporarily.

However, they did not stop. Instead, they began to dig and build large-scale defense facilities, city walls and other facilities around the rebel mechanical camp.

They want to trap all these rebel machines here.

As a result, the battlefield on the Eastern Front also fell into a stalemate.

The most anxious battle situation is the southern battlefield where the battle situation is the most chaotic.

The rebellious machines, like ants, advanced from all directions.

Their attack angle and direction are very special, giving priority to attacking the tops of hills and both sides of trenches.

Then, they can suppress the mountain and attack enemies in every direction.

But this time, the goblins did not start to attack. Instead, they seemed to have disappeared and did not appear on the battlefield.

However, the rebel machines did not advance as quickly as before. Instead, they stayed and occupied various areas step by step.

Just when they advanced across the board and reached about 1/3 of the entire battlefield area.


The sound of explosions one after another immediately echoed in the ditches everywhere.

Balls of fire engulfed the renegade machinery exploring the path ahead.

The rebellious mechanical monsters crowded together were blown up by the mines planted by the goblins in an instant.

The broken parts were flying around, spinning and falling down with billowing black smoke.

The death of dozens of renegade machines will not cause fear among the commanders of the renegade machines at all.

They simply ordered the front row of renegade machines to form several lines and spread out to move forward.

They must use their steel bodies to rush out a safe road in the shortest possible time.



Explosions continued one after another, and the huge explosions echoed in the ravines.

Huge pits blocked the path of the rebel machines.

They moved very quickly and kept moving forward without paying any attention to the ups and downs of potholes.

However, another explosion emerged from the army of renegade machines, swallowing dozens of renegade machines in an instant.

Gray-black parts flew out from the explosion of fire, and the huge fire that kept appearing immediately stopped the advance of the rebel mechanical army.

The death of hundreds of renegade machines in an instant was an unbearable burden for the army of renegade machines.

After a few more attacks, the casualties of the mutinous machinery will reach a very alarming level.

The commander of the mutinous mechanical army was immediately caught in a dilemma.

One or two mutinous mechanical advances were not affected in any way.

The advance of large-scale mutinous machinery was immediately attacked.

This is obviously some kind of new attack method. It is obviously a newly manufactured weapon by the Gulf Territory and the goblins.

If it were normal, they would be very happy to dig and find the secrets, so as to find a way to crack it, and even use it to deal with goblins and Gulf leaders.

But now is the tense moment of the battle.

The war situation on the northern front has reached a stalemate, the camps on the eastern front are in danger, and the enemies to be dealt with on the western front are also more troublesome.

Only the southern front was in a better situation, and the only ones that needed to be dealt with were the very familiar goblins.

However, when the elves have new weapons and equipment provided by the Gulf Territory, the situation becomes completely different.

Thinking of the order given by Guilty Spark, the commander of the traitorous mechanical army continued to give the order to advance.

This time, it still allowed the rebel machines to spread out and advance, but it only made their impact speed faster.

The few mutinous machines that died here and there were completely out of its scope of consideration. As long as they could complete their tasks on time and not be punished by the great master, that would be fine.


The successive artillery bombardments immediately fell on the surrounding mountain streams. The walls and hillsides that were violently attacked suddenly seemed to be set on fire, and an unspeakable huge fire suddenly broke out.

The whole ground was shaking and the whole mountains were shaking.

Tens of thousands of explosions emerged at the same time, instantly completely surrounding the area where the rebel machine was located.

They act on various hillsides and mountain streams, causing the hillsides and rocks everywhere to crack.

Rolling smoke and dust surrounded the surroundings, with continuous vibrations and surges one after another.

One hill after another turned into large tracts of gravel.

One steep mountain stream after another turned into a gentle valley.

The scattered and advancing rebel mechanical army was completely shrouded in falling rocks.

In the blink of an eye, a large mountain stream was almost flattened and turned into low piles of rocks.

The bewildered commander of the renegade machines looked at the stones squeezing around him and could sense that most of the renegade machines were not dead.

However, these rebel machines have been submerged by the piles of rocks. Even the shallowest rebel machines are crushed under the piles of rocks three to four meters deep.

In a short period of time, it would be difficult for them to break free from the pile of rocks by their own strength.

Not to mention that the bodies of many renegade machines suffered varying degrees of damage.

There are only a few thousand renegade machines still on the ground.



"Deal with them!"

"Kill them!"



The goblins lurking around cheered in disbelief.

They rushed out excitedly and surrounded the chaotic rebel machines.

They are huge in number, currently gathering more than 50,000 goblin warriors.

They wear light and heavy combat armor, and are armed with bolters and heavy-duty armor-piercing explosive crossbows produced by the Gulf Territory, which can cause fatal damage to rebel machinery.

With their numerical superiority and powerful ranged weapons, the goblin warriors eliminated these dilapidated renegade machines.

They cleaned up the bodies and debris around them as quickly as possible.

If these wrecks are left to the rebel machinery.

Then it won't be long before these monsters they killed will stand up again.

They will continue to attack them under fire.

Now, grab them back.

Then these things will become the weapons and equipment of the goblins.

Even a few powerful Death God 3000 experimental units were completely unable to stop the siege of the goblins.

Although they caused some damage, they were quickly killed when the goblins surrounded them.

Even the legendary construct only lasted 12 minutes and 36 seconds in the face of weapons flying from all directions.

They killed 42 brave goblin warriors and seriously injured 173 goblin warriors.

In the end, they were almost completely dismantled, leaving only hideous remains and broken parts.

The extremely excited Prince Garrison looked at the renegade machines that were emerging from the ground one after another. While strangulating them, he whispered deeply:

"Killing these traitorous machines is only a short-term success."

"The key to winning this war is actually the Western Front battlefield!"

After all, the focus of operations discussed by the Gulf Territory Command Center has always been the Western Front battlefield!

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