Emperor of Arcane

Chapter 717 If you hesitate, you will lose! (8000)

The huge army of renegade machines is rapidly advancing towards the western front.

In addition to ordinary renegade machines, many newly transformed renegade mechanical monsters have appeared.

They use crawler tires for propulsion and can move quickly over most terrains.

Their movement speed is at least twice as fast as the original rebel machines.

And their weapons and equipment have also undergone completely new transformations and upgrades.

From the original focus on melee weapons, most of them have changed to various heavy crossbows and magic energy cannon launchers.

At the same time, the spell patterns on their bodies became more and more dazzling.

The real reason is that the protective array patterns engraved on their bodies can continuously release real protective shields to withstand various long-range and melee attacks.

After undergoing transformation and strengthening, they have even faster maneuvering speed and stronger long-range attack and lethality capabilities.

The threat to the Gulf Territory combat forces has also been greatly improved.

It can be said that the rapid growth of rebel machinery is reflected in these extremely fast response speeds and production capabilities.

The enemies on the Western Front did not face much threat.

They broke through the defense line previously controlled by Matthew and the Thunder Warriors.

They only suffered a series of violent explosions and attacks from landmines, and after losing about three to four thousand renegade mechanical monsters, they successfully arrived in front of the ruins of the city occupied by the Gulf Territory.

However, a very strong and huge city wall blocked the way of these rebel mechanical armies.

A steady stream of ferocious artillery fire poured down like heavy rain, covering them with "rumblings".

Balls of fire bloomed among the rebel army.

The full-load fire bombing caused a lot of casualties to the rebel army.

The mechanical flying dragons flying in the sky quickly dropped various large alchemical bombs here.

One after another, fierce fires quickly turned this place into a sea of ​​flames and smoke.

Under such a ferocious artillery attack, the advance of the rebel machinery was still unstoppable.

The reason is very simple. There are too many renegade machines and their speed is too fast.

Even with the continuous bombardment by artillery, nearly 1/2 of the rebel machines passed the artillery blockade.

As soon as they got close to the city wall, a steady stream of explosions and flames erupted from the ground one after another.

The terrifying power destroyed many rebel machines and turned them into pitch-black parts and fragments.

Even so, the mighty renegade machines still rushed over one after another.

The armor-piercing bursting crossbows flying down from the city wall and the rapid bursts of flames destroyed a large number of rebel machines.

Even under this attack, there were still mutinous machines that stubbornly rushed to the bottom of the city wall.

They did not take the initiative to attack. Instead, they waited for the accumulation of numbers and began to destroy the city wall.

Soon, there were various movements under the city wall, and the tremors one after another immediately caused the combatants in the Gulf Territory to retreat back without hesitation.

Their mission is accomplished!

Soon, the rebel machines that had gathered began to climb up the city wall.

But what they didn't expect was that the fierce resistance they imagined did not appear.

Except for some of the Gulf Territory warriors who finally retreated, they did not see any enemies.

The cold mutinous machinery directly occupied the entire city wall without any hesitation or fear of possible traps.

The imaginary trap did not appear, and a large number of rebel machines quickly arrived.

They jumped over trenches and traps and rushed up the walls.

There were more than 80,000 renegade machines launching the attack.

A variety of rebel machines, plus one, three, four mobile cities and three mobile rebel machine bases.

There are 7 combat centers capable of continuous production and maintenance!

Almost every hour, close to 1,000 renegade machines re-entered the battlefield.

The rebellious machines that had not long climbed onto the city wall soon discovered that something was wrong.

They looked up into the distance, and there was actually another taller and stronger city wall standing in front of them.

A steady stream of fierce firelight was flying towards them.

These twisted and rebellious mechanical monsters had to charge again.

It was the delay of six consecutive city wall defenses that prevented these twisted mechanical monsters from breaking into the core of the area controlled by the Bay Territory.

The moving city quickly revealed its horrors.

Facing the towering city wall, without enough resolute resistance to destroy it, they crashed directly into the city wall.

Moreover, they use various means and giant mechanical arms to easily destroy and dismantle city walls.


Explode, cut, destroy.

Various tools and methods of destruction are used in turn.

In just half an hour, a big hole was broken through the seven to eight meter thick city wall.

The mobile city "swallowed" a large area of ​​buildings and "bited" a huge gap.

With the mobile city as the center, the renegade machines continuously emerged from it and quickly entered the battle.

Those damaged renegade machines will soon be dragged back and rebuilt by their companions.

In less than half an hour, they can rejoin the battlefield.

What's even more interesting is when the process is repeated.

The bodies and body parts of these renegade machines will be adjusted and transformed according to the complex ruins of the battlefield.

For example, many rebel machines will add multi-legged and multi-arm functions for destroying city walls and climbing.

Some of the rebel machines have the special ability to burrow into the ground, thus ensuring that they can cross the defense line in different ways.

There are also some renegade machines that can use the delivery of mechanical arms to fly out and arrogantly cross the obstacles of the city wall and jump to the back and top of the city wall.

They use simple gliding and buffering structural devices to avoid suffering too much loss and preserve more combat capabilities.

It can be said that the rebel machines are almost constantly adapting to the battlefield and constantly enhancing their combat effectiveness in this area.

The Gulf Territory combat troops that blocked their advance lost their outer city walls and defensive positions, and finally waited for the moment when their fighter aircraft matured.

"The enemy has entered the combat area and is preparing to fight."

After various orders were conveyed from above, the soldiers of the Gulf Territory did not resist as before.

They abandoned the remaining three walls and retreated to the final defensive core combat position.

There, they will have a final decisive battle with tens of thousands of renegade machines.

Guilty Spark controls a larger and burlier Knight Titan, standing silently on the wall of a large mobile city.

He looked up to the sky from time to time, with deep vigilance in his eyes.

The various weapons and equipment of the Gulf Territory brought him quite a surprise.

"I didn't expect that in just a few thousand years, the development of the material plane would have reached this point."

"Fortunately, the elemental tide came earlier. If we had to wait a few hundred years, it would be very difficult to crack various technologies..."

Guilty Spark's eyes flashed with a strange red light, feeling the various attacks coming from all directions, and calmly watched the Gulf Territory's advancing base getting closer and closer.

He could feel that after the transformation and research of the Gulf Territory, the secret of the core of the mobile base was almost cracked.

Various production technologies and many accumulations over thousands of years have been taken away by the Gulf Territory.

However, the various weapons and equipment manufactured by the Gulf Territory, as well as many trendy combat concepts and ideas, make Guilty Spark very happy.

Just these ideas and inspirations have increased the combat effectiveness of the renegade mechanical army controlled by Guilty Spark by at least 70%.

Even though it still has weaknesses such as slow command and dull fighting methods.

But for Guilty Spark, the improvement in overall combat effectiveness is the biggest gain.

Now it's time for Guilty Spark to reap its real rewards.

With the fighting prowess and fighting style displayed by the Gulf Territory warriors, it is very clear that Guilty Spark is very familiar with intelligent creatures.

"The Gulf Territory, which has such strong organizational capabilities and can mobilize so many resources in a short period of time, is definitely an outstanding existence in the material plane."

"As long as we can obtain the technology of the Gulf Territory and decipher its development direction, we can form a real army of renegade machines."


The last wall fell.

The billowing smoke gradually dissipated, and Guilty Spark saw the Gulf Territory Advanced Base in the distance.

Contrary to his expectations, the advancing base was not surrounded by towering walls, but instead had a smooth road.

What appeared in front of Him was not the so-called iron wall, but a large number of Gulf Territory soldiers who were ready.

Line up neatly.

Artillery of all kinds.

A large number of battle armors.

He was obviously ready for battle.

A strange feeling emerged from his heart, and the sinful spark recalled the unpleasant feeling when Yaya and Matthew stared at his divine clone more than half a month ago.

"Is this a trap?"

As soon as this idea came up, violent shocks came from all directions.

Balls of fire shot into the sky.

There were constant reminders that the rebel machines had been killed, and they quickly gathered around.

The growing smell of a trap made the Spark of Sin raise its head involuntarily.

Sure enough, Yaya, who was supposed to be on the eastern battlefield, had already rushed down from the sky.

This time, Yaya did not attack the mechanical base or city wall.

Instead, she aimed the torrential dragon's breath at the renegade mechanical army that was attacking the forward base.


The surging dragon's breath swallowed up the front of the rebel mechanical army in an instant.

Almost all the renegade machines have not evolved the protective power to resist the dragon's breath.

Thousands of renegade machines fell down with a crash and turned into burning metal fragments.

These ferocious monsters immediately fled around and stepped on various traps arranged around them.

Guilty Spark did not pay attention to the threats and movements around him, staring closely at the Gulf Territory soldiers in formation in front.

Only these enemies can make Guilty Spark feel threatened.

"What exactly will the Gulf Territory use to attack?"

Despite being prepared, Guilty Spark still felt something was wrong.

The Gulf Territory gave him a feeling that it was more difficult than dealing with the Goblin Empire in its heyday.

Not only are there many means, but the weapons and equipment are also extremely advanced.

Even the execution of tactics and the layout of the battle situation revealed a special danger.

"It's very much like the Eastern Empire back then, but younger and more energetic..."

"Hey, is this the vitality of intelligent creatures? This is really good news, at least you won't feel bored anymore..."

Various thoughts flashed through Sin Spark's mind, and the sudden sound of breaking through the sky interrupted his thoughts.

Each jet-black conical shell made a sharp sound of breaking through the air and roared down.

"What new weapon is this?"

"How come there are so many?"

Guilty Spark watched helplessly as a cannonball the size of a bowl fell just over ten meters in front of Him.

The cannonball hammer hit the ground and shattered.

The terrifying flames, mixed with the rotating shell fragments, rapidly expanded and spread to the surroundings under the gaze of Sinful Spark.

"So that's it..."

Boom! !

The flames of destruction instantly swallowed up the Sin Spark's sight.

The rotating shell fragments hit the thick armor with a clanking sound, leaving no trace, just a few remaining sparks.

There were deafening explosions, and the entire ground was shaking.

Thousands of mechanical flying dragons cover the sky and the sun.

The densely falling alchemy bombs shrouded all the rebel machines.

Bi Gao flew through the sky and shouted with great excitement:

"Haha, this is it. This is what I long for!"

Looking at the brilliant sparks below, Prince Garrison couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Although he knew very well that even the improved rebel machinery would not be able to survive such a terrible bombing.

But he still wanted to see with his own eyes that the monsters that had given him countless nightmares and pressure had turned into fragments and wreckage everywhere.

Not only Prince Garrison would think so, but so would other goblin pilots who were not afraid of death.

They have been sinking for too long, losing hope and future for too long.

Now that I have finally seen the dawn of victory, I will definitely seize it at all costs.

The smoke gradually dispersed.

Thousands of large craters appeared densely on the already ruined battlefield.

In the centers of these large pits, various broken metal fragments and fragments were tragically scattered.

In the area between the large pits, the densely packed rebel machines also showed varying degrees of damage.

However, the vitality of the rebel machinery is indeed tenacious, and it can still continue to fight even if it suffers various impacts.

Even so, thousands of goblin pilots were still discussing excitedly.

"It's so cool. This is a weapon suitable for us goblins. Just passing over their heads can bring destruction and death to them."

"Hahaha, that's not what you said before. You have always doubted whether you can blow up these rebel machines."

"Yes, we remember it very clearly. If the captain hadn't forced you to force him, you would have become an artilleryman long ago..."

"Hehehe, that was me before, but now I have realized the importance of our work."

"Don't get too excited, the battle is not over yet. Determine your flight path and prepare for the next attack."

"Don't let your guard down and pay attention to your surroundings at all times. The enemy will definitely respond."


Before the goblin pilots could regain their composure, the clear voice of command immediately silenced the entire combat channel.

"Mechanical flying dragon troops, please pay attention. Keep dropping bombs at the marked position. Keep dropping bombs at the marked position."

The goblin pilots who reacted immediately, led by the Gulf pilot, took action quickly according to the flight path on the display.

The mechanical flying dragons spread their wings, and the "anti-gravity" arrays on their wings and body parts were glowing slightly.

The rapidly rotating propellers rotated continuously at the front ends of the wings, pulling the mechanical flying dragon forward at high speed.

call! call! call!

The mechanical flying dragons flew through the air and opened the magazine area in their abdomen while flying over several mobile cities.

The densely packed jet-black bombs quickly fell downwards and crashed into the huge mobile city.

This time, although Mobile City was prepared, it ordered its crossbows to aim at the sky above.

But in the face of bombs falling faster and faster, most of the flying crossbow arrows failed to hit the speeding bombs.

Even if bombs were hit, they did not explode suddenly, but were knocked aside, but continued to fall downwards.


Balls of fierce flames completely covered the mobile city.

The rebel machines entrenched above were subjected to deadly and violent bombing.

The huge impact destroyed their bodies and their shapes.

Even the steel body of the mobile city was "blasted" with holes by the horrific explosion.

The mobile city temporarily stopped its progress amid the violent explosion. Smoke and damage were reported everywhere, making the command center extremely busy.

All-round battle damage feedback, even Guilty Spark, who was unscathed in the battle, felt a little "headache".

In the overwhelming bombing just now, the intelligent rebel machinery suffered a serious blow.

Guilty Spark's overall ability to control the renegade machinery has dropped dramatically.

Now that the Gulf Territory has taken action and caused considerable losses, there will definitely be more dangerous attacks in the future.

Guilty Spark did not hesitate, and stepped onto the city wall with his tall body. A strange red light spread around, and all the rebel machines immediately became different.

They were covered in red light, and twisted energy fluctuations flashed continuously, moving forward at a faster speed.

As if the accelerator button was pressed, the renegade machines continued to rush forward.

What’s even more terrifying is that the production speed of mobile cities is getting faster and faster.

More renegade machines emerged in a steady stream, rushing towards the battlefield one after another.

The surging fire flew from behind and hit the middle of the rebel machine.


The exploding shells dispersed the charging rebel machinery.

The rolled up air waves and gravel destroyed the bodies of many renegade machines.

From the very beginning, the battle entered its most intense stage.

There were explosions of fire and huge energy shock waves.

Matthew raised his head and stared at the ferocious behemoth in the center of the distorted red light in the distance. He gave the general attack order without hesitation:

"Surround and strangle."

Testing is unnecessary, the only thing that will be determined next is victory or defeat!

Following Matthew's order, pieces of teleportation light lit up from everywhere around the battlefield.

Large numbers of goblin soldiers, wearing light and heavy combat armor, rushed out in droves.

They quickly went to various combat positions according to the information prompts incoming from their watches.

At the same time, the golem train rumbled in the distance and arrived at the station in the blink of an eye.

The huge machine beast quickly arrived at the battlefield under the control of the Mohist disciples.

The firepower surrounding him instantly increased a lot.

The rate of death of mutinous machines is constantly increasing.

Sin Spark immediately noticed this, he sensed it keenly.

Matthew and the Gulf Territory transported almost all combat units to this area through various methods.

The eastern, northern, and southern fronts that were originally in a stalemate had only a handful of troops left.

Guilty Spark immediately understood what Matthew and Bay Collar were doing.

"Concentrate your strength and destroy me first?"


Despite feeling uneasy, Guilty Spark decided to seize this opportunity.

The potential and technology displayed by the Gulf Territory are worth the risk.

After all, the bay collar is too tempting, and the bait thrown out is too "scented".

The renegade machines and mobile cities on several other fronts were ordered to advance at all costs.

As for the renegade mechanical armies on the Western Front, Guilty Spark did not order them to withdraw, but allowed them to defend themselves on the spot.

Faced with such an intensive firepower attack, the more the rebel machines gather, the greater the damage they will suffer.

In this case, if you fight dispersedly, you can last longer.

However, Guilty Spark immediately saw the backhand of the Bay Leader!

Three huge metal monsters emitting bright light, carrying unparalleled power, escorted a large long-range artillery unit and came over in a mighty manner.

Yaya No. 1!

After the material reinforcement, Yaya No. 1 has been strengthened with mechanism technology, Death 3000 experimental body technology, and control machinery technology.

It has successfully broken through the limitations of super level and has become a legendary combat vehicle.

Now, they led the artillery troops forward and easily killed all the rebel machines blocking the way.

Seeing Yaya No. 1 rushing all the way, no rebel machine can stop them.

Guilty Spark immediately unleashed its influence on them, only to receive no feedback.

Such a result is not beyond Guilty Spark's expectations, but it is very strange. Why is the Gulf Territory using this technology now?

"Is it deliberately concealing it?"

"Or are you keeping it as a trump card?"

Just when Guilty Spark hesitated, the advancing army from the Gulf Territory quickly rushed to the front of the mobile city.


The firelight flying from far away continued to bombard the city wall.

The terrifying destructive power caused the steel city wall to shake one after another.

Looking at the overwhelming Yaya No. 1 and the artillery units that can fire forward, backward, left and right at the same time.

The mobile city's defensive artillery immediately aimed at them.


Unfortunately, Guilty Spark's imagined attack did not appear.

Matthew, whose whole body was gleaming with the power of thunder, had already appeared at the edge of the city wall, waving a chain-toothed giant sword and cutting open the red cannon.

A violent explosion, accompanied by flashes of lightning, quickly completely occupied an entire city wall.

Matthew glanced at the rebel machinery that rushed up quickly, and quickly rushed to the top of the city wall.

In other areas of the city wall, Thunder Warriors also rushed out.

They have completed the complete destruction of the defensive artillery and are quickly rushing to other attack targets according to the plan.

At the same time, the mechanical flying dragon, which had just completed its bombing mission, returned to the battlefield.

Their goal is very clear, they are directly aimed at mobile cities.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The production factory area where the Thunder Warriors were located suffered heavy bombing.

The production capacity of the mobile city was immediately affected greatly.

Immediately afterwards, the entire ground trembled slightly.

Guilty Spark sensed the movement from underground and immediately ordered the mobile city to move forward.

However, it was too late.

The hollow area located deep underground suddenly emitted a violent explosion.

The key area connected to the upper level erupted with bursts of "booming" sounds.

The geological structure collapsed downwards, bringing the mobile city with it.

The depth of descent is not much, only more than ten meters, not even 1/3 of the height of the mobile city wall.

However, the sudden subsidence completely destroyed the intention of moving the city forward.

They have been completely separated from the many renegade machines.

As a result, the rebel machines produced by Mobile City were already bombed and their numbers were greatly reduced.

Now they are restricted by the terrain and cannot disperse quickly.

The artillery unit that had been advancing just now arrived on the street.

Various voices rang out.

All kinds of news and feedback came from all directions, and there were all kinds of threats.

Even if Guilty Spark was distracted from his command, he was unable to solve the problems and dangers that kept popping up.

He was just about to mobilize his troops to clean up Matthew and the Thunder Warriors who had gotten into the city wall and wreaked havoc.

The street across the street is constantly covered with shells fired from it, wreaking havoc on structures and buildings in the mobile city.

The renegade machines scattered in the ruins are being wiped out in pieces due to the lack of powerful enough Death God 3000 experimental bodies.

A very brave goblin fighting force.

A Mohist machine beast with fast speed, strong attack and rapid advancement.

There are a large number of Gulf Territory adventurers with very rich combat experience.

They are all strangling the rebel machines that have lost support.

Casualties in battle are inevitable.

But every wounded person received the greatest possible treatment.

But there is not only a steady stream of renegade machines that are being repaired and returning to the battlefield.

There are also many adventurers and Gulf Territory warriors who continue to recover from their injuries and rejoin the battle.

The entire west side of the advance base was now in a mess.

The renegade machines and combat troops intertwined and fought bloody battles in the ruins.

However, even with the strengthened rebel machinery, the combat effectiveness has been improved.

But when facing the attack of more than 200,000 enemies in total, he still couldn't stand it.

The number of renegade machines is getting smaller and smaller.

The renegade machines that can enter the battlefield and maintain the situation are becoming increasingly scarce.

Feeling the increasing pressure, the spark of guilt tried to explore the situation on other battlefields.

The results surprised Guilty Spark.

The mobile city and the army of rebel machines should have been pushed forward within 20 hours.

Half an hour had passed, but now it seemed like nothing had moved.

This situation made the spark of sin ignite.

He urged repeatedly and issued various orders, but what he received was feedback that progress was difficult and heavy losses were suffered.

“A trench so deep that a mobile city cannot cross.”

"Various traps and pits are only a few meters deep, but very wide, and can sink the entire mobile city."

"The accumulated rocks blocked the middle of the canyon."

"We dig quickly, and they pile up quickly."

"All kinds of mines and traps, causing quite a lot of damage."

"There are about 50 mechanical flying dragons in each direction. Under the leadership of the flying dragon knights, they continue to carry out high-altitude bombing, which greatly slows down the progress of the mobile city."

"The production speed of mechanical flying dragons is slow, and there is insufficient rare materials and rare metals."

"Previously, a large amount of rare metals and resources were consumed in order to manufacture the improved version of the Death God 2000, the Death God 3000 experimental body, and the defense facilities that can shoot through the tooth protection."

"From the previous battle to now, the Gulf Territory has been setting up traps step by step..."

"Every attack and temptation they make has a purpose and meaning behind it."

"The mechanical flying dragon we produced cannot even be used for self-protection. It can only delay the opponent's bombing, allowing the mobile city to breathe a little bit..."

"At the current rate, it will take at least 30 hours for us to arrive on the battlefield for support."


All kinds of bad news make Guilty Spark feel at a loss.

He did everything, but could only let the situation get worse step by step and slide into the abyss.

He saw how it happened.

But every reaction and arrangement he made fell into the enemy's trap and became the enemy's accomplice.

Such a result made Sin Spark helpless and felt that something was not good.

He "didn't even dare" to issue orders to disperse and advance to other mobile cities and bases on the way.

The reason is very simple. The dragon warriors who had previously made great achievements in the Gulf Territory have not made any move yet.

Maybe they have set up an ambush somewhere, ready to eat the mobile city that comes to support them.

A part of the control center with independent thinking ability constantly sends requests to the Guilty Spark.

"We need more resources, fighters, and troops!"

Regarding the current chaotic battlefield and situation, Guilty Spark knew that he must quickly assemble his troops and reintegrate combat units as much as possible.

Otherwise, you will be quickly eaten by the Bay Leader in one bite after another amid hesitation and hesitation.

Who knows that the real purpose of the Gulf Territory is to concentrate its forces and eat up all the mobile cities and bases on the western front.

Or is it using the Western Front battlefield as bait, mainly to deal with other mobile cities that rush over for support?

The Gulf Territory, which mobilizes troops extremely quickly, has mastered the initiative and choice on the battlefield!

Thinking of this, Guilty Spark stopped waiting and was ready to play a trump card directly.

"Knight Titan, activate!"


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