Enchantrix: On a New World

10 Bandits

We stopped by Jinni's and I was able to pick up my new undergarment and a dress. They were all made of that silk. It was so smooth. I wanted it against my skin. I took off everything but my panties. Jinni turned a shade pinker. She was having a thought. It's cute. ill be back for her.  

I pulled the slip on, and it was snug and held me close. I stepped into, then pulled up and buttoned the cute Midi Dress. It fit perfectly and it felt great over my skin. I kissed Jinni on the lips before whispering in her ear, "You are the most wonderful tailor. I look forward to coming back for you." I gave a wink as skipped away in my new dress. My Analyze skill told me they were not enchanted, but they were going to be. I collected Jet from outside, I didn't want him coming in with me here. This was a shop for ladies, not boys.

My spirit soared with a cute outfit to wear. You don't need to dress like a slut to gather attention. It was so silky smooth, and the chill of the morning couldn't touch me with my new ability. Well... it was afternoon, but it should still have been a little chilly considering all the people wearing overcoats and cloaks. On the jobs board, we found a pack of goblins that have moved into the one of outer farms, and need to be handled.

"This is exactly the kind of quest I was looking for. Goblins. they probably broke off from their main tribe or group or something, and now are stealing food from those who support the town." I tried to take notice, but it automatically added itself to my inventory when I tried. I got a faint idea of where I must be going. So I thought to myself "Define Navigation."


 Navigation: The ability to tell which direction will lead you where you want to go. It can help find locations detailed at quest sites, such as a jobs board.


My first skill, and it's much handier than I thought it would be. It felt like ages ago, and I feel like a new woman. I have magic, and the spirit to take what I want. I feel like I'm becoming who I always desired to be. Jet was glancing at me like he was waiting for me to say something. I look back with an unmistakable smile on my face.

"I had said sounds like a worthy endeavor. Let us hope we are up to the challenge. I always wanted to be an adventurer, and now I think I can be." He sounded like this was one of his fantasies too.

"I'm sure we can make a difference for the people. Now we should be on our way." I gave a short wave to the guards as I skipped by. I didn't catch them gaping at me. I heard them try to say something after a minute, but I was too far to hear them. I was skipping into the breeze.


Skill gained: Skipping at rank F

Skipping: A movement skill combining jumping with walking. Used for looks while moving briskly.


I analyzed my new skill after I saw I got it. I could feel my skipping slightly shift, giving me better movement for less effort. Neat. After 20 minutes of this, Jet was clearly shivering. I threw my extra cloak to him from my inventory. "Warm up Jet. I can't have you impaired. We have work to do." The farm we were looking for was another hour and a half away, so I changed to a walk.

"STOP RIGHT THERE," said a voice from in front of me. Probably bandits. They started talking at Jet, "Hands where I can see them. Any sudden moves and you get an arrow. Leave your valuables and the girl. We don't have to hurt ya, but Bert here loves his bow, and I'm betting he can lose before you can do anything about it."

Jet looks at me in absolute TERROR. He doesn't know how to handle bandits. He is frozen, not knowing what to do. He looks at me. I have an identical look of terror. I don't feel it, I know these guys have no idea what they are in for, but Jet doesn't know, and I don't know how to tell him. This is where I find out exactly what he is made of. Will he break? Will he fight?

This may be a new world to him, but he didn't have exactly what it took. I would have to handle this. I began a scared but desperate front. "You can have our valuables. I have some coins, and a small wand, but I didn't bring much. I was headed back to my family," I lied, "My grandma is ill and wants to see me before she expires. Please don't hurt my companion." I beseeched of them.

The speaker came up to me and grabbed me roughly. "You will be coming with us. It's up to him if he leaves. We need someone to warm our beds and you are just too much to pass up. The lads will love you." While he was speaking, he dragged me closer to his friend with the bow. This was his last mistake. Knowing they intended to rape me, I decided not to go easy. It was all or nothing, and Jet was frozen. he had no idea what to do.

The speaker was fondling a boob through my dress, definitely imagining much more for later, so I brought my left hand up to grab his hand and let loose a shocking burst. Not a moment later, I let a flame jet from my right hand burn up Bert's hands and bowstring. Got his front a little as well. He wouldn't be using that bow. or his hands. The speaker, who I never learned the name of, wasn't standing. He was on the ground twitching, probably unconscious, maybe dead. Bert was screaming and writhing on the ground.

I strut over to Bert and kneel down over him. I put one hand on him, and the other in front of his face. I let sparks show from my left hand. In the sweetest voice, I could make, I ask Bert, "Bert, Sweety, Stop screaming, or will have to make you. I need questions answered, and I can let you be a cripple, or I can have your pain eased. Now. What will it be?"

Bert went quiet when he saw the sparking and took in what I was saying while whimpering. "Miss Witch, we had no idea. I'll tell you all you want if you ease my pain."

"Oh, Bert," I said in a sensuous voice, running a gloved finger down his undamaged cheek. "I can much more than ease your pain. You tell me where you and your friends hole up, and how many of you there are, and I will make sure you don't hurt."

He was starting to look hopeful. It's so cute when a rapist thinks he can get away. "There was Brad and Bradly. They are brothers. They are probably at camp around that hill near a stream miss. Now can I get that help? My hand's hurt somethin' awful."

"I have two final questions. What kinds of goods have you accumulated, and how do you get supplies?" These were my critical questions. I was trying to compel answers from him, and it seems to be working. Captivating speech for the win. I was playing on one of his fantasies as well by drawing lines with one finger across his face.

"Miss, we trade with an orc base a day's journey from here. They pay well for anyone and anything. You just need to follow the stream to find them." He described eagerly, as though he didn't just doom himself. I moved one hand up to his forehead and electrocuted him. he stopped twitching a minute later. Slavers and rapists. That's a death sentence if ever I heard one.

Enchantrix increased to level 2: Increased mana reserves, magical matrices density, and Faster drawing of group mana

I looked over at Jet. He was looking at me in utter shock. I turned to the speaker for the bandits. He wasn't dead, but he was in on it. I strode over to him and finished him the same way I finished Bert. It was quick and relatively painless. It was more than he deserved. "Jet, you cannot freeze like that if you are an adventurer. You have to take action. Being frozen in terror won't help anyone unless it is part of your plan. Running away to get guards would have been better than standing frozen." I wasn't looking at him while I spoke. I was checking the bodies.

The system let me take their inventories. They didn't have too much, just some rations and some coins. I looked in their pockets and Found squat. Everything must be at their camp. I will have to handle Brad and Bradly.

Jet still hadn't said anything. He was probably in shock. My morbid thought was "No, the bandits are in shock". I should probably avoid puns about dead people.

"Jet, you should go back to town. I don't want them to use you as a hostage, and I also can't have you frozen in inaction. I will see you in our room tonight." My voice was flat. Not sexy, or sultry, just factual.

"I'm sorry I let you down. I panicked and had no idea what to do. I need to be better prepared next time. You clearly knew what to do. You looked panicked, but that was an act. I see it now." He explained dejectedly, "You were in control, and knew what you would do the whole time. I bet if I had shot one with water, you would have hit the other with fire. I'll go back. You can clearly handle yourself, and I'll try to get some things done around town. I'm sure I can be useful in a safer environment."

"Jet," I called out to him as he was walking away, "I may need to do some enchanting tonight."

He looked confused for a second, then, "Ohhhhhh..." He ohh'd, then he smiled a little bit of a real smile. He was still disappointed in himself, as I was in him, but he has potential, and maybe he will improve himself.

It's time to go and handle those bandits. I may be able to have them help me make the dress into a protective garment. I still need to figure out how I'm going to help people enslaved in an orc camp. I don't have a prayer of defeating them all. One problem at a time. I have tools, so I should use them. I start recharging my gloves as I wander in the direction of the bandit camp.

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