Enchantrix: On a New World

9 New Gloves

"Was your punishment worth it?" I teased.

He was panting now, and I had to wait for an answer. "That was unbelievable. I didn't think you would let me finish after the first couple of...I don't even know what to call them, but the sensations were so amazing. My body basically went almost numb except for…. What I had inside you I couldn't bring myself to try to get you to stop. Such intense sensations. I'm not even sure I could have made you stop if I tried." He praised me. It was a wonderful emotion. Knowing I caused all that in him... It was intoxicating.

"That was pretty amazing. Want to see what I completed?" As I dismounted, I could feel his seed inside me, but I also sensed I could push it out with Adaptive body or store it with Extradimensional organs. I decided to store it, no use making a mess.

I put the table back and passed him the enchanted glove. "This has some potent magic, but I can't see how it's used, or its purpose." He said as he gave the glove back. I decided to Analyze it.


Enchanted Cloth Glove (Right), Superior enchantment. This glove has a powerful flame jet enchantment allowing the user to charge with mana before use and burn enemies up to 10 ft away.

 Damage is proportional to the distance from the target. maximum 20 ft for any damage.

 It Causes Major damage at touch range and moderate damage at 10 ft. and can be used 3 times till charged again.

 It uses high mana if cast directly by someone able to charge.

 Overcharging burns out the enchantment and item. It causes extreme damage to everyone within 5 ft except the user.

 EC cannot be used to power directly


"It cannot be powered by coins directly but will be able to burn people at a distance," I explained. "I can also overcharge it to burn everyone close in a serious manner. I hope I don't have to do that because it will burn out the enchantment. Did you want to help me enchant this one too?" I pulled out the other glove. He thought about it. I could see it in his eyes, but he was tapped. I took everything he had to give, and he needed to sleep.

I decided to do the rest of the enchanting alone. I was letting Jet recover. He was clearly dead tired. The enchanting went smoothly, I enchanted two Items in three hours. I analyzed the first one.


Enchanted Cloth Glove (left), Dence enchantment. This glove has a powerful Shock enchantment allowing the user to charge with mana before use, and Electrocute enemies touched.

It Causes Major damage at touch range and can be used 3 times till charged again.

It uses high mana if cast directly by someone able to charge.

Overcharging burns out the enchantment and item. It causes catastrophic damage to the touched target.

EC cannot be used to power directly


This second one was for convenience. I hadn't had a chance to shower and felt gross.


Enchanted Panties, Dence enchantment: This garment cleans the wearer, and all clothing worn. This uses ambient mana.

Overcharging burns out the enchantment and item. It Cleanses and heals the wearer of all moderate or lower status effects.

I had to see my new character sheet after all that I gained. It'll just take a moment, then I can sleep.


So much new, but I am exhausted. Tomorrow, we would go hunting. Tomorrow, we would have an adventure. Now, I slept very well.

I did not wake up quickly. I did feel hungry... more than hungry. Hangry was how I felt. Mad munchies were coming on. Sunlight was coming in the window, so I got dressed. Jet was already gone. My clothes were cleaning themselves. I started to feel giddy again. Enchanting was not only possible, but I could do it anywhere. It probably was why I'm soooo HANGRY though.

Downstairs, I sat down at the bar and tried to politely ask the Innkeeper for ALL the food they have. He laughed, and I scowled for a second. I then knew my request was unrealistic, but he didn't need to laugh at me. There were other people. "Miss Ria, I'll bring you a large plate of eggs and bacon. Don't you worry?"

While I did not worry, I did feel hungry, and nobody mattered till I had my food. He delivered a mug of ale. I poured it down. No frills, no motion of swallowing. Just all gone. Not ladylike at all. I got a few looks, but I did not care. I NEED FOOD. Finally... it arrived, and I scarfed down all but the plate. I was feeling a bit more polite now.

"Sir, can I get another?" I asked the Innkeeper who I forgot the name of. "Please," I added too late but better late than never.

"Miss, for a beauty like you, I'll even give you seconds on the house, but if you ask for a third, I will be forced to charge you." His response was good-natured and delivered with a smile.

"May I get your name? I don't recall. Either that or I never asked. That would be inexcusable. Please tell me I just have a bad memory," I pleaded.

"Don't worry miss Ria, I am Brian, the owner of this establishment, and I'm sure you just forgot. Nobody as cute as you would forget to ask a name," he said diplomatically. "I'll have your seconds here in moments. I'll even add our special biscuits and gravy. You look like you are starving."

I look down at myself, realizing I probably look malnourished. Enchanting takes a lot of calories. I need to take time to eat. The next helping arrives. This time, I eat properly, not spilling a drop on myself. The eggs I had gotten on my shirt are already gone. Even with this hunger, that enchantment was totally worth it. Before I finish my second helping, Jet shows up and sits next to me.

"Good morning Sleepy Flower," Jet says as he sits down. "I hope your petals find the sun"

I look at him nonplused. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, that's just part of a story told in my land," He clarified, "You are a beautiful flower, so I thought it was appropriate. You don't have the story of the sleepy flower that learns how important the sun is, and becomes the envy of the grove?"

I blushed a little and replied, "We do not have that story, but thank you for the compliment. It does sound interesting. You could share it with me sometime." He smiled at me; glad I was taking his praise. I decided to get us on topic for the day. "Jet, we are headed out of town today to complete a contract. I want to see what is in the area, and a contract from the bounty board would do us some good. maybe we can gain class levels from fighting. I am still level 1."

He brightened up, "You could be right, I got to level 2 Mage from killing the rats. How did you guess that? oh... you did mention you understood the screens. This is like your... What did you call them? Video games?"

"Yes, in Video games from where I'm from, completing quests, defeating monsters, and advancing the plot all gifted experience. I'm not sure that the last one counts, but those first 2 probably do. That's why we are taking a 'Quest' from the jobs board and going out hunting." That explanation was about as adequate as I could make while trying to get back to eating. "Now please stop talking. I need to eat, and once I'm done, we can go get my new clothes and get a job off the board.

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