Enchantrix: On a New World

29 Encounter

The conversations and demonstrations of magic were long and quite illuminating for both of us. The perceived methods of casting magic from another world were fascinating. So close to the city, and traveling through wilderness. I think Sophia was a little jealous of my enchanting talent. She was also totally floored that I would try enchanting while on the edge of climaxing. "You did WHAT!? That sounds like a terrible idea. Those take a lot of concentration to inscribe. How did you not blow yourself up?! " Her exclamation made me giggle. We continued talking about each of our experiences with magic on this world so far.

I remembered that I should probably use Analyze+ on the ring and earring I made. Having the details is always a good idea.


Enchanted Ring, set with 19 gemstones of various quality, all Special or higher: The metal of the ring is enchanted to form into jewelry capable of housing an enchanted gemstone.

Can split into a number of pieces of jewelry equal to the number of gemstones. The jewelry will be fit for a tiny creature, and can be up to the size of a bracelet on them. The jewelry will retain the ability to change into other jewelry.


Enchanted Jewelry, Set with a Diamond: This piece of jewelry can be shaped into any jewelry to be worn by a tiny or smaller humanoid. The gemstone is enchanted with mana gathering and can also shoot bolts of disruptive mana.

Can restore mana to the wearer, or be directed into a magic item. Magic items without dedicated storage can be recharged up to three times. High mana capacity. It recharges itself in 1 hour within a mana-rich environment.

3/hour may shoot a bolt of disruptive mana. This can overload a spell being cast or disrupt an enchantment for a short time. This can be prevented if taken into account. 

Overcharge will destroy this item. When overchaged, will substantially ramp up mana regeneration for 10 seconds. After those 10 seconds, this item will no longer regenerate mana. Has 30 charges in this mode. Use 10 for a greater disruptive bolt.


This should be a great item for Trix. I like the idea of her being able to recharge us or disrupt another magic user, or recharge one of her enchantments, or help power a spell without weakening herself.

After that, I realize I haven't looked at my character sheet in a while, so I bring it up.


There is something I don't remember seeing. Resilient Soul.


Resilient Soul: Your soul has been toughened through trauma. Anyone who tries to interact with your soul will find that it won't change. Soul attacks are significantly less effective on you.


Unpleasant memories bubble up. My soul was drifting in a void. Trix is on her perch, and I hold her close, remembering.

Trix seems to understand my mood. "It's OK Ria. We are here now, and we have each other. We even have a new friend. "

Sophia starts to ask a question when I lean over and rest my head on her shoulder. She tentatively reaches an arm around me and holds me, not saying anything. We sat like that for a long time. The driver's seat of the wagon is padded, or else this would have been uncomfortable. There is something in the distance across the plains.

I see a large purple four-legged beast in the distance. Fuck. It was headed this way, and it was farther away than I thought. It's not big. It is enormous, with glowing red eyes and tusks the size of my horses. Make us look bigger; that's how we will survive. Scare it off. The wagon is my new toy, and I don't want it broken. FUCK. The horses are spooked. Trix is calming them, but that thing is going to be here shortly. I begin to weave a seeming appearance of fear and great size.

My weaving is interrupted as, between one blink and another, a figure in robes of vibrant blue, glittering with stars, appears with a man next to him. He appears to have a black gauntlet, and his armor grew from the gaultlent. The figure in the robes just stands by as the armored figure steps forward with no apparent weaon.

The charging beast lowers its head, lining the tusk up with the armored figure, and *WHAM*, the great beast slams a tusk bigger than the figure in black armor. The beast that should have trampled the armored figure ceases all movement as it hits the immovable object that is the new figure. The mysterious person grabs the tusk and, with brute strength that I have never heard of except in movies, forces the beast into the air by its massive tusk. It begins to flail its limbs.

"Issac, if you would be so kind, please put the evil thing out of its misery." The armored figure spoke, holding the beast in the air.

A bolt of force shot from the tip of the mage's staff. He casually remarks, "That should take care of another one of those beasts. More like demons with that skin. I bet that one was after her in particular. " The figure gestured at me, but I recognized that voice and cadence.

The two men turned, leaving the corpse and walked side by side toward our wagon. The armored figure let the armor absorb into his gauntlet. It was replaced by his casual outfit of what looked like a T-shirt and jeans. I am stunned by such a casual display of power.

"Should we be worried? They look intimidating." Sophia asks me quietly.

"No idea," I reply. "But his outfit is one that is normal where I'm from. He could easily be from Earth. "

"Issac, if you would kindly give us some privacy with the young Nerema." The man says to the magic user.

I see magic gathering around the man with the cloak of stars, and reality blinks.

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