Enchantrix: On a New World

30 Strangers

Magic is gathered from the surrounding space and blinks. That's all it looked like. There was a blink in existence, and suddenly, the only creatures moving were me, Trix, Issac, and the mysterious man. The one who was called Issac explains to his friend, "It seems that the fairy is bound too tightly to be kept out, but it should be fine. A bond that deep means she can be trusted. "

I peer intently at Issac. "Were you the voice I heard when I was...erm... transforming?"

Issac started to explain, "Yes, I was. I know it might sound a little cliche, but there was this sense of change coming from someone who I share a blood connection with. This place is vast, and I hadn't given a good look at any of the newcomers. It appears that you are one of my kin from Earth.

"Those excuses for low-level admins were tampering where they shouldn't have been. They think this is some sort of simulation. It's another world, and they are just from an adjacent reality where technology has advanced far enough to see into other worlds. They don't really understand what they are looking at.

"The knowledge unification matrix was a test, sure, but not by them. They thought they would run the place, but it runs this world, and those beings monitor and intercept some communications. They can even rename abilities and slightly alter them.

"Back to my original explanation, you needed assistance. You were trapped in a transformation, but you tried to stop the change yourself. That gave me enough access that I was able to intervene. Reverting what the knowledge unification matrix did was important to give you a chance to fix yourself. I am glad you figured out how to survive Vinthria. "

I am stupified. First, the man called me a young Nerema, and then Issac called me Vinthria. They know my full real name, and I don't use that name ever. EVER. It's an old name that my family doesn't recognize anymore. My face went through a range of emotions. Stupefied, puzzled, realization, then stupefaction again.

Issac started to explain, "I see the confusion, and I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Issac Nerema, the Caretaker, and this is Michael, of the second age of genesis. We travel and explore. This world is one we have been observing since it is less than 10,000 years old. Once we knew another Nerema was here, we knew we had to come find you. It was harder than it should have been. That earring is quite amazing. It makes it hard to pinpoint you. We found you because we have been hunting those beasts, and I suspect they want that soul in your earring. You will have to watch out for them. "

I have so many questions, and this is moving too fast. First, I ask, "Issac Nerema, the 'Caretaker' how do you know my name? I haven't told anyone my name. not my full name. Not Trix here. " I am surprised Trix is being quiet, but it seems she understands that this is my conversation to have.

"My understanding of divination magic could have given your name away, but the truth is, I can recognize kin with any link established. Your cries for help and calling out to revoke the class change allowed the connection. I used it to help and learn all about you. I know you like chocolate raisins, lilies are your favorite flower, and you're still studying game theory on Earth, well... the other you. She has a good chance of joining a team that will be able to replicate some of the features of this kind of world. "

He knows quite a lot. The next important question is, "How do you know that last part? Can you reach other worlds?"

"I can reach any world that I wish to. You could too, with the right tools. I bet you have most of the tools you need too. That magical matricies skill the system bestowed upon you is a wealth of information. You just need to find the right connection. I don't want to give anything away, but you are quite close. You have the tools. " Issac was speaking nonsense, then it clicked.

I have touched on another world already. I have seen what that looks like magically. That must mean I could touch other worlds and connect with them. Could I create a wireless signal? I could make an object that could receive and transmit a signal like my phone hotspot could. I just have to take the appropriate readings. Do I then just... what, reach out for new connections and relay them to my laptop? No way could it be that simple."

"You have some ideas racing through your head," Michael intuits, "You should figure it out. There are many like you. You have a connection with Issac and myself. We all share a similar spirit of adventure. You will have many aspects of adventure just come to you like they did for us. If you can manage what Issac seems to think you can manage, then look us up. We will be around. "

Issac adds, "I also can't hold this temporal bubble forever. We have a few more minutes, but we have hunting to finish. Those beasts are not supposed to be here. Meddling admins are causing problems. "

I need to come up with a couple good questions for someone that has been traveling across worlds. I decided to ask, "Why do my phone and laptop work here?"

Michael decided to answer with, "These worlds are built upon the same rules, but with slight variations on how they develop. Earth didn't have magic because it was never developed properly. Curches didn't like it either, so you can blame our lack of magic on religion. The reason why technology works here is simple. It will work pretty much anywhere and just needs to be developed for a world to have it. "

Getting a clear answer, I decided on another question. "The communication between worlds appears to be technology-based for the creeps that have been giving me system notes. Does it have to be technology-based? Are there magical ways to communicate?"

Issac takes up the answer on this one. "Most definitely. You can accomplish similar things with technology and magic. They follow different rules, but that doesn't mean they are exclusionary. You just need to find the right interactions. You could even have them interact directly. A magical processor for a mundain computer, or an AI targeting system for magic projectiles. There are a lot of possibilities. You have one more question, and then we are going to depart. We have hunting to do. "

I need to make this last question count. "I have an idea for a fabricator that could take raw materials like rocks and make them into stone tablets by reconstituting them. Maybe I could go as far as molecular construction. I think it would be able to take carbon and water to make sugar. Does any of that sound doable?"

Issac's eyes twinkled, and he replied. "With what you have in mind, breaking things down just a little farther might be better. Sand into helium is possible here. "

My eyes go wide and I start speaking rapidly, "I was just thinking of breaking down what I found and using it to make fabricated designs. Could I break it all the way to neutrons, protons, and electrons? farther? I can make elements. That would allow much more complex items if I had detailed enough blueprints..."

"That's enough, Ria, we are out of time." Michael says it appologetically. "Thank you for saving yourself, Ria. I am glad I didn't have to save this world from an eldritch lust monster. I wasn't looking forward to the visual. Tentical hentai isn't my thing."

Issac adds, "Good job with the earring again. That will be very useful. Just don't die with it. "

And with that, the two men vanish as quickly as they appeared, with the world starting back up again.


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