End Times Dust Light

Chapter 206

Chapter 206: Mobius Strip

Lu Ziming did not consider whether the colorful fish and colorful fruits are poisonous, and whether they are poisonous or not, they have to try it themselves. In terms of whether it is poisoned or starved to death, he did not hesitate to choose the former. In fact, there is no choice at all. If you don’t eat, you will starve to death. If you eat, you will have a chance to survive. There is not a saying: It is better to die than to live.

The taste of colorful fish is very delicious, and the taste of colorful fruit is very strange. It seems that each color represents a taste: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and salty, which coincides with the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of life.

Having something to eat means that he will not die, at least not now. As for the future, he has not thought about it clearly. He can basically tell that this is a huge maze. As for how to trap himself in the maze, he hasn’t figured it out yet.

Solved the problem of eating, and now he finally has time to consider the current predicament with peace of mind and think about the way out of the maze.

If it is just a guess, if this is really a maze, there must be a correct way to go out. First of all, I need to find out what is trapping me here. As for the purpose of trapping me, it is not important anymore. Is my perception biased, or there are invisible organs in the maze? You must figure it out first, otherwise it will be like the beginning. If you run blindly, you will never get out of the maze until you die.

After resting for a while, he decided to try the most stupid way, and put some markers on the road he had walked, so that he could see what was wrong with the path he had walked.

Lu Ziming reached out and skimmed a branch from the big tree. There were many red leaves on it. Sprinkling it on the green grass could just mark the direction.

When he was about to leave, the light from the corner of his eye swept across the deep pool, and his body stopped abruptly. In the next second, he seemed to have seen a ghost. I can’t say a word.

After a brief shock, he suddenly turned his head towards the big tree, which was still the big tree. The difference was that the same colorful fruit grew again from the position where the colorful fruit was picked from the tree yesterday, not more than one. Few, as if I had never picked it.

“A ghost? Or are you dreaming?” Yesterday, seven fish were obviously fished out of the deep pool, but now there are still seven fish in the deep pool, one is not more than one. And the trash and soot left on the ground yesterday are gone, as if they have never appeared before, everything is exactly the same as when I first arrived.

Lu Ziming pinched himself fiercely. It was obvious that he was not dreaming, but was it because he was dreaming yesterday. “No!” He quickly opened the backpack. It should contain the colorful fish that he didn’t finish eating yesterday. He was going to save it as a ration for the road. If there is no colorful fish in the backpack, it means that he was indeed dreaming yesterday.

Opening the backpack, he was dumbfounded again. The colorful fish that hadn’t finished eating was lying quietly in the backpack, as if mocking his IQ wantonly.

This is no longer a range that a normal person can understand. How can things that he has done clearly appear again? Isn’t this a maze, but…, he dare not think about it, because in that case, he might never want to leave here for the rest of his life. .

But I don’t want to, and I know I’m trapped here. Can I go out without thinking about it?

“What the **** is this place? Everywhere reveals weirdness. Could it be that there are ghosts around him?” He turned around abruptly. There was nothing behind him. He turned around again, but there was still nothing. He raised his head and looked at the purple one. No matter how he observed the sky, nothing appeared around him.

“Dreamland! Hell, heaven or labyrinth”, he was not sure of his inference.

Obviously no one answered the question in his mind. He was the only one here. He was like an animal in a cage, and he didn’t know where he was.

Thinking of the animals in the cage, he suddenly wondered if he would be in a Mobius belt that was closed end to end. If that was the case, it would be easy to understand if he could not go out.

He clearly remembered that one time in a physics class, the teacher demonstrated the Mobius tape in the classroom. After twisting a piece of paper 180 degrees, the two ends of the paper were glued together to make a circle of paper tape, which had a magical effect. nature. Ordinary paper tape has two sides (that is, double-sided curved surfaces), one front and one reverse side, and the two sides can be painted in different colors; while such paper tapes have only one side (that is, single-sided curved surfaces), and a small bug can Climb the entire surface without having to cross its edges. This paper tape is called “Mobius tape”. (That is, it has only one surface).

The Mobius belt belongs to the concept of two-dimensional space. It exists in three-dimensional space, but it does not hinder the use of two-dimensional concepts to think about problems. If this assumption is true, no matter how you go, you will not be able to get out of the Mobius belt because you are constantly going around in circles.

If the two-dimensional Mobius belt is extended to a three-dimensional height, a three-dimensional closed Klein bottle will appear. The Klein bottle is a two-dimensional tight manifold that is not orientable, while the spherical surface or tire surface is orientable. Two-dimensional compact manifold. If you look at the Klein bottle, one thing seems confusing-the bottleneck and the body of the Klein bottle intersect. In other words, certain points on the bottleneck and certain points on the bottle wall occupy three-dimensional space. In the same position.

The most common one in real life is the Penrose Ladder. The Penrose Ladder appeared in the lucid dream in the movie “Inception”. The strange staircase Arthur showed to Ariadne, and the staircase Arthur walked around behind the mercenary, which was an endless loop of stairs.

These are difficult to appear in real life because of errors caused by trompe and viewing angles, but they do exist. It is very simple to realize a two-dimensional Mobius belt in a three-dimensional space, and it has already existed in life, such as Many belts in power machinery and ribbons used in printers use this principle.

Something must have trapped me deadly here. I am like the poor bug that Mobius brought, tirelessly in a closed circle, crawling from one side to the other, endlessly reciprocating. Infinite loop, like a mouse in a flywheel, I don’t know if the flywheel is spinning or the mouse is running.

The more he thought about it, the more scared he became, as if he had become that bug, or a mouse in a flywheel, would there be a creature outside the purple sky above his head, watching him with a magnifying glass, just like a human being in an observation laboratory The mouse in the room.

Fear and powerlessness filled Lu Ziming’s brain, as if being pinched tightly by an invisible hand, leaving him out of breath. When he had no experimental value, he would come from this like rubbish. Cut out from the world.

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