End Times Dust Light

Chapter 207

Chapter 207: Mirror wall

The more Lu Ziming thinks about it, the more it feels that he has grasped the thread of King Solomon’s knot. As long as he pulls it gently, the truth will surface.

Although there is a feeling of being fooled, he still wants to prove his thoughts. Even if he is really the bug that Mobius brought, it will not prevent him from proving that his guess is correct. He is not a bug. It is a wise living body, and he needs to know the truth.

Still use the method he thought of at the beginning, keep walking forward and leave marks along the road. If his guess is correct, he will see the big trees and deep pools behind him in front, and see the marks left on his way. Prove that he was really trapped in the Mobius belt.

It’s no use thinking about it now, and he doesn’t dare to think about it. If it is really like this, he doesn’t know if he still has the courage to live. There used to be people who laughed at those who bury their heads in the sand, but now they understand that this is actually an attitude to life, not everything can be decided by themselves. Life is full of too many helplessness and sighs. I can’t fight for it, and I can’t change it, I can only ignore it.

Can Yu Gong really level the mountain at the door? This is an attitude to life, and it has nothing to do with whether the mountain can be leveled. Someone has not said that the important thing is the process rather than the result.

If you prove that you are really in the Mobius belt, it is also an attitude of life. As for what will happen after the proof, it is the future thing. Consider before you prove it, that is the question that the strategist considers, and I have nothing to do with myself.

Lu Ziming set off again, with unrepentant will and firm footsteps, once again walked towards the unknown front, no matter what unexpected results may appear ahead, he could not stop his determination to explore the secrets.

He was not blind and impulsive. Instead, he was more calm and rational. After thinking about countless possibilities, he decided to walk a day ahead. If he found nothing, he would turn back and rest.

This is a conservative approach. He doesn’t know how long the Mobius belt is. If he doesn’t have sufficient food reserves, he can’t go far.

He has to consider the consequences of everything. He has not been blind to the point of recklessness. People are grouped animals. People who lose their sociality are no different from monkeys. Just like the current self, there is no one running around the world with bare buttocks. Will stop it, but that doesn’t mean that you can do anything wrong.

He was on the road. He didn’t know what was waiting for him. No matter what, he had no strong reaction to the surroundings after experiencing the viral panic. He had seen various things such as zombies and cattle. After something appeared, even if a naked fairy fell from the sky, he could still treat it calmly. This was the change in his ability to withstand the virus after the virus.

The same scenery, the same grass, the same sky, only the big tree behind him is slowly getting smaller, and he is getting farther and farther away from the big tree.

After walking out for more than ten minutes, he suddenly stopped, suddenly remembering something, and looking back, the big tree behind him was gone.

is really gone, the big tree behind it seems to have never appeared before, and then look down for the signpost left by yourself, it is still there! Doesn’t seem to be here again? Something seems to be hidden.

He reached out to touch it, nothing happened, and then walked a few steps forward, but nothing happened. I did feel something just now, it was strange, it was like being pushed by a pair of invisible hands, very light, it shouldn’t be my own illusion.

I should not be wrong. I raised my hand and continued to move forward. Suddenly my fingers disappeared in front of my eyes, then the palms, then the arms, and finally the whole hand disappeared in front of my eyes.

The hand did not disappear, he could clearly feel the presence of the hand, but he couldn’t see it, it was his eyes that deceived him.

Very light, very faint energy fluctuations are transmitted on the arm, and you can’t feel it if you are not careful. When you wave your arm, the energy is like a transparent invisible glass in front of you, you can feel it but you can’t see it.

Mirror wall! Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it an energy wall or a hidden wall. Lu Ziming is very sensitive to energy fluctuations, thanks to the side effects of swallowing crystals, otherwise he would not feel the existence of the weak mirror wall.

The wall of the mirror completely obscured the world behind him, stepping forward out of the wall of the mirror, the tree that had just disappeared reappeared in front of my eyes, stepping back and blending into the wall of the mirror, the tree that was still there suddenly disappeared from sight. This is the wall of mirror. An invisible but sensible wall of energy separates the two worlds. Although the two worlds have too many similarities, there are big trees and deep pools in one world, and in the other world. There is nothing but the grass and the sky.

He seems to have found the source of the predicament, but he does not know the connection between the mirror wall and the Mobius belt. Maybe it is the mirror wall that prevents him from finding a way out.

What happens when you walk along the mirror wall? He doesn’t know, but this question must be investigated, maybe this is the answer he is looking for.

He has little scientific knowledge to understand how the mirror wall was created. The mirror wall lies in front of him, invisible and intangible, but he can feel its existence. He may have penetrated the mirror wall many times. Come and wear, that’s why I lost my way here, it was my eyes that deceived myself.

After discovering that there is a mirror wall, some things become clear. The mirror wall is invisible, colorless and tasteless, but it can completely separate the two identical spaces. Just put your hand in the mirror wall and walk along the energy fluctuations. , It is easy to observe the direction of the mirror wall.

Taking the big tree on the side of the mirror wall as a reference, he touched the mirror wall and walked forward along the direction of the mirror wall. He quickly walked to a corner of the mirror wall and used the few items in the backpack as a reference. Marker, he quickly discovered that this was an intersection of the mirror walls, forcibly dividing the four identical spaces.

So far, he can basically conclude that he is separated by mirror walls in the same spaces. One of the spaces contains big trees and deep pools, and there is nothing in the remaining spaces, only the same grass and sky. He couldn’t decide how many of these same spaces there were, anyway, there should be a lot of them, otherwise how could he be trapped here.

As long as he finds the joint of the problem, he will follow the direction of the mirror wall and first determine whether there are mirror walls around him, how big the space in the mirror wall is, whether the space of each mirror wall is the same size, and how does it make itself Losing the sense of direction, is there a Mobius belt formed between the mirror wall and the mirror wall, or there is another reason.

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