End Times Dust Light

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chai ran ran

Just when Lu Ziming didn’t know what to do, he saw a black off-road jeep coming from a distance, “Stop…”, Lu Ziming finally saw the savior and waved his arms to stop the jeep: “Zombies, they are all Become a zombie…”.

Lu Ziming didn’t know how to explain what happened just now. This kind of thing is too weird. I have never heard anyone say this kind of thing. If it’s not that he is crazy, then the world is crazy.

“You are Lu Ziming! If you have anything to say, get in the car!”

Lu Ziming also recognized the man driving, Chai Moumou from the armed forces department of the village militia. I can’t remember the specific name. I heard that he was a demobilized cadre. When the forest protection team was established in the mountain village, he went to his village for guidance. Work. I knew Lu Ziming because I was admitted to a key high school in the county. These people were like a monkey, calling Lu Ziming around, as if they were able to enter a key high school. It was the result of their hard work. With their light, Lu Ziming, who is unconscious and ignorant, certainly does not understand the warmth of the government.

Chai is a national cadre. Even if he finds him, even if he finds the organization, he will naturally explain what happened. “Minister Chai, when I went to the health clinic to buy medicine, I found that Dr. Li and the mayor Zhou were both …Become a zombie…” After hearing someone call Minister Cai XX, Lu Ziming also went to the village to follow the customs. God knows how old the minister is, he is bigger than the old village chief anyway.

Chai Moumou interrupted Lu Ziming’s words: “I already know these things. Now I’m going to the county town to report what happened here to the organization. You go with me, so there is a testimony.” The leader is the leader. As soon as Lu Ziming said, Chai understood what was going on.

“Dad, I’m so scared, my uncles and aunts have become zombies, and they want to eat my meat”, a fat boy sitting in the passenger seat kept crying.

Chai XX caressed her son’s head affectionately: “Son, don’t cry, you will be fine when you reach the county seat. You go to bed first, and wait until the county seat dad calls you.”

The boy made Lu Ziming understand a lot of things in just a few words. It is not only the zombies that Dr. Li and the mayor of Zhou have become. Chai XX escaped from the township government with his son, which is no longer in the entire township government. Survivors.

“Minister Chai, what happened and how could it be like this.”

“You ask me, who do I ask?” Chai started his jeep impatiently and drove towards the county seat, complaining all the way: “It’s his, I’ve been down for eight lifetimes and I’ve had this bad luck. It’s still half a year. I will be transferred to the county town to reunite with his wife. What is this, zombies! All have become zombies. If I don’t react quickly, it will become a piece of meat in their mouths, Lu Ziming, you must give it to me. To testify, Lao Tzu has a mouth and can’t say clearly now.”

It turned out that Chai brought Lu Ziming with him in order to be a witness for himself. There is really no way to explain this kind of thing clearly. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would have killed Lu Ziming and would not believe that this happened.

Chai XX drove a jeep on the mountain road, leaving a lot of sand and dust behind the car, and there was no sense of speeding at all.

The jeep drove on the mountain road for more than two hours, and finally left the mountain road and drove into the main road leading to Fangcheng. “What’s the matter!” The road was full of broken down cars and burning vehicles everywhere. With thick black smoke, the corpses covered the entire road. A group of zombies who lost their souls wandered aimlessly on the road, some lying on the ground biting the corpse, and some were chasing the survivors frantically. .

The sound of the jeep attracted the attention of the zombies on the road, like a hungry wolf, and suddenly found a delicious prey, and the bees rushed towards the jeep.

“Rush over…!” No one explained what happened. The appearance of the zombies made Chai no time to think about it. It was impossible to turn around, only to increase the throttle and slam into the past.

“Dad, I’m so scared!” No one comforted Chai’s son. Everyone was scared, but what could be done?

After knocking down a few zombies, the jeep finally ran into the truck in front because it slipped and avoided the vehicles on the road. “Bang…”, the jeep plunged into the back of the truck.

“Get off the bus!”

There is no need to say Chai, Lu Ziming also knew that he could not stay in the car anymore, the sparks from the collision made a “chuck” sound, as if the devil was grinning at him.

Lu Ziming was hit hard, his head was humming, his feet seemed to be kicking in the water and he couldn’t get enough strength. As soon as he pushed the car door and touched the ground, he fell to the side of the road.

Chai Moumou pushed the car door, took out a double-barreled shotgun from under the seat, and loaded two bullets. When he was about to bypass the jeep, he saw Lu Ziming on the ground stiffly and said: “Run, how far you can run, There is only a dead end here.”

Lu Ziming wanted to say: You have a gun in your hand, and I can feel safe after you. Where can I go now? There are zombies everywhere on the road. Can I run past the zombies?

Chai Pao didn’t care about Lu Ziming’s thoughts at all. At this point, Lu Ziming is a burden, and his son can’t manage it. Can he save Lu Ziming, an outsider? Chai ran is not Lu Ziming’s father. Why should he take care of Lu Ziming? It is a great kindness not to throw Lu Ziming to the zombies.

All right! Maybe Chai Run is not what he thinks. Lu Ziming misunderstood Chai Run’s good intentions. It is better to run separately than to run in one direction. At least it can attract the attention of some zombies, and there is a possibility of escape.

Since he chose to escape for his own life, there is nothing to say. Lu Ziming can’t cry for others to save him.

Thinking about this, Lu Ziming didn’t hesitate at all. He helped the jeep stand up and looked around for the direction of escape.

It’s really hard to choose how to escape and where to escape. Let’s return to the mountain village. The way back is so far away. When can I go back with my two legs. Go to Fangcheng. There are zombies along the way. He is not Rambo, and he doesn’t even have a weapon for his hands. Could it be that he can’t bite against the zombies.

Boat, Lu Ziming saw a small river under the roadbed, and a small fishing boat docked on the side of the river. This is a seasonal river. In summer, the river surges and flows along the provincial road S329 to Fangcheng.

I hope the zombies are afraid of water. This is the only escape route Lu Ziming can think of. No matter whether he is dead or alive, he must try. You will never wait for the zombies to bite yourself on the road.

Thoughts are generated extremely fast, and countless thoughts can be generated in a day. Some are correct, some are purely bullshit. No one will pursue the faults of others because of one thought. Of course, they will not slowly go at this time. Whether the idea of postgraduate entrance examination is reasonable is purely seeking death.

run! It is human nature to run as far as possible, to be afraid of death, and to stay away from danger. No one will blame oneself for this. Only those who are bored with crooked lives will choose to die.

Lu Ziming did not feel that he was running away. This is not a ugly thing. Since Chai ran and let him run, let him run! The farther you run, the better, and it’s best to run to a place where there are no zombies.

However, Lu Ziming still underestimated the zombie’s interest in him. The only good thing is that he guessed the zombie’s inability to swim. Watching one after another zombies rushing into the river, Lu Ziming’s sweat pores were erected. NS. Knowing that falling into the water would drown, the zombies even jumped into the water. This is not a high platform diving. A few splashes of water sank to the bottom of the river. Well, I have to admit that these zombies really don’t have the ability to think. Since they like water, the river doesn’t have a lid, and I can’t stop all the zombies from jumping into the water.

Zombies appeared in the township, and zombies also appeared on the road. Will there be zombies in Fangcheng?

Lu Ziming can’t answer this question. The only thing that can be thought of is that there are many police officers in the city. Even if there are zombies, they should be able to control the situation. In any case, there are many people in the city, and it should be safer than outside the city, at least better than asking for every day.

Lu Ziming didn’t know if Chai Run could escape. When he finally saw Chai Run, Chai Runao shot a group of zombies with a shotgun and successfully seized a car. What happened after that was not clear.

The fishing boat drifted downstream along the turbulent river. The zombies chasing him all fell into the river and fed the bastard. Several zombies floated with the fishing boat. They were all pushed into the water by Lu Ziming with a paddle. No appearance.

Lu Ziming sat on the bow and looked at everything on the shore. He was no longer afraid in his heart. It should be said that he was numb. If he saw a dead body, he would not be afraid of the corpse. The fear disappeared in his heart little by little, but now he began to worry about the village. Of the people.

The fishing boat floated in the river for more than an hour. The surface of the river gradually widened, and the turbulent river water became smooth. A lot of water entered the fishing boat. Lu Ziming desperately scooped water out of the boat along the way, and finally tired himself. I can’t even lift my hand.

The closer the fishing boat is to Fangcheng, the worse the situation on the shore, which is not what Lu Ziming had imagined. There were zombies everywhere, and the air was full of choking smoke and a strong smell of blood. From time to time, survivors rushed out of the surroundings, or were chased by the zombies, or fled into the surrounding houses, and desperate people came from the building. Jumping from the top, people with luck jumped directly into the river. Someone drove a car on the road. There were killings everywhere, and there were screams and crashes from time to time.

No one came forward to stop all of this. All the survivors were running for their lives. There was no police, no army, nothing. Only groups of zombies were chasing after the survivors and enjoying a feast of human flesh.

This is the **** on earth. There is no hope. Only despair spreads among the survivors. Order has collapsed, morality is declining, and the law is ruthlessly trampled on. Who can say anything? This is the end of the world, a nightmare for mankind, although I don’t understand how it happened, but I can deeply feel that time stops at this moment. Lu Ziming lowered his head silently and was silent for a moment. When he raised his head again, the confusion was no longer visible in his pupils, and he was replaced by unprecedented ferocity, determination and perseverance.

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