End Times Dust Light

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Couples

No longer erupts in silence, and perishes in silence. Lu Ziming has no choice. This is the city where he has lived for two years. Everything is shattered. Is there anything more painful than this?

Starting from elementary school, Lu Ziming had to get up every day before dawn, walked a dozen miles of mountain roads, and rushed to school in the village. For more than ten years, it has been rainless and uninterrupted, because Lu Ziming believes that knowledge can change the future and change backwardness. Mountain village. My dream is about to succeed. Entrance to the county’s key high school is only the first step in life, but all of this is ruined in an instant.

“Damn zombie!”

“I want to kill you all!”

Lu Ziming was angry, but he did not lose his calm and reason. He would not fight with the zombies with his bare hands. Don’t say that he could not kill the zombies, even running.

“To survive, there is hope only when you are alive.”

Lu Ziming carefully observes every move of the zombies and regards the zombies as his daily homework. Why do the zombies chase survivors? The eyes of the zombies have degenerated and the surrounding scenery cannot be seen. Why can they detect the whereabouts of the survivors? , Why do they like to eat people, how can they avoid the pursuit of zombies, how can they kill zombies.

Humans belong to the category of creatures. As long as they are creatures, they have weaknesses, such as speed, strength, and response to external stimuli. These are all introduced in textbooks, but now the experimental subjects have been replaced by zombies.

Knowledge can really change fate, Lu Ziming has never doubted the power of knowledge, at least now Lu Ziming can use knowledge to understand the behavior of zombies and protect his own life.

······The sound of smashing glass attracted the attention of several nearby zombies. Lu Ziming took the fire axe and quickly moved closer to the safe passage. The zombie’s sense of direction was very good, and it would be very troublesome if he did not leave. , Lu Ziming now doesn’t want to provoke these zombies.

Lu Ziming deliberately found a pair of sneakers with beef tendon soles. He walked without making any noise. With a mask on his mouth, it would be difficult to find himself within five meters of a zombie.

Zombies generally don’t stay in corners and staircases aisles. This is because zombies need a certain amount of space, and zombies can’t judge whether they’re high or low, so Lu Ziming’s sneaking route mostly chooses the corner of the corner. There are very few zombies here, even if there are. One or two caught fish is also easy to deal with.

Suguo Supermarket is divided into a basement level and two above ground levels. The basement level is a parking lot and a warehouse. The ground level is a rental counter that sells some clothing, gold and silver jewelry and household appliances. The ground level is a large supermarket.

The second floor above the ground is the place with the most zombies, and there are usually few people on the underground floor. After the outbreak of the virus, there should be the least zombies here.

Lu Ziming clearly remembered the entrance of the supermarket warehouse. His cousin worked as a porter here, and boasted to himself that the contents of the warehouse are enough for everyone in the village to eat for ten years. Lu Ziming doesn’t know if he can eat for ten years. Anyway, I am very hungry now, and I can fill my stomach.

The door of the warehouse was open, and there was not a single zombie at the door. “Unreasonable, there is a problem, there must be a problem inside.” The warehouse door is open, which means that when the virus broke out, the warehouse was moving goods, and the truck parked at the door proved it. Lu Ziming’s thoughts.

“Zombies won’t go home to rest, right?” Lu Ziming discovered that zombies do not need to rest. Even at night, zombies do not have the habit of lying down to sleep. The only explanation is: zombies can sleep or rest standing up, and zombies are not workers who can strike. The zombies are very persistent and like to wander within a fixed range. They will not slow down or complain because they are not paid for overtime work.

There were no people in the truck at the door, and no zombies, only a few pools of blackened bloodstains extended into the warehouse.

Lu Ziming needs food, but the first thing he needs now is a backpack and a vehicle. “Damn hooligan, this morning he took all his food, broke his bicycle, and took the backpack together.” There are many abandoned electric cars on the streets, but electric cars are useless to Lu Ziming. There has been no electricity supply in the city for a long time. Electric cars without electricity are just a pile of scrap iron. Light bicycles are different. As long as you have the strength, you can escape the slow-moving zombies.

As for the cars abandoned on the street, I have never considered it, because Lu Ziming can’t drive, and the annoying alarm on the car will attract a large group of zombies, Lu Ziming dare not take risks.

The supermarket’s warehouse is not as dark as imagined. Although the electric lighting has been lost, because the warehouse is located underground, there are a large number of fluorescent traffic signs posted on the floor and walls of the warehouse, which can be clearly seen within one meter of the surrounding area. In the situation, even the labels on the shelves are made of fluorescent plates.

“Squeak…squeak…” There was the sound of a sore shopping cart rubbing the ground from the warehouse.

“Damn it, someone!”

I can think of the underground warehouse of the supermarket, why can’t others think of it?

The three elements of survival in the last days: food, medicine, and safety. Usually survivors will rank food first. Without food, there is nothing. Lu Ziming’s top priority is safety. If there is no safety, it is useless to ask for food and medicine.

In Lu Ziming’s view, the ‘squeaking” of the shopping cart is simply inviting zombies, “I am here, come and eat me”.

“This is definitely not a place to stay for a long time. Leave as soon as possible after you get your things.” Well, you guys want to die, don’t blame the zombies.

Lu Ziming quickly scanned the signs hanging on the warehouse aisles, “Sports goods shelves, right here…, hiking bags, mountain bikes, tents, balls, sports equipment…” Drinking, what is right for you is the best thing. There are many good things on the shelves, but Lu Ziming can’t take it with him. He only takes the hiking bags and mountain bikes he needs most. He didn’t even look at the outdoor tents. Now even if I stand naked on the road, no one accuses me of being indecency.

“Food, or food”, Lu Ziming’s way of choosing food is very simple, that is, looking for food with long shelf life, easy storage, easy to carry, high nutrition and high energy.

Compressed biscuits are suitable for long-term storage and transportation because they are sterilized by high temperature and high pressure during puffing. Packaging in plastic bags is hygienic and convenient. It is suitable for military needs and end-of-life consumption, but the taste is not very good. It is Lu Ziming’s first choice for food storage.

Canned food, chocolate, etc. are all food objects that Lu Ziming collects. He does not ask for taste, but only wants to be full. God knows if he will have the opportunity to come here to find food again in the future.

There was a creak of a shopping cart behind him. Lu Ziming grabbed the fire axe and looked back at him.

Behind him stood a pair of men and women. The man was in his twenties, in a white vest and carrying a machete in his hand. The woman was a little younger, wearing a long ponytail, and wearing a patterned silk shirt, looking at Lu Ziming curiously.

The man saw the fire axe in Lu Ziming’s hand, his eyes twitched a few times: “Who are you and why are you here?”

“Damn, you’re the one who treats yourself as a policeman!” If the opponent is a few men, Lu Ziming might turn around and run without hesitation. But now the other party seems to be a couple, and the force value should not be high, so they will ask themselves, “Passing by, take something and leave.” The supermarket warehouse is so big, you don’t want to occupy it alone, Lu Ziming obviously No interest in talking to men.

The man didn’t seem to hear Lu Ziming’s answer: “Are you alone? Do you want to stay here or leave”.

When the man spoke, Lu Ziming’s hand did not stop, but continued to fill the hiking bag with food: “I will leave”, the police, check the account, Lu Ziming hated the man’s tone from his heart.

At this time, the woman next to the man said: “It’s not safe outside. You should stay with us. We have a safe place. Many people are safe.”

Safety! It’s not safe to be with you. Pushing a shopping cart around the warehouse, for fear that the zombies don’t know it, it’s called dying after you.

When Lu Ziming was eight years old, he went hunting in the mountains. He knew how to track prey. He knew that there were dangers there. He knew what to not eat. He couldn’t breathe after climbing a few mountains. Now someone talks to himself about safety. This is not a big joke. what.

“Qiu Jing, we don’t know this person at all, why should we take him away?” Before Lu Ziming spoke, the man next to the woman spoke first, as if he was afraid that Lu Ziming would agree.

The woman suddenly looked at the man and retorted: “He is still a child. We can’t save him. Now that the chaos outside is so messy, you can bear to watch him die.”

“Stop, stop, stop…” Lu Ziming didn’t figure out the situation a bit. He didn’t seem to agree, and the two of them started quarreling. Could it be that his character broke out, “I didn’t seem to have agreed to anything, I You don’t need your protection either. You should protect yourself first.” It may be because the woman is helping herself to speak. Lu Ziming has a good impression of the woman and said: “You two have made such a big movement, and the zombies are very strong. Discerning the ability of voice, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible.”

“You…”, the man looked at Lu Ziming angrily. Just when he wanted to say something, he heard the screeching sound of the shelves coming from behind.

“Zombies! Qiujing, go away…”, three zombies appeared behind the man. One of the zombies pounced on the woman, but was blocked by the shopping cart in front of the woman.

The man waved the machete in his hand, “poof…”, and slashed the zombie on the shoulder.

The zombies are not conscious at all, let alone pain, the knife slashed on the shoulder, and did not affect the zombie’s behavior in the slightest, and opened his mouth to bite at the man’s body.

The man panicked and waved the machete in his hand, and kept stabbing and stabbing the zombies. The man had no experience in dealing with zombies. Lu Ziming even suspected that men might not have killed chickens in the civilized era. Facing zombies is only instinctive. Fear and resistance.

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