End Times Dust Light

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Disobey military orders

“What’s going on, the action is over”, Lu Ziming walked to the entrance of the Xiqiao grain depot, and found that there was no gunshots coming out around him. It was too quiet, as if something was going to happen.

“Report sir, the gate and office of the Xiqiao grain depot have been completely occupied by us, but there is still a gangster in the grain depot fighting stubbornly.” A soldier ran out of the warehouse.

“Go, go and see”, Lu Ziming was slightly angry, and he raised his leg and walked into the warehouse.

I thought that one and a half rows of soldiers didn’t need to take action against forty or fifty gangsters. I didn’t expect that there was still stubbornness. How to keep Lu Ziming from getting angry. You must know that this is not a zombies’ lair. Last time in the gym, because I underestimated the overall strength of the zombies, several soldiers were killed. It was the lion fighting the rabbit with all his strength, not wanting to make any mistakes, but it turned out to be counterproductive.

“Don’t come here, go one step further, I will light up the fuel tank, and then everyone will be burned together.” Fu Biaobao took a woman as a hostage, pinched the woman’s neck with his left hand against his chest, and a ball appeared in his right hand. A faint flame, “Who are you guys and why are you attacking me?”

When Lu Ziming launched the attack, Fu Biaobao happened to be patrolling the warehouse. He heard the intensive gunfire outside the door, and immediately smelled a dangerous smell. He wanted to escape but found himself stuck in the warehouse and caught him in a hurry. A hostage wanted to rush out, only to find that it was too late.

“Who is he, why didn’t he take action?” Lu Ziming walked into the warehouse and saw a man and a woman next to the oil depot, and he understood the seriousness of the matter.

Shi Sheng Guang ran all the way to Lu Ziming’s side and said: “Company Captain Lu, this person is Fu Biaobao. He hijacked a hostage and threatened to blow up the entire grain depot. We are negotiating with him to delay time.”

“Negotiate!” What is there to talk about with a villain, “Go! Go and see, see what he wants? Arrange snipers around and listen to my orders.”

“I am the general manager of Huamao International Trade Corporation: Fu Biaobao, who are you, why you attacked me, who is your head, I want to negotiate with him”, Fu Biaobao is hiding behind the hostages , Behind was a full barrel of gasoline, only half of his head protruded and shouted towards the front.

“I am Lu Ziming, Second Lieutenant of 0523 Company of Lanzhou Military Region, what can you tell me?” Lu Ziming walked out of the crowd and walked to a place only ten meters away from Fu Biaobao before stopping.

Fu Biaobao’s expression changed several times, and he did not expect that these people in front of him were soldiers. Except for the weapons in his hands, there was no sign of a soldier on his body.

No way. From the establishment of the 0523 Company to the present, it has not received any logistical supplies from the Lanzhou Military Region. Even the weapons in his hands are weapons that are eliminated after the army is refurbished. Some people believe that they are a group of armed bandits.

“Second Lieutenant Lu, we have no grudges from afar and recently, why did you bring troops to attack me?” Fu Biao Baoyuan thought that the other party was a group of black forces that could not be better than him, because he was fancying that the food in his hand would be annexed to each other. Thinking of Lu Ziming turned out to be an army, this is troublesome.

Lu Ziming delayed as much as possible and said: “I found out that there is food here, so I brought people here to borrow some food. If you release the hostage in your hand, I can consider letting you go.”

“Food?” Fu Biaobao did not expect that Lu Ziming was here for the grain in his own hands. Fortunately, he was on guard, knowing that someone would worry about the grain in his hand, so he buried a lot of gasoline in the warehouse. When the situation is not right, he fights for the death of the fish and breaks the net, “Don’t dream, the food is mine. If you want to get the food, unless I die.”

“Then you will die.” Lu Ziming lazily said a word with this kind of scum. It is not easy to die. Lu Ziming snapped his fingers in the air and said: “Okay…!”

“What’s the matter?” Lu Zi grumbled for a while, waited for 1 second, but did not hear the sniper’s gunshots. Is the sniper still in place?

“Damn! Didn’t Shi Shengguang listen to his orders? Impossible!” Lu Ziming and Shi Shengguang made a reservation in advance, and they dragged Fu Biao for two minutes. After the sniper was in place, he heard himself snap his fingers. Shooting, didn’t the sniper find a chance?

“Okay, we can make a transaction. The food is yours. I will use the weapon in my hand to exchange the food with you. Five pistols, ten rifles and 10,000 rounds of ammunition are exchanged for 90% of the food in your hand. What do you think? “, Lu Ziming said as he approached Fu Biaobao.

Fu Biaobao hesitated. In the last days, apart from food, weapons are the most important thing. He has so much food in his hands, and he can’t eat it all at once. It would be more appropriate to change weapons, but Lu Ziming’s appetite is too big. , I actually want 90% of my own food, “No, I can only give you half of the food, and you have too few weapons. I want 20 pistols, 100 rifles and 100,000 rounds of ammunition.”

Lu Ziming didn’t expect Fu Biaobao to be so greedy. These weapons were enough for Fu Biaobao to form a company. He bargained and said, “No, I don’t have so many weapons and ammunition in my hand. Five pistols, 20 rifles and 20,000 rounds. Bullets, exchange for 80% of your food, this is my last bottom line”, Lu Ziming deliberately spoke loudly, and walked forward a few meters naturally, as if he was afraid that the other party would not hear him.

“Lu Ziming, don’t deceive others too much. There are 540 tons of food here. You can’t eat it all by yourself. I have a relative who is a commander of the Lanzhou Military Region. He has a share here. You will bow your heads and see you later. Don’t take things too far, it’s not good for everyone.”

“Are you threatening me?” Lu Ziming’s eyes flashed with anger.

“I can’t talk about threats. As long as you let me go today, I can help you say some good things in the future. You, the second lieutenant, can still be raised to the next level in the past. How about a fair deal?” Seeing that Lu Ziming seemed to hesitate, Fu Piao Bao immediately changed his strategy of conversation.

“Okay! You release the hostages first.” Lu Ziming seemed to snap his fingers casually.

Still the gunshots of the sniper rang out, “What’s the matter? Could it be that the soldiers under his own began not to listen to his command”, Lu Ziming was really angry, and he couldn’t command the soldiers under his own, then he, the ensign, really The job is very incompetent.

“No, your people have to leave the warehouse first, and let all of my people go, otherwise we can’t talk about anything.” Fu Biaobao saw Lu Ziming’s talk a little easing, thinking that Lu Ziming had some scruples. His attitude became tough, and the flame in his hand swayed in front of Lu Ziming’s eyes, as if threatening Lu Ziming.

“Looking for death!” As soon as Fu Biaobao stretched out his hand, Lu Ziming, who was only six or seven meters away from Fu Biaobao, suddenly moved his body.

Fu Biaobao only felt something swayed in front of him. Lu Ziming was already standing in front of him. “You…” Fu Biaobao was startled. Before he could say the words in his mouth, he heard “Kacha”. Screamed.


The moving speed of the first-order strong is 10 meters per second, and the moving speed of the second-order strong has reached 20 meters per second. Fu Biaobao is only a first-order fireman, his body has not reached even the first-order strong, and his eyes cannot catch To Lu Ziming’s figure.


Lu Ziming flashed his body, and the distance of six or seven meters only needed 0.3 seconds, and Fu Biaobao took 0.5 seconds at the fastest from seeing Lu Ziming’s body move to reacting. How to deal with it, it takes 0.6 seconds. For ordinary people, 0.6 seconds is just a blink of an eye, and for the second-order strong, they can do a lot of things.

In the gap between Fu Biaobao’s surprise, Lu Ziming rushed in front of Fu Biaobao, grabbing Fu Biaobao’s arm and tugging forcefully. The explosive power of the second-order powerhouse reached 500KG, and Fu Biaobao’s weight was no more than 80KG. After being moved by Lu Ziming, the whole person flew like a sandbag.

“Go to hell.” Fu Biaobao’s body was still rolling in the air. Lu Ziming had already jumped up and kicked Fu Biaobao’s head fiercely as if he was kicking on a watermelon with his feet. He heard “bang”. With a sound, Fu Biaobao’s head exploded in an instant, and his brain was directly sprayed out, and the headless corpse fell heavily to the ground.

Lu Ziming did not dare to hesitate at all. Fu Biaobao’s physique did not reach the first-order powerhouse, but his superpowers had reached the first-order. As long as Fu Biaobao reacted, a small spark could ignite the oil depot in the warehouse. At that time the entire warehouse will be reduced to ashes. I don’t care about Fu Biaobao’s life or death, or even consider the safety of the hostages, but I have to consider the nearly hundreds of tons of grain in the warehouse. If I am negligent, my efforts will be lost.

Fu Biao could not keep it. From the time Fu Biao used the oil depot as a threat, he was already dead. A frenzied person could do everything, so Lu Ziming had to use the most cruel means to kill him in the bud. In, eliminate any potential dangers.

Lu Ziming’s face was sullen, and he turned around and asked, “What happened just now? Why didn’t I fire a shot? Isn’t my order clear enough?” Lu Ziming’s gaze swept over the surrounding soldiers, and finally stayed on Shi Shengguang. .

The scene just now was too fast, too violent, and too bloody. Except for Pang Xiang who could see Lu Ziming’s entire action, everyone else only saw an afterimage, and finally found Fu Biaobao’s headless body lying on the ground because the speed of the killing was too fast. Quickly, Fu Biaobao’s body was still twitching on the ground, making people horrified.

Shi Sheng Guang felt afraid for a while, and a chill rose on his back. Is this a human being? Could it be that this is the strength of the superpower, it is too terrifying, “Company Captain Lu, the angle of shooting just now is too small, it may detonate the oil depot, so I did not order the shooting.”

“Are you sure that the bullet hits the oil drum can cause an explosion, or do you think my order is incorrect and there is no need to execute it.” Many people think that shooting the oil drum will definitely cause an explosion. In fact, this is not the same as throwing cigarette butts into gasoline. It is the same to cause burning.

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