End Times Dust Light

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: The world has changed

If it is in normal times, there is nothing wrong with one’s own opinions and different opinions. If someone has an opinion on himself, Lu Ziming will be happy to accept the exchange. But in the operation, the order can only be issued by the highest official. Anyone who wants to question the commander’s order can submit it after the operation is over. Shi Shengguang even directly ignored the order he issued on the battlefield. If Lu Ziming is not If the second-order powerhouse, the situation will become unmanageable.

“Shi Shengguang, openly questioned the command issued by the commander on the battlefield. From now on, he will revoke all duties of Shi Shengguang in the army and be demoted to an ordinary soldier. A squad leader will be replaced by a deputy squad leader. The order is now effective.”

One of the most important duties of a soldier is to unconditionally obey the orders issued by the superiors. Even if it is a wrong order, it must be executed unconditionally.

Disobeying orders from higher authorities is a felony both in peacetime and in wartime. According to military regulations, those who disobey orders in wartime and cause harm to combat shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than ten years; those who cause heavy losses in battles or battles, Sentenced to more than ten years of fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment, or death sentence, Lu Ziming’s removal of Shi Shengguang’s position as squad leader is not wrong.

“It’s not fair, I’m not wrong, why should I revoke my military position”, Shi Shengguang clenched his hands, his fingers deeply pierced into the skin, if it weren’t for Lu Ziming’s terrifying strength, I’m afraid he would have to point to Lu. Ziming yelled.

“Shi Shengguang despised the officer’s punishment and did not know how to repent. Now he surrenders his weapons, fires the army, and never uses them again.” Lu Ziming’s cold and merciless voice sounded in the warehouse.

If Lu Ziming remembers correctly, the name of Shi Shengguang is included in the list of core members submitted by Pang Xiang. Before this incident, Lu Ziming was very optimistic about Shi Shengguang and believed that Shi Shengguang had a personality and was a tough guy. , And even consider the opportunity to promote Sheng Guang in the future. I didn’t expect that Shi Shengguang would question his orders again and again. Such people are no longer suitable for staying in the army.

“I’m not convinced! You are a mess, I want to make a statement?” Shi Shengguang’s face turned blue, the blue veins on his neck bulged, and the bloodthirsty expression appeared in his eyes. Lu Ziming suddenly ruined the rest of his life. How about Not angry.

“This is the focus of the military. I will give you one minute to leave here, otherwise you will be doing Fa-rectification on the spot.”

“You…! Lu Ziming, you ruined all my hopes, you will regret it!” Several soldiers took Shi Shengguang and dragged Shi Shengguang out of the West Bridge Grain Depot.

Standing at the gate of the West Bridge Grain Depot, the scorching sun above his head shot countless dazzling rays of light from the sky. The stab master Sheng Guang narrowed his eyes, allowing Shi Sheng Guang to calm down.

Shi Shengguang didn’t feel the sweltering heat, but felt chills all over his body. He was too impulsive just now. He even fainted and accused the murderer. Will Lu Ziming remember the words he said after his anger? Will Yangjiaji stay? Shi Shengguang began to calm down and think about his own way out.

“Yang Jiaji can’t stay. The Murder King will definitely not let him go. Go to Nanyang! I heard that there is also a newly established base there.” After making up his mind, Shi Shengguang didn’t hesitate at all and jumped into his car. Secretly thought: “I know the secret of the crystal. With this secret, I will definitely get the attention of the military, and I will make a comeback at that time, so I don’t need to swallow my anger in this small place.”

“Platform leader Pang, first emptied the oil depot, and then transported all the grain back to the Yangjiaji grain depot, leaving two shifts to be stationed here, searching for nearby factories, and moving the available equipment and materials to Yangjiaji. “Lu Ziming didn’t pay much attention to Shi Shengguang. After issuing a series of orders, he rushed to Sanliqiao with the soldiers of the other two squads.


In a place called Fengxiang on the outskirts of Lantian City, there is a military restricted zone with an area of ten square kilometers. Apart from a few rows of large and outrageous gray factories, no one can enter or leave at all. But these are all superficial phenomena. As long as you observe carefully, you will see soldiers with live ammunition in some hidden places. Otherwise, what is the difference between this place and other places.

The weather in the northwest of September will change when it changes. The sky was still clear just now, and after a few minutes, the ink clouds rolled, the sky was dim, cold and dull, and the roaring wind swept the earth, accompanied by thunderous thunder that resounded throughout the world, causing a sensation. The coercion of the world makes one involuntarily awe and fear the world.

Murong Bopeng was standing in the window wearing a gray-collared shirt, his eyes staying at the lightning flashing across the sky, and the sound insulation effect of the glass windows was very good. Standing in the room, he could not hear the rumbling thunder outside. But still feeling the shock of the lightning tearing through the night, Murong Bopeng mumbled: “The storm is coming, can mankind survive this catastrophe?”

Murongxue, dressed in a blue-black professional formal suit, with icy perseverance on her face, she walked into the room with a stack of documents under her arm and said, “Dad, the experimental data is out.”

Murong Bopeng held a thin cigar between his fingers and took a deep breath. The air was full of pungent tobacco smell: “Nian!”

Murongxue’s voice could not hear the slightest emotional change, she was reading like a machine, without rhyme: “Experimental data shows that the evolution of zombies is faster than expected. It will evolve once in about 30 days. The zombies can tear each other. Biting or self-evolving, the time of self-evolution is about 40 to 50 days, and the speed of mutual biting evolution is only 10 to 15 days. The higher the density of zombies, the faster the evolution of zombies.”

“Are the animal experimental data available?”

“The laboratory did not notice the changes in animals at the beginning, but through the comparison of the data of the previous civilization era and the dark era, all animals are mutating. This mutation is different from zombies. It should be that evolution has accelerated. Small animals are in a month. The physical signs have increased by two to four times. For larger animals, the physical signs have also increased by half to double. Even the more docile poultry have become violent. It is recommended to culling on a large scale immediately, otherwise The consequences could be disastrous.”

Murong Boxeng said to himself: “Lu Ziming, this kid really has some talents, and he did not live up to my expectations of him.”

If Lu Ziming heard Murong Bopeng’s words here, he would definitely jump up and shout: “My weapons and food, these praise nonsense can’t kill zombies, nor can they fill their stomachs. I want real help.” .

“Lu Ziming’s data is very rough, and it doesn’t explain much of the problem. He should not be given military merit”, Murongxue looked indifferent, and felt sick when he thought of that cynical face.

“Xue’er, I know you don’t like Lu Ziming, but you can’t bring your personal emotions to work. Lu Ziming’s reminder is very timely. If it weren’t for his discovery, our attention would stay on the zombies. We shouldn’t obliterate his contribution,” Murong Bopeng took a sip of a thick black tea, and his spirit recovered a little.

“That person is ambitious at first glance. Once this kind of person has power, he will act according to his own wishes, and it will be difficult to control at that time.” It really made Murongxue right. Some women have a natural acumen. Lu Ziming can look into the hearts of others at a glance. Lu Ziming is laughing and joking, but his heart is absolutely strong, cold and determined. This is very similar to Murong Xue.

Murongxue’s words were like a pebble thrown into the big lake, and disappeared after a ripple.

Unruly and rebellious people appear in the army. If they can’t be controlled, they will generally not have any good results. They are either left early or obliterated early. These things are very common in the civilized era. But now it’s a dark era, everything depends on strength, it’s too normal for someone like Lu Ziming to appear.

Murong Bopeng smiled faintly, is Lu Ziming a threat? no! In Murong Bopeng’s eyes, even if Lu Ziming occupied the entire square city, it was just irrelevant and not mentioned.

It is the people in the military department who really need to worry. The virus outbreak has been almost a month, but what they have done, except for endless quarrels, is desperately expanding their power. Up to now, there is no effective plan. Developed by zombies, let survivors wailing in hunger. Let’s take a look at what Lu Ziming did. He established a base, gathered survivors, opened up the roads around Fangcheng, and discovered changes in zombies and animals. Is there any reason to make irresponsible remarks to such people?

Lu Ziming did what the army and the government did not do, and he did very well. Murong Bopeng knows this better than anyone else.

Don’t think that what Lu Ziming did in Fangcheng and Murong Bopeng didn’t know that power lies in control, and losing the right to control is a potential danger. Lu Ziming killed Shilong at Yangjiaji, imprisoned Chang Guotai, confiscated private land, and eliminated dissidents. These things were all passed to Murong Bopeng’s ears through various channels, but what can be done?

In just twenty days, Lu Ziming established a base in Yangjiaji. Can people yield without thunder? Is it necessary to use the leather bargaining in the first half of the year to compensate the various forces? Maybe this is possible in the civilized era, but it will not work in the dark era, because there is no time and resources.

“I know you have opinions on Lu Ziming, but in the Dark Era, this contradiction between you and him is nothing at all. After you read this latest report, you will not think that Lu Ziming is doing everything. Wrong, things are far worse than you think. When it comes to using iron-blooded wrists, give up the compassion, friendliness, and equality in the era of civilization, and use your eyes to look at the beginning of a new world again.”

Murongxue felt the atmosphere suddenly become depressed, took the folder that Murong Bopeng pushed over, opened it, and only glanced at it. She was stunned and a little mad and said: “How could this be, it’s impossible,” It is absolutely impossible, it must be a mistake.”

Murong Bopeng’s voice seemed to float out of hell: “This world has really changed. I prevent the Lanzhou Military Department from using nuclear weapons, but I cannot prevent other military regions from using nuclear weapons. Nuclear explosions can kill zombies as much as possible. Intensifying the speed of virus mutation, Tier 2 zombies have just appeared, but the nuclear explosion spawned Tier 4 zombies. We personally released the demons from hell.”

There was thunder flashing outside the window, and a wrinkled face was reflected on the glass, with a bitter smile and self-deprecating on his face. No one knew what Murong Bopeng was thinking at this time.

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