End Times Dust Light

Chapter 872

Chapter 874: Zombies can also fly

Like the previous second attack on Xincheng, the first unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was dispatched to accurately map the terrain and the distribution of zombies in the second ring road to provide information support for the subsequent troops.

Xiaoxihu is a small lake in Xincheng. Of course, there will be no Gushan, Leifeng Pagoda, Sudi… all of them are not there. It is just a small lake in the west of Xincheng. The area is not too large. One or two square kilometers can only be described as small and exquisite. It is connected to a river that runs through the city and is used for drainage and flood prevention. It is also a place for citizens to relax and enjoy the cool.

In order to build the image of the city, the government built a park landscape within the second ring road, with trees everywhere, which is completely a model of a forested city.


As the first explosion sounded, countless high-explosive bombs fell in the city park, where there were signs of a large number of zombie activities.

He watched as the shells fell, his solemn expression did not diminish: “Little Cao, although the zombies in the third ring are difficult to fight, they are mainly concentrated in residential areas, and the zombies here are sheltered by big trees and the terrain is complicated. If you don’t have a wide view, be careful when you wait!”

“I see, but our mission this time is a tentative attack. There shouldn’t be any problems?”

“It’s better to be careful! I always feel something is wrong. Have you noticed that the zombies here seem to be more orderly”, He put down the binoculars in his hand and said vaguely uneasy.

“I have also noticed that the zombies here do not have three-ringed zombies roaring around. It seems to be restrained!”

The first round of shelling stopped as he spoke, and Lao He waved his hand behind him: “Two armored vehicles in a group, separated by no less than 30 meters, should proceed along the main road from end to end. Do not go deep into the second ring road, let alone approach the first ring road. ,start to act!”

Afterwards, it was proved that it was Lao He’s caution that was not washed out in the early stages of the conflict with the mutant zombies and saved the fate of the entire army from being destroyed.

Xiao Cao jumped onto an armored car and headed towards the first ring road along the two main roads with Lao He, one from the south and the other from the north.

It is said that Da Shan and Gou Xiong saw Lao He and Xiao Cao’s pioneer troops entering the second ring, and they also commanded the third battalion to start to deploy defenses on the east side of Xiaoxi Lake, mainly to prevent the zombies from the second ring from counterattacking, and to cover the retreat of Lao He and Xiao Cao.

Some people are born scientists, engineers, and teachers, and some are born fighters. Da Shan and the bear are born fighters, and they are also berserkers.

Standing on the east bank of Xiaoxi Lake, I saw a small park ploughed by artillery fire. The trees were burning, the landscape was fragmented, and there were scraps of zombies everywhere, and the smell of gunpowder in the air mixed with the smell of corruption.

This is the taste of warriors. As a warrior, only through the baptism of fire and blood can he become a steel-like will, and make every cell cheer and jump on the battlefield.

“Dashan, you see there is a municipal exhibition hall in front of us on the right side. Should I take someone over to have a look?”

If the attack on the third ring of Xincheng means steadily advancing, then the attack on the second ring is purely a tentative action, and will not chew on the hard bones hiding in the building. The suggestion of the bear is obviously not in line with Lu Ziming’s strategic thinking.

Dashan did not even object, “I can only give you a platoon of troops, pay attention to safety, go and return quickly, and don’t retreat immediately if you encounter a situation…”.


Obviously, there is no personal killing in a large army. Every soldier wants the screws on the machine, reconnaissance, shooting, fire suppression, and overall implementation… These seemingly unchanging patterns are monotonous and boring, without the slightest suspense and passion. This It’s unbearable. Now being assigned to the defensive force, the bear feels that there is nothing to do, and there is no chance for him to try his best.

Let’s say that Lu Ziming also noticed this problem, promptly withdrew Da Shan and the bear to the rear, and pushed Lao He and Xiao Cao, who have commanding combat experience, to the front line, preparing to make necessary adjustments after the war.

Municipal Exhibition Hall is a building with a wave shape. It is usually used as an urban image planning exhibition center to undertake some large-scale exhibition tasks. The area is about the size of a bird’s nest, and it is not among the targets of this attack.

Gou Xiong led more than 30 people to the Municipal Exhibition Hall. The zombies outside the Municipal Exhibition Hall had disappeared under the first wave of artillery fire, leaving only mutilated bodies and bomb craters everywhere.

“Squad one investigates the surrounding situation, the second class guards the entrance, and the third class follows me into the exhibition hall!”

A few zombies rushed out of the municipal exhibition hall. Before the machete in the bear’s hand saw blood, they were shot down by the soldiers around him, “Don’t panic, take your time, leave me one…”.


“What to look at, don’t hurry up and look around”, the bear stepped into the hall of the exhibition hall. The sun fell from the huge glass roof above his head. A huge plastic skeleton of Tyrannosaurus was facing him, chasing an injured triceratops next to him. With the introduction of Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops, the whole hall is arranged like a dense Jurassic jungle. Unfortunately, without the sound and light effects, it looks dull and lifeless.

“Be alert! Three people, don’t go too deep.” The bear is not a reckless person, on the contrary, if he is cautious, he will not survive the present.

Just after bypassing a giant model tree, a black shadow fell from the sky among several soldiers, “Be careful over your head!”

Just as the bear’s voice fell, a few more dark shadows fell from the giant tree, just around the soldiers, and one of the dark shadows rushed towards the bear.

Intuition tells the bear that this dark shadow is quite dangerous. The machete in his hand slashed towards the dark shadow without hesitation. The dark shadow suddenly changed its direction in the air, and the light shone from behind the dark shadow to the bear’s eyes. The bear felt a flower in front of him, the machete. He drew back to protect his chest, “Boom!” A huge force hit the machete, and the bear’s body “pedaled” back a few steps, only then could he see the dark shadow attacking him clearly.


The bear took a deep breath, and found that cold sweat was coming from his back, and the pores all over his body exploded. The whole person seemed to be immersed in ice water.

The bear found that he did not know the black shadow in front of him, but the black shadow gave people a sense of danger that he had never had before. At first glance, he felt like the legendary Batman. The black shadow is less than one meter tall, with his head and small cheeks facing forward. Protruding, big eyes, big mouth, no nose and ears, the facial features are compressed together, like a cantaloupe slapped flat by a person, the arms have been degraded, and the black wings growing under the ribs are stuck together, and the whole body is shrunken and invisible. A trace of muscle, his feet have also degenerated into sharp claws, barbs on the branches of the giant tree, blood-red eyes staring at the bear.

“Batman…, no, it should be exactly like a flying zombie”, no matter what it is, the bear has no time to study, and swipes a knife towards the upside down zombie.

The flying zombie’s wings flickered, and the body flickered on the branch, soaring into the air, without the meaning of fighting the bear, disappearing in the shadow of the giant tree.

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