End Times Dust Light

Chapter 873

Chapter 875: Alien Zombie

A scream sounded around the bear, and the ghostly bat corpse fell from the sky, grabbing the soldier in mid-air, letting other soldiers throw a rat trap, and watched the comrades being caught by the bat corpse and did not dare to shoot.

“Close the formation, pay attention to the top of your head, don’t panic!”

“Fuck, what kind of zombie is this,…I’m flying here again, shoot!”

The bear found something wrong. The giant trees in the hall of the exhibition hall severely obstructed the sight of observation. The black shadows cast by the bats in the air made people shudder. Grounded bat corpses flying around.


As soon as Gou Xiong turned around, he felt the floor of the exhibition hall tremble, and then the floor of the whole hall began to shake, “Boom, boom, boom!” A loud noise came from the exhibition halls on both sides, separated by engineering panels. Something knocked open the temporary wall of his, and countless crawling zombies rushed out from it.

It is indeed a crawling zombie. It has a zombie face, a creature’s body, and its limbs have degenerated to adapt to running. This is a degenerated and mutated zombie, equivalent to version 2.0 of zombies plus creatures. It was rarely seen before. So many appeared at once. The bear was a bit confused all at once. How did crawling zombies evolve? No one is clear, because crawling zombies are just a general term, which is different from pig monsters and bull monster zombies. The former are like animals and the latter are like zombies. Who has the spare time to study these zombies? How to classify.


Crawling zombies are like cockroaches poured out of a box, pouring out like tides from all corners of the exhibition hall. This scene makes people stand upside down.

Why are there so many zombies hidden in the municipal exhibition hall, the bear has not come to think too much, and retreats back while reporting: “Dashan! The municipal exhibition hall has found a large number of zombies, we are retreating, request support!”

“Don’t panic, keep a close formation, retreat to the entrance, and someone outside will meet us!”

A pig-shaped crawling zombie jumped down from the exhibition hall on the second floor, “Boom!” A shallow hole was smashed into the ground. Before it got up, it was cut open by the bear.

Gou Xiong and others had not retreated to the entrance of the exhibition hall, they were blocked by crawling zombies in the exhibition hall, and fell into a circle of zombies for a while.

Dashan received a distress signal from the bear, knowing that something was wrong, and just wanted to save him personally, but Xiaoxia by his side grabbed him: “Dashan, you can’t go, I’ll save the bear?”

“Okay! You bring a company of soldiers to rescue the bear!”

“No, there are too few troops here. I can bring a platoon. You inform Xiao Pan that you are going to bombard the Municipal Exhibition Hall…”

“Okay! Be careful.” The entire east bank of Xiaoxi Lake has only one battalion of troops. It is just a drop in the bucket to defend a position of nearly one kilometer. Now two platoons are transferred to rescue the bears. This responsibility cannot be shouldered.

Lu Ziming arrived on the west bank of Xiaoxi Lake early and was listening to Xiaopan’s return. “Team Lu, the first wave of shelling cleared the frontal area one kilometer wide and two kilometers deep. Judging from the effects of the shelling, the situation of destroying zombies is very poor. Ideally, most zombies don’t know where they are hiding. Should they launch a saturation attack on the buildings on the West Bank…”.

“The attack on the second ring is not the main task of this attack. The intention of the zombies is now unknown. It angers the zombies but it is not good for us… What is the situation with Li Juan”, Lu Ziming’s last sentence was asking Zi Xin.

“Li Juan’s situation is very bad. The zombies in Nancheng show no signs of retreating. Maybe our guess is wrong!”

The battle has progressed until now, why the zombies retreat from the West City is not yet clear. Lu Ziming would not foolishly think that the zombies are afraid of himself, let alone think that the zombies are insufficiently armed, so they have shifted their military strength strategy. You must know that there are at least three to four hundred thousand zombies in Xincheng, even if you stand and kill yourself, it is impossible to capture Xincheng without ten and a half months.

“Team Lu, just received a message for help!”


Lu Ziming’s distress message flashed in his mind, and he frowned, “Making a fool!”

“what happened?”

“The bear did not obey the command, and led a group of soldiers into the Municipal Exhibition Hall. They were attacked by the zombies inside. They are now surrounded by the Municipal Exhibition Hall and urgently need rescue!”

“Purple Heart, send me the monitoring screen of the bear team…” Except for the evolutionary, every soldier has a monitor on his multi-functional helmet, interacting with the giant computer in the Chi You space, and delivering it in real time. The latest combat instructions.

Before Lu Ziming had time to read the information in the Municipal Exhibition Hall, a new call for help suddenly popped out of his mind: “No! A large number of alien zombies were found in the second ring central business district. We suffered heavy casualties. We requested immediate retreat…, repeat. , Retreat immediately!” This was a message sent to Lao He by a company commander of the vanguard, which was passed to Lu Ziming by Zi Xin.

Lao He’s message appeared in Lu Ziming’s mind at the same time: “Team Lu, I found a large number of alien zombies here, which may be the nests of zombies. They have already exchanged fire with alien zombies. The situation is very bad now. Please retreat!”

Lu Ziming’s mind immediately appeared in the central business district monitoring screen, the screen flickering, but still can clearly see that countless strangely shaped mutated zombies swarmed out of the tall buildings, cutting Lao He’s team into several segments. . There are mutant zombies everywhere in the picture, and the terrified soldiers are desperately resisting. The flood of bullets is mixed in the flashing explosion fire light, and it can be seen that they have been suddenly attacked by the zombies.

“Little Cao, how is the situation with you?”

Although the situation is in crisis, Lu Ziming did not mess around. The expected fierce battle still occurred, and Lu Ziming was relieved, after all, he did not guess wrong.

Alien-shaped zombies appeared in the Municipal Exhibition Hall, and now there are also alien-shaped zombies in the central business district. Lu Ziming immediately connected Xiao Cao’s communicator.

“Something happened to Team Lu”, Xiao Cao’s anxious voice reached Lu Ziming’s brain, “Unidentified zombie creatures appeared in the financial district, and their attack power and defense power exceeded ordinary zombies, and they are now approaching us!”

“Retreat immediately to support Lao He, and cover Lao He’s approach to the west bank of Xiaoxi Lake. I will order Xiao Pan to provide artillery support!”

Lu Ziming immediately issued an attack order. The target was the financial district where Xiao Cao was located. He bought time for Xiao Cao to retreat and rescue Lao He, and at the same time let Da Shan prepare for the retreat.

“Ground yellow! Stop the clean-up operations in Xicheng District and immediately plant landmines on the west bank of Xiaoxihu Lake to cover the retreat of the troops!”

“All medical team members immediately evacuated from Xincheng,… the sniper battalion is ready to evacuate at any time.”

A series of orders were issued, thinking of Li Juan who was still in the fierce battle, immediately connected to Li Juan’s communicator, “Li Juan, where are you doing?”

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