End Times Dust Light

Chapter 923

Chapter 925: Weird rebellion

Lian Hai hurriedly jumped out to grab the class to seize power. His bad image was shameless. Those Lian Hai’s cronies thought that the opportunity had finally come, and one by one they jumped out and danced wildly.

Some of the officers under the Big Four could not stand it. They sneaked along the roots of the wall when people were not paying attention. They thought that Lian Hai, who controls everything, would certainly not let the officers who support the Big Four escape: “Don’t move, stand in the original position. Now, the military camp has a curfew, and no one can leave the banquet hall. Violators will be killed without pardon!”

Since they have torn their skin, the officers under the Big Four know that their doomsday is coming, and they are willing to wait and die: “Lian Hai has rebelled…!”

A sigh broke the dull atmosphere in the banquet hall, as if a boulder was thrown into the calm pond, which immediately caused a commotion. The banquet hall began to be crowded, the chaos spread towards the edge of out of control, pushing and shoving someone in the crowd. “Get out! Master Luo is not dead yet, don’t be fooled by Lian Hai!”

“Fight with Lianhai!”

Usually, there is no prestige Lianhai, but with the title of a puppet, he finally revealed a hideous face.

“Kill me! Kill them all!”

Gendarmerie and Lian Hai’s guards confronted each other, looking at each other vigilantly. If nothing happens, this confrontation will continue for a long time until one party completely wins.

In fact, neither of the two sides wants to wipe their guns and get angry. It is said that the upper-level struggle for power has nothing to do with the soldiers, and there is no need to work hard, that is, just pretend to be scared.

In any case, even the sea is not a brainless person. If the conflict really arises, let alone what situation will eventually evolve, even the strength of the base will be greatly lost. This kind of kills the enemy and hurts 800. Things can only be done by lunatics.

Lian Hai is not a lunatic, he just has ambitions to be an emperor. He doesn’t even think of killing him at all, so he will control the officers in the banquet hall for the first time.

But the situation on the scene took a turn for the worse. The restless officer seemed to be bewitched by some kind of bewitched and lost control in an instant. Everyone was in danger as if the sea would become an ogre in the next moment.

Of course Lian Hai would not know that someone had moved their hands and feet in the tea as early as possible. A slight stimulant can stimulate the human body’s nervous thinking and amplify the sense of panic and fear in the heart. If there is a slight disturbance, the snake shadow will start to frighten and think that he has been affected. Attacking, it is difficult to suppress the tension in my heart, instantly loses my mind, misjudges the situation, and makes some actions that ordinary people cannot understand.

Of course, this kind of negative influence is difficult to be noticed. Unless it is stimulated, it seems that both sides are walking on a tightrope, with a cliff of ten thousand feet under their feet. Under the meaning of the submergence, I think that Lian Hai will really kill himself, so I immediately do it. The act of breaking the net.

Lian Hai was also insecure when he was out of control. There was an illusion that he could not control. The originally faintly uneasy emotions were infinitely magnified, as if the situation had been completely out of control, and his head was heated and he gave the order to kill.

No one knows who fired the first shot, but this is no longer meaningful. The officers and soldiers who heard the gunshot seemed to have been given a dose of stimulant. The renal hormones quickly made themselves excited, and they have forgotten their fears. With fear, he regarded the people everywhere in front of him as enemies, and when the gunfire suddenly sounded, the situation in the entire banquet hall slid towards an uncontrollable abyss.

Lian Hai also vaguely felt something was wrong, but the chaotic scene did not allow me to think about it. Before even giving a second order, he was shielded by the soldiers around him and dragged out of the banquet hall.

The bullet-flying banquet hall is full of weird scenes. Even good comrades are shooting at each other in an uncontrollable atmosphere. The blood in the air makes this intense scene even more paradoxical, although there are Individual sober officers shouted for restraint from both sides, and the chaotic scene was ruthlessly overwhelmed like birdsong in a storm.

The gunshots in the banquet hall also attracted the attention of the surrounding guard soldiers. A group of soldiers who didn’t know what was happening soon joined the battle. The battle inevitably spread from the banquet hall, first patrolling soldiers, then The lower-level officers who were resting in the dormitory building not far away, as the fighting spread to the barracks, more soldiers rushed out of the barracks to fight on their own.

Lian Hai, who was rescued by the guards, hid in a small office building, and the more he thought about it, the more things went wrong: “Where did Yuan Teng die? Why can’t I see him and his soldiers now?”

“The commander of the company! We did not see Yuan Teng at all, nor did we see his soldiers. We may have betrayed us!”

According to the plan, Yuan Teng, who was successfully rebelled by Lian Haiqi, should immediately surround the banquet hall. On the one hand, he should deter the officers in the banquet hall, and on the other hand, he would prevent the suppression of rescued soldiers from outside, and control the fighting or coercion. In the banquet hall, forcing the officers in the banquet hall to surrender allegiance to them is the complete rebellion plan.

However, five minutes have passed since the battle started. Lian Hai did not see Yuan Teng and his soldiers appearing around the banquet hall, and the situation would lose control.

Even Hai didn’t want to understand exactly where the problem occurred. If Yuan Teng betrayed himself, why would he succeed in ambushing the Big Four at the entrance of the banquet hall? If the Big Four knew that they were preparing for a rebellion, why would they participate in hosting Lu Tian, the Military Commissioner. At the banquet of Xing and others, a series of questions flashed through Lianhai’s mind. It is a pity that no one has given himself the answer.

But what Lian Hai didn’t know was that he would have to go to **** to meet Yuan Teng. Yuan Teng betrayed the Big Four. Naturally, he could no longer betray Lian Hai, and he could only hang himself on a tree. But Yuan Teng didn’t know that his betrayal had already been detected by the Big Four. The reason he lived before the rebellion was entirely because the Big Four didn’t want to seduce him. Similarly, the Big Four had long since guessed that Lian Hai was going to attack him before arriving at the banquet hall. Minutes, he sent someone to secretly execute Yuan Teng, and it was natural that Lian Hai would never see Yuan Teng again.

Yuan Teng who did not appear, Lian Hai no longer counted on him, knowing that the rebellion had been revealed, but Lian Hai’s plan was far from simple.

“Are there anyone else? The Big Four cannot know that Chang Jun has defected? Why is there no news of Chang Jun?”

It is said that Chang Jun is a full-time driver of the Big Four. The Big Four have always trusted Chang Jun. Lian Hai has planted this time bomb next to the Big Four for a long time, and he has never contacted him. If it is not at the last moment, even Hai Ye Will not use this chess piece.

When someone told Lian Hai that there was fire and gunfire coming from the southeast corner of the barracks, Lian Hai secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At least the plan has been more than half successful.

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