End Times Dust Light

Chapter 924

Chapter 926: The rebels among the rebels

Just as Lian Hai predicted, a chess piece that Lian Hai buried a long time ago finally played a key role. For the attack that Lian Hai is about to launch, the Big Four had been prepared for it, and even had some faint expectations. .

The Big Four don’t want to get rid of Lian Hai in the first place, but some things are not as simple as gunning to kill people and blocking roads and robbery. You must also consider the influence of all parties afterwards. After all, the Big Four are not bandits and gangsters. If you can leave, you must pay attention to the right words to kill Lianhai. It is best to set up a memorial arch after being a ****. This is the strategy and consciousness of a politician.

It is no exaggeration to say that from the banquet held by Lianhai to the “worried” escape of the big four from the banquet hall, everything in between is directed and performed by the big four, just to make everyone feel that it is not the big four. He crossed the river ruthlessly and demolished the bridge, but Lianhailangzi’s ambitions were ungrateful to usurp power and rebellion. Because the conspiracy was unpopular, he was suppressed by the just four giants. I think that a just war is completely in self-defense. The good four have defeated the evil and infatuated restoration company The sea, light and justice once again descended on the plain base.

This should be a rebellion suppression without much suspense, even the officers who are loyal to the Big Four are kept in the dark.

Of course, the Big Four did not want to abandon their officers. They just wanted to know how many officers had already taken refuge in Lianhai through this rebellion, so that they could wipe out the roots.

The Big Four thought well, and they did it seamlessly. They even directed a comical assassination. It seemed that the plot was developed exactly as the Big Four imagined.

It’s just that the Big Four have ignored an important factor and a person who does not seem to be very important. This factor is the emergence of the Military Commission, and another ambitious and unwilling to be lonely, the Chief Tian, who is hiding in the dark.

To tell the truth, the Big Four, who have been in the military and government for many years, have considered all aspects, but they have forgotten that those who initiate betrayals will one day be betrayed.

The Big Four are like four poisonous snakes hiding in the dark and deep part of the cave. They are always guarding against the betrayal of the people around them. Few people can be trusted by the Big Four, and Chang Jun is one of the very few.

That’s why Chang Jun didn’t know many secrets, but it became the last straw to crush the camel. The Big Four, who thought they thought well, easily escaped Lian Hai’s first assassination, but could not escape the second. The betrayal of the people around you.

When the guard convoy of the Big Four drove to the vicinity of the guard camp at the southeast corner, a rocket that did not know where it was directed hit the guard convoy, and followed the entire path as if it was arched by something from the ground, a series of violent The blast wave blasted the entire convoy into chaos, and countless flaming tongues violently shot out of the roadside buildings, taking the panicked guards into the air one by one.

The bullets flying around violently hit the Big Four’s car like eyes with long eyes, igniting sparks of sparks, but there was no way to tear off the specially-treated car’s defenses.

The Big Four sitting in the bullet-proof car were not panicked, and were full of confidence in the illegally reinforced car. As long as they were not attacked by the frontal shells, they would be safe.

The Big Four’s car smashed left and right at the scene of the bullet flying, avoiding the oncoming rockets, avoiding the scrapped and burning vehicles on the road, and constantly passing through the flames and bullets, towards the Big Four’s nest. Gallop.


A bomb exploded next to the Big Four’s car, pushing the car out of the road horizontally, and hitting a big tree by the roadside. The defensive car even rode on the big tree.

The Big Four in the carriage were stunned by the collision, and I heard the bodyguard calling in the ear: “Chief, get out of the car, has been blocked by the rebels?”

The Big Four had not been able to figure out what happened, they were dragged out of the carriage and went into the small woods next to them under cover.

The explosion sounded from time to time behind him, bullets roared against the tree beside him, and the guards screamed from time to time in the ears: “No! We are in an ambush by the rebels!”

Wei Zipeng, who had just sobered from the panic, realized the situation was not good, and grabbed the injured Luo Gangliang and reminded loudly: “The situation is not right. The rebels seem to know our retreat route. Someone has revealed our plan. We cannot be led by the rebels. Going with the nose, it is impossible to return to the underground bunker of the residence now. I can only go to the nearby logistics office building and hide for a while, and at the same time notify the backup troops to pick us up?”

I don’t know when, a shrapnel pierced Luo Gangliang’s abdomen, and blood constantly penetrated from the wound. Although after a simple treatment, the tearing pain made Luo Gangliang feel that Venus was rising in front of his eyes, and every step he took would lose a point. The strength has long since been unable to hold on.

“Okay! Send the signal quickly and let the backup troops come to pick us up!”

The Big Four also deployed many back players, but they didn’t have time to think about why Lian Hai’s strength suddenly became so strong, and there was more and more suspicion that more officers would take refuge in Lian Hai.

If Lian Hai knew what was happening here, he would definitely jump out and defend himself. These soldiers were not his own at all.

Of course, the Big Four cannot tell which side the rebels belonged to. It is impossible to think that in the chaos, another rebel army has already stood by and put the Big Four to a dead end.

The Big Four who fled into the logistics office area desperately resisted while contacting their backup forces. However, ten minutes later, the shadows of the backup forces were not seen, and the Big Four began to panic.

Seeing that the situation around me is getting more and more crisis, the guards around the Big Four are getting fewer and fewer. In stark contrast to the distress of the situation, there are more and more rebels on the periphery, and it will not take long for the Big Four to shrink the encirclement. Will become a meteor in history.

“Report to the chief that the communication line of the entire building has been paralyzed, the wireless signal has been interfered, and we have lost contact with the outside world. Now we can only send people out to contact the army loyal to the chief to come and rescue?”

Of course, the Big Four will not be willing to fail and wait to die. They have tried every means to communicate with the outside world, but the situation is not under control at all, and the entire military camp has been messed up.

“Wait…, the communication line seems to be controlled by Chief Tian. Could it be that he also joined the Lianhai rebels?”

“It seems that we underestimated the power of Lian Hai. There may be a conspiracy by the Military Commission. If we cannot escape now, someone will soon come forward to clean up the current endgame. By then, it will be too late for us to escape. Come on!”

Luo Gangliang’s face suddenly became grim, his eyes revealed a vicious light, and he took out a mobile phone-sized instrument from his pocket: “I want us to die, okay! Let the entire base be buried with us!”

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