Enslaved By My Ex-Boyfriend In An Isekai Hellscape

Chapter 12. Healing

Xuelan slowly drifted awake to the sound of heavy rumbling.

Rumbling like a train.

The noise of spinning gears and clattering metal was deafening, and her nose was assaulted by the powerful smell of engine oil and grease. This boxcar was poorly lit, and it was too dark for human eyes to see anything. Inside the blackness, a single hanging infrared lightbulb swayed violently back and forth in the middle of the freight compartment, swinging like a pendulum and casting invisible shadows across the eerie space.

The infrared glow emitted by the lightbulb was outside of the visible spectrum, so Xuelan could not see anything other than pure darkness. Demons, however, had a greater dynamic visual range than humans, and they could see light in the ultraviolet and infrared spectrums. Xuelan had no way of knowing this at the time, but it was common for demons of this universe to keep their human livestock in dark rooms illuminated only with far-red light sources. This particular freight train was configured to carry miscellaneous cargo, and there was always the occasional slave shipment, so most of the railcars were always designed to keep human prisoners in the dark.

Xuelan's first reaction was fear.

She didn't know how she had gotten here, and she didn't know where this place was.

Her body was sore, and she barely felt like she could move any of her muscles.

But then in the next instant, she recognized a familiar smell and felt an unmistakable broad torso right in front of her face.


Of course, that would be Kien.

She was beginning to get used waking up always beside his side.

Currently, she was straddling his lap and hugging him, with her face partially smothered in his chest.

He was very comfortable to sit on, especially since his body was warm, and...



She felt something hot and wet oozing out of his midsection.

Her body was practically soaking in it, almost as if she was swimming in a puddle of gore. Xuelan had no idea what she was touching, but it felt squishy, warm, and gooey.


She was about to say, but Xuelan immediately curled over from a sudden jolt of pain.

"Nhn!" She stifled a muffled cry.

The shock collar was still active around her neck, and it had zapped her when it sensed that she was about to speak.

The sudden pain caused a rush of memories to flood into her brain. Xuelan remembered now that the incubus had previously tied her to a vibrator and forced her to orgasm for hours. She had no idea what had happened in the span of that time, but everything in her body still hurt. In fact, her tingling limbs still felt like jello, and she was too weak to even push herself up.

Irrational fear suddenly swept over her.

Xuelan's thighs began to shake uncontrollably, and spontaneous tears began to form at her eyes again. She was disconnected from her emotions, and she wasn't quite sure why her body was like this. All she knew was that she never wanted to experience anything horrible like that again, and the mere thought of being forced to orgasm continuously made her body shudder frightfully.

She didn't even care if Kien wanted to rape her every night. She'd do anything to avoid another round of vibrator torture.

The girl's shifting and disoriented movements seemed to cause the incubus to stir awake.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Xuelan.

There was an unblinking pair of golden pupils glowing in the darkness.

("Could you take your hand out of my abdominal wound? You're stirring my entrails around. It feels uncomfortable.")

Kien's voice suddenly appeared in her head like an airy cloud whispering in her brain.

His words were expressionless, flat, and clinically objective, almost as if he wasn't even talking about himself.

Surprised, Xuelan jerked back, withdrawing her hand from the warm place.

She hadn't realized that the incubus had the ability to use telepathy with her.

...What exactly had happened here? She was literally bathed in Kien's blood, and the massive amount of crimson was far beyond the amount that an ordinary human could lose. Of course, Kien wasn't human, but Xuelan could only imagine that it hurt a lot... assuming that he wasn't seriously injured... but even that was hard to say...

...Her hand had been literally inside of his bleeding guts...?

Xuelan stared blankly, not quite processing everything. 

How the heck was the incubus so calm about this?! How was he not dying in pain?!

("Don't make a fuss. We are not alone. There are five other demons in this car. Potentially hostile if they realize we're different from them.")

There was a brief tug on the leash that was chained to Xuelan's neck, as if to remind her of her position as his slave.

Xuelan immediately went still. 

She was deeply confused, but it was abundantly clear that her ex-boyfriend was in deep trouble. Even though he wasn't screaming from pain, the tone of his voice was serious and frigid, and she knew from past experience that the Kien was never like this unless the situation was absolutely critical. Xuelan considered it his 'gangster voice' from work, and it always used to scare her a little. After all, years ago, she had only been an ordinary high school student, and the ugly details of her ex-boyfriend's day job were never anything pleasant.

There was not much slack in the leash, and Kien held the chains tightly so that Xuelan couldn't even pull away a single inch from his chest. She had no choice but to continue laying against the incubus's torso, which Xuelan wasn't exactly opposed to (it felt intimate), apart from the alarming issue that the man was literally bleeding all over her.

She was slowly able to infer that they were traveling undercover.

The meaning of Kien's actions was that he wanted her to act like a real slave in the traditional stereotypical sense. It was rather self-evident that demons commonly kept slaves in this universe, and if they wanted to avoid drawing attention to themselves, Xuelan would have to adapt quickly in order to match the typical societal expectations.

Even though Xuelan hadn't yet seen any other demons interacting with their submissives, she did have a very good sense of proper slave behavior due to her online experiences with BDSM. The 24-year-old was familiar with all the most common rules and protocols, although she had intentionally disregarded these things when her ex-boyfriend forcibly enslaved her when he summoned her into this hellish world.

Kien had never asked her to refer to him as 'Master' or 'Sir', and likewise Xuelan had zero intentions of doing so unless he forced her to. Xuelan was perfectly aware that their interpersonal dynamics were not conventional, and it was conspicuously obvious that Kien wasn't exactly treating her as a slave. Both of them were well-versed in BDSM and both of them knew how sex slaves were supposed to behave, yet the deliberate omission of these D/s aspects spoke volumes about their fragile and complicated relationship.

Although Xuelan resented many aspects of being raped and forced against her will, she was also objectively aware of the fact that there were millions of ways that her current situation could have been far worse. Unlike the majority of abduction/slavery porn novels that she used to read on the Internet, Kien had never given her any strict rules to follow, he wasn't "training" her to be a mindless slave, and he hadn't tried to "break her in" to shatter every last shred of resistance that a freshly kidnapped victim might have.

And Xuelan genuinely respected that and quietly noted it, even though she never said anything about it.

She willing to cooperate with acting out the role of an obedient slave, at least for now.

Both of their interests aligned, and she also didn't want to encounter any homicidal monsters either.

("I'm going to use you to heal myself. You may not like it, so I'm sorry.")

Without waiting for a response, the incubus shifted the girl slightly on his lap, and slowly slid his dick into her warm hole. He did not give an opportunity for Xuelan to refuse, although he rarely gave her a choice with these things anyways.

Xuelan clenched tightly for a moment when she realized what he was doing. Her bruised pussy was painful and numb, and it caused her to whimper quietly as he slid in, but she slowly relaxed her pelvic muscles to accommodate his girth. Kien was moving very slowly, almost leisurely, and his male organ glided in and out of her. He would pause almost every stroke, resting inside for dozens of seconds as his male organ filled her up entirely. His cock would twitch and throb inside of her body, but overall he would mostly just stay in place with a rare thrust every minute or so.

It wasn't really fucking, frankly. She was just quietly sitting on top of him, feeling the hot warmth of his pulsating cock inside of her, while both of them stayed connected at their most intimate places inside this noisy dark train car.

There was a faint perceivable glow around the incubus's body.

...He was using her body as a magical healing source... like a living recovery item... and she wasn't allowed to refuse...

...But... it didn't feel bad...

...She... wouldn't mind staying here, to be honest.

("Sorry.") Kien repeated, sitting awkwardly.

Xuelan didn't say anything.

("It might take an hour or so. My injuries are severe.")

She just leaned against Kien's chest and waited quietly as the train rumbled away.

She closed her eyes, continuing to bear the residual aching pain in her abused loins.

She didn't say anything.


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