Enslaved By My Ex-Boyfriend In An Isekai Hellscape

Chapter 13. It’s noisy

Trigger warning: Torture. Basically, some of the fucked up parts of this dystopia are illustrated in this chapter.

"Those damn terrorists. Pulling this out fucking hurts."

A pained angry voice floated over a short distance from the side. A clatter of metal fell to the floor as the demon cursed.

Xuelan's body stiffened on top of Kien. Although she could not see anything in this dark railcar, she was able to hear the other demons inside this small rumbling train cabin. There was the faint rustling of clothes and other equipment, as well as the rattling of some chains.

Kien did not show any sign of reacting to the other demons' conversations, and Xuelan likewise laid perfectly still. She could feel the slow rise and fall of her ex-boyfriend's chest, and Xuelan took a deep breath, trying to synchronize her own rapidly pounding heart with Kien's steady and regular heartbeat.

She listened quietly while his warm cock pulsated inside of her.

"Blast got you bad, huh? Shrapnel from the explosion?"

"Hurts like a bitch."

"Any idea about the casualty rate? I saw the entire Colosseum go up in flames."

"No idea. DuskNet is down. No reception. The South Anchor was crumbling when I started running. If the entire column goes down, the entire city could fall from the sky. I didn't feel like it was a good idea to hang around the blast site, so I hitchhiked on the first freight train out."

"Ranes and I got on at the powerplant. We only saw the second explosion."

"Damn. You think the entire city might fall? Where'd the terrorists get a bomb that big?"

"I can't believe they'd do something like that." Another demon asked. "On the day before the Festival of Kore?"

He sounded horrified, as if the bombing had occurred on the demon's equivalent of Christmas.

"The Festival is probably canceled now... right? I was hoping to get my own sex slave this year."

"I'm more worried about whether they can manage to salvage the merchandise. A year's stock of virgins are sacrificed by cultists on Earth during the Festival of Kore. It's 60% of the annual supply, and the entire incubus population thrives on this critical influx of new slaves. If they're not able to salvage the ritual, a food shortage in the next year ain't gonna to look pretty."

"Would that mean... war with the Werebeasts and Vampires? All of us thrive on human flesh."

"Someone wants to incite a war."

"No, they want a revolution. The terrorists are looking to overthrow the current ruling dynasty."

"Black Rosary — have you seen their manifesto on DuskNet? They're religious fanatics. They want to ban the use of live slaves and sacrifice all freshly arrived humans for the sake of black magic while they're still pure. But even if the Great Necromancer gives us all the leftover reanimated corpses, I don't want to fuck some stale dead bodies. Necrophilia just isn't the same, you know?"

"Ugh. Disgusting. I hope the Demon King crushes those rebels. I like my female pussies warm."

"We're all incubi here, right? This means we're all on the same side. I'm Earl. Level 41."

"Arteise. Level 39."

"You can call me Ranes. I'd prefer not to state my level."

"Paranoid, huh? It's pretty safe inside the borders of the kingdom. You won't get jumped by anyone trying to steal one of your Marks. The Demon King guarantees the rule of law inside the civilized lands. Even if we're demons, anarchy isn't good for creature comforts like sewage systems, power plants, or electric lights."

"I'm not new," the incubus named Ranes snapped back angrily. "Don't make assumptions about me."

"Woah there. Easy, I'm just trying to be nice. Want me to lend you my slave? She's got a nice tight ass."

"Fuck off. I can afford to buy my own bitches."

"Suit yourself."

+ + +

The conversation continued to drag on, and Kien also shared his name when it came to his turn in the circle.

However, he lied and said that he was Level 43, rather than admitting that he was total beginner.

Four of the demons were relatively talkative, and their conversation drifted over multiple topics. Kien was one of the quiet ones, and he remained silent for a majority of the time. The other incubi did not disturb him since he was obviously preoccupied with having a slow recovery fuck with his personal slave.

Suddenly, there was a voice that came from Xuelan's left. 

"Hey, I need to take a piss. Mind if I borrow your slave, Kien?"

The demon said it as casually as if he was merely asking to borrow the bathroom in someone's house.

Kien's golden eyes snapped open. His response was prompt and unfriendly.

"Can't you see I'm busy?"

"It'll only take a sec. If you spin her around, I can use her mouth and you don't even have to move."

"I don't like it when other people stick their pricks inside and piss all over my belongings."

There was almost a threatening growl that emerged from Kien's throat.

Xuelan's entire body went rigid when she realized they were talking about her. Fear immediately swept over her, and her arms tightened around Kien's midsection. Aside from the fact that she had zero interest in watersports, she hated the idea of anyone else using her. Kien had been her ex-boyfriend, and at least she used to find him likable and attractive. Even though Kien had completely violated her trust, taking his dick was infinitely more tolerable than being fucked by a stranger.

"Hey, I was just asking. Sharing is caring you know? Didn't an older incubus also help you out when you were new, before you got your first slave? We're all basically family. We gotta take care of each other's needs."

"I don't share." Kien's voice was adamant and final.

The demon named Earl interjected across the room.

"Don't bother with that grumpy guy, Neiel. I'm totally okay with you using my slut."

There was a quick spank on an ass and a hurried shuffling of chains.

"Thanks, man. I owe you one."

Xuelan's breathing tightened as she realized that the other demon's slave was unquestionably being used as a man's toilet. It made her feel slightly sick, thinking about how little regard these demons held for their humans. They were treated no different than objects, and everyone's attitudes seemed to regard this as totally normal. Furthermore, Xuelan was almost 100% sure that none of the slaves were here consensually, which left a sick feeling in her stomach.

While Xuelan understood that some masochists got off on urine and this type of humiliation play, this scene definitely wasn't BDSM or sexy games. All of this was too real, and it was extremely disturbing to listen to it happening right next to her. Xuelan was currently kneeling in the same room as genuine real slaves, and it frightened her to realize that she was in the midst of all these horrors.

It was real slavery. Actual fucking slavery. They didn't have safe-words, limits, or rights. Their feelings didn't matter. They were abducted from Earth and subjected to the worst nightmares of Hell, at the total mercy of unconscionable demons.

Technically, Xuelan was a real slave too, wasn't she?

She wasn't any different.

Xuelan started trembling in Kien's lap as she slowly realized this.

Kien was her Master and unconditional owner.

"Fuck! No teeth!" The demon Neiel suddenly snapped. "Where'd you train this bitch? Her technique is shit."

There was a sudden slap across the face that rang across the room, followed by a faint sobbing whimper.

"Huh. Again? That's the second time this month. This useless slut is probably due for re-training."

"No! Master! Please! It's dark and this slave couldn't see! Master's cock went in suddenly, and—"

There was a sharp crack of a whip and a shriek.

"She even talks back? Yeah... I think your slave is overdue for a refresher course, Earl." The demon Ranes joked from the side.

There was another ferocious lash of the whip that whistled through the air.

"Honestly, she was never really good. I just sent her for re-training four months ago, but the lessons never really seem to stick with this dumb bitch. Her posture always sags and she still cries when I tell her to shut up. She's sort of okay as a painslut, since she has a nice pretty scream and sensitive skin, but I don't get off on pain as much as other incubi do."

"Huh, a painslut, you say?"

"You interested, Arteise? I was going to trade her in at the Festival of Kore for a better new slave, but if you're interested in buying, I'm happy to negotiate. Whats your price range?"

"Mind if I see a demonstration first?"

"Oh, of course. Right away. 【 Punish 】"

An ear-splitting and miserable scream of agony immediately erupted from the center of the rail car.

The shadowy figure convulsed on the floor, writhing as if suffering from unimaginable torture.

Xuelan couldn't see, but she didn't need to see anything to be able to imagine the excruciating pain that the female slave was experiencing. Her arms were squeezed around Kien in a death grip, and her knuckles were nearly white from how tightly she clung to her ex-boyfriend. Xuelan's fingernails inadvertently dug deep into Kien's skin, and it probably hurt, but he was motionless like a large tree.

"Was that the level 4 punishment?" The demon named Arteise asked indifferently, basically ignoring the girl's continuous screams.

"Oh, that was only level 2. She has a nice loud reaction, right? Very responsive."

The girl continued to shriek and spasm violently on the ground.

"Can I see your slave on level 6?"


But before they could raise the intensity, Kien's strong voice suddenly cut through the scene.

"You two."

His words were cold and morbid. It oozed with a dark and oppressive aura, which was uncharacteristic of a low-level demon like himself. However, Kien had clearly put on a very convincing act, and all of the demons present mistakenly believed him to be one of the strongest in the room even though he was actually only level 2.

The two incubi tormenters suddenly stopped and turned around. The slave owner briefly disabled the punishment command in order to hear Kien's voice more clearly, and the woman's excruciating screams died down into soft sobbing whimpers.

"Yes?" Earl asked.

"Some of us are trying to sleep. It's noisy."

Kien's voice was emotionless and frosty.

There was a brief silence.

"My apologies for disturbing your nap. I should have gagged my slave."

Kien said nothing.

The incubi turned back to their tortured slave and the owner produced a gag in his hand.

Xuelan buried her face in Kien's chest, trembling weakly.

She didn't want to listen to this anymore.


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