Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 92

Chapter 93: Righteous Path Thirteen

, There are so many people who starve to death, how can those who do not starve to death get better?

There are also many female soldiers, but most female soldiers generally do logistical work here. In the humble weapons processing factory, they were working on the assembly line, and the clothes, shoes, belts and other materials that everyone wore were driven out by them to ensure that their comrades on the front line could fight better.

The last flag.

The women carried their guns with tears in their eyes and continued to fill up. Even the wounded who were seriously injured on the front line dragged their crippled bodies and eventually died on the battlefield.

When Mercury followed his comrades to support the friendly army, he had seen such a desperate situation several times.

In such a place, people will be less afraid of death and cherish life more. Mercury often feels that something in his body is dying and something is reviving.

It is rare to have a chance to breathe. Everyone cherishes the time to take a break. Every time this happens, the female soldiers in the rear will make some food and move them over to improve their food.

Today, so most female soldiers will soon find a partner in the battlefield, walk hand in hand to support each other, or hold on to this love alone.

Sorghum, the former big boss, is now a team captain. When he goes to the battlefield, he is indomitable, brave and loyal, and there are many female soldiers who are interested in him. More interesting female soldiers.

After all, Sorghum’s beard, he has no time to take care of himself on the battlefield, he looks fierce and sloppy, and Mr. Li is different, handsome, always looks better than others It’s more refreshing, standing in the middle of a group of stinky men of different heights, shorts, fats and thins, but about the same degree of sloppiness, as conspicuous as egrets in a group of ducks.

What is even more rare is that she is different from those men who are full of swear words. She never jokes with women, and does not like to talk about them. Flowers, or seize the opportunity to take a few more glances. The female soldiers privately said he was a gentleman.

Li Yin is praised by Yishui’er, but unfortunately no one can take her down.

The female soldiers occasionally ask men to help, and Mercury is probably the most named one.

It’s not good to be jealous with a little girl!

Mercury accepted the shoes made by the girl. The girl said that her feet were smaller than ordinary men. She was afraid that she would not be able to wear shoes with uniform hair, so she specially made them for her, but Mercury did not refuse. Later, when the girl was gone, even in the rear, various unexpected situations would occur, and death was normal to anyone.

Later, another girl made her shoes, she made it clear to her, but the girl still smiled and stuffed her shoes.

This time, Mercury received another pair of shoes, and when she went back with her things, she was teased for a while. She was still neither happy nor sad and had no reaction. Everyone felt bored and let her go. .

Mercury refused him without hesitation: “No.”

Sorghum: “His—”

The same person who came out of Mashangang Village laughed, “Master, when did Mr. Li promise to take a bath with us, you have been rejected 800 times, why do you still learn Not good!”

Sorghum stood up and beat people with a face, a group of people went to the river to take a bath, leaving Mercury alone to sit there and help the logistics to do statistics.

Before she left, Gao Liang probed her head at the door of the house and looked at her twice, she couldn’t help thinking, she didn’t take a bath, she didn’t sleep with me, she didn’t want to go to the toilet with me , so ignorant, it looks like Liangshan Bo Zhu Yingtai.

Think about it, he patted his head and cursed, what was he thinking!

But Sorghum never thought that this is not “Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai”, this is “Mulan” at all.

After a war, Sorghum couldn’t find the mercury, and he felt uneasy for a while. The field nurse wanted to hold him down to treat the wound. He couldn’t sit down. Li Yin.

The battlefield that had just gone through a big battle was very chaotic, he could not find anyone, and finally ran back to the battlefield with injuries, digging everywhere in the pile of dead people, and finally dug out the unconscious man with blood on his hands. mercury.

The planing of sorghum revealed a big secret.

When Mercury woke up, she saw Sorghum sitting on the side, looking at her with a stern face. Mercury didn’t care, and sat up with her injured body. She has been injured many times in the past two years, and even died twice, but her death will not end there, but go back to the few minutes before her death and start again. Just the beginning.

“You are a woman.” Sorghum’s special pose was useless, so she had to be straight to the point.

Mercury looked at her own injuries without lifting her eyelids, “So what?”

Gao Liang was anxious, “You are a woman, what are you suffering here with our elders! You go to the logistics, and you don’t have to go to the battlefield with us! Is war a woman can do!”

Mercury looked up at him.

Sorghum was looked at by her, full of anger and righteousness, like a punctured balloon, he leaked all the light, slowly began to feel uncomfortable, and felt guilty inexplicably, he couldn’t help but stand up He raised his chest, trying to regain some confidence.

Mercury opened his mouth and said, “What nonsense are you talking about, you dare to do things that make me unhappy, I will beat you [beep—] believe it or not.”

Sorghum was stunned: “?”

Sorghum raised the volume unconsciously: “You speak foul language?!”

Mr. Li is polite and never rude! No, she is not Mr. Li anymore, she is a woman! But no, shouldn’t women be so swearing?

In the end, sorghum failed to win the mercury, and the person who could convince the mercury that this world does not exist, no world exists, he had to help the mercury to keep this secret together. Mercury was the same as before, nothing unusual, but he was suspicious, as if he was carrying a hundred thousand burdens all at once, even his brothers and Mr. Li were not allowed to hang on their shoulders, and everyone was confused.

Anyone who knew the identity of Mercury was also a nurse who had treated her wound before. The little nurse did not wait for Mercury to take the initiative to speak, but quietly approached her and promised to keep the secret for her. Perhaps as a woman, she knows better how much courage it takes to have such perseverance to do such a thing.

When she went to the battlefield, Sorghum was even more nervous, for fear that Mercury would die on the battlefield. It seemed that as soon as the label of a woman was affixed, she would not be able to lift her shoulders or lift her hands, and would not even kill people. I will.

He was nervous about Mercury’s life every time, but he didn’t expect that he would die on the battlefield first. The battlefield is changing rapidly, and even the most heroic man will have a moment of death.

Half of Sorghum’s body was blown open, obviously dead, and Mercury was nearby. I saw this scene with my own eyes, and I saw that look of Sorghum subconsciously before he died—all of them were Confused about death.

Mercury thought calmly for less than three seconds and shot himself in the head.


She died once, and the time went back two minutes. Sorghum was still standing there ready to rush forward, and Mercury suddenly ran over and kicked him into a ditch on the side, and rushed towards him. I just felt dizzy in my head. The aftermath of death plus the shock from the bombing.

Sorghum, who didn’t know that she had died once, was still laughing and asked her, “You rushed over to save me, were you interested in me?”

“Too many people I know have died, at least in front of me, I can save one of you.” Mercury said.

Perhaps it is a little regret that the death of one person has not been changed before, at least this time it has changed the death of another person.

The war they participated in lasted for eight years. When the news of the surrender of the invading army came, everyone burst into tears, wept and laughed. , and some people cried and shouted: “I can go home to see my parents!”

Sorghum, who has become a battalion commander, lost an arm, but he still sounded like a bear like a bell. He slanted a coat and rushed into the next room to share this important moment with Secretary Li. good news.

good news!”

Mercury: “The message is sent from me, where is your brain.”

When the sorghum choked, he was overjoyed, and he really did not expect this crop for a while. However, he was used to being blocked over the years, and his face was much thicker than before. He walked to the mercury table in three or two steps, leaned on it and said with a shy face: “Do you remember, we said before that we would go back to Mashangang together. Where did the stockade go?”

Mercury responded casually, but there was no response, but Sorghum seemed to have caught something, and emphasized: “Look, you promised, the battle is over, we will meet after a while. I can go home!”

Sorghum thought so, but in fact, he couldn’t unload his burden and go back at will, his merits were placed there, and he had to be rewarded for his merits, not only him, but also mercury.

Also, the defense war against the invading army is over, but the war is not over yet.

They received news that they needed to leave the camp and go to another place to rest and regroup.

“Hey, Secretary Li, why didn’t you see him?”

Sorghum was talking to several platoon leaders over there, and when she heard this, she immediately said, “I’ll rush her.”

No one was in the Mercury room except for a piece of paper on the table.

I haven’t seen anyone come back for a long time, the second leader of the platoon is looking at the situation, only to see Gaoliang standing in the empty room, holding a piece of paper in silence.

The second master is a second fool. After all these years, he has known what his brother thinks about Mr. Li. When he saw this scene, he understood in his mind, and he straightened his eyebrows and said: “Mr. Li Are you gone? Not with us anymore? Hey Liangzi, aren’t you crying?”

Gao Liang glared at him with a pair of red eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: “Cry ass, when did I cry!”

“I knew I couldn’t keep her, she wanted to leave before, but I didn’t understand, where did she want to go? Wouldn’t it be better to stay, and live a peaceful life with me? “Sorghum really doesn’t understand.


Leaving the battlefield, Quicksilver went to several places.

The system seems to have forgotten her, and has no intention of letting her leave this world. She is like a backpacker, leaving her own footprints on this land that has just begun to recover.

Feeling tired, she found a place to settle down temporarily. If she wanted to leave, she would go to a new place after packing up.

“…The Chinese people…today…established!” There was a little murmur in the voice from the radio, but no one cared.

Mercury stood in the middle of the crowd, inconspicuous. She was wearing a coat and a hat. Although her face was wrinkled, her eyes were still like cool running water. Like thousands of ordinary people, they smiled under the blue sky, took off their hats, and greeted the distant city towers and the troops passing in front of them.

Then, she left the crowd, the lively cheers.

People kept walking past her, and she and everyone went backwards.

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