Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 93

Chapter 94: Free One

Birth, old age, sickness and death are things that Mercury has experienced in these eight worlds and has been experiencing.

The first world, as Shen Qiuwan, she was full of anger and ended the dilemma repeated three times in the rolling river;

In the second world, as Muxiang, she abandoned the responsibilities imposed and briefly cared for a little swallow who loved lilies;

In the third world, as Lin Jinxiu, she let go of her feet, watched the demise of a family, and learned to kill for the first time in that troubled world;

In the fourth world, as Liu Xiangxue, she did not want to be a pig and dog, so she raised a torch and burned the village in the mountain;

The fifth world, as Yaoyue, she carried the sick setting given by the system on her back, protected a little girl, and watched her grow up;

The sixth world, as Zhao Tingzhi, dragging her deaf and sick body, she learned to deal with relatives and enemies and this real and false world calmly;

In the seventh world, as Yun Qingsky, she eliminated a painful memory of Mercury and guided a group of young girls;

In the eighth world, as Li Lanzhi, she has witnessed countless deaths and partings, war and peace, degeneration and development, and peace and freedom——

Once a person experiences the feeling of freedom, he can no longer be bound.

When death came completely, Mercury felt that no matter where the next world was, no matter how long she had to travel, she would be better able to face it, but what she didn’t expect was that she didn’t go there In other worlds, she returned to the world she was most familiar with – her original world.

Perhaps, it can’t be said to be the original world. After all, she was almost thirty years old when she “crossed” for the first time. Seven years old, sitting in a humble bungalow.

This is the home she lived in until her senior year of high school.

The house is a small bungalow. In the early years, the village cadres couldn’t beat her rogue father, so they took subsidies to build it. The only old one-story house in the village became the most dilapidated and unsightly one.

Mercury learned early on to go out to earn tuition to earn food and drink, and worked hard every day to support herself.

The room she lives in is very small, there are several leaks on the roof, and there is only a desk with a broken leg in the room except for the bed piled with clothes. The broken foot was caused by her dad who came back drunk one time, walked into her room by mistake, and smashed it with alcohol.

. Later, the broken foot of the desk, Mercury picked up a brick and put it up.

Sitting in front of the desk, she touched the slightly damp tabletop, and then touched the slightly damp cheeks of her body, Mercury looked at a suicide note in front of her.

This was written by sixteen-year-old Mercury.

All the classmates are saying that her tuition and meals are sold out to earn money, the neighbors all say that she does not care about herself at a young age, and becomes a junior to seduce her teacher, the school teachers take turns Talking to her and persuading her to drop out of school is the so-called “disagreement”. She refused to agree, so they came to the village to find her father in the name of a home visit.

“You are a **** just like your unconscionable mother! Why don’t you die! What’s the use of your life, shameful thing! Going to school, what’s the use of studying, early It’s time to sell you for a gift!” After her father was stopped, he pointed at her nose and cursed.

Mercury can even remember the feeling of being cold all over while covering her hot face at that time. That 16-year-old girl really wanted to die. She huddled in her humble house and recalled her life without warmth. Feeling hopeless, she wrote a suicide note with tears and decided to end her life.

Although she survived and didn’t really commit suicide, her despair was as profound as the nick of the word “death” on this table.

In her sixteen-year-old body at this time, Mercury looked at the suicide note she had just written in front of her, and stroked the brushstrokes that seemed young.

She has experienced so many things, but she has not forgotten every time. She would love to hug her sixteen-year-old self if she could.

Picking up the pen beside the suicide note, Mercury wrote behind the suicide note: “You are not wrong, your life is meaningful, you are good, and will be better in the future, some people like you, some people Love you, and you will learn to love yourself…”

Many years later, his reply and the despairing questioning many years ago are side by side. The handwriting is very different. The former is because of anger and pain. Steady iron painted silver hook.

Putting down the pen, Mercury stood up from the table.

At this moment, the plot of a story suddenly appeared in her mind. Just like the previous plots where the world was fed into the mind by the system.

The protagonist of this story is called “Mercury”. She has the same background as her, but her personality is completely different. The “Mercury” in the plot is gentle and filial. The father who prostitutes and gambles does not care about the family; takes care of the rebellious self, who dropped out of school at a young age to work in the factory, has changed countless boyfriends, and the younger sister who was pregnant and had an abortion; took care of the father who has the same personality as his father, who was imprisoned for many burglaries. elder brother.

She is also looking for part-time jobs everywhere to help people earn money, but she dropped out after finishing junior high school, instead of continuing to high school, she used the tuition she saved to start a small business and made some money , to take care of his brother in prison, to get him out of prison as soon as possible, and to go to the city to find his sister, hoping to bring her back and let her find a good family to marry, but she was almost tricked into selling it by her sister.

After her father suffered from liver cancer, “Mercury” did not hesitate to spend all the money in the family to treat her father…

Mercury didn’t have any special reaction after reading this life that was completely different from what she had experienced. The development of this world does not follow this plot, this is the memory she is familiar with, not the plot.

She put away the suicide note, packed her things and left here.

The county high school is not big. Standing at the door of the third middle school, Mercury found that this high school seemed different from the high school in my memory. It was not so scary. The school entrance was neither big nor high. The building is not far away, just a very small county high school.

She walked in, it was class time, no one was outside, she went directly to the principal’s room.

In the past, she couldn’t afford to kneel here for a long time, and finally she saved her chance to study. Today, she stood there and told the principal who wanted to persuade her: “If the school persuades me, I will directly report When I go to the Education Bureau, if the Municipal Education Bureau fails, I will continue to sue; Teacher Qin Chu slandered me for seducing him, but I want to sue him for seducing a student, which side does the principal think social media will believe more?”

“This is my alma mater after all, I don’t want to ruin the reputation of the school, I just want to study hard, can the principal give me this opportunity?”

Mercury wants to continue studying in this high school, not for other reasons, but she wants to face it again.

After returning to school, Mercury found that the overwhelming criticism was not scary at all. After all, what did other people’s gossip have to do with her.

Listening to the two same teenage girls pretending to be in front of her deliberately to talk about the shame of being a mistress. What do they know at this age? Maybe it’s because he doesn’t understand that he can say anything.

There are even more vicious curses and abuses. Mercury sees these children who are unknowingly and recklessly hurting others, so she can’t help but want to discipline them, so that they know, People are responsible for what they say.

After that, when I came back from the hospital, I never dared to talk nonsense again.

Although this injury was only a minor injury due to Mercury’s skillful technique, the girl was spoiled and had never experienced such a thing, so she was frightened. She didn’t know who did it, and the police station in the county didn’t want to take care of such trivial matters. For fear of encountering the same situation again, she had to be a human being with her tail tucked.

Without this person who took the lead in disturbing the wind and rain, Mercury immediately became a lot quieter. When she took the first place in the whole grade three times in a row, the attitude of the teachers towards her became kinder, compared to Students who like to follow others’ opinions, teachers are more rational and realistic. They know more about Qin Chu and Mercury than the students, who is right and who is wrong, and now that Qin Chu is gone, they don’t want to ruin a student with good grades.

There are also some gossipy students who automatically learned not to say bad things in front of her when Mercury became a member of the discipline management committee.

Everything just got easier.

“Mr. Zhao Gaoyi, nowadays celebrities like to donate money to orphanages, and they have to publicize them everywhere. It’s not like Mr. Zhao’s good deeds and low-key, I help hundreds of us poor The students thank Mr. Zhao for his help! With Mr. Zhao’s funding, these children can go to college and become more contributors to the society in the future.”

“Also Mr. Zhao heard that he has the idea of investing in fruit forests. We are very good here. There are many mountains and fruit trees are suitable. , Now that the road has been repaired in the past few years, we are waiting for people to invest, and a few good-sighted bosses have come to investigate… Why don’t we find a place to eat and talk? ”

The two sides, a total of more than twenty people, went downstairs mightily. The man called Mr. Zhao wore a suit and was the center of the crowd. Flattery at heart.

He does charity every year, and the secretary helped him choose the project. This time I will visit this county. The more this kind of place is, the better the face project will be. He comes here to be invited to eat and drink in the city. If he wants to eat and drink, does he need to come here?

The companion said: “Let’s talk about the investment here next time. This time, Mr. Zhao mainly wants to go to the school to see the children.”

So the others understood and laughed: “It should be, Zhao is always a practical person, then let’s go to the First Middle School first, there are dozens of poor students there. The quota, call everyone to take a photo together, so that they can thank Mr. Zhao.”

Zhao Duanze: “That’s not necessary, I just take a look.” He glanced at the team, found a seat at will, and asked, “Which school is this teacher from?”

The man was stunned: “I’m from the third middle school.”

Zhao Duanze nodded: “Then go to No. 3 Middle School and see. After reading it, I will almost drive back to the city. There will be a meeting in the evening.”

The group diverted to No. 3 Middle School.

“After all, the educational resources of No. 3 middle school are not comparable to those of No. 1 and No. 2 middle schools, but it is also an old school, and there are many good students in the past.”

Zhao Duanze just entered the school, and the companions next to him didn’t say a word, and everyone heard a burst of chatter.

Zhao Duanze followed the sound and saw a girl standing in front of the school’s blackboard newspaper. Looking at the back, it was a very thin girl. She stood very nicely. She raised her arms and held chalk to write on the blackboard newspaper. The students next to her who were also publishing the blackboard newspaper stood a little far away from her, talking and laughing freely, as if on purpose. Speak very loudly.

“Qin Chu, such a good teacher, has been forced away. I don’t know how some people can continue to stay in the school with such a big face.”

“That’s right, Teacher Qin Chu is too pitiful, she is all to blame!”

“You can be quiet, don’t be heard, they are disciplined now, remember your name carefully.”

“I’m not afraid, my sister is also in charge of discipline, and she will cross it out for me when she writes her name.”

Zhao Duanze’s eyes stayed on the handwriting for a long time, the strokes she wrote were drawn longer than usual, the arcs slightly drawn at a little point, and the verticals were slightly raised… They are all he is most familiar with However, the small habits have been seen and described in countless dreams.

And the back, he remembered that the person in the dream was like this, she didn’t care about everything in the outside world, as if it only existed in her own world.

The school leader stepped forward and scolded: “Which of your classes, the blackboard newspaper is noisy during lunch break, what should I do if it affects other students’ rest!”

Several students who were talking only found out about this group of people and were stunned.

The school leader scolded inwardly, and raised a smile and said to the guests next to him: “Mr. Zhao laughs, children are usually lively and noisy…”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Mr. Zhao hurried forward, walked to the girl who was standing alone, and asked her excitedly: “I’m Zhao Duanze, do you recognize me? know me?”

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