Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1023

In fact, as early as when Hillary was secretary of state, her governing philosophy began to lean towards the Republican Party.

As a comrade of the same party as O’Guanhai, Hillary repeatedly favored the political views put forward by Republicans during O’Guanhai’s administration.

This move is not only to make connections in the Republican Party, but also to accumulate important connections and good reputation among the top military officials.

This is also Hillary’s diplomatic power field. On the surface, she claims to continue the foreign policy of Democratic President Oguan Hai, but a closer look will reveal that Hillary is more tough on the outside world.

This is why Russia, China, and North Korea do not want to see Hillary come to power.


October 19, 9pm ET.

The final debate of the 2016 American presidential election took place in the casino city of Las Vegas.

This is the last time Trump and Hillary will compete on the same stage in this year’s election.

There are less than 20 days left until the voting day on November 8th.

Multiple polls show that Hillary is currently leading, and this debate is seen as Trump’s last ditch effort.

In this debate, Trump’s campaign team made another surprise: they invited many”guests” to the debate, including Malik Obama, the half-brother of current President Ao Guanhai and a supporter of Trump. ), the former Arkansas local radio reporter who accused Bill Kerrington of sexual assault, and the mother of the victim of the 2012 U.S. Embassy attack in Benghazi.

This debate attracted more than 80 million Americans to watch.

After Trump and Hillary took the stage, the two people, who were already at odds, looked at their opponents coldly and even skipped the polite handshake between them.

They both hated each other.

It can be said that in this election, the two teams turned each other’s underwear inside out, and the crotches of both men were exposed in front of the public, which made them smell terrible.

Martin and his family were also sitting in front of the TV, waiting for the debate to begin.

“Who do you think will win?”Scarlett asked excitedly

“Trump. Martin boasted proudly,”Because he has my support.”

Sophia held a different opinion,”Shouldn’t it be Shia who has the advantage? She is still in the lead.””

“Ahead, soon not. Martin smiled confidently.

When the time came to nine o’clock, the debate began.

The host asked questions first.

The first question asked by the host from Fox News, Wallace, was about the Supreme Court of the United States.

Hua Rice asked Hillary and Trump to explain where they want the Supreme Court to take the United States, how they should interpret the Constitution, and what their preferences are for the nomination of the currently vacant ninth justice. He stretched out his hand and made a ladies-first gesture.

Hillary didn’t show any politeness to him. She took two steps forward gracefully and started talking,

“I think the discussion in the Supreme Court is related to this election. core issues. The Supreme Court should side with the people, not the big corporations and the rich and powerful. I must emphasize that the Supreme Court should protect the rights of women, LGBT and other groups. Therefore, if I am elected president, I will appoint justices who represent the interests of the people……”

While Hillary was speaking, Trump was also busy pouting, rolling his eyes, and shaking his head.

Many audience members couldn’t help but smile.

Hillary clearly felt the ridicule coming from behind, and she resisted not looking back, not letting herself be led into the opponent’s idiotic rhythm.

After Hillary finished speaking, Trump briefly touched his hands twice to signify applause.

Then with a majestic and high-spirited attitude, he walked to the front of the stage and began to talk about his own opinions.

“What is the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court is ‘all about America’ and it must represent America’s interests.”

Then he focused his remarks on the Second Amendment to the Constitution (the right to bear arms).

Trump said:”The judges he nominated for the Supreme Court are all ‘very good scholars’, and each of them supports the Second Amendment. , the right of American citizens to bear arms is given by law and should not be taken away.”

Trump then criticized Hillary’s proposal on this issue, saying that many cities in the United States are now threatened by crime. If people don’t have guns, how can they protect themselves?

Then he gave a thumbs up and pointed. Himself,”And I, I am the strongest supporter of the Second Amendment, and I will appoint judges who have the ability to uphold the Amendment in the future. Hillary responded:”It’s not that I disagree with the Second Amendment itself, but I disagree with the way the Second Amendment is implemented.” Approximately 30,000 people are killed by illegal guns in the United States every year. We must strictly control guns.”

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She looked at Trump and said seriously and forcefully:”If I take office, I will implement reforms and strict and comprehensive background checks for gun purchases, but the key to the problem is how to strike a balance between protecting citizens’ lives and respecting the Second Amendment..”

Cunning woman.

Trump secretly cursed”cunning woman.”

The third debate is different from the previous two. The speeches in the debate must be one’s true governing philosophy. Once spoken in the debate, if one of the candidates is elected president, he must implement it. Otherwise, they will be regarded as liars by the public.

Hillary has mentioned gun control on many occasions in the past.

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At that time, Trump knew that the woman did not really support the ban on guns, but was just using this ambiguous rhetoric to make people think that she supported the ban on guns.

Therefore, Trump wants to induce Hillary to express her views on this in the debate. No matter if she proposes to ban guns, she will definitely offend large organizations such as the American Rifle Association and the American Trucking Associations; or if she proposes not to ban guns, then It is bound to offend people who thought she would ban guns.

Either way, Hillary will lose some voters.

But Hillary didn’t fall into Trump’s trap, and used a ambivalent rhetoric to deceive Trump’s attack.

“Promote reforms and strict, comprehensive background checks for gun purchases”、”Isn’t this all nonsense!

Almost every president wants to do this, but who has succeeded?


Then, the supporters asked about the sensitive issue of”abortion”.

This issue seems sensitive, but in fact it is Give both of them a chance to rest their brains, because both have”right answers.”

Hillary and Trump each chose to support the traditional views of the Democratic and Republican parties:

Trump expressed his opposition to abortion and believed that the decision-making power should be handed over.

It is up to each state to decide whether to have an abortion, not the Supreme Court, and Hillary believes that the decision to have an abortion is up to each family, especially when the pregnancy itself threatens the mother’s health, and the government should not interfere too much in this private act.

Brothers, please take care of me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards.

Thank you.

) 9.

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