Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1024

After both parties answered the second question calmly.

Here comes the third truly”sensitive” issue.

Immigration issues.

As soon as this question was raised, the originally more rational and serious atmosphere on the court began to change.

Trump waved his arms and said in a tough tone:”I think the United States should continue to strengthen border control. My way is to build a ‘border wall’ on the US-Mexico border. This can effectively prevent illegal immigrants from sneaking into the United States.”

He also Said:”If the United States continues to open its borders, it will bring disaster to this country. The first is the crime problem-the criminals and drugs illegally entering the country from the border threaten our national security; the second is the employment problem-illegal immigration The cheap labor brought by the epidemic has caused American workers to continue to lose their jobs. Our employment problem has become very serious. This is what our”910″ must consider.……”

“Finally, I believe that there is no country without borders and the United States must expel illegal immigrants”.

“Did Trump speak well?!”Sofia said with some surprise.

“His speaking skills have definitely improved. Martin nodded.

Hillary immediately rebutted, saying:”Today, there are about 11 million unregistered immigrants in the United States.

Although they have no status, they are also contributing to the United States.

If I become president, , a complete set of simpler immigration registration plans will be developed, and new technologies and methods will be incorporated to allow these immigrants to better integrate into society.

Hillary then directly attacked Trump’s remarks:”Trump’s plan is not patriotic at all, but splitting the country.


Facing Hillary’s accusation, Trump curled his lips and shrugged, showing his contempt.

Hillary continued:”Trump’s policy proposition means that the United States has to spend a lot of energy and money. To enforce a deportation policy, I know what he’s going to do, he’s going to put people on trains and buses and have them leave the country, and it’s going to tear our country apart.”

She then sarcastically said:”When Trump met with the President of Mexico, he didn’t mention the wall.”

At this point, the debate became heated.

Trump began to refute Hillary’s words, saying that Hillary’s tolerance for illegal immigrants was just to allow the vampire factory owners in the country to obtain more cheap labor. She Hillary doesn’t care at all about the unemployed American workers.

Hillary calls Trump Hitler II, and his violent deportation policy against immigrants is like the Nazis expelling Jews.

Suddenly she realized that she was at a disadvantage, and the assistant in the audience also made a warning gesture. Obviously, the opinions on the Internet were going against her.

Obviously, the American people did not have a good impression of the illegal immigrants who took away their jobs. They hope to see the government resolutely deport these people.

Interestingly, in the post-opinion polls, the Jewish community was not very sympathetic to Hillary’s comparison of Trump to Hitler II. They also did not agree. There was nothing wrong with Trump’s violent deportation policy, because they were also planning to do the same in Gaza. Sensing something bad, Hillary resorted to changing the subject again – leading the topic to the leaks of WikiLeaks and”Goose”. Ross interfered in the US election”

“Trump is Pu Jing’s puppet. Hillary directly accused him,”He is Ross’s spokesperson to break into our midst.”

Hillary showed an expression of indignation, waving her arms and emphasizing her tone, saying:”Ross’s espionage activities and the WikiLeaks he supports are secretly supporting Trump. Everything Trump is doing now is because of Beijing.” What they want him to do is to make Trump president so that they can have a deeper and more direct impact on our country.”

Because he had already prepared a plan, Trump did not show too drastic changes in emotions when he made accusations against Hillary.

He first denied Hillary’s accusations and emphasized that he”does not know Trump at all.”

Then he responded to Hillary. Hillary retorted:”Hillary always belittles the other party, but a series of events such as the Middle East have proven that Putin is better than Hillary and the current government leaders in every aspect.

Hillary immediately sneered and said:”Look, look, he is so blatantly defending Putin. As we all know, Trump is a fanatical fan of Putin.””

Trump loudly interrupted Hillary’s words and said in a contemptuous tone:”I just know how to recognize the excellence of others, unlike some people who will always rely on belittling others to highlight themselves.”

The dispute between the two sides began to become fierce. 0…..

Moderator Wallace had to repeatedly interrupt the two men’s personal attacks on each other to shift the debate to economic issues.

Wallace asked both parties,”Ms. Hillary, Mr. Trump, how will you bring more job opportunities to the United States.”

Trump:”Tax cuts, substantial tax cuts, and tax cuts for the bosses can Allowing them to expand their means of production more easily, thereby indirectly promoting employment.”

Hillary:”Strengthening investment will help economic growth – investing in infrastructure, advanced manufacturing, clean energy and other industries will create more opportunities for society. More jobs, and we should strengthen technical education for high school students and reduce college debt.”

Trump interrupted Hillary again.

He mocked:”That’s not what Ms. Hillary said before. She copied Sanders’s ideas.”

This is also a point that Hillary is quite criticized for. After Sanders announced that she would give up the competition, In order to win over Sanders supporters, Hillary has indeed incorporated many of Sanders’s ideas into her own politics, and many of them are contrary to her previous ideas.

After Trump finished mocking Hillary, he said again without waiting for the other party to speak:”I also believe that our overseas alliances have increased domestic financial pressure, such as Japan, Kimchi countries, NATO countries, Saudi Arabia, etc., and they should We should shoulder corresponding military expenditures for the United States. We should also be tougher on foreign trade to allow our country’s products to gain a competitive advantage.”

Hillary also started sarcastic mode, and she said:”Mr. Trump is here. The tough stance on trade is just ‘crocodile tears’, because while he criticizes unfair trade, he uses a lot of Chinese-made steel in his buildings.”

Later, Hillary reiterated her views on international trade. Opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), promising to continue to oppose the agreement after taking office.

Trump immediately said:”Hillary is very good at talking, but she only talks but does not act. During the past three decades of holding public office, she has not formulated the trade policy she promised.”

Then the two fell into a fierce argument. dispute.

The host had to interrupt them again.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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