Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1026

An argument is still an argument.

The debate competition in this year’s election was a delight for the melon-eating crowd.

It’s a pity that there was no fight.

Some people feel sorry for this.

On the screen, the dispute between the two sides continued.

Regarding the last question raised by the moderator – debt issue.

Trump said:”You know, after I take office, I will use the ‘economic machine’ to create a lot of jobs and increase the economic growth rate to 6%”

Trump said,”The existing trade agreement is terrible, we have suffered a loss, and must be revised.”

He also said:”The United States has great people, and we must make use of our great people instead of leaving them unemployed at home.”.

Hillary mocked Trump’s campaign slogan.

She said:”When I first heard Trump’s campaign slogan, ‘Make America Great Again,’ I thought to myself, what are you talking about? America is already strong?!”

She accused Trump of saying :”This man has been criticizing the government for decades, but his views are the same. If we look through the newspapers of the past, we will find that what Mr. Trump is saying now is exactly the same as what he said as early as the 1980s during President Reagan’s term.”

Regarding her economic policies, Hillary made the same statement as she did in the second debate, saying that she would stand for ordinary families.

“I will invest in you, I want to invest in your family,” she declared.

Hillary also pointed out:”Trump started his career as a millionaire. He is a second-generation rich man who does not understand the sufferings of the people at all and only uses rhetoric.”

Trump retorted:”You make it sound like you are Those born in poor families are the same.”

Finally, the host asked Hillary and Trump to each take one minute to state why the American people should elect him/her as president.

Trump once again made a”you first please” gesture.

Hillary also started her final statement without hesitation:”I want to tell every American, we need each and every one of you, and we need your talents. I have had close contact with the job of the president, and this job has responsibilities and responsibilities. Opportunity. It’s my life’s work to benefit children and families. It’s my mission to empower families against big business interests. Please give me that opportunity.々. ”

Trump then said:”Believe me, I can make America great again. Right now our military is depleted, veterans lack good placement, police officers and women are not respected, and urban centers are filled with crime and poverty. Sheila next door I can only talk, but I can do more to help African Americans and Latinos than she can in her ten lifetimes. Electing Hillary will allow Oguan Hai to be president for another four years.”


The third televised debate of the U.S. presidential election came to an end at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

In this 90-minute”ultimate debate”, Hillary and Trump were in a fierce battle. Both of them spared no effort in attacking each other.”、””Tear each other down.”

In this debate, the two men once again followed their previous routines. The performances of Hillary and Trump further deepened the impression of their own people – Hillary is a”sophisticated” politician Image, Trump’s”no-nonsense” newcomer characteristics were once again vividly demonstrated. During the debate

, both sides raised their arguments on the Supreme Court, gun control, economic policy, immigration issues, foreign policy and other issues.

What impressed the people most was the constant”quarrels” between the two.”

《The New York Times reported after the debate that the debate started off as a harmonious atmosphere, but soon turned into sarcasm.

《The Los Angeles Times reported on the 20th that the debate quickly turned into an”angry flood full of sarcasm and insults”, and the two people were like two angry bulls.

《The Politician website ridiculed Trump’s performance in the third debate,”There were two candidates on Wednesday night’s debate stage, both of whom wanted to ruin Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.”

《The Washington Post report quoted debate moderator Wallace as saying that this was an unprecedented departure from the history of this country.

Regarding Trump’s accusation of fraud in the election process, the Washington Post called it”the most explosive accusation yet.””

《The Wall Street Journal reported that Trump’s statement”seems to cast doubt on American democracy.”

England’s”Guardian” reported that Trump said,”This makes him look despicable, petty and full of conspiracy.”

Obviously, the mainstream media in the United States and even Europe are not very optimistic about Trump.

《The Times reported in a report on the 20th that this debate is unlikely to change the trajectory of the election, and this will put Trump in a dangerous position.

《The Wall Street Journal also reported that Trump once again returned to his”boxing” style when confronting Hillary, but it does not seem to change the situation in the general election.

《The Chicago Sun-Times said:”` 〃The debate felt less like a debate between two evenly matched opponents and more like a fading candidate — Mr. Trump — trying to save himself.”

Half an hour after the debate ended, CNN released polling data saying that Hillary won the last debate – 52% of people thought Hillary won the debate, while only 39% thought Trump won.

However, is this really the case?

Let’s take a look at the comments on the Internet.

“I think Trump is very interesting. Hillary is a political veteran. Although choosing Trump will cause the United States to slip into the unknown about the future, choosing Hillary will definitely not change America. Then I would rather choose the unknown.”

“Trump, although he is very annoying, at least he can still remain angry about the current situation of America, instead of still immersed in the dream of”America is still great” like Hillary.”

“Both Hillary and Trump are disgusting. I abstain from voting.”

“Yes, they all hate it, but I love how tough Trump is on those illegal immigrants, and yes, I’m a Texan and I’ll vote for him”

“how so?!”When she saw that her evaluation on the Internet was not as good as that idiot Trump, Hillary slammed the table in her office.

Martin, who was far away in Los Angeles, looked like”I knew it a long time ago” and said to a group of people in his family The women who are very curious about knowledge said:”The mainstream media represents the elite group, and the Internet has given the people at the bottom a channel to speak freely. The American election is no longer a game for the elite group ten years ago. The votes in the hands of the general public are Beyond the elite group”

“I can predict that the main battleground in future American elections will increasingly shift to the Internet, because the Internet can reach more people, and TV debates will become increasingly useless.”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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