Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1027

After the third debate, Hillary, who felt she had performed well, suddenly discovered that her situation was not as good as the media had portrayed.

So, the little moves started again.

The Czech police announced on October 21 that in cooperation with the FBI of the United States, they arrested Yevgeny Nikulin, a Russian hacker wanted by Interpol and suspected of conducting cyber attacks in the United States, in the capital Prague.

The American professional social network LinkedIn later stated in a statement that the suspect was related to an information theft case in 2012.

The U.S. Department of Justice has neither confirmed nor commented on this claim.

Czech police said the Prague Municipal Court was considering whether to extradite the hacker to the United States.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova said on the same day that we will make every effort not to allow Evgeny Nikulin, a citizen of Goose who was arrested in Prague, the Czech capital, to be extradited to the United States.

Martin, who has always been the mastermind behind the scenes, secretly introduced Comey, the current director of the FBI, to the Trump team.

This Comey was brainwashed by Martin three years ago. The reason why he was willing to hand over this person to Trump was to expose him to the Clinton family: first, to show Trump his strength and flex his muscles; Second

, because there was too much dirt on this person, and I had the impression that he would be investigated in a few years, so I simply treated him as an”abandoned son” and put him to waste without fear of being taken down by the Carrington family.

With Martin’s intermediary contact, Comey and the Trump team reached a series of PY transactions.

On October 29, Comey stated in a letter to members of Congress that he had previously stated in congressional testimony that the FBI had concluded its investigation into Hillary’s email server, but was investigating a case unrelated to the server investigation. , the FBI learned of a new batch of emails that appeared to be related to previous investigations into Hillary’s servers.

The FBI investigation team had earlier reported the findings to him, and he agreed that the FBI should take”appropriate investigative measures” and allow relevant personnel to review the emails to determine whether they contained classified information.

Comey said that he was currently unable to predict how long the investigation would last or whether the relevant materials were significant, and he decided to brief members of Congress on the above situation first.

In the open letter, Comey also did not disclose the source of these emails.

《The New York Times reported on the matter:”……Based on recent national poll results, Hillary’s approval rating currently leads Trump by 5.2 percentage points, and she also maintains her lead in most swing states. The FBI’s resumption of the investigation into Hillary will have a major impact on Hillary’s election and will help her rival Trump, who is lagging behind in the polls, to recover from decline.……”

Mainstream media in the United States often describe the FBI’s decision to restart the investigation as an”October surprise.”

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch issued a statement in July this year that she would accept the FBI’s recommendation and not prosecute Hillary over the”email scandal.”

Also in July, Comey said that although Hillary and her colleagues were”extremely careless” in handling very sensitive and highly classified information, they did not intentionally violate relevant laws.

Who could have expected that this matter would turn around three months later?

“Bill, can you deal with that asshole (Comey)? This guy had already accepted our favor and said he would no longer investigate the ’email scandal’.”Hillary said angrily,”Now it’s back on its word. Clinton frowned.

He didn’t expect Comey’s back-and-forth.

“It is said that Martin introduced Comey and Trump to each other. I didn’t expect this kid to have such energy. I underestimated him.”

After Currington thought for a moment, he continued:”Try contact again. If it doesn’t work,……”

Clinton was silent for a while,”Hillary, you have to be prepared.”

Hillary’s eyebrows stood up in anger,”What preparations are there to lose to that idiot? I won’t accept it!”

For Hillary, , this year is the best opportunity, and my age will become a problem in four years.

Hillary, who was born in 1947, is already 69 years old this year. For female politicians, the golden age is between thirty-five and fifty-five. In fact, she is already too old now. He will be over 70 in four years, and there is no hope of sitting on the presidential throne.

Carrington shrugged,”There’s nothing you can do about it, learn to accept failure, my dear. And……”

Carrington showed a stern look on his face,”I won’t let that idiot have an easy time.”


Soon, feedback came from Comey’s side that he refused to contact Hillary.

Hillary was furious.

On October 31, U.S. federal investigators obtained a search warrant to examine a batch of emails recently discovered related to Hillary Clinton’s private server.

Due to the large size of the email data, the investigation may take several weeks.

《The New York Times later reported, citing anonymous law enforcement officials, that the FBI found the emails on the electronic devices of Hillary’s personal assistant Huma Aberdeen and her husband Anthony Weiner.

According to NBC, Aberdeen used a Weiner laptop to send the emails to Hillary.

Weiner is currently under investigation by the FBI for allegedly sending pornographic messages to an underage girl.

According to a report from England’s Financial Times on the 31st, Hillary’s campaign team slammed the FBI over the weekend.(FBI)Director, saying that the FBI’s announcement of the reopening of the investigation less than 10 days before the election will disrupt the election.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Kaine also came out to support Hillary.

He said it was against the Justice Department’s etiquette to talk about an ongoing investigation so close to a vote.

Moreover, according to Kaine, the Democratic Party believes that Comey knows nothing about the content of these emails and does not know whether these emails are written to or sent from Hillary. This is an extraneous matter.

On the Republican side, Trump, the presidential nominee, will of course seize this opportunity he finally created to continue attacking Hillary.

He said on Twitter:”As you can see, voting for Hillary is handing over the government to public corruption, malfeasance and cronyism. These are threats to our constitutional system.”

Some Republicans said, This unusual move by the FBI indicates that these emails contain something of value.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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