Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 37]

I returned to my dungeon with Akorya, Dare, and a total of three more slimes that I could now summon as dungeon monsters – well, three different types of slimes. I was able to summon the same monster multiple times once it was added to the summoning pool. If I wanted to, I could have added two more groups of goblins in the first room. Or I could have given Al Capra a twin. So on and so on. The exception came to boss monsters such as Lephacoda.

And now the slime monarch.

Despite being a relatively weak monster that would only offer trouble to new players, the slime monarch was just powerful enough on its own to count as a boss… despite starting off even weaker than one of my lone, non-boss monsters like Al Capra. Of course, Al Capra had received some levels since I summoned him, but what mattered was that he was the type of monster that generally wasn’t seen until around the higher-level zones. It’s like taking the strongest baby and putting them in a fight against a random, average ten-year-old. The baby might be the strongest baby ever, but the ten-year-old is still going to kick their ass.

Except we’re talking about consenting, adult monsters and not child abuse.

Now, before I could summon my new monsters, I wanted a new room for them. So, I did the unexpectable and… created a new room in my dungeon. I thought that having a room dedicated to slimes would be pretty fun for anybody interested in that sort of thing. Next, I summoned the slime monarch. It was notably smaller than when we fought it which immediately disappointed me. It made me think of all the memes on the internet about roleplaying games and getting the bosses to join your team only for them to lose all of their awesome abilities that made them strong enough to be bosses in the first place.

The same thing happened to the slime monarch. It was already weak but, by becoming my monster, it became even weaker and smaller.

Next, I summoned a big slime. Then a regular slime. Since they weren’t boss monsters, they were just as large and as strong as they were before. And even though the slime monarch did decrease in size, it was still considerably larger than the big slime.

“Alright, there you go,” I told Dare once the new room was set up with the slimes, giving him a heavy smack on the back. Admittedly, the main motivation for smacking his back so hard was because he got to benefit from doing nothing while Akorya and I did all the work for that quest. And now I was going to let him fuck my slimes into evolving.

Smacking his back hard enough to push him forward a bit was the least that I was entitled to.

“Right… so… I have to fuck them until they evolve?” Dare asked, looking over the slimes.

Admittedly, even as a massive monster fetishist myself, there wasn’t exactly anything arousing about the slimes. They were slimy blobs and nothing more. Even a bowl of gelatin looked more sexually appealing than these slimes because at least gelatin tasted good. Even knowing full well about the monarch’s ability to use tentacles that would be able to satisfy every hole at once – just… it was still a wobbly, glorified mass of upside-down gelatin that fell out from its bowl.

“Exactly,” I told Dare. “Just, you know, put your dick in them and go wild. That’s fine with all of you, right?” I asked my slimes.

The slimes bounced up and down.

“Wait, just to clarify real quick, shake from side to side.”

They shook from side to side.

“Now bounce up and down.”

They bounced up and down.

“Now, shaking means no and bouncing means yes. Are you dragons?”

They shook.

“Are you goblins?”

They shook.

“Are you slimes?”

They bounced.

“Do you understand sex and consent?”

They bounced.

“Do you consent to being used as living sex toys by Dare here?”

They bounced.

I gave Dare’s back another smack to push him closer to the slimes. I already knew that the slimes were going to consent no matter what seeing as how they weren’t real and just part of the video game – designed to be hyper sexual with sex itself being irresistible to basically every single monster in the game, but I still wanted to be clear on the whole consent thing. It made me feel better about summoning three slimes only for them to immediately be used as sex toys.

“Isn’t going through all that a waste of time?” Dare asked me. “Don’t all the monsters in this game like, love sex? Is it even possible to find one that doesn’t consent?”

“Doesn’t matter,” I answered. “Consent is consent. No matter how obvious it may be, you should always try to make it as clear as you possibly can.”

“So… you’d want a girl you’re fucking to hold a sign up over her head that says she consents?”

The example made me laugh. “It wouldn’t turn me off, but there is such a thing about being tactful about it. It’s not like I believe you need to constantly pause every single step of the way to sign a new waiver to make sure that your partner wants to continue.”

“I don’t know. I’ve seen some videos about consent and have met some people who get really extreme about it. Like one that called people who take things to the next step rapists if they don’t pause to ask for consent. Like, if you’re making out, but then you start touching her, it’s rape or assault or whatever unless you asked for permission first.”

“Well, I understand where they’re coming from, but that sort of belief generally does more harm than good. A big part of it is how you obtain consent. For example, I’ve seen some people recommend that you should, no matter what, stop what you’re doing and ask for permission to do something else. That’s, admittedly, going to be a massive mood killer for most people. What you do instead is… Akorya, can I demonstrate on you?”

“Please do!” Akorya was quick to answer with her usual catlike grin on her face.

“Do you mind?” I asked Dare.

He shrugged and said, “Go for it.”

With their consent, I got behind Akorya and pressed my lips against the side of her neck. She almost immediately mewled in pleasure. Before long, I placed my hands on her hips to hold her while I kissed her. Then I slowly began to slide them up her torso until reaching her chest, at which point there was zero indication that she had any problems with my hands very obviously approaching her chest, so I allowed my hands to gently grope her breasts. When there was still zero indication that she wanted me to stop, I groped her a bit more firmly than before.

Then I took one hand away from her breasts and slid it down toward her crotch. I made the movement obvious by trailing the tips of my fingers back down across her abdomen so that she would always know exactly where my hand was going. Then, right before reaching her crotch, I paused what I was doing to whisper into her ear, “Tell me what you want me to do.”

“Nn-nngh… ma-master,” she whined, “I want you to…”

“You want me to what? I can’t pleasure you if you don’t tell me what you want me to do to you.”

Rather than reply with any proper words, she grabbed onto my hand and finished dragging it down to her crotch for me.

And then it was time for me to be truly evil after getting Akorya worked up.

I stopped what I was doing and clapped my hands together. “And that’s how you obtain consent while being both sexy and, if I may so myself, and not annoying.”

My slimes wobbled in every direction, giving me the feeling that it was their method of clapping for me. As for Dare, he said, “Huh. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Too bad there isn’t anybody making videos calling out the other people for being too extreme while giving advice on how to do it properly.”

I never thought that the other people were being too extreme given that they typically had pretty valid reasons for believing in what they did, but that was beside the point. “Videos, huh? I know a guy who makes his living off of stuff like this. You watch a couple of his videos and you’ll know everything that you could ever need to know about consent.”

Talking to Dare while Akorya was pouting at me so heavily with what almost looked like tears forming in the corners of her eyes was difficult, but I couldn’t resist teasing her. I did, however, give her head a nice petting between her ears to let her know that I wasn’t ignoring her. That temporarily soothed her a bit.

“If you give me his name then I might check him out later,” Dare said.

“I will, but after you fuck my slimes into evolving,” I replied.

“Yeah, yeah. Alright. I just have to fuck them until they evolve. There’s nothing else I should have to do, right?”


“Got it. So… whenever you leave, I guess I’ll start.”

“You could start right now.”

“I can’t do it while another guy is here.”

Dare’s overwhelmingly heterosexual attitude was disappointing. When it came to guys, I always liked the ones who basically looked and sounded like girls but with dicks. Exposure to hentai when I was too young to be looking at hentai was most likely responsible for that. Those guys were drawn just like girls and basically were girls in every single possible way… but with dicks. And here was one of those guys standing right before me… but he was utterly and thoroughly, as far as I could tell, straight.

I couldn’t even be in the room at the same time as him as he fucked my slimes.

Oh well. As disappointed as I might have been, there was nothing wrong with that.

“I’ll leave you to it then. There better be three cute girls here when I come back,” I said.

“I hope it won’t take too long for them to evolve. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to… use them like this,” Dare replied.

“I believe in you.”

“Thanks, I guess.”

“You three,” I said, looking at my slimes, “try your best to evolve for us, alright?”

They bounced up and down. Even if I only had them for a short while, the way that they bounced quickly became endearing. I also hoped that their bounciness would be retained when they evolved and had fun parts to be bouncing.

“Alright, Akorya, we’ve still got something that I believe needs taken care of,” I said.

“Oh, yeah, you wanted two more types of monsters. A wisp and something else, right?” Akorya asked.

“We’ll worry about that later.” I grabbed her hand and led her out of the room to where we would have a bit of privacy. “First, it’s not fair of me to get you all worked up only to not take care of you afterwards, right?”

As soon as she realized what I was implying, she lit up. “Right! That was like, super mean. I was even being all cute and possessive earlier around another guy for you… wait, umm, I don’t think that’s the right word.”

“Hmm. Yeah, you were the one being possessed, not being possessive.”

“Is there a word for that?”

“Does it matter?” I asked before placing my lips against hers. Her lips curled into a smile against mine.

“Nyehehe… I guess not.”

“Now, to pick up where we left off, how about you tell me exactly what you want me to do to you?”

“I want you to insert your penis into my vagina.”

“That’s – that’s a surprisingly technical-sounding answer.”

“Nyehe. I wanted to surprise you. How about this instead: I want you to fuck me, master.”

“That’s more like you.”

While Dare got to work on my slimes, I got to work on Akorya. Again.


Once Akorya and I were done, we finally left to go and acquire that wisp that I wanted to get. It was great timing, too, since it was nighttime in-game by the time we were done enjoying one another’s bodies. Wisps only showed up at night, after all. As for where they showed up, it was in the forest right after the starting zone. There were some other undead monsters, such as zombies and skeletons, but most of the monsters that came out at night were spirits such as wisps, weak ghosts, and so on.

It was also a pretty jarring experience. On one hand, there were plenty of undead roaming around ready to kill or fuck any low-level players who came by them. On the other hand… the forest was incredibly beautiful at night. Flowers bloomed and glowed an assortment of colors, the wisps that were in every direction to be seen looked like floating rainbow lights that reminded me of Christmas tree lights, and there was plenty of chirping insects that drowned out the hungry growling of zombies. It was a peaceful, relaxing, and beautiful area so long as the flesh-eating zombies were ignored.

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And remembering that there was one area in particular that was devoid of all gruesome monsters while retaining the forest’s beauty, I came up with an idea. I wasn’t completely sure if Akorya and Lily would be completely alright with it, but I came up with the idea of taking them on a date together to where I was thinking of.

Of course, as soon as I thought of that, a hundred and one different concerns popped into my head to try and convince me that it was a horrible idea.

What was going on with me that I was seriously considering not only dating Lily, but Akorya as well?

Sure, poly relationships became all the rage over the last few years, but would Lily and Akorya really be alright with such an arrangement?

When did I even start liking Akorya in that way anyways? With Lily, it was way more obvious. I was aware of my developing feelings for her. But with Akorya, I didn’t even realize that I liked her in that way until I came up with the idea of taking her out on a date with Lily.

And what about Thera? Should I invite her as well? Would she be disappointed or lose interest in me? I didn’t want to lose what we had going on, but I also wanted to be more with her, and just—

I shook all the doubts out of my head. They weren’t doing me any good and they weren’t relevant at the time anyways. What mattered was taming a wisp so that I could fuck a ghost into evolving.

The rest of that stuff could be thought about while trying to sleep at night alone in bed, before or after remembering every embarrassing thing I ever did as a child.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th

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