Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 38]

Despite wisps being floating balls of energy, spirits, life, or whatever other lore one would like to believe in to describe their existence, they were just as vulnerable to physical attacks as any other monster. Sure, it didn’t make sense for a sword or arrow to inflict damage against them since weapons could pass right through as if slicing through air, but it was a video game. Making them invulnerable to physical damage, as much as it might have made sense, would have been horrible from a video game perspective. Half of the classes simply wouldn’t be able to deal any damage to them. That half of classes would simply have no choice but to stand around or try to run around while being chased by floating balls immune to damage trying to burn them to death.

But: one, the developers actually did try to balance things which is why I could damage them; and two, these wisps were too low level for their flames to actually deal any significant amount of damage.

All their flames were able to do was make me curious about what it would be like to fuck a wisp. After all, they weren’t just floating balls of energy. They were floating balls of really hot energy. Was my dick going to get burnt? Would I need to get some heat resistance buffs in order to not burn my cock off? These were all very serious questions that I contemplated while trying to figure out which wisp I wanted to tame.


“Hey, why aren’t you taming one?” Akorya asked me, clearly bored as I scanned our surroundings.

“I’m trying to find one that really sticks out to me,” I answered. That was part of the truth. The other part of the truth was that my mind was distracted by my earlier doubts about taking her and Lily on a proper date, and what my relationship with Thera was.

“But… they’re all the same.”

“Maybe I’m just using that as an excuse to spend more time with you.”

Her ears twitched and her tail wagged as she giggled. “Nyehehe, so smooth,” she cooed.

“I try sometimes. Anyways, I guess they really are all the exact same.”

“Yeah, so hurry up! I want to see you fuck one.”

“I didn’t know you were such a voyeur.”

“I guess I’m curious about how you’ll manage to do it. I’ve never heard of anybody fucking a wisp before. And like… if weapons pass through them, won’t a dick?”

“Passing through is no different from all-the-way-through penetration.”

“Yeah, but… it’s kinda different with a ghost, isn’t it?”

“Believe in my cock, Akorya.”

“I believe it! I do! It’s just that I can’t imagine how it’s going to work.”

“I see. Well, I’ll let you in on a secret.”

“Ooh, what is it?”

“In order to fuck a wisp… I need you to give my cock a ghost-busting buff by kissing it first.”

“You were smooth earlier, but now you’re too obvious,” she teased, and then got onto her knees. Even if I was extremely obvious, that didn’t stop her from helping herself to my cock by planting a nice, big kiss right on its tip before packing it back away into my pants. “Buffed!”

“Thank you for the support.”

“Thank you for the treat!”

Akorya was too good for this world. That was why I had to give her what she wanted so badly – I had to fuck a wisp. So, I finally got over my indecision and picked a random, floating wisp at random. All I had to do was shoot two arrows and its health was already dropped to below thirty percent. Taming it then succeeded on the first try. Just like that, I had a wisp.

Before I transferred it to my dungeon, I was curious about testing something. I wanted to see how it would react to a non-violent, physical action. To test this, I waited for the wisp to come over to my side, and then I placed a hand “on” it to pet it.

One, while physically touching it – the heat was strong but not enough to burn. Two, while there was nothing physical for me to actually touch, it still responded by “rubbing” up against my hand. When I tried to hold it in both of my hands, it went wherever I clearly wanted to move it to on its own while staying between my hands. In other words, it played along with however I wanted to touch it.

That meant my plan would work. With that figured out, I transferred the wisp to my dungeon.

“Alright. So, three slimes and a wisp. One more,” I said.

“Weren’t you going to fuck the wisp?” Akorya asked, clearly disappointed that I wasn’t doing so right now.

“I figured I’d wait until it was a part of my dungeon before doing that. I mean, they basically get their memories and personalities reset when I summon them in my dungeon. They’re entirely new monsters there – not the same lines of code that I tamed. I’d feel bad fucking a wisp into evolving as my companion only to wipe away who it is. That’s why I’ll fuck it once it will actually get to stay who it is.”

“Ooh, I see. You’re so nice. Most people wouldn’t even think of something like that!”

“I know it’s a bit extreme, but hey, I’m a sentimental guy. I’d feel bad even though I know it’s only a few lines of code. I already wish that there was a way for the monsters I tame to technically be the same ones that I summon in my dungeon. But, there isn’t,” I said before proceeding to transfer my newly-tamed wisp to my dungeon. With the click of a button, this specific wisp was deleted from existence as another identical wisp spawned nearby. As far as the program itself went, all of these wisps were the exact same. It was purely my own sentimentality that caused me to feel bad. “Now, about that third monster.”

“Which is it gonna be?”

“A metal cube.”

“A – a… a metal cube?”

“Yep. I think we’ll go with a pretty basic one for the last one. We’ll have slime girls, a wisp girl, and… a metal cube.”

“A… a… metal cube?”

“Yeah. You know that zone that is basically just one giant ancient city of a supposedly advanced civilization? It has traps everywhere, golems, giant metal monsters that shoot electricity and flames… and it has those metal cubes.”

“How… would you fuck a metal cube?”

“They open up to show a sex toy-like opening if you present your dick to them. I’ve actually fucked one before just to try it out, so I’m not worried about that.”

“But… they’re just… cubes… of metal…”

“What can I say? I’m sexually attracted to metallic squares.”

Akorya chuckled from that before shrugging. “Then I guess I’m gonna get to watch you put your dick in a cube! I might be more curious to see that than the wisp now…”

“That you will. And, hopefully, Dare’s conversion of my slimes into slime girls is going well.”

“He’s… an interesting guy.”

“Yeah, I just wish he was more like a cooked noodle instead of a raw one.”

“He’s like a raw noodle?”

“Yeah. Too straight.”

“Nyehe, I see! Oh! Need another buff before you go tame a cube?”

“Ah, right. Thanks for reminding me. It’s extremely important that I get a metal-cube-taming buff from you.”

“Aye aye!”

And so, Akorya dropped to her knees once more to pull my cock out, give it a kiss, and put it away.

I was going to need to come up with more “buffs” to need.


The Fallen City of Amalrei. That was the name of the next zone we went to – the zone that was essentially ruined, overgrown skyscrapers and other massive buildings that would have looked far too out of place in this otherwise-fantasy setting were they not mostly destroyed.

Tucked between some mountains, because having mountains border every zone made it easier for the developers to split the zones up into specific regions, the ruined city was both beautiful in how nature reclaimed it yet saddening. Anybody who was even slightly familiar with the lore of the city understood that it was essentially a reference to reality. Sure, there was a lot less ocean involved when compared to the real cities that humanity had to abandon, but it had other similarities.

A race of intelligent beings who ruled over nature got too cocky and became their own undoing. Now, all that remained was the nature that outlived them, their mechanical creations, and the monuments to all their sins. Their hubris was their downfall, and now none of their kind remained.

What did remain, however, were their sex toys. The metal cubes. Because yes, this game was still designed to be extremely sexual, so of course their sentient sex toys survived despite their entire civilization dying off what was meant to be thousands of years ago.

I felt bad for anybody who was interested in the game’s lore without also being interested in all the sexual aspects of it. On one page of the game’s wiki, you might be reading about how tragic their past is. On that very same page in the next paragraph, you’re reading about how they created sentient sex toys that are still alive.

Then I realized something.

The Desolate City of Xinax.

The Fallen City of Amalrei.

And these weren’t even the only two that followed this naming convention. Apparently, the developers really liked “The (Probably Bad Thing) City of (Weird Fantasy Name)” naming method.


“Metal cube spotted!” Akorya shouted, pointing to our right.

Surely enough, there was a metal cube there. It was simply a large, metal box that somehow managed to hop around the place. Now, because it was a hostile enemy, it needed a way to attack even if it was supposed to be a sex toy. That was why as soon as it detected me, since I was nearly an equal level to it, the lines etched into its body glowed blue prior to shooting a beam of energy at me.

I was so used to sticking around lower level enemies that I didn’t bother dodging it. It actually managed to chip at my health and inflict me with a debuff that lowered my defense.

“Hey, why can a sex toy shoot lasers?” Akorya asked.

“It’s a really high-tech sex toy,” I answered. “But more seriously… I think the logic was that they had a ‘loyalty’ setting programmed into them, so they would shoot lasers at anybody who tried to use them who wasn’t their owner. In other words, to tame and fuck a metal cube is to commit netorare against their dead masters from thousands of years ago. From a lore perspective, anyways.”

I was shot again while explaining, causing the debuff to stack which allowed it to deal even more damage to me.

“Want me to lower its health?” Akorya asked.

“Yeah, go for it,” I answered.

And just like that, Akorya lazily lifted her tail to shoot some of her tail’s spikes at the metal cube. Each spike did a large chunk of damage to the mid-leveled monster, dropping it to the point where I could tame it with ease.

One use of Tame Monster later and the metal cube was officially mine. The blue glow across its body faded away as it came to sit on the ground by my side.

“So… it has a hole?” Akorya asked.

“Yeah. Watch,” I said, pulling my dick before picking the metal cube up and holding it near my crotch. This prompted the side of the metal cube facing me to pull back its panels, revealing what appeared to be an artificially fleshy passage that could expand or contract as needed. “All I have to do is put my dick in it and hold it. It’ll do the rest of the work on its own.”

 “Slimes, a wisp, and a metal cube. You have some strange tastes, master,” Akorya teased.

“They’ll all be cute monster girls before long. Besides, you didn’t even name the strangest monster that I plan on fucking.”

“There’s a stranger one?”

“Yeah. She’s a manticore named Akorya.”

“She sounds like the best one, not the strangest one.”

“She is pretty good, but…”

“But? But what?”

“But she hasn’t given me a new buff to counteract this defense-down debuff I got.”

Akorya grinned, pushed away the metal cube that I was holding in front of my crotch, and got to work peppering the tip of my cock with multiple kisses. “There! I gave you an extra strong buff this time!”

“You really are too good for this world, Akorya.”



After converting the metal cube into one of my dungeon monsters, we returned to the dungeon and checked on Dare to see his progress with the slimes. I had every intention of seeing him surrounded by three, beautiful, slimy girls acting as his own personal harem. Instead… what I saw was Dare with his pants down, lying on the floor, looking utterly exhausted and drained of life, as the three slimes—which were still just slimes and not slime girls—took turns bouncing up and down on his cock that was visible within the translucent slime.

“I probably should have remembered that you’re just a noobie before expecting you to evolve three slimes all on your own,” I told him. “By the way, nice dick.”

“I… I’ve got this,” Dare said, raising his arms to grab onto the slime riding his cock… only for his arms to fall back down before they could reach it. “I don’t got this…”

“Look on the bright side. This is a great way to train your sexual endurance up. If you really want to make it to the endgame without ever fighting a single enemy, only ever fucking them, then you’re going to need a ton of endurance. You’ll come across girls and monsters that are going to try to fuck you for hours straight. If you can’t handle these slimes, you won’t last two minutes against the ones I just mentioned.”

“I – I think I have to call it.” Like a wrestler tapping out, Dare gave the floor a few, weak smacks. The slime got one final bounce in, causing Dare to wince in pleasured agony, before hopping off of his cock. Dare’s tool was left twitching, unable to tell if it wanted more pleasure or if it just wanted the painful sensitivity to end. “I… got a couple of achievements at least…”

“Probably one to deal with fucking monsters, and one to have group sex with monsters. Right?”


“Keep it up and you’ll eventually get the achievement that makes most monsters want to fuck you instead of kill you. If I spent more time fucking monsters instead of being the monster, I’d probably have it already. Maybe I should get that.”

“I think… I need to take a nap and order pizza…”

“You tried your best. That’s what matters. And the next time you come here, you’ll be greeted by three beautiful slimes who are actually feminine and not just blobs. Sound good?”

“Extra cheese with stuffed crust sounds good…”

Before I could say anything else, Dare’s body disappeared in a flash of light before my eyes. It was as if he was raptured after being relentlessly milked by my slimes.

“So… what now?” Akorya asked me.

“What now? What now is that I’m going to need some more buffs. I have three slimes, a wisp, and a metal cube to fuck until they evolve. I’m going to need all the support you can give me,” I said.

Akorya was already on her knees before I could even finish what I was saying.

It was time to go on a monster fucking spree, though it was probably going to be more like a masturbation-with-monsters spree.

If you can't afford to help out via Patreon, then that's perfectly fine, but if you can financially support the stories and would like to, that would be incredibly appreciated. My Patreon has taken its biggest hit ever due to the virus (with more than half of unpledges specifically citing losing their jobs or trying to save money due to the pandemic), and it's my only source of income. I'm not going to be homeless if you don't help out or anything, but any support would be massively appreciated in this time when Coronavirus is fucking us, when my grandma's dementia is rapidly worsening, and when my mental health isn't exactly in the best of places. Money isn't going to fix these things, but boosting those numbers back up at least a little will relieve a lot of stress on me.

Fuck me, I'm tempted to delete all of that. I feel like a manipulative scumbag bringing that stuff up. I'm just trying to be honest and transparent, and I feel like I should be (since I've kind of been bottling it up in all honesty), but another part of me feels like I shouldn't since I know that a ton of people say stuff like this just for pity points. Seriously, if you can't afford to support, don't feel bad about it. Just keep on reading, commenting, reviewing, and all that. Your support is still greatly appreciated. But if you can financially support, I could really use it more now than at any other time before. Also, I'm going to be copy-pasting this to my CORE, EDO, and LDQ chapters next this week, so you can skip this post-chapter note (and the pre-chapter note for that matter) without missing anything for the rest of the week.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th

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