Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 8]

After hugging Lily for a couple of minutes, the two of us sat back down with a fresh atmosphere. She seemed so nervous before, but after finding out who I am, she – well, she still seemed nervous but also more relaxed. She was able to talk to me as if we were friends for a while already.

Going by how she was a fan of my videos, that made sense to me. She might have seen dozens if not hundreds of videos of me talking into the camera directly to my audience – directly to her. When the relationship between content creator and audience seems that personal and open, it makes sense. I think.

“Calmed down now, Miss Starstruck?” I teased.

I really don’t think that I’m anybody to get starstruck over.

Lily nodded and giggled adorably. “I – I know that we have not talked much yet… bu-but there is no way that I won’t accept you as a – as a master.”

“We’re still going to talk about it. I might be all about consent, but if there’s one thing I’ll nonconsensually do to you, it’s forcing consent… wait, that sounded better in my head.”

Every giggle of hers made me want to try that much harder to make her giggle even more. Between her sweet voice and her adorable giggling, listening to her was addictive.

There were also her moans. Those were really nice, too. I definitely wanted to hear more of them. And, seeing as how they were mostly muffled by dick and cum the last time… I needed to hear her moans without anything muffling them.

It took every last ounce of willpower that I had to not just skip over everything since I was sure that she would be alright with that.

But if I did that, I would have been betraying what I expressed was of the utmost importance in so many of my videos.

She wanted Damian. I wanted to stay Damian.

I wasn’t going to betray either of us just because of how perfect she was and how desperately I wanted to take her back to my dungeon to fuck her.

“Let’s jump into some basic things that I think are important. How old are you?” I asked.


I tilted my head.

“A-ah. Nine – nineteen.”

“Nine-nineteen? You’re nine hundred and nineteen years old? I guess I should call you grandma instead of my pet.”

Her expression was one torn between pouting and giggling.

In other words, it was adorable and she was perfect.

No surprise there.

“So, grandma—”

“Please – please don’t!”

“Alright, alright. I’ll just call you Lily.”


“What’re you giggling for? All I said was your name. Lily.”

“I – I can’t help it,” she said, bringing her hands to cover her face.

“What’s wrong, Lily?”

“St-stoooppp itttt….”

She was telling me to stop, but her hands weren’t able to hide the wide grin behind them.

Is consent important? Absolutely. Is listening to somebody saying to stop necessary when teasing them in a friendly way, without causing embarrassment or harm, and while they are very obviously enjoying it? No. As important as consent and listening is, common sense is still needed to make sure that things stay fun.

As consent-focused as I am, I had people accuse me of glorifying rape before because I said in a video that people do not have to stop what they are doing if, for example, a girl is playfully saying “stop” and grinding her hips back against her boyfriend while he is groping her from behind in their house. Tone of voice, body actions, trust and understanding – all of these things are every bit as important as consent and also effective ways of communicating it.

One of the downsides for being a popular figure in the fetish community means that people have always been more than happy to jump on me for anything that they perceive as wrong.

Just saying that consent can be communicated nonverbally has been enough to stir up controversy and a news article or two covering the drama.

I sighed.

“Is – is something wrong?” Lily asked.

“I’m just remembering some drama. Were you a fan of mine a year or so ago?”

“I have been – watching you for, umm… ah! I think we – we like to call ourselves the 10k… club?”

“Wow. I’ve had people come across me in real life before, but never any of you original ten thousand. You’ve been with me for a long time, Lily. That’s what… six years?”

She nodded, her hands covering her face again.

“Anyways, remember when that other vlogger posted that video ‘exposing’ me and accusing me of harming the community and how I was actually turning people into rapists or something? And then a few news articles jumped on the wagon and took her side, then didn’t think it was worth apologizing to me after it was exposed that she was lying and taking everything outside of context?”

Lily looked cute before, but now she looked angry. She was genuinely upset.

“I do! I was so mad!” she said. “I – I even left thumbs downs on all of her videos. I remember how disa… disa… disappointed? I remember how disappointed you were in your response video. I – I never wanted to hurt somebody before until her!”

“Please, don’t remind me of that video. I’m still tempted to remove it because it makes me cringe thinking about it. I remember almost crying from how stressed out I was over the whole thing, and it was just – you know, I love all of you, but you guys really didn’t have to point out over and over again how sincere I was because it looked like I was about to cry.”

“Seeing it almost made me cry! She never – never even apologized! Quelle putain…”

As old as the drama might have been, seeing her get upset for me was nice. It was always nice to know that my fans appreciated me enough to get upset on my behalf, and seeing Lily get angry in general was fun. I felt bad for it, but it was hard to take her anger seriously with how cute she looked while angry.

Her anger was as intimidating as a newborn puppy’s barks.

Then, just before I could say anything else, she looked into my eyes and said with utmost confidence, “If – if I ever don’t like anything, I will say so! You do not even need to ask! I – I promise that I will say no o-or stop you if I don’t want something.”

“Understood, Lily.”

The anger and determination was instantly replaced by adorable giggling and blushing.

“This is why I like to talk about things like this beforehand. Now I know how to handle consent with you. If we didn’t have this talk, can you imagine me asking you every step of the way if you consent?”

“Please – please don’t…”

“I won’t, Lily.”


“Though, I already wasn’t doing that when I was controlling the goblins.”

Her blush grew a shade brighter as she nodded her head.

“And now for my favorite part of these discussions, fetishes? What do you like? What do you not like – what are your limits? What are your favorites? Anything you want to try?”

Nobody other than NPCs were around at this point. While some were listening in on our earlier conversation, they left to go get things done or to give us privacy once the conversation turned more sexual.

Fortunately, there was nobody interested in griefing by stripping down to pink, tight underwear to flop around on the table between us while we tried talking.

Griefers… not even once.

“A-ah. Umm… I – I like a lot? I’m only playing… because of what I – I heard can be done here… so, ah, I – I like everything but… gross things.”

Gross things might not sound specific to most people, but when it comes to the fetish community…

“So, nothing like scat, watersports, vomit, and so on?”

She nodded her head.

“Well, if you’ve watched my videos, you already know that I’m not into any of that either. No shame to the people who are into that, but it’s just not me. Besides, I can’t judge people for being into that when I get off almost exclusively to monsters and tentacles. Is there anything else?”

“I – I have all the same limits as you.”

“So, none of the ‘gross’ stuff, no diapers, farting, hard vore, gore or death, rape, pedophilia, cheating, and pretty much anything else closely related to those.”


“How close are your likes to my own?”

“Al-almost exactly!”

“So, monsters, tentacles, other beasts, consent, size play, body worship, so on and so on. It would probably be easier for me to ask you what you meant by almost exactly. Is there anything I like that you don’t, or anything you like that I might not have discussed before?”

“You – you have never… umm… said whether you like… con-consensual mind control?”

“Oh. That. Yeah, I’m fine with it, but I’ve never officially given any opinion on it because – well, can you just imagine how much drama that would cause? People accused me of being a rape apologist just for saying that nonverbal consent is a thing. Now, imagine how upset they would be if I said it’s possible for mind control to be consensual—in fiction, that is, since it’s not exactly possible—if all parties involved consent beforehand, have some sort of safety mechanism possible to revoke consent during it, and still consent afterwards. That would cause way more controversy than the time I said it was alright if a drunken couple, who discussed and agreed on intoxicated sex while sober, has sex while they’re both drunk.”

“I remember that! It was so stupid! They – even with your example where umm, a married couple for twenty years has sex after drinking and giving consent before it, it’s rape! Some people…”

“I mean, they’re technically right. It might technically be rape, but the ninety percent of people who have common sense would believe it’s alright if a husband and wife have sex after a night out drinking. Most of them, realistically, don’t even discuss consent and whether it would be alright or not beforehand. They just do it anyways. At least I advocate for thoroughly discussing intoxicated sex while sober.”

“It – it makes me want to get ivre – drunk? And let you do – do whatever you want to me just to make them angry!”

“Maybe someday. I’ll make sure to thoroughly clarify before you take even a sip of alcohol whether or not you want me to do anything after you’re drunk. Anyways, back to consensual mind control. I despise most mind control since it goes with rape most of the time, or it’s at least reluctant, but I love consensual mind control. Unfortunately, you know, that sort of thing isn’t exactly possible. It’s not even available in this game. I mean, this game has the ‘slave collar’ cash shop item, but it only imitates forced control. Nobody in this game can actually be forced to do anything that they don’t want. It’s more like… as long as you agree to what you’re being ordered to do, the system will move your body for you and even make you talk. But still, if the system isn’t able to detect that you’re – wait. Isn’t…”

“Is-isn’t that as consensual as mind control can – can get?”

“Huh. I guess I never really thought about it before since mind control is such a controversial subject when consensual, but you’re right. This game has the perfect system in it for that. I mean, all it does is basically put your body on autopilot.”

“One – one moment.”

“Take your time.”

I figured that she had to go and do something in real life to so suddenly say that.

Instead, she made the hand motion to open up the game’s menu, did some clicking around, and then…

A box in red wrapping paper with a bow and ribbon appeared in front of her. Then, instead of opening it herself… she slid it across the table to me.

“He-here,” she said, not even able to look me in the eyes now.

“I’ll send you some of the currency to make up for whatever this is. I don’t want a fan, especially such a perfect one, spending any money on me. You leave the money-spending to the person with too much disposable income, alright?”

“Ehehe… no promises.”

So, not only was she perfect when it came to looks.

Not only was she perfect when it came to sexual preferences.

Not only was she perfect when it came to being my fan.

But she was perfect in wanting to spend money on me.

Even as a man with too much money to go through, having a girl want to spend money on me instead of being the sole recipient of such spending made me fall for her that much more.

I opened the box.

Inside was the exact item I was just talking about.

The slave collar.

She even got the “pet beast” skin for it. Instead of the metal cuff and chain slave collar, she purchased the thick, red, leather collar that looked like it belonged around a dog’s neck.

“Will you – umm… when – when we are doing talking… will you please – please use it on me?” Lily asked, looking at me through her bangs as she twirled her hair around her finger.

“We’re going full-auto on the rest of these. How often do you want to have sex?”

“I – I don’t have a requirement… just – just whenever we want.”

“What times are you generally available at?”

“Umm, I – I am not good with time zones, but… from a couple of hours ago to seven hours from now?”

“What is your ideal dominant?”


“Do you have previous experience with relationships like this?”


“What is it that you like about being submissive?”

“Being – being used for – for umm, sex, but still being cared about after it.”

“What is it about these fetishes that you like?”

“I – I just… think vanilla is for real life and weird is for games and stories.”

“What sort of role do you want us to have?”

“A – a master and his pet…”




“Umm, I – I know how important this is, but… I have watched you for years, and… I promise that, umm, I… I feel silly for saying this, and – and you might think I’m trop confiant, but… I – I know we will be perfect together…”

I had the exact same feeling as her.

Hearing that she thought that as well was enough to kill the “interview.”

There was not a single partner in all of my experience who ever made me feel like she did – who ever made me feel so impatient.

“Then, Lily,” I paused, picking the collar up, “will you be my pet? Do you want me to officially become your master?”

She nodded and, hopeful for what would come next, lifted her head up and pushed away the hair around her neck.

Nonverbal consent as clear as it could be.

With the collar in hand, I walked to behind her and slowly slipped it on around her neck. Her back slightly arched as soon as she felt the tough leather against her neck, and she even raised one hand to rest on one of mine as I secured the collar around her.

She made securing the collar as easy as possible for me.

Upon securing it, it automatically tightened and shrunk just a small bit in size to perfectly fit her neck.

A window popped up notifying me of our new relationship, but I didn’t care about that. All I cared about was turning her chair around so that she was facing me and then…

“You are my pet now, Lily,” I whispered, my lips next to her ear.

She shivered in her seat and turned red from her neck to her ears.

“A-and… you – Da-Damian… are mon maître,” she whispered, placing a single kiss on the side of my neck.

I don’t think that this has been mentioned enough yet.

Lily is perfect.

And that does it for the dump of chapters! This should give you a good idea of how this reboot is going to go. It's more focused on slice of life and lewd things, will have more of a focus on the dungeon itself and expanding/filling it, and there will be some occasional adventures/combat here and there, too.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W.

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