Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 9]

Our discussion did not last much longer after that. We were both too eager to get back to the dungeon to have some more fun.

And we had a lot of fun.

Possibly too much fun, because I went through almost a hundred dollars’ worth of the cash shop item that allowed me to directly play as my monsters. At least I got pretty good at the whole “pack of goblins” thing. I just needed to find a way to control even more goblins. Sure, a few at once were great and all, but what if I was able to control more than that? Ten? Twenty? Fifty?

A hundred?

Playing as a hundred goblins taking turns going at Lily, pumping her full of cum in all of her holes for hours, sounded absolutely amazing. The best part was that she even gave me permission to use a recorder to record video and audio of what we do as long as it stayed private between us, so I would essentially be creating my own hentai to watch whenever I want.

And despite how great actually having sex is, there is just something about watching a video, sitting back, and jacking off. Sometimes it’s nice to be lazy and only have to worry about your own pleasure.

More importantly…

I really needed to find out a better way to play as my monsters without the cash shop item. Even my savings weren’t going to last if I planned on having that much sex with everybody who came to the dungeon.

Even if nobody came to the dungeon other than Lily… I was definitely going to run out of money. Sure, she was worth the money, but it hurt knowing that my bank balance went down with every purchase of that item.

In my dungeon’s natural hot springs, with Lily sitting in the water next to me as I traced my fingers through her hair, I sighed.

“Mon maître?” Lily asked. “Is – is something wrong?”

“Not really – wait. I just realized that something is wrong.”

“What? Did – did I do—”

“No, no. You’re fine. I did just realize that we haven’t even tried out your new collar yet.”

“A-ah. That is what is – umm, both…ering you?”

“Well, no.”

“Then what?”

“I want to become a monster.”

“You already can?”

“Yeah, but the item that lets me control my monsters is a cash shop item. It’s uh… not exactly a cheap one, either. It’s a few times the cost of the experience boosters.”

“That – that much?”


“How many have you – have you used on me?”

“That’s classified information, Lily.”

“When you put it that way… you spent too much money, probably!”

“I’m fine. I’ll just have to try harder to keep my videos from getting demonetized. The hub never messes with my videos, but the tube is more than happy than demonetize me for whatever reason they can come up with. Go vlogging in a forest and find a dead body, have an audience that is mainly kids, and upload the video anyways? No big deal. Talk about sex and maybe include a swear word here and there? Oh no, it’s the end of the world, think of the children you degenerate, no money for you.”

“Americans are very silly about sex.”

“Is it better where you’re from?”

Lily nods and leans her head against my side. “Better in some – some ways, worse in some ways. But… I have never met anybody so – so… weird about it like Americans. Perhaps… grand-maman, she is very… extreme?”

“The elderly usually end up being the most extreme about it. I guess that doesn’t change no matter what country you’re in. I bet the old and extreme would have pretty amusing reactions to us right now. I mean, we only just met the other day, and now I’ve gangbanged you as goblins for hours after putting a collar on you to make you my pet, and now we’re taking a bath together.”

“Grand-maman would die if she knew this,” Lily says with a giggle.

“She sounds like she needs somebody to give her a collar herself. Maybe you should try finding some nice and kinky old guys to hook up with her.”

She giggles even more. “Please, mon maître! I do not want to picture that!”

“What? You don’t want to picture a couple of old people all wrinkly and flabby going at it? You know, old people are pretty big perverts, too. I hear that retirement communities are full of swingers and STDs because of that. They’re just so old that they don’t care anymore, so they spend all day fucking each other since they have nothing better to do.”

“You are going to make me sick!”

“What? Does this mean you won’t want to have sex with me once we’re in our eighties?”

“My bones would – would break if you treat me like you were when I am that old!”

“That’s what VR is for. Even if we’re both in our eighties, we could still be fucking around in this game without the risk of literally breaking you. You could already be an eighty-year-old woman and I would have no idea.”

“I – I am not!”

“I could start calling you grandma.”

“Please do not!”

She may have sounded upset, but we both laughed about it a few seconds after that.

“So, I told you about my idea for this place to be the best sex dungeon ever. What do you think? You never gave me your opinion on it.”

“I – I think it is a wonderful idea, mon maître. If you are suc-successful, that means more monsters, yes?”

“Many more monsters and all types of them. I just have to make sure that I only get monsters capable of actually having sex. It would defeat the point to get some that aren’t even enabled to have sex. Stupid laws, limiting what you can do inside of a video game. It’s like trying to limit what you write in a story... and I’ve heard of people getting hit for that, too. It’s like, even if it’s not exactly illegal, it might as well be since nobody is going to want to work with you. Then people say, ‘well, go create your own payment processor.’ So, people do that. What happens next? The banks refuse to work with the payment processor because they would get too much shit from controversies about working with adult content. It’s all stupid.”

“I agree, mon maître. You convinced all of us with working – working brains in the first video you made about this.”

“How many videos have I made ranting about this sort of bullshit already?”


“Wait, seriously? I thought it’d be maybe like three or four.”

“Four dedicated to it, nine - nine where you start talking about it and get dis-distracted.”

“Oh. Yeah, I can believe that. Nothing gets me ranting like thinking about how idiotic the whole thing is. Even the companies who are all, ‘Oh, we’re adult-content friendly, we support freedom of expression and won’t censor you!’ and all that always end up cracking down on adult content creators as soon as the company is successful enough. They’re all either corrupt, have no backbone, or liars. Usually all three. The developers of this game are the only ones who actually say ‘fuck you’ to the people who criticize them. I love it. Even so, they still have to hold back on what they allow since they know they can only get away with so much before the payment processors and banks get involved. Once they care, you’re fucked.”

“I wish there were less limits…”

“You just want a wolf.”

“I – I do, but! I think it is stupid to limit a game like this…”

“Well, the logic is that if they allow things like that, it promotes abuse against real wolves. That’s why monsters are alright. Monsters don’t exist, so if you have a game where you’re allowed to fuck monsters, it can’t encourage you to go sexually abuse a monster in real life since monsters don’t exist in real life. That’s also why things like dinosaurs are allowed. Dinosaurs are extinct. Therefore, real violence can’t be encouraged against them, so you can do whatever you want to them. Actually… there is that dinosaur-themed raid. I wonder if I could get some creatures from there for my dungeon…”

“That thinking is so – so stupide! It is like believing video games make people violent!”

“What I really hate are the people who will argue to the death that video games don’t make people violent, but then they say that video games and porn affect people. Or movies. Actually, you know what really bothers me? Old people who are obsessed with war movies. They have no problem watching movies glorifying war, showing gore and death, dehumanizing the ‘bad guys,’ and so on. That’s all totally fine and it’s even ‘good’ to let children watch it. But what if there’s a naked titty in a movie? Oh no! So horrible! Better cover the poor child’s eyes so that they don’t get tainted from seeing a boob! Don’t worry, little Jimmy. See that guy there on the beach with his guts hanging out after his body got blown in half by artillery? That could be you someday! But you’re still not allowed to see the thing that is responsible for feeding humanity since its beginning. Only degenerates acknowledge that women have breasts!”

“I – I do not think anybody has ever not acknowledged mine,” Lily said, looking down at her chest.

As much as I wanted to ask if they were as big in reality as they were in-game, I didn’t want to go past any boundaries.

It is one thing to have fuck sessions lasting hours while being relatively anonymous. Well, she was anonymous still. It is another thing to start getting personal by asking real life questions that could potentially identify somebody.

I still had no proof she wasn’t actually a grandma. Or a man.

“Mon maître… I – I can prove that I am not a grandma,” she said.

“Where’d that come from?”

“I have been… thinking about it since – since you said it earlier. A-and… I know who you are… s-so wouldn’t it be fair if – if I, umm… le-let you see what I – what I look like?”

The way she tapped her pointer fingers together while talking was adorable.

“You don’t have to. No matter what you look like, you’re still my pet.”

I said that, but… I would be lying if I said that was one hundred percent truthful. The chances of losing interest in her were very real if I found out that she was actually a grandma. A man? I could deal with her being a man in real life. I might prefer women, but a man is alright, too. More importantly, if I found out that she wasn’t exactly somebody I considered attractive, then I would not be able to not think of her real appearance whenever doing anything with her.

I didn’t like that about myself. It made me feel shallow.

But I knew that it was also perfectly normal and nothing to feel ashamed of. Physical attraction is a real and important thing.

She really looked like she wanted to show me a picture, though.

How was I supposed to say no to her?

“If you really want to, then I’d like to see you, Lily.”

“Ehehe… one – one moment.”

She opened up her menu and started messing around with it.

A minute later and a link popped up inside of my chat log from her.

I internally took a deep breath and opened the link.

The link opened up the in-game web browser and brought me to a private folder only accessible via the direct link to it. Inside of the folder… were the pictures.

Many pictures.

“I – I took all of these the other day, after I had to go,” Lily explained.

And they were all lewd.

One picture had only the bottom half of her blushing face showing as she pulled down on her shirt, showing just as much cleavage in real life as she had in-game.

“You must really like taking pictures,” I teased.

“I – I don’t…”

“Then why’d you take so many? And you seriously took all of these after you had to go?”

She nodded with blushing cheeks. “I – I thought that… if you become mon maître then… the-then you would like these… a-and I – and I want you to… li-like the real me, too…”

“What a perverted girl.”

“I – I am! But… also am not! I have – I have never shown such pictures to anybody else before…”

That made the pictures even better than they already were.

The only difference between her in-game body and her real body was that her breasts looked slightly smaller in real life, but still huge. There was also the fact that she looked even softer and squishier in real life. While she still had some of that in-game, it was sort of unrealistic as the majority of virtual avatars are. In real life, her squish much more natural. It was not as if she was obese or anything. She was probably, technically, slightly overweight by medical standards, but she still had a body that most women would probably die to have and that most men would die to fuck.

A lot of women would probably die to fuck her, too.

Between her plump thighs, hourglass figure, her breasts that I could get lost between – she looked even more perfect in real life. Sure, she wasn’t as busty, but I’d feel bad if she was as busty in real life as she was in-game. Those things aren’t fun and games twenty-four-seven. Unfortunately.

There were two more differences, making this more than “the only difference.”

While most of the pictures teased her skin, none were fully nude and only the lower half of her face was ever shown. It was usually only her lips that could be seen smiling or parting in the pictures.

But there was one picture at the very bottom of them all.

And it showed her from her shoulders up.

Her face looked the exact same as it did in-game, but the real her had glasses on and long, brown hair a shade lighter than in-game and longer as well. Because of how much longer it was, I could not see if the bottom was as curly as it was in-game, but she still had a pretty thick head of hair. And it was messy. Much messier.

There was a lot more than “the only difference” once I really started to pay attention to the picture.

More importantly…

I still found her incredibly attractive.

She was honestly beautiful. She had the sort of nerdy girl-next-door style going on that I was weak to ever since I first started finding girls attractive. Even if she didn’t have the body of a goddess, her face alone would have been enough to win over my dick and my heart.

“We-well? What – what… wha-what do you think – think? Mon – mon maître?”


I trailed off and made a concerned expression.

Teasing her was fun.



“Yes, mon maître?”

She already looked and sounded depressed.

I only teased her a tiny bit, but I already felt bad about it.

“You are insanely beautiful. You are literally my exact type.”

“E-eh? Re-really, mon maître? You are – you are not just saying that?”

“Nope. Every single part of you that I can see in these pictures is beyond perfect, and I’m not just saying that to kiss up to you. If I didn’t think you were attractive, I wouldn’t lie to you. But you… are seriously perfect. I mean, fuck. I would accuse you of being a catfish, but I’ve never seen these pictures before if you are, and I’m sure that they’d be used by catfishes everywhere if you were. These are the kind of pictures that get reposted all the time on the internet to show off the most beautiful women in the world. You’re so beautiful that I know these aren’t somebody else just because they’d be everywhere by now. The only other option is if these are hyper-realistic drawings. Or AI-generated. Are you a robot, Lily?”

No answer.

Maybe I went overboard on the praise, I thought.

Some people are put off by getting that much praise. It can even be creepy depending on the context.

But I wasn’t able to resist.

Every single thing I said was one hundred percent truthful.

When I turned my head to look away from the pictures to look at her…

Her skin was pure red from her neck to the tips of her ears.

All she was doing was staring down into the water with a massive, nervous grin on her face.

Even her eyes had some spinning spirals in them, courtesy of the virtual world we were in.

Such eyes only appeared whenever dizzied from attacks or… when extremely flustered to the point where you cannot even think properly.

Just a moment before, I was worried that I had praised her too much.

Now, I wanted to praise her even more.

“You are the most beautiful, perfect woman I have ever seen. Lily.”

Her smiling lips parted to let out one of her adorable, “Ehehe,” giggles, but she was so nervous that she could not even giggle clearly.

“Your eyes are mesmerizing and your glasses make you even cuter. Your lips are flawless and make me want to spend all day kissing them. Your nose, your cheeks, your jaw – every single feature of your face is without flaw and beautiful. And… your hair is even longer, making it perfect for – I don’t know, pulling on it while taking you from behind.”

Steam escaped her ears. That was courtesy of the game, too.

“And your body is every bit as perfect as your face. Your tits are the perfect size to grope and cover in kisses. When I’m not using my mouth on them, I’ll be using my dick on them – between them, rather. And your ass. You look perfect for spanking with one hand while my other hand is holding you by your hair. Would you like that, Lily?”

She slowly slid down into the water until it reached her chin. Then she nodded.

“If only I had tentacles. I would play with every single inch of your body at once. I would have tentacles wrap around your thighs and thrust between them while making sure that every hole of yours is flooded with cum. There would be tentacles wrapping around your throat, pulling on your hair, surrounding your tits to massage and suck them, and any tentacles left out would just have to find a part on your body to rub against while coating you in cum. Wouldn’t you love to get filled and covered with tentacle cum, Lily?”

Her eyes looked even dizzier than before, and the only response I got from her were bubbles.

I didn’t even notice that only her eyes were above the water.

So, I had to stop the teasing to pull her up.

“You can still drown, you know,” I warned her.

“I – I…”

“Something wrong?”

She quickly shook her head. “I am – I am too embarrassed…”

“Why’s that? You didn’t react like this the last time I fantasized with you.”

“Be-because, mon maître. You – you said… so many nice things to me… I – I am not good with such words…”

“Do you not like them?”

She shook her head even faster than before. “I – I love them! I am… very embarrassed, but – but they make me happier than I have ever felt… my face probably hurts in real life from smiling.”

“So, saying nice and romantic things to you, then following up with erotic fantasies, is nice but too much for you to handle?”

She started sinking back down into the water while cutely nodding.

“You’re way too perfect, Lily. By the way, what if I control a t-rex?”

It was still too much for her, so more steam escaped from her ears.

Something something perfect, something something.

I've decided to get back to a more set schedule for chapter releases so that people can expect certain stories on certain days, so you can expect Ero Dungeon Online to update on Wednesdays from now on! Well, Wednesdays my time. Just don't expect an exact time on Wednesdays.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W.

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