Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 18]

The rest of our time at the restaurant was nice and simple. We ordered some more food, we talked about random things some more, and then we left. I didn’t have much money on me, but I still made sure to give the pink-haired owner of the place a good tip. Unfortunately, it was not the tip of my cock nor any other part of it.

Too bad she didn’t seem interested in me at all. I’ve always liked to consider myself a good judge of when somebody wants to fuck or not. There were zero signs of wanting that from the owner. Aside from her reaction to when we talked about the upcoming PvP tournament, she showed zero interest in us at all. We were only customers in her eyes.

Which, to be fair, was all that we needed to be. Regardless, she was the kind of woman I would have loved to see some more of but, with the women I already had around me, I would be perfectly fine if I never saw her again.

After we were done with the restaurant, we went back over to the auction boards and banks so that Wally could get the rest of the stuff he needed to craft me my trap. It was a simple process that only took a couple of minutes and left me with a new trap in my inventory to place in my dungeon once we got back.

Wally made a quick exit once the trap was finished, but not without first reminding me that he would be counting on me to meet up with his friend to help her out. He also said he’d be in contact with me again before then. After that, he woke from virtual reality and left me and Akorya alone.

I already played plenty for the day and still had some things I needed to do in real life, so I figured that I would wrap things up. Go back to the dungeon, set up the trap, and wake.

Then I had an idea when I saw an NPC carriage driver offering his services to anybody who was interested.

I didn’t get to spend much alone time with Akorya, and we were already together in the city, so why not?

I looked at Akorya and asked, “Feel like going on a nice, romantic, scenic carriage ride through the city? Who knows what we might see. Maybe we’ll see a flock of doves fly over us as we kiss. Or maybe we’ll see somebody sitting on top of a glowing dragon while they rock a rainbow afro in the middle of the road that our carriage clips through.”

“Nyehehe, that sounds pretty cheesy… but also kinda nice. Sure!” Akorya answered.

With her approval, I bought a ride from the NPC for the two of us. We were teleported into seats atop the carriage as soon as I accepted to pay, the sound effect of jingling coins being the only warning before the teleportation.

The horse-drawn carriage began its trip around the city after that. Though, I wasn’t too interested in the city and neither was Akorya. It was something we both already knew the inside and outside of, as did any player who spent even a casual amount of time playing the game.

So, rather than pay attention to the sights, I leaned back and wrapped an arm around Akorya’s shoulder. “Classical music, huh?”

“Nyehe, yeah,” Akorya answered. “What made you bring that up again?”

“Was just thinking about how surprising it was. I really didn’t peg you for the kind of girl who’d be into that.”

“Why would you peg me when you have a dick?”

I looked at her and saw her grinning with one of her catlike smiles. “What if I wanted to play on my fem avatar and wear a strap-on?

“Oh… that would make sense. Do you want to?”

“I’m perfectly happy using my dick. Though, maybe if I ever get that one rare strap-on, I’d consider it.”

“The living one?”

“Yeah, the living tentacle one. It’s stupidly rare, though, and it can’t be traded since it’s account-bound, so I’m not sure I’ll ever get it.”

“It’d be pretty fun to play with if one of us got it. Oh! I just thought of something I bet you’d really like.” She cuddled up against my side while tracing one of her fingers over my chest.

“And what would that be?”

With another smile as she looked up at me, she asked, “What if Lily got it?”

“Yep. I already love where this is going.”

The item we were talking about was a specific “party” item that only dropped from a rare tentacle monster that had a chance of spawning anywhere in the world. Not only was the monster itself rare, but the item in question had less than a five percent chance of dropping from it.

Now, party items were different from normal items. Normal items were things that were actually useful in the game such as armor, weapons, food, potions, and so on. Party items were all of the things that didn’t really have any use aside from being fun to play with. Some potions could classify as party items if they had effects that weren’t useful at all. For example, there was a potion that could turn players into walking goldfish. There were also things like pool noodle weapons that, while they technically did damage, they only did a single point of damage no matter how hard you smacked somebody with them.

They were just fun things to play with that had no real impact on the game itself.

Among these items was the “Wiggling Strap-on.”

The wiggling strap-on was an item that, when used by any character with a pussy, served as a… strap-on. When not being used, it looked like a random mass of tentacles writhing all over each other. When used, though, it quickly revealed its real purpose by shoving one of its largest tentacles all the way up into the womb of whoever used it. Then, all but one of its other tentacles would wrap around her waist to secure itself in a fashion similar to alien creatures that enjoyed hugging faces. This left one single tentacle that would stand proud and hard just like a huge cock pointing away from its user. The toy even came with a couple of large, translucent orbs that hung underneath its “cock” that held all of the cum inside of them.

What really separated it from other strap-ons was that it fucked the one using it as much as its user was fucking whoever their partner was. The faster and harder the toy’s wielder went, the faster and harder the toy used that tentacle in their womb to fuck them. In a way, it allowed the wielder to fuck somebody while fucking themselves just as intensely. It was even possible to do something like using the item and jacking off its main tentacle. That would still be enough to trigger the internal tentacle to fuck its user.

Personally, I was of the opinion that it would be hotter if the senses were shared between the tentacle and its wielder. Sharing the sensation was hotter to me plus it meant the user would get to actually feel what it was like fucking the other person instead of only getting fucked.

But the tentacle was good enough on its own.

“Imagine it, Master,” Akorya said, her voice hushed as she continued to trace the tip of her finger around on my chest. “Lily could be on top of you, and while you thrust up against her, I’m riding her and pushing her back down onto your cock. You take her from the back while I ride her. We’d all get to feel good, and I bet she’d look super cute while she’s overwhelmed with pleasure.”

After hearing that, I realized that Akorya never saw just how much stamina Lily actually had when it came to sex. I had absolute confidence in Lily managing to last longer and overwhelm Akorya rather than it being the other way around. That also sounded like an incredibly fun possibility, though, and it was something that I figured Akorya didn’t really need any warning for.

While Akorya actually got overwhelmed pretty easily, Lily was somebody who could go into a positive feedback loop of pleasure while getting fucked by tentacles and then myself for hours without ever tiring out.

Lily was not only perfect but overpowered as well.

“That sounds like a great fantasy,” I replied. “But given just how rare that drop is, I’m afraid it might stay a fantasy. Plus even if we spent time dedicated to hunting the mob, Lily would have to be online and with us, the item would have to drop, and then she’d have to have the luck of getting it.”

“Oh, yeah,” Akorya said. “Since it’s not technically a boss drop… it goes into a random inventory instead of getting rolled on. That’s lame.”

“It really is. Anything that excessively rare should be rolled on as if it was any normal important drop. It’s bad design no matter how you look at it.”

“Well, I kinda get it. They probably want people to feel unique and like they really got something rare.”

“They can still have that while giving people the option to roll on it.”

“But then… I don’t know, I have no idea where I was going with that.”

“It happens. Anyways, if we ever happen to find it while we’re with Lily, we’ll let her get the kill and see if she gets the drop. It’s a pain, but if we let her hit it first, and then we get it to the point of almost dying, then we can let her finish it off and she’ll get sole credit for it.”

“It works but it’s still lame. I mean… I’d want her to get the reward, but it’s stupid the game is set up like that. Just because somebody gets the first hit doesn’t mean they should get all the credit even if they barely do anything.”

“That’s how it is. Apparently, some MMOs back in the day were like that, and these devs love that traditional sort of stuff, so that’s why they kept it. I don’t even know what purpose it’s supposed to serve. Some people say it stops kill stealing, but somebody could just run around spamming AoE skills to tag everything before anybody else gets to. Then they’re preemptively stealing every possible kill there is. I feel like it does more harm than good if it’s for that.”

“They might be old school, but at least they’re lewd.”

“Yeah, I really wouldn’t be playing this if it wasn’t for all the sex stuff. Anyways, you managed to successfully distract me. You. Classical music. Wasn’t expecting that.”

Akorya scratched her cheek and looked away. “It’s… embarrassing talking about it with you.”

“But it wasn’t when I was with you and Wally?”

“That’s different.”

“Well, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. I just didn’t expect you to be into it is all, and I think it’s interesting that you are.”

“What did you think I’d be into?”


“Nyehe. Come on, other than the obvious.”

“Well, I figured that there were two options. One, you’d be the sort of party girl who likes to go out to the clubs, drinks overpriced coffees, and may or may not have been a cheerleader during school.”

“I really hope the other option is better or else I’m going to feel offended.”

“The other option is that you’re quiet and shy in real life, you don’t wear revealing clothing at all, and you prefer staying home reading and playing games.”

“Closer, but still offensive.”

“Listen, until I know somebody better, all I can do is make basic assumptions about what they might be like in real life. It’s not like I talk about these assumptions unless somebody asks me to. Now that I know you’re into classical music, though, I know that you’re more interesting than either of those generic templates.”

“Well… I don’t know if I’d say I’m not generic. Uhh, I guess I’m kinda close to the second one you said. I stay by myself most of the time… but I do like going out when it’s cold to sit in a coffee shop with a nice, hot drink. Also… this is probably really cliché, but my dad was an opera singer and my mom was a pianist. So, I guess they’re why I’m into classical music.”

I was way happier than I expected to be when Akorya actually opened up to me about her interest in classical music. “That’s awesome. What about you? Do you sing or play any instruments?”

“Nyehehe… well, I uh… used to do both. To be honest, I kinda… tried posting videos of me singing while playing the piano a couple of years ago. I really thought I was at least good enough to not make people’s ears bleed, but the comments were… not nice. They made me feel like a war criminal. I don’t really get it. The first few videos, everybody seemed really happy, but I guess then I got really popular overnight and everybody hated me. I uh… wasn’t able to do it again after that.”

Something didn’t sound right about that and I had a feeling that my list of to-dos was about to get even longer. “I don’t suppose you’d let me know how to find one of those videos?”

“I really want to say no way, but maybe if somebody as successful as you thinks I’m okay, then maybe… I don’t know, maybe it’ll mean all those jerks were trolling me. You’re really popular, so you’d know if I was doing something wrong or not, right?”

“Something like that. At the very least, I can give you my honest opinion.”

“Then… I never deleted the vids, I only hid them. If I send you the links you should be able to see them.”

“Send me the links over Fiscord and I’ll check them out later.”

“I’m really nervous, so don’t be surprised if I chicken out and don’t send them. But, if I do… you’ll also get to see how I look in real life.”

“Now I’m even more curious.”

“Nyehe. Before you find out, what do you think I look like in real life?”

“You’re really putting me on the spot with that one. You know I’m going to make some stereotyped assumption again, right?”

“Don’t make me sound too basic.”

I sighed and grabbed my chin in thought. What would Akorya look like in real life? I had no idea. I really didn’t want to give her some basic assumption again, but I was horrible at guessing that sort of stuff. Sex? Sure, that’s easy to figure out. I can guess what somebody is into any day of the week. Personality is fifty-fifty for me. Looks? I never got any guess that wasn’t pure luck right.

But I was able to imagine one thing.

I wasn’t sure why the image popped into my mind but, once it did, it felt right.

There was no need for such an accessory in the modern day aside from purely cosmetic reasons, but that didn’t change me from guessing it. “Glasses. Do you wear glasses?”

“Woah… how’d you guess that?” Akorya asked.

“I’m not sure. The image of you wearing glasses came to mind and it seemed right. Sounds like I was.”

“You were! Wrong, I mean. Nyehe.”

“So, wait, no glasses?”

“Nope. I tried wearing some in a store years ago and thought I looked silly, so never tried again. Can you guess anything else?”

I sighed again and shook my head. “Nothing else comes to mind.”

“Come on! If you can guess at least one thing right… I’ll let you touch my ears.”

There was little inspiration left within me to try and guess how she looked in real life until I heard her offer. In that moment, I felt the fire of determination rage within me.

All I had to do was guess a single thing. Part of me was tempted to fire guesses at her with machine gun speed, but that wouldn’t have been right. That was basically cheating and just hoping to get lucky.

If I was going to win this little game of ours, I was going to win it legitimately.

That required carefully looked Akorya over again.

When I reached her head and saw the bright color of her hair, a single guess came to mind.

“Dark hair. Black hair? You have black hair in real life. It’s always people with dark hair in real life who love to use bright hair colors in games,” I said.

Akorya cringed at my guess. I thought I was wrong again until I heard her say, “Crap. Now I have to let you touch my ears again.”

“I was right?”


“I’m touching the fuck out of your ears as soon as we’re back at the dungeon.”

“You’re so weird, but I like that about you. Just um… go easy on them, alright?”

“No promises.”

“You fluffy-ear-phile.”

“Guilty as charged.”

Akorya giggled some more before relaxing against my arm again to enjoy the rest of our carriage ride. If the driver was a real person and not an NPC, I would have been pretty curious what their reaction was to that whole conversation.

Now it was time to head back to the dungeon and wrap things up for the day. Well, maybe not without a detour first.

I wanted a new monster to go with my new trap.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G.

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