Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 19]

The question was what kind of new monster I wanted. There were all sorts that I could go and get, but nothing really stood out to me in particular. Well, I did have a preference. I wanted something more… bestial. However, something as bestial as I wanted simply wasn’t allowed in the game. Society may have made a ton of progress in the past couple of decades, but it still wasn’t at the point where anybody could freely enjoy any fetish in a safe, fictional environment free of shame.

I personally believed that any fetish should have been allowed in-game so long as it was all fictional. As long as no real people or creatures were being hurt, what was the problem? Not to mention that even potential offenders of some of the illegal fetishes in real life might have stay away from ever acting out their desires in reality if a just-as-good fictional approach was possible.

Maybe someday there would be a game that was legally allowed to feature every fetish imaginable without having to be afraid of the law. At least adult games and other media could be easily found anywhere and there wasn’t a stigma around it anymore. People stopped complaining about most things like that years ago. Heck, even prostitution was legalized and became a whole industry with standards and everything.

But none of that meant I could fuck Akorya as what I wanted to fuck her with.

Though, while I might not have been able to fuck her as a proper beast, I could always tame one just so that I had a pet. That sounded like a good idea for another time even though I already had enough plans to keep me busy for a while. Maybe I’d go and tame a nice wolf somewhere that I could give head pats and belly rubs to whenever I wanted. Not to mention that even if said wolf would be completely off limits for anything and everything sexual, it would still be able to help out in the dungeon as a fighter in case we were ever attacked.

I would have gotten a real pet dog, but there were some problems with that. One, I didn’t feel like dealing with the drama of people trying to get pet dog taken away from me because of me talking about fictional bestiality before. Two, and far more importantly, my mom was afraid of dogs.

“Master?” Akorya asked, standing next to me.

“Yeah?” I replied.

“Whatcha thinking about? You’ve been standing there staring at nothing for a few minutes.”

“Oh. My bad. I was thinking about what kind of monster I want to tame on the way back. I’m in the mood for something bestial, but nothing as bestial as I like is allowed, so I don’t know what I should tame. You in the mood for anything in specific?”

“When you ask me if I’m in the mood for anything, you mean to get fucked by, don’t you?”

“Exactly. What should I fuck you as?”

“I would say yourself is fine… but I’m not against spicing things up! Umm… this is tough. You already have goblins and tentacles, slimes… umm… oh! What about a dick beast?”

My eyes lit up with hope for a few seconds before despair took over. “That would be the perfect loophole… except I can’t get one for the dungeon. They’re a dungeon-only monster.”

“Then shouldn’t that be fine?”

“When I say dungeon-only, I mean they can only be found in their respective dungeon. They can’t be taken out of their dungeon and brought into other dungeons.”

“Oh. That sucks.”

It really, really sucked. Not in the good way, either.

In one of the tougher zones, there was a dungeon that was portrayed as a dream. The dungeon was unlocked by a quest that featured its final boss casting a spell on the players to knock them out and send them into this dream-like reality. The enemies in this dungeon were all weird, abstract representations of various sins and virtues. As for the dick beasts – well, what they represented should be obvious. They were four-legged beasts with bodies… that were shaped like giant dicks. They even had an extra dick hanging underneath them where one normally would. The important part was that they were basically wolves with their torso and head replaced by a giant dick. It was an absurd but effective way of getting around the laws.

But it wasn’t something that I could get in my dungeon.

“Master… you look really depressed,” Akorya said. “Want a hug?”

All I could do was nod. Fortunately, that nod resulted in Akorya wrapping her arms around my side as she pressed her chest up against me. “Thanks. I guess that something like that would have looked too silly in my dungeon anyways. I would definitely fuck as one if I could, though.”

“Maybe someday, Master. Maybe they’ll add some outside of the dungeon! There’s always expansions!”

“They’ve been talking about working on an expansion for over a year now and still have given us zero information on it, so I’ll believe that when I see it. Wait.”

“What’s up?”


“What about it? Think you have an idea what they’ll do for it?”

“Not that, Akorya. Expansion.”

“Ooh. Expansion.” She repeated it with the exact same emphasis that I used.

I wasn’t sure that she understood which kind of expansion I was actually talking about. Even so, I had an idea for how to play around with her. “Ex-pan-shion.”


It was just as I thought. She had no idea what I was talking about but was intent on repeating the word “expansion” however I said it. “Ex-pay-shawn.”




“There’ll be plenty of time for that. But for now, I know what I want to do.”

“Oh! You thought of a monster? Which one?”

“That’s secret.”

“Sneaky Master. It’s not nice to keep secrets from cute girls.”

In that moment, I was extremely tempted to tease her by saying, “It’s a good thing there aren’t any cute girls around,” but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. That would have been too mean. I just couldn’t say mean things to people who didn’t genuinely deserve such things to be said to them. Well, either that or to people who wanted degraded during sex. Even then, I really wasn’t a big fan of degrading. It made me feel too cheesy being mean to my partners during sex. But, if my partner really wanted to be called a fucking worthless whore only good for serving the role of a cumdump while I’m balls deep in her, I wouldn’t mind even if it would make me feel silly.

“Head back to the dungeon and wait for me there. When I get back, I’ll send you a message and that will be your sign to blindfold yourself. Understand?” I asked.

Akorya already looked ready to bite her bottom lip. Even something as simple as ordering her around like that was enough to get her excited. “Aye aye, Master.”

“But before you go,” I paused, grabbed her chin, and held her head steady so that I could give her a kiss.

She was happy to receive it and return the effort. “Nyehehe, what was that for?”

“Because hearing you say ‘aye aye’ while looking all aroused is cute. It’s not exactly something that people would normally say when they’re in the mood, but I wouldn’t want you to change it.”

“You really like it? Nyehe. I’ll have to be careful not to burn it out then! Good thing I have other things I can say instead of it.”

“Such as?”

“Roger roger!”

“What are you, a mass-produced bot for war?”

“I think I’m missing a reference.”

“That’s alright. It’s from an old, old series that everybody forgot about anyways after it went to shit and was milked for everything that it was worth.”

“You mean like everything from the start of the century?”

“Basically. Now, head back to the dungeon. The sooner you go back, the sooner we can have some fun.”

“Okie dokie!”

The innocent, playful tone used for her response completely betrayed that excited and aroused look she had.

As soon as she was gone, I took a deep breath, thought about what I was going to have to do, and sighed. I wasn’t looking forward to going into a cave that was known for being the creepiest in the entire game. While the giant spiders, anaconda-sized centipedes, and tentacle flies weren’t my target, I was going to have to rush past a bunch of them to get to said target.

I made sure to visit the auction board again real quick before departing for the cave. I was going to need some bug spray. And by bug spray, I mean potions that boosted damage against insectoid mobs.


All that was left was to hope that Akorya wasn’t tired of waiting for me already. It took me longer than I expected it to, but I still managed to make it back to the dungeon in about thirty minutes.

I had to kill so many giant bugs. Fortunately, all of their green blood and guts disappeared within a couple of minutes of getting covered in them, so I was perfectly clean once I made it back to the dungeon. Though, I didn’t feel clean. Nothing would make me feel clean after that except for a nice, hot shower in the real world.

But that was for later. For now, I sent a message to Akorya letting her know to get ready. She sent me a cute emoji with a thumbs-up in response.

Inside the dungeon, I spawned a single one of the new monster that I managed to tame while I was in that cave.

Now, when thinking of that cave, most players immediately jump to thinking of all the oversized insects in there. Arguments could be made regarding whether or not insects counted as bestiality or not. To the law, they probably did. However, it was one of those things that nobody actually cared about. The reason why animals weren’t allowed was because of fears it would encourage sexual abuse against them in real life. But bugs? Nobody cared. That was why everything in that cave would be more than happy to pump eggs and cum into anybody who went into it. It was pretty easy to get overwhelmed by them, too. That was why almost nobody went into the cave without a potion to boost damage against them. Not only did the potion boost damage against them, but it had a secondary effect of enraging the insects and making them try to kill the player instead of fuck them.

Most players didn’t want to get gangbanged by giant bugs. Unless, of course, those bugs were like Thera. Nobody would mind getting gangbanged by a group of Theras. Nobody with even slightly cultured taste, that is.

On another note, that cave featured plenty of valuable and rare resources that made it a common farming spot for anybody who wanted to make some easy money with the auction board. It was especially full of rich mining nodes, but most of the best nodes were tucked in small, cramped spots right next to nests of swarming enemies.

It was almost as if one of the developers purposely designed the cave in such a way to fuel their favorite fetish of watching people get fucked by giant insects. Naturally, to lure people into the cave, there would need to be some resources in there to make exploring it worth it.

That developer, whoever they might have been, wasn’t going to sneak that past me.

Back to my dungeon, the more realistic of giant bugs weren’t what I was interested in. I knew that bugs – insects, whatever. Same thing. I knew that most people weren’t interested in them and so I had no interest in bringing them into my dungeon, not to mention that I wasn’t all that interested in them, either. It would be bad for business to have that type of enemy in there since people would avoid it even if they were entirely optional.

That was why my target was something that was still considered an insectoid enemy, but it was also fantasy enough to be unlike any real insect and was generally considered one of the only non-hated enemies inside of that cave.

And now it stood before me.

Well, it didn’t do much standing. It only had very short legs sticking out from two dozen sockets lining the sides of its body. Twelve “legs” on each side, each one short and looking more like a tentacle than an actual leg. Now, the creature itself was barely elevated off of the ground, but its body was fat enough to reach up to my knee.

What I really cared about was that tail of its. Similar to those famous aliens that loved to latch onto people’s faces, it had a large tail sticking up behind it that served as a reproductive organ. It was from that tail that all of its cum would shoot out from. At the other end of its body, it had a small head with a dozen eyes and two mandibles that it could shoot sticky webbing from between. Furthermore, all of those tentacle-like legs of it could actually expand in length and serve as proper tentacles. They might not have been able to cum, but they were still just like any other tentacles once expanded.

In other words, it was the perfect creature to give me something that felt more bestial while also being legally allowed featuring tentacles and not almost universally hated by the game’s playerbase.

Given that I was going to be using this new monster of mine on the sweet and gentle Akorya who, despite having interest in fucking giant monsters, preferred things to still be nice and somewhat romantic, I knew exactly what I was going to do with this new monster after taking control of it.

A normal person might not normally think that such a creature could be used in a sweet nor romantic way, but I wasn’t some normal person. I was a true, cultured degenerate who loved taking the most grotesque, fucked up monsters and situations that there were and turning them consensual.

If anybody could take this creature and turn it into a passionate and gentle lover, it was me.

Taking all of next week off for my usual Christmas vacation, so I'll see you all the week after it with new chapters! I hope that you all have a great two weeks and a happy holidays!

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G.

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